The Majestic King of Love

My heart is awed this morning and secured by our King of glory who loves us perfectly as His children!!! Jesus is on His throne!!! YAY!!! Victory forever in Jesus!!!

“The Lord reigns, He is robed in majesty;

The Lord is robed in majesty

and is armed with strength.

The world is firmly


it cannot be moved.

Your throne was established long ago;

you are from all eternity.”

Psalm 93:1-2 NIV

Sooo thankful for Jesus who has us!!! I reflect more live here:


Saved By Grace

Have a listen to this song here about the sweetness of our precious Lord if you can!!! Draw close to Him today and find strength, love, grace and wisdom in He who loves you divinely, dear family!!!

My Desire to Honor You

I am thankful we are His royal kids together in life!!!


Sheltered By The King

Oh what peace our Father gives to me in life!!! There is nothing like His peace and the love, grace and wisdom of our Father to take care of us the best in all of life, dear family!!! I can truly identify with what the Psalmist wrote generations ago:

“Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.”

Psalm 84:10 NIV

Why? Because our Father who created life for us knows all about life and He is everything that is good in the Universe, hence when we put our trust in Him as our Savior from all sin and trust in His Word for guiding us in life to keep us from experiencing the natural hardships and consequences that come from walking contrary to what is good, we are going to have life go best for us!!! Father also tells us He will reward us in eternity for what we do in life for Him to show Him love and help His people!!!

God Crowning Saint

Now how sweet is He to want all of that for our lives because He loves us and wants our best!!! He is our shelter in all of life to keep us safe and well cared for, just like a mother hen with her young chicks. Jesus likened Himself to a mother hen when He looked upon Jerusalem with a heart of compassion, wanting to gather her people to Him. (Luke 13:34)

Jesus As Mother Hen

Dwelling in ShelterBecause our sweet Father loves us, He went to the cross for us to give us forever life in His court – His dwelling, and because He wants to always be as close to us as possible, He has chosen to dwell in Spirit in each of our hearts to help us in life upon our faith in Him as our Savior!!!

God Dwell With Us

Oh, He is a sentimental Father!!! I sooo appreciate His care for us in all of life!!! Here is a cute little video of a mother hen and her young chicks gathering under her loving care for them. Our Father’s love in creation:

Hen With Chicks

“For the Lord God is a sun and shield;

the Lord bestows favor and honor;

no good thing does He withhold

from those whose walk is blameless.

O Lord Almighty,

blessed is the man (gals, too) who

trusts in you.”

Psalm 84:11-12 NIV

Shelter of Cross

Woman Under Shelter of Wings

Through our faith in Christ Jesus, He sees us through eyes of love as “holy, without blemish and without accusation.” (Colossians 1:21-23) There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus!!! (Romans 8:1) Even so, my heart desires His best for me in life, hence, I love His Word to guide my life!!! I love the shelter of my Father!!! Oh, He just makes me feel safe, at peace and sooo loved, just like a young chick under its momma’s wings!!!

May you enjoy His love and shelter for your life, too, precious saint!!! Oh how He loves us!!! I’m a gal singing this song here with you today!!! Much love to you where our Father leads you today!!! Where do you need to seek His shelter for you today???

Jesus and Man

You Are My Shield

Home Sweet Home

The Divine Connection

Connection – it is what life is all about as our Father intended for us, beloved family!!! Our Father is a God of relationship and He created us to love us and because He desired to have a people to call His family and children of God we are – co-heirs with Christ in all the glorious riches of our Father’s forever Kingdom!!! He sees the value of each one of us in life and His heart is to have personal connection with each one of us individually!!! Now how awesome is that and how sweet is our Father to see each one of us individually and desire to spend time with each one of us divinely!!! As we connect with Him, divine things happen as in the example of when Peter went upon a rooftop to pray:

1) Peter was drawn to find a solitary place where he could be alone with our Father

2) He prayed to his Father

3) He had revelation from heaven for him personally that the Lord used to help him and others

4) The Lord revealed opportunity and His desire for Peter to go make a difference in the lives of specific people

5) The Lord sent an angel to a specific man as He prayed to the Lord, moving him to seek Peter out

6) The Lord empowered Peter to speak what the man and his people needed to hear

Hence, we can learn from Peter’s example to us that when we make connection with our Father, divine things happen!!! Wooohooo!!! How exciting is that, precious saints!!! Let us guard our quiet time connections with our Father as they are sacred and helpful to hearing the voice of our Father to us beyond distractions!!!

Plug Into the Power of Prayer

Our Father tells us to “follow Him” and He would not say that if He was not going to lead us!!! To be led, we need to look to and listen to our Great Shepherd so that we are divinely connected and led with His voice of victory!!! Jesus always leads us in triumphant procession!!! How can you find some solitary time with our Father, saint??? It is precious!!! Jesus set the example to us as He sought His Father. To do so, He sought out solitary places to be fed by the voice of His Father He sooo needed and craved!!!

God Hears Prayer

I love this song here that welcomes our Father’s Spirit into our lives!!! It is a great way to prepare our heart for our connection with Him. Let us cherish the sacred moments in life with our Father because they are divine experiences beyond anything in this world!!! Nothing is as special as the voice of our Father who loves us!!!

