Heart Roots

Fruit Banner

Approaching a new day with good intention is on my heart today, family!!!!!!! As I ponder that, my Father brings to my recollection the importance of having a heart in line with His so that His best intention for me and for you in our lives, is what pops out to bear fruit in our day! Some seek to just be fruit pickers in this life and some seek to bear as much fruit as possible! It is a heart issue!!!  What is the intent of a heart matters. Here is a short little video clip that says more about that!

As we begin our day, we can know that it is the heart of Jesus (His intent for us) to bring our Father glory as He says:

“This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”

John 15:8

Bearing Fruit For God

Nothing gets me more motivated and inspired in life that to bring my precious Lord glory for His great heart of kindness, love, grace and victory for us all in life! He sooo blesses us as His kids!!! When God’s purpose is discovered in our lives, it’s much easier to do His will because we want to do His will with the great passion that He puts in our hearts to carry it out!!! Woohoo!!! It’s a let’s go attitude that wells up in ya!!! 🙂 The fruit of the Spirit should be our key to effective fruit bearing and not a heart feeling forced to do something our heart isn’t in to!

Fruit of the Spirit

That all begins with us keeping our relationship right with God, keeping our lives disciplined and with all our strength fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives and that includes pacing our lives with rest and taking care of our bodies! We cannot bear fruit alone. Our Father says “apart from Me, you can do nothing.” We all need our Father who works in us to will and act according to His good purpose!!! To bear much fruit in life, it is important to let our Father prune off any branches in us that are a hindrance to our fruit bearing. Pruning is the price for production and we can trust our Father to care for us in the very best divine ways!!! He is our good Master Gardener!!! The first victory that great saints of the past won was the victory over themselves!!! If our intentions in life are to make our lives count for our Father’s Kingdom, having our hearts constantly and strongly rooted in Him will make a fruitful life all possible and it will bring with it growth – stretching and branching out in new ways that is oh sooo exciting for us!!!

Fruit Tree By the Water

Got yer roots grounded in Him, dear ones? If so, let’s go with joyful hearts with divine intention for Jesus!!! Oh, that thought just makes me smile!!!  Branching out with ya’s!!! 

Yay! It’s the First Day of the Week!!!

Thank God it’s Monday, precious family of saints!!!!!!! So often folks who work during the week, live for the weekends to live life without their main job or school. Sometimes people work over the weekends and rest on Mondays, picking up on Tuesdays as a new week.  Whatever your schedule, as you begin a new week, I greatly appreciate the perspective that Mondays or the first day of the week back is a blessing! They are great because of these reasons:

  • The journey through life is an exciting new adventure and journey – as much fun as arriving at the destination of the end of the week!
  • It’s opportunity for a fresh new start as past mistakes can be corrected this week. We have new chances to do what is right!!! A reminder of Christ’s grace for us!!!
  • We can write on a clean sheet of paper the things we want to accomplish for this week!
  • We can dream new dreams and goals!!!
  • We get to enter the arena of new life with the thrill of new action!!!
  • It is new opportunity to help others! The greatest joys in life come to us when we are seeking to bless others as our Father says:

“Those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”

Proverbs 11:25

Making Moments Matter

It is great opportunity for each one of us to have opportunity to encourage, strengthen, counsel and lift someone else! It is the day we have the opportunity to put into action what Jesus has taught us all and experience the joy of being able to add to the blessing of those our Father has placed around us! Now how awesome is that saints!!!

Working Hard for God

Have a great Monday and a great week as it is a new day of opportunity to enjoy the gift of life and be an awesome YOU as only YOU can with Jesus with ya!!!

Business Card

Much love to you all!!!

