Stepping For Victory in Life

Divine life is happening all around us today, dear family, and we are experiencing it miraculously moment by moment!!!!!!! Just the fact that you are able to read this requires sooo many divine miracles to happen that we couldn’t possible begin to count them or name them all and I praise Jesus with you for each one!!! Let’s face it, life is just one great big HUGE mass of revelation of our Father’s tremendous power, wisdom, love and care for each one of us!!! Blessed kids are we!!!!!!! We are living because it is our Father’s dream for each one of us and as part of that, our Father has an individual dream for each one of our lives!!! That is very exciting and as we realize what our “sweet spot” dream is for our lives, where we are working within our passion of heart and in our strengths, it benefits each of us as we dream big and step out to live our dreams – the vision of our Father for our lives.  Here are some ways that we benefit in so doing:

  • Kept focused – our passion for the realization of our dream keeps us going
  • Stretching – our dream challenges us and stretches us from our comfort zones to keep up with our dream
  • Sacrifices – our dreams can have high prices and we learn what it means to sacrifice to achieve a worthy cause. Our dream doesn’t come to us, we must go to it
  • Perseverance – our dreams happen when we don’t give up, but persist for victory
  • Attracts other winners – others who have a heart for winning desire to work with others who have a winning mindset
  • Dependance on God and others – We learn we must have the courage to depend on a faithful God and we realize how valuable the help of others are in reaching a dream

Nick Vujacic

Nick Vujicic – Author of the book Unstoppable and world-renown motivational speaker. He models


Wow!!! With our Father with us, we are unstoppable!!! We can do all things that He calls us to through Him who gives us strength!!! Nick’s life speaks volumes to this!!! If our Father calls us to it, He will see us through it!!! This is a healthy mindset for everyone because it leads us back to God:

Thankful for Struggle

Faith Hands

So often when we think of dreaming, we think about how we want it to benefit others, but in the process of the stepping out to do so, we find out that our lives individually are blessed along the way!!! How awesome is that?!! Oh, when we all work together, we all win, win, win and that is very exciting to see in life and it is the very heart of our Father who desires us to carry out His will, His plan and His purpose for each of our lives, too!!! We don’t have to do so to have our Father’s love beyond our faith in Him, but we get to partner with Him to do something worthwhile in our lives!!! It is living beyond just existing!!! I love that thought!!! So let’s keep going with the dream our Father has laid upon each of our hearts, saints!!! Wooohooo!!! May your dream come true as you keep seeking it!!!  Jesus set the example for us all and He now enjoys sweet victory because He modeled the above!!! A divine dream is well worth pursuing!!! Rock the world with the dream Daddy has given to you!!! It all starts with our personal relationship with Him!!!

“For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose.”

Philippians 2:13

Live your dream!!!

Dreams Can Come True

Seek God's Will

Our Father will reward each of us for what we do in life as He says:

Your Work Will Be Rewarded

Let’s keep traveling the road to victory together, family!!!!!!!

Love Is Close to You

Good day, saints!!!!!!! I want to encourage your heart today that you are loved!!!!!!! More thoughts to ponder about that here.

God's Love Story

“The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”

Jeremiah 31:3 NIV

The Dream Team

Yaaahooo!!! Oh I am super excited today about the divine love and grace of our Father and His great desire for us all to be able to partner with Him to do divine things for the blessing of people and for the increase to His heavenly Kingdom!!!

God Dreams

Dream God's Dream

Seeing others know about Jesus and finding their new life in Him is like celebrating the birth of a brand new baby into our family of saints!!!!!!! Every baby needs care in this world in lots of different ways, too!!! Each child in this world is just precious, no matter what the age and each one is truly a divine gift for sure!!! Every one of us thru faith are part of our Father’s Kingdom family and every one is needed as our Father says:

“God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as He wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!”

1 Corinthians 12:18-21 NIV

No matter where we are at in this world, each one of us are a part of our Father’s Kingdom body with Christ as the head. Therefore, this is our Father’s heart for each one of us:

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”

1 Peter 4:10

When someone has a divine dream, other people are needed to help you realize your dream. A man by the name of Chris Hodges said “A dream is a compelling vision you see in your heart that is too big to accomplish without others.” Our Father gives all kinds of dreams into this world that all require teams to make the dream inevitable!!! Our Father planned it that way for us when He said in the Garden of Eden, it is not good for man to be alone. Therefore, I would like to share some thoughts about teamwork to ponder as shared by John Maxwell in his book “Putting Your Dream to the Test.”

