Love Reaching Out

I hope you all are having a great weekend! Take some time and ponder the fact that Jesus has great affection for us! He is very determined to show us that unfailing love that is described this way:

“Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens

Your faithfulness to the skies,

Your righteousness is like the

Mighty mountains,

Your justice like the great deep

O Lord, you preserve both man and beast.

How priceless is your unfailing love!

Both high and low among men

Find refuge in the shadow of Your wings.”

Psalm 36:5-7

As this song by Jeremy Riddle says, His love for us is deep, it is wide and it covers us! It is a furious serious love indeed! It is intentional love for us! I soooo love that! Enjoy His love over us today, family and reflect on this song of worship with me if ya can. Know you are loved divinely!

Jesus Reaching

The Small Gate

Have ya ever noticed all the different voices in life? Some like things this way, some like it that and still others like it their own way! Yikes, yikes, yikes! How do ya ever win? Good news is some like it God’s way! Yeah!!!!! Thank the Lord for Jesus! We can come confidently and boldly into the presence of the King of the Universe with what we got, just as we are and we can know that He loves us and accepts us and guides each one of us individually! Now how sweet is that good news! Likewise, we can have confidence in sharing the Truths of Jesus before all people because He is the good standard that lasts from yesterday, to today and through tomorrow and there are some things that are just Truth for everybody! Woohoo! He Rocks on and on and on! He can even give man rule over any animal, too, as we seek Him! He has closed many a lion’s mouths in His day to protect His saints and crushed the head of the serpent on the cross to give us victory over him! In the Garden of Eden, our Father said that mankind would have reign over the earth and animals! That says how highly He thinks of us as His people! Bless Him for loving us sooooo! Given this great trust, the Apostle Paul had the confidence to “boldly and without hindrance share the Kingdom of Jesus for Him! Given that, I want to encourage your heart to be confident and bold in being YOU before all people, too, saints! Our Father who is the greatest One of all is for you and believes in you, so step out in boldness in that calling from Him of being YOU! Our Father has our back and it is a mighty strong one that is consistent and sure, unlike the differing voices of soooo many and that evil one called the devil! Jesus will guide us divinely, so let’s listen to His voice in life and go with it for Him! Narrow is the gate that leads to victory and our Father has and will keep guiding us through it! Enter His gate and be sure minded in doing so, no matter where others are going! We will be soooo blessed and glad that we did! Proud of ya for going for our Father where He has for ya! It is a sweet thing happening! He has shared His Truth with us to captivate us to the best life ever! Share Truth to point others to Christ and be confident in doing so, ‘cuz it can bring blessing to others just like it does to us as they hear His voice for them! Know you are loved! You are wonderful and it just makes me wonder how God created something so wonderful as you! For that reason, I’m a gal trusting in Him and following where He leads – straight through His small gate to victory as He tells us in His Word:

“…but thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him.”

  I sooo love the sweetness of my Father! He is my dearest! I am sooo thankful that He has a divine plan for each of us and desires to work through us in our own unique ways in all of life and to work through us to lead others to the gate of His Kingdom! Have a great night and keep your great heart gate open for our Father as it leads you personally to great places!

2 Corinthians 2:14; Acts 28:31

Jesus Gate





Trusting In His Love

I’m alive and going live right here with ya this mornin’ to bring the word of our Father’s unfailing love for us today! May you know His unique and divine loving presence with you all day through in all you do!

Butterfly Love

Enveloped in Love

Enveloped HeartLove struck by the King! Oh, how that delights my heart in more ways than one! Through faith in Jesus, this is what happens as He says of us His kids “And you were included in Christ when you heard the word of Truth, the Gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession – to the praise of His glory.”  Upon believing, we have the presence of the Holy Spirit filling our hearts and what a delight that is indeed! Jesus sees us each one as His prized possession and He promises never to leave us or forsake us! He is with us in heart to stay and nothing can snatch us away from Him! He has enveloped our hearts and has sealed it shut with the presence of Him with us forever! We are stuck like glue that can’t undo!!!!!! Oh, that thought just make me feel sooo secured in His unfailing love forever! Hmmmm. I guess ya could say were attached in a good way with the King, with me as His, and delightfully happy about it! How about you? Have you opened up your heart to the love of Jesus? You will never be the same once ya do – your heart will be delighted to have His presence for sure, too! I’m living life fully with Him with me with my heart beating all for Him! He makes my heart go pitter patter in divine ways! Woohoo! #Heartblessedgalhere

Ephesians 1:13-14

Sealed to the King

Jesus In the Driver Seat!

Jesus Driving SheepI am love struck by my Father’s love this morning! He is sooo sweet! He IS love and here He is blessing us with today and showing us all love in sooo many divine ways! Love is just a great happening thing in all of life and how precious is it when everyone is loving each other with divine love! That is His will for us all – to love Him as our top priority and to love others as we love ourselves. Do you love yourself in divine ways – by seeing you as our Father sees you! All of us our rescued from sin and death through faith in Jesus who laid down His life to love us and give us forever life with Him because He loves us that much! Our Father sees us as holy and without accusation and condemnation and His love desires the best for each of us in life, hence He desires to guide us through His wisdom! He wants to be the driver in our lives to get us through this life safely and with great joy as we journey the road together with Him! Oh, that all sounds wonderful to me! How about you! Let’s give Him the wheel today, what do ya say? I agree with the words of this song “Love take me over!” Woohoo! It’s gonna be a lovely ride with my Father today and that just has me all thrilled and smiling big! Have a lovely day and know yer loved!