The King of Peace

Peace to you, my precious family of Jesus!!!!!!! Today is Palm Sunday here in Idaho in the United States which is a reflection upon the historical event of Jesus entering into Jerusalem upon a donkey along with His disciples to celebrate the Feast of Passover, also known as the feast of unleavened bread. In the event of the Exodus, the Bible tells that God helped the Children of Israel escape from their slavery in Egypt by allowing ten plagues upon the ancient Egyptians before the Pharaoh would release his Israelite slaves; the tenth and worst of the plagues was the death of the Egyptian first-born. To protect the Israelites in this effort to free them, the Israelites were instructed to mark the doorposts of their homes with the blood of a slaughtered spring lamb and, upon seeing this, the spirit of the Lord knew to pass over the first-born in these homes and that is how the English name of the Passover was derived. When the Pharaoh finally agreed to free the Israelites, it is said that they left in such a hurry that they could not wait for bread dough to rise (leaven). That is why unleavened bread is often eaten during the celebration of Passover.

As Jesus enters into Jerusalem, He refers to the city as “the daughter of Zion” saying:

“Do not be afraid, daughter of Zion; see, your King is coming, seated on a donkey’s colt.”

John 12:15

I love how He had a heart for women and with the entry into Jerusalem with these words, I just wonder if it was in His heart to reassure women concerning their babies. His words were “not to be afraid,” to “see their King is coming” to them and that He is “seated on a donkey’s colt.”

Prince of Peace

His Name Called Prince of Peace

Oh, now how sweet is Jesus to want that for all of us as His children. He is known as the Prince of Peace!!! I sooo love that heart for us!!!

Jesus could have entered Jerusalem with a proud seat upon a mighty war-horse, but He chose to enter into Jerusalem on a humble lowly donkey which symbolized peace.

Jesus on a Donkey

After all our Father’s people had been through, what they really needed was reassurance of peace and comfort! It was in keeping with the words written in Isaiah:

“Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for; that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.”

Isaiah 40:1-2

Jesus had just left the town of Bethany six days prior where He had dinner at Martha’s and He had raised Lazarus from the dead!!! WOW!!! It is no wonder that Jesus had such a huge following and welcome into Jerusalem as the people grabbed Psalm leaves and waved them at Jesus saying “Hosanna” which means “save” and that is what they wanted in Jesus was someone to save them and that He did by what was to happen on the cross, following the Feast of the Passover! Glory be to Jesus, our Prince of Peace who has saved us who have faith in Him for all of eternity!!! Let us seek to live a life of peace as our Father’s children as He says:

“Do all you can to live at peace with everyone.” NLT

Romans 12:18

Have a peaceful day, precious family!!!!!!! Let us also celebrate our Prince of Peace, King Jesus with this song here! I love it that our Father is a “unisex” God!!! 🙂 Much love and peace to you all wherever you may be!!!

Life On the Fly

Woohoo! If you are like me, you are on the fly in life, seeking to live life on purpose just as our Father says:

“For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11

Our Father then goes on to say this:

“Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

Jeremiah 29:12-13

What Will You Ask For

One of the things that our Father has revealed to me is the importance of not being so much on the fly through life, that we don’t take the time to ask God questions about our lives and ask for His help. It is interesting that in the story of Job in the Bible, in the midst of all his questions that he asked of God, that God turned around and asked Job questions that helped Job reach the true conclusion of what he needed to know in life to move forward with victory! Taking time with our Father and letting Him ask us questions about our lives and where we are going compared to where we need to be going in life is a real difference maker in life, just as it was to Job!!!

Answering God

I want to encourage each of us, saints, to slow down enough in life to ponder well the questions that we need to think through in order to have the victory life! Is there something bothering you? Let’s not keep flying through life without getting the answers needed to resolve those issues. It can make a huge difference from flying through life in crazy ways verses being a fly stepping out in divine style as shown here:

Sharp Lookin' Fly

Hee, hee!! Oh, our Father’s divine revelation to us really puts the shine on a life!!! Now that thought just makes me smile!!! I love the idea of going into life with divine style, don’t you? No question – it makes a difference!!!

