Eyes Fixed on Father

YYYEEESSS!!! Today is a day of promise, beloved family of God!!!!!!! God’s promise is that He is going with each one of us and clearing the way to victory as He says in His Word:

“For the Lord your God is He that goeth with you to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.”

Deuteronomy 20:4

As I ponder this verse today, I envision a daddy that has his young son in hand and walking with him through the day. The daddy is there to guide his son and protect him and help him to live life out well and find blessing and enjoyment in his day! The greatest blessing a father can give a son is the gift of sonship to His Father in heaven!!! Oh, it is the greatest gift of life!!! Bless that daddy for his focus and attentiveness to the needs of his son! The young learning son would not do well on his own without his hero father helping him! That is what our Father in heaven does for us all as His children!!! He is our hero who loves us and is committed and devoted to helping us through life! The blessing to the son is found in the listening to his much wiser and experienced father! The same is true for us as our Father’s children. Jesus is the creator of our lives and is all wise, all knowing and committed to our good as He says:

“The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth to strengthen those who are fully committed to Him.”

2 Chronicles 16:9

I sooo love the thought of my Father watching over me and leading me by the right hand!!! It makes me feel very loved and safe and secure! My soul is blessed by His commitment to me and His promise that He will always be there for me! I am very thankful that we can always talk with Him who loves us about the things that are on our hearts and find grace and mercy to help us in our times of need! Oh, blessed kids are we to have such a personal relationship with the One who created us and loves us!!! Let’s keep our eyes fixed on Him for the best life ever as this song says here!

God's Saving Arm

Father Has Given Me Heroes

I am led to share a second blog post today. This here is a very special tribute to all the heroes my Father has given to me that have so courageously fought for my freedom in so many ways and fight for the freedom of others. God bless you!

United Hands

“Let us look to not only our own interests, but to the interests of others.”

Philippians 2:4

Love Continued…

Woohoo! It is another day of our Father’s faithful love to us continued!!! So thankful!!! He is a never-ending flow of light and grace to each of us just as His Word spoken through King David says:

“For with you is the fountain of life;

in your light we see light.”

Psalm 36:9

Praise our Father for His precious light that tells us how very much we are each loved and cared for as our Father’s children!!!!!!! King David is someone who sooo appreciated all the aspects of our Father’s care for Him as he was a personal recipient of it and his heart echoes my heart desire when he said this prayer to our Father in appreciation for all He was to him:

“Continue your love to those who know you,

your righteousness to the upright in heart.”

Psalm 36:10

This was a prayer of appreciation to His Father for His love and care to him as he was confident of our Father’s everlasting love and grace when he had previously written of Him:

“Those who know your name

will trust in you,

for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.”

Psalm 9:10

Yeppers! Our Father is all of that as He promised many years later through the writer of Hebrews when he observed the same great care and love of our Father and His promise to His people. As he wrote:

“Never will I leave you;

never will I forsake you.

So we say with confidence,

The Lord is my helper; I will

not be afraid.”

Hebrews 13:5-6

Our Father tells us that He is the same today as He was yesterday as He will be tomorrow. He is faithful to those who have faith in Him and through our faith in what He has done, we are His dearly loved. royal, righteous family forever His!!!!!!! Oh, nothing can snatch us out of His hands and His love for us will NEVER give up as this brother of modern day has found in the God of yesterday who is faithful today and tomorrow as this song says here!!! Oh, I am a gal rejoicing in our Father’s love continued to us and through us all in oh sooo many ways today!!!!!!! Sooo thankful for His ever overflowing fountain of provision to us!!! Let His love flow over you today!

God's steadfast love endures forever

Holy Sap!!!

Love, grace and truth are flowing through our royal veins as believers, today, beloved ones of our Father!!! Yep! Everything that we need to enable us to live life well as children of the King is with us as our Father’s Word says here:

“The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and Truth.”

John 1:14

“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life and that life was the light of men (gals, too!)”

