The Height of His Love

Mid-day greetings precious saints! I’m a gal happy in life today and thankful for sooo much, but I want to encourage your hearts that in this world, there will always be times of troubles around all of us as people. No escape from that as long as that devil dude is on the prowl! Jesus told us that there would be days of trouble when He said:

“In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

What Jesus is saying is that even though there may be troubles, we need not worry because He has the victory for us as we look to Him! In other words, YIKES, but WOOHOO!!!

The Psalmist understood this when he wrote:

“For in the day of trouble, He will keep me safe in His dwelling; He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle and set me high upon a rock.”

The Psalmist knew that there was safety in the shelter of God’s loving Spirit and power to make a difference in times of trouble and that He was always with him! It made all the difference in the world from being down low in spirit and being set high in spirit upon a rock – that rock being Jesus! The Psalmist understood this when he asked himself in a time of lowness in heart “Oh my soul, why so disturbed within me, put your hope in God.” When we take our eyes off of Jesus, it brings a soul low. Truly there is peace, comfort, forgiveness, guidance, love and encouragement found in Jesus! Oh, there is nothing more precious than the love of God to cheer up a heart! Jesus understands your heart wherever you are at right now, saint! He gets you!!! He wants to reassure you that you are loved and cared for!!! I love this video here that talks about the importance of God’s love and how it blesses hearts as it shows His special love being reflected into the world through the love that a girl and her horse have for each other.  Sooo precious!!! Oh, we are all sooo blessed to have the love of Jesus as He speaks quietly and personally to each of our private souls and as He speaks through creation and through others into our lives!!! I have spent much time with animals this week and they are sooo loving and sooo appreciate love! That is a God thing!!! He shows us everyday how much He loves us if we look for Him in our lives!!! The world needs to see His love, so let’s keep going in ways of love, saints and stand high on the rock of Jesus’ love for you in all of life! His love is perfect, unfailing, unconditional and always there for you 24 x 7! Our souls can always find safety and shelter and a lift to divine heights in life through turning to Jesus who is our rock who is for us and has truly overcome the world! Take heart!!! Be strong! Enjoy His love for you!!! This is His promise to us as His kids:

“Never will I leave you nor forsake you.”

John 16:33; Psalm 27:5-6, 43:5; Hebrews 13:5

Little Girl WIth Horse

The Chosen

The Source of Life Success

Oh life has sooo many choices, doesn’t it? How do YOU decide what path to take in life with so many choices? It can be kinda of YIKES out there in the world!!! For me, the ole’ eeny, meeny, miny, moe approach doesn’t hold water in my book! If you are not familiar with this old children’s rhyme, it was a technique that we used to use as children to make a selection from several options, whether selecting someone to be on a team, or choosing which M & M candy to eat next. It was a rhyme we spent time repeating over and over and over until we excluded all but one choice – the final pick. This was before I was a Christian and the problem with that approach is that the final pick may or may not be the best choice of the many options.Thankfully, there is a much better approach to life – a divine way for making decisions passed down by Jesus to us! He is the creator of all of life often referred to as “The Word” as His Word (the Bible) tells us in John 1:1:

“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made.”

We then read about Jesus in John 1:14:

“The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and Truth.”

Jesus is the reason that we celebrate the Christmas season – it is His birth into this world as our Savior that frees us from the wages of sin which is death and eternal separation from God. Now how exciting is that and truly what a wonderful reason to celebrate big time!!! Yippee!!! We have been razzle dazzled by the love of God everybody!!! Whoop it up in Godly celebration!!! The revelation of Him as the Word of Truth and grace has came into this world full of people that were dying and without the guidance of Truth to guide the feet of each individual person in the world to their true final destiny for forever life with their Maker. He also knew that people needed to have the Truth of how to walk the pathway of the road of their purpose throughout their life here on earth for the best outcome over all the less than divine choices from which to choose! We have done been blessed divinely!!! Woohoo!!! AND that’s not all – through faith in Jesus, we have His Spirit with us in heart reminding us of the Truth of His Word that is written down for us to guide us in making divine choices in life so that we end up with the best choices in life – a far superior plan, the divine plan over a eeny, meeny, miny, moe approach or any other wayward method of choosing a pathway for life! AND He has given us His Word, His plan to work all things for our good in written form of the Bible so we can pick it up at any time and read His heart for us!!! Triple blessed kids is what we are!!! CELEBRATION TIME!!!

