Gentleness Showing

One of the special things that I love about my Father is that He is wise and all powerful and He can speak the Truth to lead us as His children as we need, but He does so gently. Oh, He is a mighty One that is capable of doing incredibly powerful things if necessary, but just like the imagery of a mighty, courageous bold lion laying down with a lamb, so is our Father who loves us, gentle with us! Yikes! This can be challenging and Jesus knows!


God is so perfect! Oh, I’m a gal that is a wanna be and thankful that my Father loves me enough to help me have victory in life. Powerful gentleness – this is what the Apostle Paul called us to when He wrote:

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.”

Philippians 4:4

So how does one have victory in being powerful and gentle?  Well, Paul then goes on to say,

“Do not be anxious about nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Peace Man

Breathing in times of prayer when life gets scary and doing so with thanksgiving that our Father has us in His mighty capable power is powerful acting on our part to bring calming in anxious moments so that we can move into life with good strategy and gentleness. It makes for a peaceful life with our gentleness showing or “evident” as Paul says. Gentleness is something we all need in life and we can all struggle with it! So in application of all of this, I’m a gal seeking to keep my eyes on my Father today to keep me calm and moving through life with His mighty power working in me to enable me to do all things as He calls me to in divine ways and striding in gentleness. Let’s all have an anxious free day and enjoy the beauty of this day! Tomorrow is the first day of March. My Father reminds me of something I have heard a lot from my childhood years here in Idaho and I don’t know that it is true, but it is certainly an interesting thought: “If March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb.” It was a way of saying if March comes in windy, it will end with nice weather. Interesting to ponder! Somehow, I surmise our Father just wants us to have peace in it all the month through! Precious saints, we all do life together, let’s slow down in life enough to breathe in prayer and trust our Father to help us exhale gentleness. Oh my Father, I so love His heart that understands us. He walked this earth, too! He gets it – was there and lived it! He is the One we can always turn to to understand us and help us in our times of need! Bless Him! Have a peace-full day and do not be anxious about nothing – our Father has us all!!!!!!!

Prayer in His Hands

Feel His peace all around you, precious saint as this song says here!

The Treasure Within

One does not need look far to see the treasure of our Father with us today! He is living smack dab in the midst of our hearts through faith and hence, the good news of this day is that we do not need live life with out the presence of heaven with us for one single second! Oh, now that is something that I am very thankful for this day because when you have a taste of the goodness of Jesus in your life, you just want to have Him with ya all the time! That is what the crowd discovered according to the Apostle John who tells the story of how the crowd reacted that had gathered around Jesus when He fed the 5,000 and they realized that He had left with His disciples in a boat! Bless their hearts, as they longed for the presence of Jesus and so what did they do? They got in boats and went in search of Him!  This story is interesting to me for these reasons:

  • the people realized their lack – where there was something missing in their life that they desperately needed
  • they reached the answer to what they needed and that was Jesus
  • they went where they thought they could find Jesus – they sought Him out
  • because the people sought Jesus, they found Him! YAY! I love happy ending stories, don’t you?! But beyond just finding Him, they were blessed in their finding of Him for this reason:

Jesus honored their search for Him and rewarded their finding of Him as He revealed to them the Truth of what they needed to have life to the full. This is what He told them:

“I tell you the truth, you are looking for me, not because you saw miraculous signs, but because you ate the loaves and had your fill. Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you. On Him, God the Father has placed His seal of approval.”

John 6:16-35

Jesus knew the people’s past and what it was they needed to hear. He saw that they were seeking things of the world to satisfy their lack and hence, He identified their further need of Him on a deeper level and He gave them the solution for them to have victory in forever life and be at peace – full and content forever! Now how right on is that?! Yeah! Go, Jesus!!! Jesus desires to do the same for each of us and this is His promise to us:

Search For Me and FInd Me

So, how does one find God?

  • Slowing down enough in life to realize He is a good thing to seek after when you are hungry and thirsty in life, both physically and spiritually.
  • Taking the steps to find Him through prayer and Bible Study with quiet reflection and asking other believers that you know what they know about how to find Jesus.
  • Listen for the voice of Jesus.
  • Find the blessing of living out what He tells us.

Finding Great Treasure

Seeking Jesus is a treasure and upon faith, we don’t need look far to find Him as His presence is right within our hearts! Never will He leave us nor forsake us! All we’ve got to do is talk to Him and listen to Him!

Searching For God with Bible

This we know – when we seek to embrace the presence of Him in our lives:

“Blessed are those who fear (reverence) the Lord, who find great delights in His commands.”