  • If a dream is just big enough for one – you don’t have much. (Oh, it may be a start, but it is good to dream BIG!!!)
  • Some people have a big dream, but with no people, it is impossible.
  • Some people have a dream and a bad team making the dream a nightmare.
  • Some people have a dream and are building a team, thus a dream has potential!!!
  • Some people have a dream with a great team and that dream is inevitable!!!

We need people on our teams that make our dreams inevitable for our Father, family!!!

Alone we can do so little

Our Father needs everyone to do their part divinely for the best possible outcome!!!


Our teams should include people who inspire us and we also need people on our teams that are brutally honest with us to help us see the difficulties and the realities in our lives!!! The bittersweet is good balance!!! It can be hard to hear the sweet and the bitter, but they say what we need to have balance. Secure people keep these people around!!! We need both!!! We need all the team players playing divinely for a dream team victory!!!

Teamwork 2

In light of all of this, we must always realize that we will all make mistakes from time to time and our Father sees us with His unfailing, unconditional love and He just wants us to live, learn and keep moving forward for victory!!! Where are you at today, family??? Let us seek our Father each one personally and ask Him to reveal to us how He desires that we each do our part well to bring the ultimate dream He has for us into reality!!!

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

I’m sooo thankful to be doing life with you all and I love ya tons!!! I’m glad we team together for our Father’s great cause in this world!!! Let’s ROCK this world for Jesus together, shall we?!!

Together Everyone Achieves More

The Passion For Victory

Oh, I’m loving the gift of this new day with you all, sweet family!!!!!!! I smile as I think about you all out there in the world living life as our Father has gifted us all with today!!! Let us give Him thanks for this wonderful new day of opportunity to live and make a divine difference in the world!!!

Be Thankful

I want to ask you today – “Are you living your dream?” When we are working in your strengths that God has given to us, we have a passion for doing what that is in the world!!! Oh and it is sooo fun!!! It drives us – the vision of it pulls us!!! We do not need to be pushed to do it!!! Our passion along with our Father’s strength pulls us up and enables us to overcome adversity!!! Success in carrying out our purpose doesn’t happen without perspiration though! It takes work to reach victory! Jesus is someone who understood this – He had a dream and a passion in life and did He perspire? At one point, He sweat blood, but in praying through those times of spiritual warfare, our Father’s angel army stood with Him and brought Him the victory!!!


Where is He now? Seated in heavenly realms next to His Father and here in the hearts  of each one of us through faith to help us carry out the dream, the passion, the purpose, the sweet spot of each of our lives as we walk the road through this life to His eternal Kingdom of paradise that He has prepared for us and is coming soon!!!

Author John Maxwell talks about how he had someone approach him one time and say “I want to do what you do!” The man said to him “You laugh and have fun at what you are doing!” John told him he does love what he does, but he asked the man “Do you want to do what I did to get here?” John states success happens when you persist when others are quitting. Passion in life with God’s strength pulls you up and out – it pulls you to the other side of victory!!! It gives us the initiative to move out of our comfort zone to reach victory!!! This all happens when we stay working in our gifted strengths, trust in Jesus to help us and move in passion towards our dream in life to which we are called.

Oh, staying the course for victory sure beats the alternative to staying in defeat where the enemy in life would love to put and keep us all. Yikes!!! Watch out for that scheme of evil!!! We must always persevere for the victory in life just as Jesus did for us. Oh, aren’t you glad that He didn’t give up on His dream for us as His family!!! I celebrate our life victory with Him as our Father and with all of us as His kids who have faith in Him to see us through the difficult spots of life!!! I love His promise to us all:

“For the eyes of the Lord roam throughout the earth to strengthen those who are fully committed to Him.” 

2 Chronicles 16:9 (NIV)

Christ's Arm Has us

Are you committed to your dream in life?

“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”

Philippians 4:13

God Is Still In Control

If our Father calls us to it, He will see us through it!!!

Are you committed to the dream?!! Here is a song to have a listen to if you can. Have a powerful day!!!

I Can Do All Things

I’m a gal living the dream for my Father with ya all and loving every moment!!! Much love to you all out there!!!!!!! Jesus is for us and committed to seeing us all through to victory as we keep our eyes fixed on Him!!! Wooohooo!!! With Jesus we are strong enough and life is win, win, win!!!

Jesus will Deliver You

Rock on, family of saints!!!

