A Rainbow Life

Good Friday to you all!  Today is the day when historically, it is reflected upon as the day that Jesus was crucified for the sins of the world.  It was the great call of His life and one that He found joyful because He knew that at the end of it, victory for those He loved would be realized. Hence, He persevered in the privileged work that He had to do.  His love for people was evident to the very end as He showed His appreciation to the man on the cross next to Him that took insults for defending Him.  He told the man that on that very day, he had paradise with Him.  I can imagine being that man and suddenly hearing the words that Jesus spoke to him giving him hope in his life – a bright imagery in which to focus on to carry him through what he was facing.  Oh that is so like our Father! He always comes through in amazing ways to inspire us and to show us His love and appreciation for us.  He just makes every day full of rainbows for a bright day and a bright future no matter where you are at in life!  Life is paradise with Him with us in heart right where we are! My awesome Father – He just makes me smile!  Like the one next to Jesus, we can have a rainbow day right now, knowing with Him, we already have paradise with Him and the future is going to be amazing! His peace to ya today! You are loved by the King and all His riches are yours!

Luke 23:26-43; John 3:16, 16:33

Over the Rainbow Collage copy

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.”

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  1. 777aliehs says:

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    Reflecting on a Good Friday past…

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