Psalm 112:1

Christ is My Treasure

I agree with this song here as we walk through life. Let’s keep seeking Jesus for the most precious life of all – a love relationship with the One who loves us enough to be found and share victorious Truth with us! What blessed people are we!!!!!!!

Trust God to Care For You

Two Guys Treasure Hunting

There Your Treasure Is

Oh, Happy Day!

Happy People Jumping

“For it is by grace that we are saved, through faith–and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast.”

Ephesians 2:8-9

Oh, there is no better good news to start off our day with today than our Father’s Words to us that we are loved with His unfailing, unconditional love! When we have a heart of respect for our Father who created us and has given us life, we are blessed with the best life ever! Not only does His wisdom give us great help in life, but it also gives us the peace of heart that we are all right in our standing with our Maker as this song says here. Never let that devil dude tell ya otherwise! We need never fear standing before our Father when we are trusting in His Truth to us that He loves us just for who we are and “not of ourselves for what we have done in works.” Reverencing our hearts with His Truth that we are 100% accepted by our Father through our faith in what Jesus did on the cross for each one of us just has this affect:

“Blessed (happy) is the person who always fears (reverences) the Lord.”

Proverbs 28:14

Oh, happy day! I love this song here and I’m a gal stepping into my world today with a happy heart, knowing that I am forever loved by Jesus and I need never fear His rejection! Got a reverenced (high esteemed) peace-full heart where you are?

Happy Starts with You

Worthy of God's Love

The Strength

Good morning, you amazing people you!!!!!!! At the point that you have awakened from your sleep and have taken the steps to be here in this place with me today speaks volumes about your amazing abilities, not! What?! Ouch! Now why would I say such a thing? Because it’s truth! Without the grace of our Father, we can do nothing! Amen?! Without our Father, none of us would be sucking air and blowing it out or be here to tell about the fact that we can! I am razzle dazzled with our Father just like this young man:

Stretch of Faith

Is there a God? It is a question that is often asked like shown here:

Waiting For A Sign of Jesus

Like this photo, often the answers to life and victory are right before us, but on our own, we don’t always see them as we should. Our Father gives us His written Word (the Bible) to help us understand life as it says here:

“Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens,

your faithfulness to the skies.

Your righteousness is like the

mighty mountains,

your justice like the great


O Lord, you preserve both man

and beast.”

Psalm 36:5-6

Our Father is always doing His work in our lives because He loves us:

“For God so loved the world, that He sent His One and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”

John 3:16

Without our Father, we can do nothing! We are dependent!

“He (God) is your praise. He is your God who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes.”

Deuteronomy 10:21

As it is that our Father works around us, so our Father also works in us to do the miraculous:

“For it is God who works in you to will and act according to His good purpose.”

Philippians 2:13

Have you ever had a sin or habit that you want to get rid of and try as ya might, ya just can’t. It seems it just keeps drawing you back to it just as the Apostle Paul said:

Like Paul, we all can sometimes wrestle and wrestle with kicking a habit:

“For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do-this I keep on doing.”

“What a wretched man I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?”

Romans 7:19, 24

In Paul’s wrestling over this question, this was Paul’s answer to victory over sin:

“Thanks be to God-through Jesus Christ our Lord!”

Romans 7:25

Our Father is always working to reveal to us the futility of the sinful nature! Glory be!!! He is a gentleman and does not force us to conform or otherwise we would all be puppets and our love and faith would not be genuinely from our heart. He desires instead that we have genuine faith and I have found that when I struggle with the undesirable consequences of my bad habits long enough, I get sick of it and find strength in Jesus to change. Our Father is always working to help us reach that point in life. Ya just get tired of the consequences of it and with His help, we can all change for the better as shown here about the dog that so often returned to its vomit as our Father says:

“As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly,”

Proverbs 26:11

Dog Doesn't Go Back to Vomit

YAY!!! At the point of victory in life, we can smile knowing we have overcome with the help of our Father in our lives! How good that feels and what a blessing in knowing that through it all, our Father’s love never leaves us, but is always there to help us get to where we need to be in life! Bless Him!!! Go Daddy!!! Sooo thankful my Dad doesn’t give up on me, but is always helping me get to victory!!! Let’s keep the faith in our Father and trust that He knows the best for us in life and we can stand on the Truth of the Bible for the best lives ever!!! YAY!!!

Know you are always loved by our Father and He never gives up on us!!! YAY!!! Him with us, we’re all awesome!!!!!!!

I lift my voice of praise to our Daddy today with this song here.