John 1:1-3

It is oh so true that in Him is life and Him living in us is our light and grace for living life well!!!

The Word of God is Jesus and through our faith in Him, He dwells among us and lives in our hearts as His Holy Spirit to remind us of His Truth and to teach us all things!!! YYYEEESSS!!! He IS love and His sweet, holy sap flows through us as it says here of Him and us in our relationship with Him:

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a person remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

John 15:5

God as the Vine

Jesus is the source of our victory in life, precious saints and as we stay connected in close relationship with Him, He will do this in us:

“…for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose.”

Philippians 2:13

Our Father is always growing us as His fruitful branches of Him as the vine. It is a process and we are always learning!!! How exciting is that for us to experience life and to be learning and growing with the help of our Father in us!!! As His Spirit reveals things to us and gives our heart strength and desire, we grow in ways that bear the fruit of His Spirit and oh that just makes for abundant living right there!!! That is what ya call life at its fullest and it all starts with us staying connected to our Jesus who loves us with perfect unfailing, unconditional love. He is forever committed to us and promises this:

“Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.”

Hebrews 13:5

“He says we can do all things through Him who gives us strength.”

If He is calling us to it, He will see us through it!!! Now that just gives me all kinds of confidence today that my Father doesn’t leave me to conquer life alone!!!

He gives us the Victory

This is His promise to us as His kids:

“So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.”

Hebrews 4:16

Our hope for victory in life is found in Jesus and He sooo wants us to stay close to Him and together with us bear much fruit!!! HOLY SAP!!! We’ve all got it flowing through us so let’s stay close to the One who loves us and is for us and step out into the world full of life in us to do divine things as our Father guides and enables us!!!

God is In Hearts not Religion

Oh, it’s gonna be fun!!! It’s gonna be an adventure!!! It’s gonna be victorious!!! Now that all just makes me smile!!! Sooo happy to be all connected with ya’s with our Father!!! Love to ya’s!!!!!!! Our hope is in Him as this song says here!!!

The Victory God

Yeah, baby!!!!!!! It’s a new day of opportunity to trust our Father again!!! Oh, He sooo rocks!!! WOW!!! Have you like read the Bible where it tells all about Jesus and how He was God become man as our Savior, being accredited by God to us by miracles, wonders and signs which God did among us through Him, like the no big deal of raising Him from the dead?! WHAT?! NO BIG DEAL?! ARE YOU KIDDING?! THAT WAS HUGE!!! Do you like have a personal relationship with Him and have you seen for yourself His divine workings in your own life?! Have ya noticed that like yer breathing and stuff?! Glory to Him be!!! Hang on to that faith that God is able!!! Got Faith Let it carry ya with confidence that He has got us in His loving care always!!! Nothing is too big for Him, for with God all things are possible!!! He works all things for the good all the time for us, so that we can always trust Him and have an attitude like King David when he wrote:

“I saw the Lord always before me.

Because He is at my right hand,

I will not be shaken.

Therefore, my heart is glad and

my tongue rejoices;

my body also will live in hope,

because you will not abandon

me to the grave,

nor will you let your Holy One see decay.

You have made known to me

the paths of life;

you will fill me with joy in your presence.”

Acts 2:22-28

King David believed in God and entrusted His future to Him, knowing that Jesus was coming into the world and that our Father would raise Him up to a resurrected life and that he, too, would be saved!

No Fear For Tomorrow

Like King David, let’s look to our Father to lead us in the paths of our lives and trust in Jesus to take good care of us!!!!!!! Oh, my Father just makes me smile!!! 🙂 In trusting in Jesus, we can have peace and joy in His presence with us ALWAYS!!! YYYEEESSS!!! Here is a song to reflect upon how glorious our Jesus is by the special folks with Bethel Music who sooo love Him!!! Woohoo!!! My heart is glad and my tongue rejoices in Jesus just like King David!!! Let’s keep goin’ and trustin’ for the sake of Jesus and the world who sooo needs Him!!! Have a joyful, victorious day!!! Much love to ya all!!!!!!! I am sooo excited about life!!! Oh, WOOHOO, WOOHOO, WOOHOO!!! Better go for now, but let’s remember…

God is Faithful


Letting Go and Letting God

It is a new day with new opportunity to trust Jesus with each of our lives, beloved saints!!!!!!! Woohoo!