Make God Your Strength

The High One

Good mornin’, sweet family!!!!!!! As I have pondered our Father’s Word today, it is laid upon my heart that our Father is King and every aspect of our lives need to be in honor and respect of His supreme wisdom in our lives!!! In this world, there are many leaders and as our Father’s kids, it is important to always remember that no matter where we are placed in life in terms of needing to follow a leader, whether it is the head of a household, a boss at work, a Pastor of a church, a Board over an organization, or wherever we might be in life, everybody’s leader is Jesus and only He can give us divine wisdom as to how to step!!!  Only in bowing to our Father’s supreme wisdom, do we find our right place in life and right decisions in life!!! Amen?! About the Son, He says:

“Your throne, O God, will last

for ever and ever,

and righteousness will be the

scepter of your kingdom.

You have loved righteousness

and hated wickedness,

therefore, God, your God, has

set you above your companions

by anointing you with the oil

of joy.”

Hebrews 1:8-9

Oh, I love it that our Father has the right ways of doing all of life for us as His kids and His ways are of love and kindness, order and peace, divine wisdom and grace!!! Let’s keep seeking our King for the best answers for each one of our lives!!!

Jesus Loving Brother

God's Love For You Is Evident

Our King Jesus is forever King – let us worship Him together and give thanks to Him for His supreme wisdom!!! He sooo rocks like none other!!! I’m a gal following Jesus with ya all!!! Jesus will always be my Lord – my King!!! Let’s ponder the greatness of our King with this song here!

God's Love Story

Perfect in Christ

Yippee, hoooray and wooohooo!!! The gift of life is happening today and each one of us are chosen to be a part of it right here, beginning right now – all a gift of our Father’s divine plan because each one of us as His kids is oh sooo special with gifts, talents and abilities that are just the right combination that makes each one of us a divine vessel of our Father’s Holy Spirit moving in this world to do heavenly things!!! Now how exciting is that to be part of something sooo divine and of our Father’s perfect love, grace and wisdom?!! The Apostle Paul understood this when he talked about saints of yesterday. Of them, he said:

“To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

Colossians 1:27 (NIV)

Paul then goes on to say what they did with that calling in life:

“We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. To this end I labor, struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in me.”

Colossians 1:28-29 (NIV)

Oh, I chuckle as I think about what Paul says about struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in him!!! When you’ve got the power of the Holy Spirit working in ya and moving you into life, it is strong stuff and it can almost cause your spirit to jump right out of your skin!!! YEEEHAAAWWW!!! Let’s go for Jesus, I’m ready!!! As we go into the world as our Father’s kids, I glean these thoughts from this passage:

  • Our Father has chosen us for a purpose in this world
  • Our Father desires that we share Him with people
  • Our Father wants people to realize the great riches of Christ in His people
  • Our Father wants all to see that with Christ in each of us, we are the hope of glory to others
  • Our Father desires that we bring or announce Him to the world
  • Our Father desires that we share His wisdom to help us all grow in the image of Christ who is perfect

Our Daddy already sees us all with the righteousness of Christ, holy as He is holy, without blemish and without accusation and with no condemnation. He loves us each one just as we are and in His great love for us, He desires that we help each other in these ways and He desires that all be part of His great Kingdom family in share in His glory forevermore!!! In so doing, our Father says this:

“God is not unjust, He will not forget your hard work and the love that you show Him as you help His people and continue to help them.”

Hebrews 6:10 (NIV)

Trying to stay inside my skin, but going with you for Jesus!!! Oh, He is such a sweet Daddy – everybody needs to know of His greatness and be able to share in His eternal Kingdom of glory!!! Are you going, too???

Gal Jumping In Air

Locked Arms of Unity for the World

Courageous Faith

Hi, my precious family!!!!!!! I am super excited about doing life with you all today and I am a gal stepping in faith in my Father who always  takes care of me in the very best of ways!!! He always razzle dazzles me in how He can do far more than I can even know how to ask or imagine to keep me going in life in divine ways and as we step into life carrying out His will, His plan and His purpose for us, we can rest assured that He who has began a good work in us will continue it until the day of completion, the day when Christ returns to take us all to His paradise Kingdom!!! It is He who works in us to will and act according to His good purpose and He says that He knows the plans that He has for us and that they are to do us good and not harm, to give us hope and a future!!! God is for us, family and if God is for us, who can be against us?!! Nothing can separate us from the love of our Father – no trouble at all can separate us from His love!!! Oh, that thought just makes me smile, doesn’t it you?!! I love His promise to us:

“…in all things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”

Romans 8:37

Our Father is always working all things for our good and is always working to make us more like Jesus all the time and He is sooo perfect!!! Oh, I love the idea of being just like my Father, don’t you?!! He already sees us each one through our faith in Him as holy, without blemish, without accusation and with no condemnation!!! He is the best!!! He IS love!!!

So given all these thoughts today, let’s keep this promise in mind as we step into this day and go into life with full gusto for victory!!!

