The Excellent & Praiseworthy

My brother is such a great encourager and I so appreciate that about him! Life can be hard on people and if we can implement the advice of our Father, we can be a great source of encouragement to those around us in life.  Even when sharing Truth!  It always blesses me to hear Truth in my life and my brother loves me enough to do so to help me when I need it.  Bless him!  He always says it in love though and he always adds encouragement so that I don’t get discouraged.  Truth from our Father says: “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” Let’s encourage the hearts of those around us today, saints!  It makes for a beautiful life and an encouraging one, too which is all about our Father’s heart for us!  We can be encouraged that our Father sees us as awesome and so appreciates how we love each other.  Love to you all wherever you are!


Php 4:8; He 6:10, 10:24-25

Beyond Me

A Father’s hands that teach and help His children are precious! This morning I am awed not just by fathers, but by all people willing to help serve others. What a beautiful picture that is of our Father’s love and desire for us as His children to love each other.  It sets the example of the kind of heart our Father has that is always wanting to help us as His children.  “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those who are fully committed to Him” and this is what happens when we earnestly seek Him – He rewards us!  If we as His children are in need of wisdom, guidance and help, there is nobody better to call upon than our Father.  Great things happen when we ask for His help!  I’m a gal dependent on Him as I go through life with ya. He gets me beyond what is beyond me!  Bless Him and bless saints who are willing to be His hands to help Him do great things of love for others in this world!  Each one of us should use whatever gift we have received to serve others!  How cool would that be!  Oh, it could make a HUGE difference! The thought just has me all motivated in life! Let’s seek Him, saints as to how He desires each of us to be His helpers to make a difference in lives and rest in Him to help us when we need a hand or His wisdom to help us along in life, whether for us or someone else.  He’s willing to help, let’s be too!  Our Father has great hands – great help for this world!  He says it well Himself:

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God, I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with  my righteous right hand.”  

What an awesome Father we have!

Teacher with Her Young Painting Students

He 11:6; Is 41:10; 2 Ch 16:8-9; 1 Pe 4:10

Wonder Bread

Have you ever heard of “Wonder Bread?”  For a time it had disappeared from grocery stores, but it is back and making many a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to feed  many people! Good news!  Today, though, a different kind of “Wonder Bread” that feeds many people comes to my mind.  It is said in our Father’s word that there was a believer in Jesus by the name of Stephen.  He was a man full of God’s grace and power and he did great “wonders”  and miraculous signs among the people.  I so love this thought of us as our Father’s kids, believers in Jesus being filled or fed with the “Wonder Bread” or Words of Jesus, the Bread of Life as He referred to Himself.  Jesus said that people cannot live on the  Wonder Bread of this world alone – they need the Wonder Bread of His Word! Not only being filled with His Word, but also being filled with the Bread of Life – Him, His Spirit and His power in us!  Not only are we wonder bred, but Wonder Bread!  The result is that we are nourished and now the bread that can do wonders to bless those around us, just as Stephen did in days of old.  Woohoo! We of this generation are now not the day-old bread of Stephen’s era, but the fresh new Wonder Bread to reach the people of today and that all sounds so yummy to me!  Let’s be the “Wonder Bread” of Jesus in us among the people around us, saints!  Jesus’ faithfulness is fresh for all generations and there are starving people all around us that would so be blessed by the Wonder Bread of  Him! I’m a Wonder Bread woman feeding others with you all because of Jesus – He is a wonder and He is wonder-ful!  He the Wonder Bread of Life who fills my hunger in more ways than one and just makes me smile! Try it today!

Wonder Bread

Acts 1:8, 6:8; Mt 4:4, 6:11; Ps 119:90, 139:13-14; Jn 6:48-51

Joyful Living

This morning I read about a man whom it is said was filled with joy.  He was a jailer and because of the light of two of his prisoners – Paul and Silas, he became a believer in God. This was his secret ingredient that made the difference in him having  joy: “because he had come to believe in God.”  The other awesome part of this story is that it says that his whole family also believed in God.  There is nothing as precious as faith in God and the peace and joy that it brings to a heart and what is really special is when you have a whole family believing in God as well. Our families are our great mission field our Father has placed around us and helping them to know the joy of our Father is the greatest gift that we could ever give them. Let’s help our loved ones know of Him in the midst of what they may be going through in life so they too have His peace and joy, family!  Let’s lead the way for them! Let’s help them see victory and find joy in our Father in their circumstances. I’m stepping out joyful in faith with you in that and praying for His joy around us with you! How precious is this:

Joyful Babies

Acts 16:22-34

The Light Affect

We have a very gracious Father who sees us as holy and blameless through Christ Jesus.  Resting in His grace is a beautiful thing, but it is important in life that we not get lazy there or become complacent or overly comfortable there and forego the mindset that we are lights for Him in this world. It is important that we be mindful of our example before others.  Paul said it this way to Timothy “Set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.”  He also encouraged him to devote himself to the public reading of the Scripture, to preaching and teaching.  He encouraged him not to neglect his gift which was given to him, to be diligent in these matters and give himself wholly to them.   He encouraged him to watch his life and doctrine closely, to persevere in them and this is why – because if he did, he as well as others would be blessed.  We all have an affect on the people around us.  The best affect is being light for Jesus.  Let’s seek our Father moment by moment and rest in His grace and power to enable each of us to illuminate and shine brightly into our world for Him.  “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven.”  Oh I so want to bring praise to my Father, don’t you! I’m a gal seeking to shine with ya today!

Light of the World

1 Tim 4:12-16; Mt 5:14-16

Shining Your Unique

Here are three questions for us to ask of ourselves:

1)  What do you really love to do?

2)  What are you good at doing?

3)  How can you combine those two to make a difference for Jesus in the world?

Here is an example of what I am talking about. A man by the name of Todd Pierce has taken his love for horses and the abilities given to Him by our Father and is combining those two things to shine in a style or way that is unique to him and helping people all over the world. Learn more about this horse-breaking preacher that inspires many, even champion bull riders! Here’s the link:


The Used Gift

Over the years, I have had many opportunities to help move elderly people from their homes and in doing so, I have so often seen the discovery of many resources that so often sit in homes unused.  Gifts that have been given to them over the years that sit unused – just sitting taking up space and not being used to their full potential.  I am sure that the gifts were given to them with the hope that they would be put to good use and be a blessing to the person.  To have them sit unopened and unused seems a waste of the gift, except that there was a whole lot of love behind the giving of it to the person. How sweet is that!  My Father gives me this thought today as I think about all of us people in the world.  Each one of us are given great gifts by our Father to be used as a blessing in our lives and in this world.   A life is a precious thing to waste.  I want to encourage each of us to take a look at the gifts of us to the world that our Father has given to us and ask how we can put them to the best use.  When we are putting our gifts away and hiding it from the world, we miss out on the joy of seeing it fully used to its potential and others miss out on the blessings it can provide as well.  Our Father’s heart is that “Each one should use whatever gift he or she has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” Oh how thrilled our Father will be to see that the love gifts He has given us each are appreciated and put to the best of use!  I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to get to the end of my life, ready to move on from this earthly life and have it be discovered that I never used what was given to me. Our Father is a God of grace, but He is also a God of great rewards for a life well lived.  I’m a gal seeking to be thankful for what has been given to me and I want to put the gift of me to good use in the world around me.  We need to take care of ourselves to maximize ourselves, but we are also limitless in terms of God being able to empower us and enable us to carry out His will in our lives. So let’s do maximize us, saints and not be unused gifts to the world! Others will be so thankful!  I love this song that speaks of the difference someone using the gift of themselves can bring to someone and to the Lord’s Kingdom.  We’ll be so glad we used the gift of ourselves not only here now, but when we get to eternity!  This song is so inspiring! Grab a kleenex and have a listen here. Share the gift of YOU!