Joy in Life Comes from Trusting God

If there were never reasons in life to need to trust Jesus, how would we ever learn to trust Him and how would we ever see our need to depend on Him? Amen?!

Obstacles Strengthen You

Sometimes that means going beyond our own heart desires in order to reap the blessings that God has for us and others! I once had a friend that said she put her life in the palm of her hand and raised it up to God saying “Lord, you put into my life and take from my life whatever you see is best. I trust You!” The same is true with the things and people that we love in life. Our Father needs to be able to be sovereign in our lives and in the lives of others. We need to be able to let go of things and let God have His way. Perhaps one of those things is the need to have all things perfect as we see it in our own individual hearts.

Trust God

This we can trust in – Jesus loves us and all those we love with perfect love and He can be trusted to work all things in our lives and all the things in the lives of our loved ones for good!!! God is good all the time and all the time God is good!!! Hooray!!! Sooo thankful!!!

 His plans for us all are to do good for us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future!!! Now how exciting is that, saints?! Letting go and letting God can be a hard thing to do, but it is the best thing to do so that the divine things in life can happen!

No Matter What Happens Trust God

I’m a gal trusting in my Jesus today with my life! I know that I am in good hands with Him who loves me with perfect unfailing, unconditional love forever!!!

She Laughs without Fear

I love this song here!!! May you be blessed with the knowledge and reality of the presence of Jesus’ tremendous love and victory mindset for you today and step out in faith that He has your back in all of life!!! Glory be!!! Oh my Father, He always just makes me smile!!! Trusting Him with ya!!! It brings freedom in oh, so many ways!!!

Trusting God hands

“My soul finds rest in God alone;

my salvation comes from Him.

He alone is my rock and my salvation;

He is my fortress, I will

never be shaken.”

Psalm 62:1-2

Conquering Life The Divine Way

Yippee! I’m a gal with a thankful heart to have the gift of life today with ya all, sweet family of Jesus!!!!!!! As I ponder the week ahead, I think of things to focus my time and energy on – what things that need to be accomplished, what are good goals to work on to use the gift of the week wisely and how in all of what I do, how can I bring glory to my Father who has sooo graciously given me life. As I ponder that, His Spirit quickly brings me back to the key of success in it all through His Word that says:

“This is love for God: to obey His commands. And His commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world-even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the person who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.”

1 John 5:1-5

Nothing gets me more enthused and excited in life than thinking about going for my Father and blessing Him!!! I’m a gal that can go and go and go because of my faith in Him and my wanting to see Him high and lifted up in this world and as many people as possible blessed by Him!!! Glory be!!! YYYEEESSS!!! Oh, I’m on fire!!! Love that thought!!! Because of this zeal in me, my Father is always reminding me that His victory on the cross has overcome all of this – my faith that wants me to just run and run and run in serving Him and that having true faith is also resting in balance to my running for Him because through our true faith, we do not need to run for salvation and His plan for everyone keeps everyone in proper balance and doing only in the quantities He desires for each of us which includes rest and solitude with Him as a priority!!! Make sense, saints?! So, be encouraged that in seeking our Father first, He will give us the perfect insight for good balance, keeping priorities and His good planning as we step into life this week. Jesus – He is the way all the way!!! Let’s overcome and conquer life by believing in Jesus!!!

“Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you.”

Matthew 6:33

…And in the right measure!!!

Oh, our Father – He has our best interest at heart always!!! Let’s conquer life the divine way, family!!! Love this song here!