Standing With Christ

Good morning, precious family of saints!!!!!!! We live in a world at war. That may sound like a pretty bleak way to begin a new day, but it is the reality of the world that we live in and I want to encourage your heart that Jesus is the victor in the midst of it all!!! Praise God He has answers to life to help us have victory!!! He has overcome the world and He has blessed us as His kids with the power of His Holy Spirit in us and the spiritual armor that we need in life to have victory!!! His spiritual armor does us no good unless we put it on as He says here:

“Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.”

Ephesians 6:11

I wonder what would happen with the devil if we just told him we love him and we will go along with anything that he desires for us to do in this life? I suspect it would be a whole lot different if we told him, I love you, but I will stand on the word of God just as Jesus did!!! Where is the enemy waging war around you? How is the enemy working on the people you love around you? How will you deal with it? Jesus has the answers for you and His power that lives in you as a believer is able to lead you to make a difference. The devil may not like it, but heaven will rejoice!!! Through Christ Jesus:

“Despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.”

God Is For Us

How do you seek to find victory in life? Here is what our Father says is the key:

“For God so loved the world that He gave His One and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”

John 3:16

Do you believe? If so,

“…the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you.”

Romans 8:11


“Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of Truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.”

Woohoo! Let’s stand with Christ for victory in ways of love!

Standing on the Side of Love

“If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing.”

Much love to you!!!!!!! Have a victorious day and let’s love those around us in life in divine ways!

Fight Satan

The Source

Our Father’s grace is flowing once again to all the earth this new day and we as our Father’s kids are all blessed recipients of it along with all of creation as our Father’s Word says here:

“The wild animals honor Me,

the jackals and the owls,

because I provide water in the


and streams in the wasteland,

to give drink to My people, My


the people I formed for


that they may proclaim My 


Isaiah 43:20-21

Deer and Doe at a Stream

Everything that we have in life is from the hand of our Father who loves us and desires a personal relationship with us all!!!!!!! To see that we are all totally dependent upon Him is the first step in bringing Him honor and to bringing Him praise! Is His praise and honor why we do as we do? Blessings and honor and glory and power to our God forever as this song says here! Let us give Him honor and proclaim His praise to the world today! He is worthy of the praise of all people and all of creation! Jesus – He sooo rocks and He sooo provides!!! Are you thirsty? Seek Him and He will quench your thirst with His living water just like He does all of His creation to bring Him praise and honor!!! He sooo desires that we drink in of Him!!! Know you are loved by the King of kings today – He has created this new day to show each one of us His love for us today!!!!!!! Now how sweet is our Jesus!!!

A Sonshine Day

It’s a Sonny day where I am today, beloved family, because the face of Jesus is shining upon us and when you see the face of the Son, oh there is nothing that blesses your life more than that! His face shows up in sooo many different places all around us! Here is one example:

Light of Jesus Shining Through

I want to encourage you to look for His face shining upon your life today – count your blessings and all the ways our Father’s grace is evident in your life! When you see His grace in your life, take it as our Father’s smile upon you! He sooo loves you and has good plans in store for you – you can trust in that for sure!!!

Smile of Jesus

Face of Jesus

Face of Jesus Shining Through

When you see the face of Jesus, oh it just gives ya all kinds of encouragement and hope and the knowledge that there is victory in life!!! I’m a gal smiling and strong in the love of Jesus with me today!!! Claim His love for you today, too, precious saint! Jesus longs for you to know His love for you and He has made it evident all around us – do ya see it?

Light of God Shining

Oh, when the Son is shining, I can do anything!!! Let’s live it as this song says here!

“Let the light of your face shine upon us, O Lord.”

Psalm 4:6

“For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11

The Champ

I’m a gal bowing to the Champ of life today – the King of kings, the Lord of lords and the Champ of heaven and earth!

God on His Throne

King of Kings

He is my Savior from all sin, the rescuer of me and my provider in all of life! Oh, we cannot do one thing without Him – we are totally dependent on His love and grace in every way!!! He’s got us and oh, I’m a gal sooo thankful that He IS love!!! When love is happenin’, it is a beautiful thing in life!!! Everyone can have the beauty of Him in life – the step is simple:

“The Word is near you, it is in your mouth and in your heart, that is, the Word of faith that we are proclaiming.”

What is this Word that we are proclaiming?

That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him to forever life from the sacrifice of His life on the cross for us, then you are saved from the wages of sin and given eternal life in His Kingdom. Upon believing, His Holy Spirit dwells in our hearts as believers to guide us and teach us and empower us to victorious life!!! Woohoo!!! What a gift beyond all gifts, huh?!

“For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”

I am A Princess Crown

I love the results of this as our Father tells us:

“Anyone who trusts in Him will not be put to shame.”

