Forever Loved

The One and only true God IS love and the basis of all the Bible is summed up in these two commandments, beloved family:

The first and most important one is this:

“Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength.” 

the second one is:

“Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Mark 12:30-31

This is the heart of Jesus – to love one another as He has loved us!!!

Love Your NeighborCircle Around Love

Backpack Kids

It is He who acts in us to will and to act according to His good purpose. All the days ordained for each one of us were written into His book before one of them came to be and the Lord says that He will fulfill His purpose for each one of us in life!!! How exciting is that to be part of a divine plan to be in this world to enjoy and appreciate His love with us and to be able to love each other. His Word tells us

“your love, O Lord, endures forever.”

Psalm 138:8

In all of life, we can always have the surety that our Father’s love will never leave us nor forsake us!!! Now how comforting and peace giving is that in this world!!! Oh, the glory of the Lord is great and I sooo agree with the Words of King David:

“May the kings of the earth praise you, O Lord, when they hear the words of your mouth. May they sing of the ways of the Lord, for the glory of the Lord is great.”

Psalm 138:4-5

Guy Loving

Girl Loving

Though we all walk in the midst of troubles in this life, Jesus preserves our life!!! With His right hand He saves us!!! He is our strong deliverer and He shields our head in the day of battle. He is our refuge!!! Oh there is no greater news each morning as King David wrote in Psalm 143:8 than to have the word of His unfailing love brought to us!!! He will show each of us the way we should go as we lift up to Him our souls!!! His good Spirit leads us on level ground!!! Oh what a blessing is He in our lives to guide us in such a way!!!

“Praise be to the Lord my Rock,

who trains our hands for war,

our fingers for battle.

He is our loving God and our fortress,

our stronghold and our


our shield, in whom we take 


Psalm 144:1-2NIV

Oh let us sing praise to our King Jesus for His love that endures forever and keeps us always in His care forever!!! Always His and always secure in His eternal plan for each of us – now how blessed are we!!! Rock on in strength, courage, faith, love and light for the King, dear family as the world needs to also know the awesome divine secret of peace and joy that we have in our sweet Jesus!!! Much love to you all wherever you are today!!!

Love on the Beach

I will Praise the Lord Cross

Love this song here!

The Awesomely Loved YOU

Good day greetings, precious family!!! I want to start off our day today with a reminder of who we are in Christ Jesus!!! That is important to keep in mind because we have an enemy in life that is always wanting to convince our Father’s saints that they are less than how our Father sees us. “Kowabunga” to that devil dude because below is what our Father says about each one of us as His kids:

We have been blessed by the Lord in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.

God's WOrd Loving Girl

He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.

In love, He predestined us to be adopted as His children through Jesus Christ in accordance with His pleasure and will to the praise of His glorious grace

God Loves You

His Love for You Is Evident

He has given us His glorious grace in the One He loves

  • In Him, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that He lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding
  • He made known to us the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure, which He purposed in Christ
  • In Him, we have been chosen, predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will
  • He did so in order that we, who hope in Christ might be for the praise of His glory.

Daddy Hugging Man

We were included in Christ when we heard the Word of Truth, the gospel of our salvation.

  • Having believed, we were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of us who are God’s possession
  • Thru Christ we are seen by God as holy, without blemish and without accusation and with no condemnation

Love of God

All of this is yours, beloved saint, to the praise of His glory!!! Now how blessed are we as His kids!!! Here is a song that I like that is a good reminder that we all need to remember we are loved with unfailing, unconditional love and we belong to Jesus thru faith in Him and nothing can ever change that!!! Wooohooo!!! I love the accordion in this song – it makes me want to dance around the room!!! 🙂 Royal kids clothed in righteousness as Christ’s Ambassadors of love and light into the world are we and that is how we are to always see ourselves!!! Be the awesomely loved YOU today!!!

God's Ambassadors

Love Team Passion

I’m a gal going confident into the world as His beloved daughter with you all today and oh I sooo love doing life together with our King and as family!!! Be the powerful YOU today!!! Much love to you all wherever you are!!!

Ephesians 1:3-14; Colossians 1:21-23, Romans 8:1

Jesus Stepping

Yippeee!!! It’s a new day of opportunity to follow our King today, family of saints!!! Where He goes, I go, where He stays I stay, when He moves, I move, I will follow as this song says here!!! When you are stepping through life with Jesus, it is one exciting adventure every day!!!  