Seeking God's Wisdom in Life

Seeking Wisdom for What Matters Most

Work, Life, Balance

Not paying attention to Jesus can affect us!!!!!!! YIKES!!! WOOHOO!!!

Too Much Sleep Can Cost Ya

The Divinely Different

Well, beloved saints, we have a different day to celebrate and experience life with our Creator who loves us and has a great plan for each of us individually this day! How amazing is that for our Father’s love to be mindful for each one of us as His kids and through a personal relationship with each one of us, He longs to lead us and guide us to be able to make a divine difference in this life! He is definitely a goal-minded Father with these two goals that He has shared with us to help us keep simple perspective in all our lives:

1) Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength.

2) Love your neighbor as yourself.

Luke 10:25-27

Every person in this life has a purpose and a special way that they can leave their own mark on this world for Jesus!!! How exciting is that for you and I to ponder that, saint! Just think – YOU AND JESUS as a bright shining light to all those around you!!!!!!! That’s awesome!!! One needs not fear inadequacy, as through our faith, we have the Holy Spirit with us to lead us and guide us!!! This is what the Apostle Paul said about himself and look at the way God lit up the earth with his efforts with Jesus:

“When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power.”

1 Corinthians 2:1-5

The Apostle Paul was a sinner and had his personal challenges with sin, such as fear, which our Father says is not of Him!!! His Spirit is the Spirit of power!!! Hooray, I say!!! As we pray, study our Father’s Word (the Bible) and look to His Holy Spirit that lives in our hearts upon believing in Christ as our Savior and step out in faith that He can and will work through us, oh the world will be razzle-dazzled by your partnership with Jesus!!! Yer never to young or too old to make a difference! As long as ya have the breath of God in ya, you can shine, shine, shine!!! One person who got this was a young man who was made King of Judah at age 8! WOW!!! Now that was a lot of responsibility at a young age! He could have seen it as YIKES! But, he went for it and did he make a difference for God, you ask? Yep!!! He restored the temple of the Lord and rid Judah of all its idols and even extended those efforts into Jerusalem. Woohoo!!! How mighty is that!!! What was His secret to victory?

“He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and walked in the ways of his father David, not turning to the right or to the left.”

2 Kings 22:2

Josiah was the son of King David and King David was said to have a heart after God’s own heart, but this is what is said of Josiah:

“Neither before nor after Josiah was there a king like him who turned to the Lord as he did – with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his strength, in accordance with all the laws of Moses.”

2 Kings 23:25

Boy Walking

King David was a man who loved his Lord and looked to Him as his Savior from sin and his hope for victory in life and he was a father that passed on that same heritage of his God to his son and look at what a difference it made in the world!!! Oh, I am sooo proud of both of them for trusting in the grace and love and power of Jesus to enable them to shine as bright beacons to a world that sooo desperately needed them and because of their faithfulness, we now have the same heritage and privilege and honor of partnerin’ with our beloved Father to “shine Jesus shine” as this song says here! Glory to our Father be!!! Let’s go, precious royal family of saints!!! You’ve got your own heritage as children of the King!!! Let’s step out confidently with Jesus in you and me and proclaim Him where we are planted!!!

Making a Difference in All

Lovin’ the King and lovin’ those around us as His Spirit guides us- two great goals to always keep before us in our ponderin’ for a difference-makin’ victory in each of our lives! Let’s never forget His love and grace as sufficient for us that makes it all possible to shine the divine different you and me as His perfect grace is intentionally different to us all!!!  

Shining You

YYYEEESSS!!! Goin’ for Jesus with ya!!! Oh, my Father, He just makes me smile!!! Have a mighty powerful day – much love to ya’s!!!!!!!