“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”

2 Chronicles 15:7

Let’s be courageous in faith and in trusting in our Father in prayer as He loves us to talk to Him, family!!! Be on guard to cowabunga that devil dude and don’t let him win in your thought life!!! Our Father is perfect love and He is faithful!!! We can count on Him in all of life!!! Have a divine day and know you are loved tons!!!

Do Everything In Love

The Voice of God

Peace, love and grace to you precious family of saints!!!!!!! The breath of our Father’s Word is as the wind blowing His power of sovereignty into the universe to give us continued life today and on a personal level, His Spirit is on the move in each of our lives giving us life, giving us the grace and mercy of His unfailing, unconditional love and giving us His sovereign guidance to help us have the best divine life!!! How reassuring it is to me that my sweet Father is in control today of all of life for each one of us!!!

It always amazes me the way our Father’s Spirit works in our lives. It is like how Jesus described it to Nicodemus so many years ago when He told him the importance of someone needing to be born again of the water and the Spirit to become a forever Kingdom child of His. He said it this way to him:

“I tell you the truth, no one can enter the Kingdom of God unless He is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, “You must  be born again.”  

John 3:5-7 (NIV)

Jesus then went on to explain how the Spirit of God works:

“The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

John 3:8 (NIV)

The Language of God

The Spirit of our Father is not a booming loud voice that is belted out from heaven that everyone can audibly hear, although if He chose to do so, He could!!! We cannot put God in a box!!! Most of the time, our Father’s voice is a quiet internal whisper that when you are one of His sheep, you know it is His voice speaking to you personally!!! He said of His sheep:

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”

John 10:27 (NIV)

God Reaching Out

This is one of His great promises to all of us who believe in Him, who have heard His voice calling “Come, follow me.” 

“I give them eternal life and they shall never perish, no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.”

John 10:28-29 (NIV)

“For God so loved the world that He gave His One and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”

John 3:16 (NIV)

Jesus With Us

God Himself came to earth and went to the cross to satisfy the wages of sin for all who believe in Him. (Philippians 2:5-11) If you believe in Jesus as your Savior from sin, tell Him so, if you haven’t done it already! Just talk to Him like a friend!

God You Have Called Me Friend

What a blessed assurance that through our faith in Jesus, we are secured as His blessed children for forever life in His Kingdom. There is nothing sweeter than hearing the sweet voice of Jesus as He speaks to us through His written Word (the Bible), through His quiet whispering voice to each of us personally that never leads us contrary to His written Word and through how He speaks through others as they hear His voice speaking to them to us.  Weighing it all together with His Word and with how He works through circumstances, He leads us in divine ways that are not of the world’s ways and as His sheep, as we seek Him, He will make it clear to us what He desires us to know.

The WOrd of God

He can open doors that nobody can close and He can close doors that nobody can open!!! He is an all-powerful, sovereign God!!! Where do you need to hear the wind of His Spirit speak into your life today? This is His promise to you:

“For I know the plans that I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will come to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all of your heart.” 

Jeremiah 29:11-13

Oh, there is nothing more precious than hearing the precious voice of Jesus and seeing His all-powerful righteous right hand move upon your life!!! Seek Him with gusto of heart in the ways above and you will be blessed divinely in life!!! There is nothing that compares to the voice of the God of the Universe speaking directly to YOU and seeing the breath of His Spirit move upon your life!!! He sees you and me and He desires to be the most important thing in all of our life and with good reason!!! He created us to have a relationship with Him and He knows that without Him, our lives will be less than divine!!!

Hand of God with Child

Let’s carve out time in our lives for He who gives us life each day, beloved saints!!! We can begin by worshipping our King with this song here:

There is no name greater than the name of Jesus!!! Let us exalt His name together!!!

Kids Worshipping

The Keeper of Our Hearts

Powerful day greetings, beloved family and much love to you all as you begin your day!!! Today, I begin my day as I do everyday, seeking my Father’s heart and placing my heart into His hands so that we go through this day heart to heart!!! YYYEEESSS!!! Oh, there is nothing more divine than being one in heart with Him who holds all things together for us to give us life and being confident that our hearts are in safekeeping with Him!!!

He Who Created the Universe Holds Your Heart

How amazing is that for the God of the Universe to know the depths of our hearts, family!!! He gets us each one as it says in Psalm 139:1-11:

“O Lord, you have searched me

and you know me.

You know when I sit and when

I rise;

you perceive my thoughts from afar.

You discern my going out and

my lying down;

you are familiar with all my ways.

Before a word is on my tongue

you know it completely,

O Lord.