This Christmas season celebrate the gift of Truth in life – Jesus, the Word made flesh among us and living in continual presence with us to be our guide through all of life forever! Oh, I’m sooo thankful for the Word of Jesus!!! Blessed gal here, stepping in the ways of light with ya all and sooo love every moment of life with Jesus with ya!!!  If you have Jesus with ya, you know the Word of life for others to have light to help them succeed over darkness in this world! Let’s share Jesus with the world this holiday season!!! It’s the best gift we can give to anybody!!! It’s the perfect gift!!!

Here is a song that celebrates the Word that is a lamp unto our feet!

Jesus As Light

Light on the Cross

God's Word is Light

Be a Light

Lighted Pathway

Darkness Cannot Succeed


A Good Reason to Celebrate!!!

Hi, saints! I have had a great Thanksgiving! I hope you have had as well!!! I have been busy this week in caring for a home and critters while my family has been away, have had a small remodel going on this week in my new place of living, had a great Thanksgiving with many family members and out of town friends and have had some great opportunities to sit by the fire and rest and reflect! Oh, it has been a great week!

And now, it’s the Christmas season!!! Woohoo! I’m all excited about it because it’s all about JESUS!!! He is the reason for the season!!! To me, every day is Christmas with Jesus in our lives, but this is the time of year when we officially put forth the acknowledgement and celebration of the day when love came down in the baby of Jesus in a lowly manger and rescued us all from sin and death just as our friend Jeremy Riddle sings here:

God has given each person in this world the very special gift of a Savior to have forever life in the presence of God in His heavenly Kingdom! Not only that, but through faith, His Holy Spirit lives in our hearts every second of every day forever! It’s a free and freeing gift for the acceptance of it! Have you told Jesus you accept His gift and are thankful for your rescue? If not, now is the perfect time to do so!!!

Oh, the Christmas season is going to be sooo fun! You can have too much fun, but never too much “Godly” fun! Woohoo!!! Be safe out there and spread the love of Jesus!!! Take some time to seek Jesus and share Him with your family and those around you as ya go through the season. You’ll be very blessed in doing so and your Christmas celebration will have much more meaning and value to it!!! It’s a great time of celebration!!! Much love to you all!!!

“For a child is born to us, to us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Isaiah 9:6

Happy Birthday Jesus


Salvation is Born

God's Gift to Us

God With US

Finding God at Christmas

God Loves You and So Do I


I wish I could continue to be here with you all, but I am being called to other places by my Father. I want to leave you with this thought from the Biblical Jesus:

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

Jeremiah 29:11-13


Jesus Carrying Sheep

Calling Satan’s Bluff

Sometimes Satan’s way to blocking victory in life is through using fear. He can place thoughts in our minds of “what if” or he can convince a person that victory is going to be too hard and too costly to push for. Truth is and again I say Truth is “we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength” and when we call Satan’s bluff by pushing forward with God’s will for us, God is going to override Satan’s bluff. Satan is the father of lies, so don’t let him convince you of anything contrary to what God is asking you to do! Be strong and courageous! Go get life for Jesus and you will win over the enemy!!! A stop by the Lord or change of direction as yer going is by far better than a stop by Satan to stop the Lord’s victory from moving forward!!! Woohoo!!! Pushing for Jesus all the way and saying NO TO DEFEAT!!! BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS!!! TRUST JESUS!!! TAKE LIFE FOR THE KING OF KINGS!!!

Philippians 4:13

Fire Lion

Who Is Your Jesus?

Jesus in COlor

New day greetings to you, everyone!!! My heart is full of worship today for Jesus!!! Many places of religious services will take place today all over the world and many of them will worship a God that they have created and they will talk much about a Jesus they have created. Yikes!!! The reason I tell you this, is that I just want you to know that the Jesus I worship and live for is the Jesus of the Bible – the Biblical Jesus – the One and Only true God of the Universe who is God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit, all the One true triune God of the Bible! Life is all about Him and below are a couple of song videos that I would like to share with you so that you can join me in worshipping the King of kings and the Lord of lords today wherever you are if the Biblical Jesus is your God! (They are not videos of me singing, so no worries! Hee, hee!) I sooo hope you will check them out! I would love for us all to celebrate our God who laid down His life on the cross so that we can all be saved from sin and death for forever life in His paradise Kingdom called heaven that is coming soon! This is the revelation given to the writer of the last book of God’s Word (the Bible) about what it will be like for all of us who are the bride and forever family of Jesus, the church, who belong to Him through faith in Him and what He did for us on the cross to bring us life free from sin and death in heaven forever with Him:

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying,

“Now the dwelling of God is with people, and He will live with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes.”