Follow Jesus

Wooohooo!!! Each step where He goes before us is a power step with His Spirit empowering us with each move He has us make!!! I chuckle as I can envision Him stepping ahead of us, then empowering us to step in where He has left His footprint for us to follow so that it is kinda like this:

He steps, zap, we step!!! He steps, zap, we step!!! He steps, zap, we step!!!

Empowered by the Holy SPirit

Oh, it is such a razzle dazzle experience all along the way of forever life following Him!!! Zap stepping with our King – seeing where He goes and all empowered to follow as He guides is a powerful experience – one that will surely leave you buzzed!!! Wooohooo!!! If He has us stepping fast where He goes, we could say it is “zap dancing?!!” Oh, now that thought just makes me smile!!! Love stepping with my King!!! Have a fun divine day stepping where He leads you, today too!!!

“You will receive power when my Spirit comes upon you; you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.”

Acts 1:8 NIV

Child Following Dad

Called, Justified and Glorified

New day and divine day greetings, precious saints!!! This is a great day of opportunity to shine light and share our Father’s wisdom to make a difference in this world and how awesome of an opportunity is that!!! Our Father has had a plan from the beginning of time to call us into the world for Him and of us whom He has called, this is what He says about us:

“And those He predestined, He also called; those He called, He also justified; those He justified, He also glorified.”

Romans 8:30 NIV


I love what Paul says next:

“What then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?”  

Romans 8:31 NIV

Our Father gave up His Son to win the battle against Satan. Was that easy, no it wasn’t. Doing the hard stuff in life brought the victory over the enemy, though and so in stepping out to claim victory for Him, Paul says:

“…how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?”

Romans 8:32 NIV

Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies!!! Who is the person who condemns??? Nothing can separate us from the love of God and in any kind of trouble or hardship or persecution, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. So, I say, wooohooo!!! Let’s go into the world with all that Jesus is – the way, the truth and the life!!!

Power and Victory

Are You Ready For Battle

It is to that He has called us to, saints and greater is He living inside of us than the one living in the world as this song says here!!! Let’s Rock for Jesus, saints!!! He is our focus!!!

Fired up Sword

Spiritual Warfare

Spirit Blaze With God's Love

Strong Suit

Always Being Saved By Grace

Oh, glorious day, beloved family!!! How awesome it is that we have been given the grace to enjoy life together today!!! Not only do we have the gift of grace upon us in having each other, but to have all of our Father’s sustaining grace moment by moment in life. Every keyboard key my finger pushes to write this is a moment by moment miracle!!! Consider all that has to happen in my body to make that happen – the brain has to think what to write and how to move, all the nerves have to hear from the brain to make my fingers work, my heart has to keep beating to pump the blood through my body, my eyes need to see to know where my keyboard is, along with the keys to push and to see the screen to see if the letters and input is accurate. I could go on and on and on about the many miracles that are happening with just me, but then there is you, too and the same is true with the magnitude of miracles happening in you and through you today as well!!! Through grace, the Spirit of Christ Jesus lives in us empowering each of us supernaturally to be effective in carrying out His will, His plan and His purpose for each of us, too!!! As the Apostle Paul says:

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith–and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God–not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Ephesians 2:8-10NIV

God's Grace

Everything that we do is by the grace of God saving us, not only saving us from our sins and the wages of sin, but in saving us moment by moment to be able to do life. Hence, when people wonder if they can earn heaven or do life on their own, the answer is a very obvious no way, Jose!!! We are all at the helpless mercy of the One who created us and who enables us to will and act according to His good purposes for us in life. Now how amazing is He who IS love, all wise and all powerful. How awesome that He desires us to love Him and live forever with Him in His paradise Kingdom that is coming soon!!! Until then, we have the power of His Kingdom right here with each one of us moment by moment to give us each the gift of living life here together and to have the grace to overcome the temporary challenges of life in the midst of the spiritual battle that is being fought in the spiritual realm all around us!!! Our Father’s grace has us covered with victory there, too!!! All we need to do is cling to Him in faith!!! Now how blessed are we as our Father’s kids – royal children of the King forever safe and sustained by loving grace!!! I love this song here about how our Father’s grace always finds us!!! SOOO TRUE!!!