Give God Your Problems

You Have A Friend in God

Out of the Hammock

A new day is here, precious family and I like you have sprung forth from the hammock of night time rest and I am thankful for the love and grace of Jesus with each one of us!!! It is important to doing life well to move from the resting in life to the action of life as it is happening for us! Each one of us has responsibilities for the good care of ourselves and also great opportunities to be of support to others that our Father puts in our lives. Do you see yourself as capable of making a difference? Through faith in Jesus, His Holy Spirit lives in you just like the Apostle Paul! The Apostle Paul is someone who realized these truths about His own life and I greatly admire His attitude when He wrote:

“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me…I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.”

Philippians 3:12-13

The Apostle Paul goes on to talk about how God makes clear to us as we experience life and he beckons us as our Father’s kids

“…only let us live up to what we have already attained.”

Philippians 3:16

Our Father sees each one of us through our faith in Christ Jesus in this way:

“holy in His sight, without blemish and free from accusation–if you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel. This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant.”

Paul was confident that He had the blessing of His Father and the power of Christ living in him and he did not let what he did not yet know stop him from acting on what he already knew and going with that into the world to make a difference! I love that thought because our Father will move powerfully through each of us in sharing all that He has revealed to each of us if we are just willing to get out of the hammock and move into the action of life with those He puts around ya!!! Woohoo!!! Go make a difference, saint!!! Our Father wants to work through you in powerful ways to pour out through you what He has invested in your years of life with Him!!! Our past lives should be a springboard forward into life and not a hammock to forever lie in!

Empty Hammock

You have learned much of Him and it is valuable for the blessing of others!!! I’m a gal proud of ya for going into the world and doing so and our Father says He will give back to you dear saint for all ya do for Him and His people!!! Have a divine powerful day and know you are loved by the King very, very, very much!!!

God Loves You Cross

God With You

Learning Divinely

Good morning, precious family!!!!!!! Today is a new day of opportunity and that is something that we can be very thankful for! I am thankful our Father’s mercies and compassion for us all is new for us every morning as He tells us in Lamentations 3:22-23!!! How sweet is our Jesus!!! Our Father’s grace is always there for us when we fall short, but I want to encourage us to not beat ourselves up for mistakes that we have made in the past!!! When we evaluate our experiences, our Father reveals good things to us through those that enables us to move forward in better ways and also have powerful experience with which we can help others in life!!! Just because we may have had a not so good of an experience doesn’t mean that we should give up in life. I find this very amazing about how some of these people whom the world looks upon as some of the greatest moved forward despite what could be looked upon as falling short:


When we fall short or feel like we have failed in life, it is new opportunity to try something new and keep going in life with a little more wisdom from the experience we had in life!!! It sure made a difference in the lives of these people shown above, wouldn’t you agree? It is good to keep a positive mindset when hard things happen in life so that the ole devil dude doesn’t stop a divine thing from happening in our lives! Amen?!!! I had an awesome boss that recommended a book to me entitled “Failing Forward” by John Maxwell. It is a great read! One of my favorite Bible verses in the Bible is:

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of His Son…”

Romans 8:28-29

Our Father desires that we evaluate our experiences in life and let it grow us in ways that spring us forward to walking more and more powerfully as His Spirit leads us in carrying out His will, His plan and His good purposes for us!!!!!!! There are two roads we can choose from in life, giving in to the roadway of defeat and giving up or the roadway to living to learn and keep on living in divine ways to bring our Father glory and make a difference in this world!

Which Road

Woohoo! I say let’s choose the later as many people need us as our Father’s kids to step out and let our Father be revealed through us!!! It can make a forever difference in the lives of others starting with their lives right here and now and oh, that thought just makes me smile!!! Let’s keep going for Jesus – we’ve got what we need to do so victoriously in us!!! Much love to you, dear ones!!!

Pick Yerself Up

Only Failed If You Give Up

Failure is Simply Opportunity

The Eyes Have It

Good morning, precious family!!!!!!! WOW! If we look around us today, what do your eyes see before ya?