Jesus has driver's license

Here is the song link:

1 John 4:8; Luke 10:27; John 3:16; Colossians 1:21-23; Philippians 2:13

“God IS love.”

Let Jesus DriveJesus Driving Guy

With Jesus driving with ya in life – oh, it’s gonna be great!



Power Cookin’ Through Life


choose grace not perfection

I have the sweetest Father in the whole wide universe and He just loves it when His children believe in Him! He wants to be a good Father to us and He loves having the respect of His children. That is important to feeling loved! Through this believing faith in Jesus, our Father has given us forever life with Him in His Kingdom! How precious is that to have all of the riches of Him and His love, but also all the riches of His divine Kingdom, too! It sounds heavenly to me, but wait, it doesn’t stop there! Our Father just keeps adding to the blessings upon us by giving us His written Word and Spirit in us to show us the divine life best for life here and now. Today, He reveals these tips for having an effective and productive life. Woohoo! I so love that thought and I’m seeking His smarts to help me in life ‘cuz I’m a wanna be! He says to add to our faith (not because we have to be saved from sin and death and have eternal life with Him, but to have the good life here on earth):

1) goodness – the definition of good is found in our Father! He IS the perfect source of good, so when we imitate Him, that is goodness! Then add:

2)knowledge – He is THE source of knowledge! His written Word the Bible is key – any additional resources in the world needs to line up consistent with His written Word. Yikes if it contradicts Him!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then add:

3)self-control – being controlled instead by His Spirit is the aim! Then add:

4)perseverance – the keep going stepping with His divine purpose, will and plan and not stopping until it is completed! The finish looks sooo good on us all! Then add:

5)Godliness – Be like God in our thoughts, words and deeds! Then add:

6)brotherly (and sisterly) kindness – being nice is nice and it makes people smile!

7)love – Our Father IS love and He says when we love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength and love others as ourselves, that sums up all the Law of His Word. That’s the aim in all of life!

WOW! Isn’t it interesting that all of those tips are seven! Perfect in number for every day of the week of life here on earth! In it all, we can look to our Father’s Spirit to help us live the Godly life in these ways. His Spirit gives us power! But equally important is that we can choose to remember to rest in His grace through our faith in Him that through His work on the cross, He already sees us as holy and without accusation. There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus when we fall short. Everybody does! May we all be effective and productive in remembering His grace for us and share it with the world so that others have His faith, grace, love and wisdom, too! Now we all have His helpful recipe tips to keep in mind for cookin’ up  good in life! I’m tying my apron on in seeking Him in the midst of it all with ya and sooo loving it! Smile at being loved today because ya are! It is and is gonna be a yummy powerful life cookin’ with ya’s with our Father!

Choose Wisely

2 Peter 1:5-8; Romans 3:23, 8:1, 12:2; Mark 10:18; Ephesians 2:8

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.”

Choose Good Life


Thankful BIG

REJOICE!!! It is a new day, new life and a great day to sing a new song unto the Lord for He has done marvelous things for us all! Jesus is all about new life and every second of every day is a new gift of opportunity to enjoy the gift of it all and be thankful BIG! I’m a gal all for that today! Enjoy the gift of yer life today where you are! We have been blessed with it today and I’m thankful to be doing life with ya! Let’s make the most of enjoying it! Oh, it’s gonna be divine and it’s gonna be fun! Love to ya all! Here is the song:

“Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord;

Let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.

Let us come before Him with thanksgiving

And extol Him with music and song.”

Psalm 95:1-2

Celebrate Life


Daddy of Peace

May the God of peace bring you peace to your heart.  Oh, our Father sooo desires that for you! More thoughts live here.

Let the Peace of Christ Dwell

 “Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with you all!” 2 Thessalonians 3:16

Set Apart As A Keeper

When you are in the process of moving, it is a great opportunity to make decisions as to what to keep and what needs to be parted with. I have been pondering all of that as I try to find places in my new home to put things.  I am a gal thankful for that blessing and privilege to be able to do so! As I have been reflecting upon that and looking into my Father’s Word, my Father reminds me that those who have faith in Christ Jesus are His precious chosen, having been washed by His blood sacrificed on the cross and sanctified meaning set apart as special to our Father as we are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. Now how special is that to think of us in Christ as having been selected by God just as I might select to keep something in my home as of value to me!  We are His prized possessions as His children and He has made the decision to have us do life with Him forever! So how does it make you feel knowing that you are seen as a real keeper out of this world and that our Father has redeemed you as someone He wants to hold on to?  Oh, that thought sure does make me smile! I am happy to be my Father’s and am thankful to be chosen to be a part of His eternal home!  I am sure that He has just the perfect place picked out for each one of us there and it’s gonna be fun and an adventure seeing what all of that will be like. He has already told us it is going to be paradise divine! Until then, I am just thankful to be His. How about you? Have you chosen to be a part of His eternal dwelling place by trusting in Him as your Savior? When you make that choice, “…you are washed, you are sanctified, you are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” You are chosen to live with Him forever and you are chosen by Him for Him to dwell in your heart starting right now, right here on earth and that sweet family is the beginning of the divine life of heaven right here on earth! Now I just set that apart as downright special and a thought kept close to my heart! Keep the faith – it’s valuable beyond compare!

1 Corinthians 6:11; John 3:16

Chosen By GodGod Wants You