Enjoy the gift of life today and know you are loved and cherished and cared for by the best – our Maker and Sustainer!!!

To You WIth Love

These are His plans for us:

“For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11NIV

Oh these thoughts just makes me smile by the grace of Jesus!!! 🙂

God's Plan Always Leads to Victory

Life and Peace

New day greetings to you all, precious family!!! I am excited about today and the great opportunities that we each have to walk through life with our best friend, Jesus!!! He will guide each one of us step by step with what is the most important things for us for today as we seek Him and that is vital to going through the day with peace!!! Our Daddy’s peace is such a blessing to us and it is ours when we rest our cares with Him for His divine, faithful help in all of life!!!


Peace Girl

Man Reachiing to Heaven

 In a world with sooo many people and sooo many choices for how we could spend our time, our Father’s view is the most important for today!!! I say this because sometimes that devil dude likes to put a backpack of guilt on us as our Father’s kids for not being able to be all things to all people and we are left thinking we are failing or there are not enough hours in the day or we should be able to do more of everything!!! Yikes!!! Let’s not go there!!! Watch out for that, dear family!!! Let’s let our Father set our pace and guide us each in what is most important for today and focus with resting in His sweet grace on it.

Have Peace with GodLet’s let Him guide us step by step through today and delight in today’s gift of life with His perfect loving presence and peace with each one of us!!! He is giving us each the perfect number of hours that we need for today and I’m loving every minute of life with you with our sweet Father!!! Sooo thankful for the gift of life with you!!! Our Daddy’s plans for us are good all the time!!! His yoke is easy and His burden is light!!! Enjoy today!!! Today is the gift of today as this song says here. Enjoy it, delight in it and take it paced well and with our Father’s perspective over that devil dude!!! With that mindset, have a great day as our Father says:

“Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be give to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.”

Matthew 6::33-34 NIV

The Present is Today

Glance at the week and rest in Daddy’s plan for you today and enjoy the gift of life with Him with you!!! It’s a divine, exciting life as Dad guides us!!! Much love to you all wherever He takes you today in it!!!

Peace Key

Peace Guards Our Hearts

Today is Memorial Day

Today is a day of remembrance called Memorial Day in the United States. It is a day when we show reverence for families who have lost loved ones in war as this article explains here.

Memorial Flag, Sword and Glove

Jesus understood the reality of war. He Himself laid down His life for all of mankind’s sins so that through faith in Him, we can have forever life in a Kingdom where there is no more war. Bless Him.

Jesus is Our Champion

Cross and Flag

Daddy Hugging Man

If you know of a family who has lost a loved one due to war, reach out to them today and let them know you are thinking about them and that their family sacrifices are recognized and appreciated. Bless them.

The Source of It All

No matter where you turn in life, the finger always points back to one as the source, the answer to everything – Jesus!!! What the Psalmist saw so many years ago is sooo true even today:

“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone;

my hope comes from Him.

He alone is my rock and my salvation;

He is my fortress, I will not

be shaken.

My salvation and my honor

depend on God;

He is my mighty rock, my refuge.

Trust in Him at all times,

O people;

pour out your hearts to Him,

for God is our refuge.”

Psalm 62:5-8

Given that all things point back to Him and everything began and is sustained by Him and will go on forever with His Kingdom reigning, making Jesus the first priority of our life is just good logic!!! He is the Alpha and Omega and perfect love without end!!!

Given such an awesome loving King who is all for each one of us, I’d say we are pretty blessed kids for all of life with the beginning of it right here and now!!! We can settle all things at the feet of Jesus, the One who loves us with unfailing, unconditional love and is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to hear our hearts. We have this peace, precious family as our Father tells us in His Word, His love letter to us (the Bible) “Let us then approach His throne of grace with confidence, so we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” The amazing thing is that He is supernatural and never too busy to be there for each one of us at any given second!!! Wow!!! Bless Him!!!

Throne of God

To all of that and to all that our sweet Daddy is to us, I say “amen” as this song says here.  Amen?!! Go in life with the love of Jesus with you beloved family!!! Much love to you wherever you are!!! Our King is with each one of us!!!

Daddy Hugging Man

Jesus Hugging Girl

The Passion

It is a new gift of life opportunity for each one of us today, precious saints and as I reflect on that, I think of all of the people in the world and each one with specific needs of  their own and I think how awesome it is that our Father gives us a passion of heart to go into the world for Him to make a difference!!! For a specified time, we are in a spiritual battle that is being fought out in the heavenly realms between God and Satan!!!