I want to encourage you today that Jesus sees us where we are at in life and each one of us is living in a divine land of opportunity and oh, how our eyes see will make a HUGE difference in how we tackle this day!!! Here’s a few victory notes for us to ponder together:

1) If we look around and see challenging but divine opportunities for persevering and making a difference in new ways with Jesus’ love and grace helping us today, determination and excitement to participate in a divine plan is in view to override distress!!!

2) If we look inward with a healthy view of ourselves as divinely qualified, beloved children of THE King with world-changing purpose, negative self-judgement has no room for defeating us!!!

3) If we cast our cares on Jesus with hearts of thanksgiving and trust Him to help us in life out of His faithfulness to do so and His supernatural divine abilities to work all things for our good, then we will have hearts at peace and rest!!!

Now how awesome are those three powerful perspectives for us to be more than conquerors in all things with our God who is the head of the angel army backing us as our Father’s kids!!! Let’s seek Him today!!!


WOOHOO!!! The divine perspective of having our eyes set on Jesus definitely makes a difference when it comes to having a victory day today!!! I guess we could say the Jesus eyes we have will win life for us today!!! Let’s do as our Father beckons us to do:

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 

2 Corinthians 4:18



With all these thoughts in mind, I’m a gal stepping into the world where my Father has me with a heart of forever victory happening for heaven’s sake and oh, the idea of that just makes me smile!!! Giving Jesus my eyes today as this song says here!



Have it, precious saint? You can make a difference where you are today!!! Jesus will help ya!!! Know yer loved as you journey through life today and our Father is excited about having ya partner with Him!!! Jesus eyes – aren’t they beautiful!!! 🙂


Not Guilty

Good morning beloved family of saints!!!!!!! I want to encourage your hearts today that our Father sees us through eyes of grace and He reaches out to us right where we are in life!!!

Jesus Lifting Sheep Up

I’m a gal sooo thankful for that in life, aren’t you?! Jesus had a heart for everyone whom He encountered in life as He walked this earth!!! He loves and accepts us just for being His kids!!! Isn’t that a breath of fresh air in this life?

Jesus with Sheep

I love that Jesus was one always found in relationship with what the religious world called sinners! There is no sin too great that Jesus doesn’t understand it and He looks beyond it to see the divinity in each one of us!!!!!!! We are all made fearfully and wonderfully in His image!!! Now how awesome is that!!!

Lord Made Us

Jesus was very good at letting people know that He loved them and He also had a way of helping people see the divine life!!! People who had an encounter with Him always left His presence changed in some way – their lives were never the same!!! Life with Jesus makes for one adventurous ride through life as we seek Him and let Him work His love and grace through us!!!

Sheep Hug

Jesus is our gentle Shepherd who is always protecting us from the wolf, the enemy Satan who seeks to devour us with guilt. Yikes! Watch out for that dear ones!!!!!!! May we always stay close to our Shepherd, being able to learn from His voice and be fed well, where we are also kept safe from the enemy. Oh, precious saints, let us rest in the safe pasture of our Father’s close by us love today!  His grace always finds us as this song says here! YAY!!! He just makes me smile with a divine sheepish grin that makes me want to leap in the air with joy!!! Woohoo!!! Have a divine day and know you’re loved very deeply!!!

Woohoo Sheep


Good morning, beloved family of saints!!!!!!! It’s a new day off to a divine start and oh, this day has such great opportunity for us all!!!!!!! How exciting to have the gift of life today, amen?! I am sooo thankful for our Father’s love and grace for us and very appreciative to have us all in life together with Him as our perfect Father who loves us with unconditional unfailing love!!! One of the things, among the massive without ability to count fully amazing traits of our Lord that I greatly admire is that He is a self-starter!

Self-Starter Zone

Aren’t we glad that He isn’t a kick-starter!