Not Shaken

New day greetings and much love to you, precious saint! It’s a powerful day for ya because through faith in Christ, Jesus lives in YOU! YOU are the worthy vessel that He has chosen to dwell in and He has confidence in YOU to carry Him into each special place He takes you so that He can shine His light in partnership with YOU with the very special and unique qualities of His workmanship that He has given to YOU personally that are different from anybody else in brilliant ways! His Spirit in YOU will enable YOU to do the divine and supernatural work that He desires to carry out in YOU, whether it is in sitting and talking with a friend, being a parent, a spouse, a leader, a servant, an athlete, or in stillness as He shares His heart with ya about plans for the future beginning with the first step for right now! The thing that will create a  problem in the greatness of all of this happening is if we as individuals chose to let the enemy speak lies into us to convince us otherwise and talk us out of being God’s partner in the world. Oh, don’t even go there, empowered saint of Christ!!! King David fought the enemy and won and this was His motto that helped Him to have victory:

“I saw the Lord always before me.

Because He is at my right hand,

I will not be shaken.”

Acts 2:25

Be Confident in Who I Am

After Jesus had left His disciples to take His seat next to His Father, He promised the gift of the Holy Spirit to each of us who have faith and this is what He said about us when we received His presence in our hearts:

“YOU will receive power when my Holy Spirit comes upon YOU and YOU shall me my witnesses…”

Acts 1:8

Blaze God's Love


God Is For Us


Sooo, with all of that divine ability in each of us, let’s open up our hearts and minds to His Spirit’s power to do the amazing supernatural things that our Father has confidence in each of us to carry out with Him in us into the world!!! Woohoo!!! It is gonna be a fun adventure watching Him gain victory through us over the enemy of this world!!! His whole angel army is backing each one of us!!!

Keep Calm and Call the FIre

Let’s go win!!! YOU’VE GOT IT THROUGH FAITH!!! Be confident in it!!! 

Spirit Puts Life into Us

Here is a song to help get our minds all fired up with the fact of the flame of His Spirit’s light and roaring power in us!!! YYYEEESSS!!! Our Father has made us each more than conquerors to carry out His plans for us with Him with us!!! Oh now that thought just makes me smile and feel sooo strong and courageous and victorious!!! YIPPEE!!!

Have a powerful day, saint!!!

Goodness Gracious!!!

Goodness gracious!!! That is how my Father tells me that we can all look at the gift of life today, my sweet family of saints!!!!!!! I say that because we have the divine opportunity to walk through this day with our beloved Jesus who is all understanding and ever ready to bestow His goodness, His love and His grace upon us as His children! He is sovereign and is always working in each one of our lives to help us have victory wherever we are at in life just as He did for His people whom He loved so many years ago as they made their way into the land of freedom:

“You gave Your good Spirit to instruct them, Your manna You did not withhold from their mouth, And You gave them water for their thirst.”

Nehemiah 9:20

Our Father knows that we have need for Him! We are dependent on Him!!! He knew the Israelites needed Him, too and He longed to show them His faithfulness to them and boy and gal howdy, did He ever!!! The same is true for us today! When we need wisdom, He provides! When our souls are hungry and thirsty, He is the resource to fill us up in ways that are beyond us and anything that we can ask or imagine! He is divinely good to us and gracious to us and this is always His heart for us:

“The eyes of the Lord roam throughout the earth to strengthen those who are fully committed to Him.”

2 Chronicles 16:9

Fully committed to trusting in His ability, love and grace for ya? Got a need? God’s got good help for us to help us have the victory – we just need to trust Him! Goodness gracious, we don’t want to miss out on His best! Let’s keep looking to Him who is all about blessing us with His love and grace and mercy as these little birdies in our Father’s good care figured out:

Faith Birds

Woohoo! Goodness gracious, God is good all the time!!! He loves us with unfailing love!!! Let’s celebrate our Father with us today! Let’s open up this day with a chirp of praise to Him with this song here! Have a victorious day, enjoy Jesus with ya and know you are deeply loved!!!!!!! Chirp, chirp!!

People Praising

God My Deliverer