Oh, now how sweet is our Father who does all of that for us as His kids and that includes all of us!!!!!!! Did you zoom in on the word “Anyone” who trusts in Him? His heart is this:

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

Our Father gives us His Word (the Bible) to help us walk in ways that are best for us because we can, not because we have to for justification and salvation into forever life in a love relationship with Him!!! I’m a gal thankful that He shares His wisdom with us for life, aren’t you?! In application of all of this, I ask you “Got faith?” “Got shame or guilt?”  If so, claim your faith and hand the shame and guilt back to the devil dude and say no thanks, choose the best way for walking forward in life (Jesus), go with it for the best, but rest in our Father’s love, grace and full acceptance of us just as we are – precious, special and gifted kids by His love and grace and empowering Spirit in us who believe in Him as our Champ Savior of all of life and the One who enables us to live life well!!!!!!! Yep!!! He is the Champ alright and He makes me brave just as this song says here!

Heaven's Champion

To Him be glory!!! Much love to you all, precious family of saints!!!!!!! Have a beautiful day!

Romans 10:5-13

Building With Heart

Yippee! Life is a happenin’, precious family of Jesus!!!!!!! Good news is that we get to go through this day with Jesus in heart!!! What difference does that make? Well, it would depend on each of us individually and how much of our heart we choose to let Jesus have! I love the example in life that Nehemiah and his team set when they were rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem! This is what it says about them:

“So we rebuilt the wall till all of it reached half its height, for the people worked with all their heart.”

Nehemiah 4:6

At this point, the devil reared His head and put forth effort to stop the work of the Lord from being done, but the wall was finished anyway because the people of God persevered and I love what it says about how the enemies of God were afraid and lost their self-confidence when the wall was all completed because:

“…they realized that this work had been done with the help of God.”

Nehemiah 6:16

To that I say “Woohoo!” Go King Jesus and go His saints!!!!!!! Way to let Jesus have your full heart effort for victory!!! YESSSSSSS!!!!!!! In response to this today, let’s let Jesus have all our heart to bring Him glory and carry out His will, His plan and His purpose in all of life!!!

It's All I Ever Wanted

Put Your Heart In It

I can’t think of anything in life I desire more than to have a “full of Jesus” heart – a divine heart, the best heart, a beautiful heart, a loving and kind heart, a righteous heart, a heart that beats with love and reverence through and through for my King!!! When we say yes to Jesus, His Spirit builds up our hearts just like He built up the walls of Jerusalem – victoriously!!! Oh now that thought just makes me smile! Giving my life to the Only One who makes the moon reflect the sun as well as all the other divine things of life as it says in this song here.

Have a divine day everybody and let’s put our heart into having a day with Jesus smack dab in the middle, filling us up to overflowing victory!!!

I will give you a new heart

Building with a heart with Him with ya!!!!!!! Much love to ya’s!!!!!!!

Secure in Christ Jesus

Good morning, precious saints!!!!!!! I love the thought that our Father revealed to me today as I looked into His Word to begin my day with Him – the King of the Universe!!! I love riding through life with Him!!!

Sermon on the Mount

Oh, my Jesus just makes me smile!!! What a gift the gift of life is with Him and with it great opportunity! Hooray! A big smile breaks out upon my face as I ponder all of this! Oh, I sooo love the adventure of all my Father has for me because I’m a gal that knows that He loves me and He has great plans for my life with each second of every day! I appreciate what King David wrote so many years ago and His Words ring true to my heart today:

“When I felt secure, I said,

“I will never be shaken.”

Psalm 30:6

When you know that the all-powerful King of Kings and Lord of Lords is for ya, we can receive His wisdom and walk in it in full assurance that He is leading us in ways of victory – ya win always with the true best in life forever and ya know He has your back always!!!

Fight Satan

Jesus Hugging Girl

He is our mighty warrior and enabling Spirit within us through our faith in Him that makes us more than conquerors in life!!! He wants us to be confident in this and that is why Jesus was always telling His people “Do not fear.”


Now how awesome is that peace from His Words to carry with us all through life!!! Secure and strong in faith in the One who cherishes me and you is the mindset I choose to carry with me today as I learn and step through life with Him with ya all!!! How about you?!

God Always Has Something For You

When we are secure in Jesus and our heart is at peace, our words and actions towards life interactions with our Father and others reflect it. Let’s claim the powerful life of God with us and rebuke that devil dude when he seeks to shake us up. We can just say, God’s got me in His hands and therefore, I will not be shaken!!!

The Devil Doesn't Know What to Do

Woohoo!!! Thankful!!! Here is a new powerful song to bless our day that confirms our Father’s Words to us!

“Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you.”

1 Peter 5:7

Future is Secure