You hem me in – behind and before;

you have laid your hand upon me.

Such knowledge is too

wonderful for me,

too lofty for me to attain.”

Where can I go from your


Where can I flee from your


If I go up to the heavens, you

are there;

if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.

If I rise on the wings of the


if I settle on the far side of

the sea,

even there your hand will guide me,

your right hand will hold me


Wow!!! Isn’t our Father amazing in that He knows us completely and therefore He is the best in all of life to guide each one of us perfectly!!! Blessed kids are we each one oh sooo special!!! I sooo love it that no matter where we go, He is able to always be with us each one at the same time!!! Now that is divine!!! Because He knows each of our hearts completely, He is able to guide us and hence, He keeps our hearts and minds in perfect peace as we trust in Him and look at life with thankfulness that He has us each one in His perfect loving care with a forever eternal plan for us that is working in the here and now and even beyond this world!!! Oh, my Father – He is the best!!! Our hearts are all in good hands with Him forever through our faith!!!

Keeper of My Heart

Let us give thanks to Him for being such a great Dad today!!! Hey, let’s call it Dad’s day!!! Celebrate Jesus in your life today!!! He is sooo deserving of our adoration!!! He is jealous Godly to have each one of us love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength!!! He knows He is the best for us and He doesn’t want us to miss out on the best for us!!! It’s awesome that we have the best always with us!!! Amen?!! Here is a song that we can sing along to for giving Him praise today!!! Rejoice that the One who totally gets you and is your best friend is always with you today and He loves you and me, both!!! What’s on your heart that you can place into the care of our Father today? He sooo loves it when we trust and confide in Him!!!

The Keyper of My Heart

He’s a keeper for sure – the keeper of each one of us close to Him forever!!! Upon faith in Him, His Spirit is locked within us forever!!! Oh, now that thought just makes me smile – forever with the best!!! YAY!!!

Jesus You are the Keeper of My Heart

The King is Your Friend!!!

Divine day greetings, precious family of saints!!! It is a day of glory!!! The glory of Jesus is all around us and He is our mighty King with a sovereign grand plan for our forever lives in His paradise Kingdom that is coming soon and He is with each one of us in heart through our faith in Him to help each one of us live victoriously step by step in the here and now!!! How miraculous is that to be able to have the very presence of the God of the Universe living right smack in each one of our hearts through our faith in Him!!! How awesome it is to hear His voice and talk to Him personally!!! That is truly a divine miracle and a very precious one!!! Nothing is shocking or surprising to Him – He has our backs with an eternal plan at work and is wanting to guide each one of us individually as we look to Him for our moment by moment steps day by day!!!


Keeping our individual eyes fixed on Him for guiding us each in our own personal best in life and trusting Him with things of the world will give each one of us His peace, His joy and victory!!! All of heaven is with us and that is a very powerful thought to always keep close to our hearts!!! Our Father’s timing is perfect as He works out His perfect steps in the very making of historical events that we are seeing unfold before our very eyes!!!

Jesus and His Army

Have great joy in our King today, precious one!!! He is all-wise – just look around at creation!!! He wants to do the same divine work that He does in creation everyday in each one of our lives!!!

Jesus is My Joy

Jesus is our friend!!!

What is He speaking to your heart today in your personal relationship with Him? Pray, study His written Word the Bible, listen to Godly advisors, as with the advice of many taken before Jesus, plans succeed!! Let’s all seek to live out the best life possible to make a difference in this world!!! If we each do our part as His kids, we can make the world an even brighter place, lit up with the glory of Jesus through each one of us!!! Let’s stand for Him as His loyal faithful kids who love Him for loving us and taking care of us!!! He works all things for our good and helps us all be more and more like Him who is perfect in every way!!! Oh, I sooo want to be like Him, don’t you?! Let’s bring everyone into our Father’s forever blessed family, so all know of His love and eternal blessings!!! YYYEEESSS!!! Wooohooo!!! I sooo love that idea, don’t you?!! Father tells us there is power in prayer, so let’s trust Him in that and commit to doing that to help ourselves and others!!!

Unto the King eternal, be all glory, honor and praise!!! Yippee!!! Jesus lives and is our triumphant God!!! Here is a song to reflect upon this morning as you spend time with He who loves you with unfailing, unconditional love!!! He wants to be your best friend and our first priority in life today!!!

“How great is your goodness which you have stored up for those who fear (reverence) you, which you bestow in the sight of people on those who take refuge in you.”

Psalm 31:19 (NIV)

See His love around you today, saint and hear His heart for you!!! He is for us!!! This is His heart for us:

“For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11