1 Pe 4:10-11; Pr 12:14; 1 Co 3:5-15; Eph 2:8-10


One of my great heroes in the Christian faith is a man by the name of Nick Vujicic.  Nick is a man who was born with great abilities – awesome abilities!  Much to the shock of his parents, he arrived into the world perfectly equipped to carry out our Father’s purpose in life for him with no arms and no legs.  At first, his parents were overwhelmed at how to parent him, given the challenge, but once they said “yes” to our Father’s opportunity for them to make a HUGE difference in this world, they were given divine help to raise their son to know their Jesus and today, Nick travels all over the world, sharing His faith in the Lord and inspiring them to be all that our Father has created them to be and to set their focus in life to be a blessing to others to our Father’s glory.  He is truly an inspiration!  As I reflect upon his example this morning, I ask you as I ask myself – what difficult thing is before you in life?  Like Nick’s parents, will we say “yes” to our Father and commit it to Him to guide us in conquering it to His glory?  Let’s not miss out on the great opportunities before us to make a good difference in difficult situations.  We can do it step by step as our Father guides us as we seek Him for His wisdom.  He has not left us alone to sink in the difficult.  He helps us and one of the ways that He helps us is through others as well.  Nick’s parents said “yes” to raising their child through the challenges and now that their son is raised, they help others who now need help with the experience that they have had.  Our Father says “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”  He also says that He is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” He will help us and strengthen us.  He keeps His promises! So, with all of this said, let’s not be exasperated with the great opportunities before us, no matter how difficult they may seem right now. Let’s be inspired and willing to be a vessel through whom God can do great and amazing things to change the world around us!  As Nick’s dad said to his mom on the day of his birth – he is beautiful.  Different to us and what may seem difficult is a beautiful opportunity before us.  Let’s be encouraged to keep going to make a difference – Dad will see to it that we will as we say “yes” to Him and seek His help! I believe in us all! We’re limitless and powerful!


Pr 27:17; Ps 46:1; Php 4:13; Col 4:5; Eph 5:13-17; 2 Co 1:3-11

World Changers

Who do you think of when you think of a VIP?  A VIP being a “very important person.”  Have you ever thought of yourself as a VIP?  Well, if you haven’t, each one of us should because that is exactly how the King of the Universe who is the Most High One thinks of each one of us as His children.  He sees each one of us as special, fearfully and wonderfully made, with our own unique gifts, talents, skills, abilities, creativity, personality and all that it takes for each one of us to be VIPs – His ambassadors to represent Him in the world.  There is no higher calling on a life than that and each of us is equipped with His Spirit in us to be a success at stepping out into life and being a world changer.  To do so, all we need to do is stay in close relationship to Jesus and trust in Him to guide us step by step and moment by moment.  As we do, we will see the power of God at work and a difference being made in a whole lot of lives.  Click here to read a story of a couple of saints who are changing the world around them because they have said “yes” to letting our Father work through them to make a difference. INSPIRING! Maybe one of the ways that our Father would want to work through you to change the world is through supporting this couple in the call on their life.  Ask Him! Know this, there is a whole world out there that needs YOU!  YOU can make a difference, too!  Ask Him! The King of the Universe is calling YOU and He believes in YOU!  Now how cool is that!  I’m a VIP stepping out into my world with ya, YOU VIP!  It’s gonna be fun and life changing – guaranteed!  Happy going, saints!

“We are therefore Christ’s Ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us.”

The Mitchells

2 Co 5:11-6:2; Ps 139:13-14; Ac 1:8; 1 Co 3:16; 1 Pe 4:10-11


The manifestation of God’s power, grace and ability to do beyond what any person can do is clearly seen when we look at creation.  As I ponder my life, I am amazed at how God orchestrated the circumstances surrounding me to lead me to know the Truth of Him and to be where I am.  He has done things for me that I could never have dreamed of doing on my own and He has done things for me in an instance that I have tried in my own strength and timing to do for years and years by myself, much to my razzle dazzle amazement at His abilities beyond me.  He doesn’t need me to do anything, but He chooses to give my life purpose and He works to lead me moment by moment to put me where I am to be.  I have had people tell me they don’t see how they have anything to contribute and I am amazed because the God of the Universe has led them and guided them in ways that have been great divine revelation into my life.  I think as people, we sometimes discount the power of our God at work in us. When we have faith in Him and step out to do what we think is right as we seek Him, God just works beyond us. I am thankful for my Father today that He in all of His wisdom is in charge of my life.  With Him, I am limitless and in the best of hands and a vessel through whom He can work.  I’m a gal resting in Him today for the outcome of my life and the life of those I commit to Him.  Our God is an awesome God!  Let us exalt His name together and believe in Him to do amazing things.  He is limitless!


Psalm 34:3