Kick starter

We don’t need to remind God to get up and raise the sun for us each day and attend to all the details that add such blessing to our lives?! He sets a good example for us all as to what a blessing His faithfulness is to us to have Him do for us what we need Him to do in providing for us. It is how He shows His love to us! While He is sooo supreme in knowledge over us, He does what is best for us and that is not always giving us everything we want when we want it! Darn and yay!  He is our Father and discerns the best for each of us to help us grow and mature!!! That is good for us!!! All of this to say that our Father is a blessing to us in life and He takes an active approach to bless us and show us His love!  So too, we as His children have opportunity today to model the same in the roles our Father has given to us to be able to bring blessing to the people that He has placed around us in life! Being a self-starter, to get ourselves going without being poked or prodded to do what is expected of each of us and doing for others around us what is the best for them is all divine traits of our Father in us!!! Let’s be chips off the ole’ block, so to speak!!! When our Father loves on us and blesses us as He always does, it just makes us want to bless Him back! So too, when we step out to bless others, it comes back to us as our Father says:

“Whatever one sows, that will they also reap.” 

“I will not forget your work and the love you have shown me as you help my people and continue to help them.”

“I am returning soon! My reward is with me and I will give to everyone for what they have done.”

Woohoo!!! I sooo love blessing my Father and doing life with ya all!!! Let’s celebrate the privilege to do life together with Jesus today!!! It’s just downright awesome! Oh these thoughts just make me smile!

Pull Your Own Chain

Romans 8:28-29; Galatians 6:7; Hebrews 6:10; Revelation 22:12

Revealing the King

Good morning, precious saints! For us all, today is a great opportunity to let praise for our King Jesus to be revealed through our hearts that desire to worship Him out of a thankful heart for His great love and grace and provision for each of us personally!!!!!!!

Jesus Hugging Man

You may be one who has opportunity to lead others in such a way today that you can reveal the greatness of the King in unique ways that are special to only you and the way that our Father has fearfully and wonderfully made you! If so, He is going to move you as His divine living water flows within you to bring Him praise in fresh new creative ways revealed to you special!!!

Jesus Revealed in Water


The Anointing

New Creation

Holy Spirit

Now how awesome of an opportunity is that, saints! If our Father has given you opportunity to step out into the world for Him, you are where you are because our Father believes in you to represent Him to His glory as His Ambassador! In so doing, this we can know, our Father’s Spirit in us is limitless and we can do whatever He calls us to do with all His divine power for victory to bring Him glory as we step forward with a heart desiring to go for Him!!! YEEESSS!!! Jesus told His disciples that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them and that they would be His witnesses in all the world! Glory to the King be!!!

Outpouring of the Spirit

Our Father is sooo worthy of praise, glory and honor!!! Given that privilege and opportunity today, whether one leading others to see the King’s glory anew or as a saint glorifying Him in following someone’s lead of worship, let us give the King all our heart effort to let Him know how much we treasure His faithful love to us!!!!!!! The grace of Jesus revealed is the most beautiful thing that the whole world needs to see! Let’s pray, study His Word, ask Him for His plan to be provided and step out confidently that we are His qualified and loved kids called to partner with Him in carrying out His will, His plan and His purpose!!! Yeehaw! Let’s go for the King!!!

Its All About Him

If you are by yourself today, one of the most beautiful things to our Lord is seeing His child love Him through eyes of faith with the praise of your heart right where you are! Wherever you are, you are special and dear to Him and you are never all alone – the King is with you fully always and this is His promise to each of us:

“It is the Lord who goes before you, He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

Deuteronomy 31:8

Oh, I’m a gal that sooo finds my all in Him!!! How about you, saint? I sooo want to see Jesus lifted high as this song says here! Let’s us exalt His name as we each can individually do uniquely today!!!!!!! His Spirit manifestation in each one of us is truly a majestic divine personal experience!!! Much love to you all!!!!!!!