Revelation 21:1-4

Here are some Bible verses that tell of Jesus as the God of the Bible:

“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made that has been made.”

John 1:1

“The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

John 1:14

“…Jesus Christ, Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped; but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness, And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death-even death on a cross. Therefore, God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Philippians 2:5-11

JESUS – the One and Only true God of the Bible! Let us exalt His name together!!!

1) It’s All About You Jesus here

2) It’s All About You Jesus here


JESUS – He is with us in His Spirit in our hearts who believe in Him! Woohoo!!! Let’s point the whole world to Him – the true God who sits on the throne forever!!!

Jesus Sees YOU

Fist of God For us Dear beloved saint – I want to encourage your heart that wherever you are in life that Jesus sees you! There is no place you can go where He can’t reach you with His love and His power! How amazing is that!!! His power is mighty to be able to help you as you move through life because He who lives in your heart through faith and gives you the breath to breathe and move every part of your body is the same one whom it is said can do this:

“You rule the surging sea;

when its waves mount up, you still them.”

Know anybody that can do that other than Jesus? I don’t!!! He lives in your heart saint and His promise to us is that it is He who works in you to act and carry out His good and pleasing will! Got a task to accomplish? Let’s tell Jesus that our hearts are willing to partner with Him as we know that it is His will for each of us to carry out His will, His plan and His purpose in this world! Each of us has a purpose and He is willing for us to do what is His heart’s desire for us, so yeah, dear one of Christ ~ you’ve got it to shine for Him!!! Go for it!!! Giving our Father the glory with ya for His love for us and His power in us to help us in all of life!!!! So awesome that ya shine for Him!!! Proud of ya!!! Let’s keep going for Him so others will know of Him, too!!! Woohoo!!! Oh, that thought gets me all excited about life and Jesus and makes me smile!!!

Emmanuel God With Us

With God It Is Possible

Take Courage

If God is for us to have purpose and we are stepping out to do it with Him working in us – woohoo!!! We win, win, win!!! Love this song of courage here!

Chris Tomlin If Our God Is For Us

Psalm 89:9; Philippians 2:13

Carried by the Shepherd

Divine day greetings dear family! How blessed are we as children of God to be able to walk through life with Jesus! He is the good shepherd of all of us as His sheep, His children. He knows that without Him, that we are helpless and we are very dependent upon Him to help us through life and He promises that through our faith in Him that He will always be there carrying us through life forever! The way that He carries us is with underneath support of His wisdom, love and grace through His living Spirit within our hearts! There is nothing more special than to be held in the arms of Jesus and feel His love and affection for us all! He thinks each one of us are special!!! Now how awesome and sweet is that to ponder as we begin this day!!! I am excited to share His Word together with you today, but to start out our day, just bask in the love of Jesus for you right now. I love this song here by Third Day called Children of God. How exciting that the desire of King David’s heart is a reality today as he wrote of Jesus:

“Save your people and bless your inheritance;

be their shepherd and carry

them forever.”

Jesus went to the cross to bless us forever and make us His heirs. He promises to never leave us nor forsake us and He is always there to pick us up, love on us and carry us through all of life! Nestle in the love of Jesus for ya today wherever you are! One of the wonderful things about being close to Jesus is hearing His Words of Truth, love and wisdom that He imparts to us because He loves us! He is the Truth, the way and the life – only place to get Truth if we want to be wise in life! He created life, so He knows!!! Here is a proverb to ponder as we go through life today as His beloved children. Have a delightful day, knowing you are cared for and loved by the best!!! Blessed by the King with ya!!!

“Buy the Truth and do not sell it;

get wisdom, discipline and understanding.”

Psalm 28:9; Proverbs 23:23

Jesus the Good Shepherd

Jesus Carrying Sheep

Jesus Loves Kids

Image of God Hugging Son

In God's Hands

Just Trust Me