Jesus is Our Champion

The Battle is Real

Our Father has already won the war and it is a matter of perfect timing when the enemy’s efforts to win others from our Father will be thwarted!!! Everyone has free will choice whom they will serve!!! Oh, that is why we must keep telling everyone about our precious Jesus and His great love and plan for all people to be His forever if they chose to!!!

Enlisted in God's Army

Be Strong in the Lord

One person certainly cannot meet the need of reaching all people at all times, but we can each one step into life to bless our Father in His efforts to thwart evil and with that kind of a willing heart, our Father can just take that and add His supernatural razzle dazzle on it and take it right where it needs to be to bless others!!! Now how awesome is He to be able to do all of that!!! We are His army of soldiers!!! He alone is worthy of praise, glory and honor because He is all of life to us!!! He is the author of all of life!!! He has a forever divine plan for all of us and He wants as many people in the world as possible to know of Him as the King of kings and Lord of lords!!! Let’s go tell the world, family!!!

Cross Crown

There is none more powerful than He and He is the one that gives each one of us the access to the fullness of His power in each one of us to step into the world as He guides us to make a difference for His glory!!! What a sweet Daddy we have that desires for all of us to be one divine family united in His love and His divine plan!!!

God's Sovereignty

To that end, He works powerfully through us all who step into life with Him!!!

Baby Foot

You are a precious child of God and fully equipped to make a difference where you are!!!

Here is a song we can reflect on to begin our day that lends to Him as all to us!!! Let us exalt the name of Jesus today and go into life with passion for Him!!! Know that you are loved with His unfailing,  unconditional love and He sees each one of us through faith in Him as holy, without blemish, without accusation and with no condemnation!!! Bless Him and blessed us!!! Much love to you wherever you are today!!! Live life in the strength of Him with you!!! Oh, now that thought just makes me smile!!! 🙂

The Gift of “Shakin’ It”

Did you ever receive a gift in life that you are anticipating seeing what is inside of it, but you are needing to wait for just the right moment to open it up and so while you are waiting, you shake the box to see if you can figure out what it might have in it??? Oh, ya get sooo excited about seeing what is in it knowing that someone has chosen something special to give to you!!! How fun!!!

Girl with Glasses and Present

Well, that is what our Father has gone and done through our faith and personal love relationship with Him, He has given us a very special gift that is His Holy Spirit placed right inside our heart and upon us as the finest of divine royal attire and it is a gift of His power that shakes about the change from an old sinful nature into a new creation of Christ in us!!! WOOOHOOO!!! Now how fancy of duds (clothes) are those to be able to wear today!!! Gals and guys alike will razzle dazzle with those garments of grace and righteousness and power of God upon each of us!!! Whistle, whistle, whistle!!! Looking good in the eyes of our Daddy – He sees us as perfect, without blemish, without accusation and with no condemnation!!! 


One of the other exciting things about this special gift that our Father has given to us is that just like the surprise gift I mentioned earlier that you may have received in the past and are very curious to open and see what is in it but you need to wait for just the right moment – the same is true with the Holy Spirit’s power and work in us, through us and around us!!! Our Father does not always tell us what He is going to do until it is time for it to be revealed, so it’s a constant state of excitement going through life with our amazing Daddy!!! Oh, He always makes life sooo fun and interesting!!! This we can know – everything that He does is divine and good for us, so we can just go through the day with a great big smile!!!

Kitty Smile

Kept by Power of God

If someone asks us what’s happenin’ in life, we can just say “Daddy’s shaken’ it for us in perfect divine ways today!!! YYYEEESSS!!! He is like moving through this day all about awesomely with perfect ways for all of us!!! Wow!!! Our Daddy really knows how to shake about a change in us when we go from unbelief to putting our faith in Him and every second thereafter, He is always a shaken’ us to move with Him everywhere He wants us to step just as this song says here! Is ya ready to get a move on with our powerful Daddy as He says:

“For it is God who works in us to will and act according to His good purpose.”

Philippians 2:13 NIV

People Twisting with Light

He’s our sweet leader leading the way and to that I say “shaken’ it here with ya, Dad – wherever you go, I’m going with your power and confidence!!!”



Shakin' Up with Light