God You Have Called Me Friend

Acts 10

The Friend’s Heart

Idaho greetings to you all, beloved family!!! I call you my family because through our faith in Jesus, we are all children of our Father in heaven and we all have been given a seat of honor in our Father’s heavenly realm forever!!! Now how wonderful and what an honor it is to have you as my forever family!!! Yay, blessed me forever!!! 🙂 Oh, that thought just makes me smile and fills my heart with joy!!! Jesus also sees us as His friends because He has confided His heart in us which is also the heart of our Father and Holy Spirit in the One and only triune God of the Universe!!! When someone shares their heart with you, it shows that they have a heart connection with you!!! Wow!!! What a great friend to have the honor of doing life with is that!!! When you have a dear friend, you care about their heart!!! When they are rejoicing, your heart rejoices and when their heart is saddened, likewise!!! We feel for our friends and Jesus did so as well. Remember when He wept with Mary and Martha regarding Lazarus whom He raised up to eternal life?!! Jesus is compassionate and understanding of each one of us!!! How sweet is He!!!

Given that, Jesus has shared His heart with us!!!  We know that with the new covenant of grace entering into the world through Him, it brought freedom from the Old Testament Law and gave us a new perspective in life to move forward with!!! His heart is simple and He shared it with us so that our joy would be complete:

“As the Father has loved me, so have I love you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in His love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”

John 15:9-12 NIV

To You WIth Love

Jesus forever loves us with unfailing, unconditional love through our faith in Him and He extends us grace like He did with Peter when Peter in his confusion denied Christ three times, but Jesus is saying that when we focus in life on walking in His love with those around us in life, we will have fruitful lives that are full of His joy!!! Oh, we all know that when we are feeling loved by those in our lives, we are feeling blessed and when we love others, they feel blessed and our hearts are joyful, too as His Word tells us:

“The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”

Proverbs 11:25 NIV

Jesus shared His heart with us as His friends not because He wanted to put a heavy yoke of performance on us, but because He knew that in loving, it would bring us blessings and fruitful lives. There is a big difference between the two, performance have to and choosing to for the best life!!! We are covered by grace and because we know the heart of our friend and we desire to honor His sweet, holy, perfect heart of love for us and all people, we can choose to step out into life and love Him by loving others and He will not forget as He says:

“For God is not unjust, He will not forget your hard work and the love that you show Him as you help His people and continue to help them.”

Hebrews 6:10 NIV

Power of Christ

He loves through us:

“For it is God who works in you to will and act according to His good purpose.” 

Philippians 2:13 NIV

Jesus said when we love others, it is the same as showing love to Him!!! What a blessing to honor the One who honors us through our faith and what an honor to love the people  around us in life that are each one created oh, so special and divine just like each one of us!!! I love this song here that talks about loving one another!!! Have a listen if you can and know that you are loved very much!!! Have a love-filled day where you are, precious saints!!! You are special and you were created, called, justified and glorified with honor by our sweet Father because He loves you!!! He wants to love you and love through you and me today!!! Now how beautiful is all of that?!! Stepping into life to do so with you because my heart wants to. I love you!!! Where and how is Father moving your heart with His supernatural power in you to love today??? Have a joyful day with our sweet Father with you helping us all in life where He leads us!!!

Father's Love For Us

Freed to Be Me

New day greetings, beloved family!!! I have not written for a couple of days because I was traveling and had very poor internet connection and while I had a great time on my trip, I am thankful to be reconnected with you all via technology!!! YAY!!! It is a gift of grace from our sweet Father, given through His love for us!!! It is the same love and grace that has set us all free from the wages of sin and reconciled us to Himself into a forever personal relationship as His royal kingdom children!!! We are truly blessed with all the glorious riches of His Kingdom!!!

It is a beautiful day to celebrate freedom through the help of my Father in all of life!!! Our Father is all about setting prisoners free!!! Sometimes there are good reasons why people are placed in physical correctional facilities for a time to help them learn and grow and be able to protect others as they do so and sometimes our Father works through them to help the prisoners around them as He did the Apostle Paul in Biblical days!!! Our Father’s heart is for there to be witnesses of Him in all places!!! I am a gal sooo thankful to be set free from burdens that have bound me in the past and has now made it possible for me to be free to serve my Father as I desire with the heart of passion that He has given to me to carry out His will, His plan and His purpose in my life out of a heart that wants to and thankful I get to, rather than having to because of formerly being bound to the Old Testament law of the Bible as our Father says:

“…there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus, the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering. And so He condemned sin in sinful man, in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit.”

Romans 8:1-4 NIV

We who have faith in Christ’s sacrifice on the cross are now set free from having to perform in accordance with the OT Law in order to have acceptance by our Father.  Wooohooo!!! We are free to live as His Spirit enables us with His grace as sufficient and at work to enable us:

“For it is God who works in us to will and act according to His good purpose.”

Philippians 2:13 NIV

Empowered by the Holy SPirit

Therefore, I am free to serve my Father as my heart desires to and feels honored and privileged to because of His great love for me!!! He is my confidence from all of life prior to being set free by His grace as the Psalmist wrote many years ago:

“For You are my hope, O Lord God, You are my confidence from my youth.”

Psalm 71:5 NIV

Jesus Hugging Girl

Jesus is also my confidence for the present and for all of my future!!! Forever secure in Jesus thru faith in His sacrifice for me!!! YYYEEESSS!!! I sooo love partnering with my sweet Father to join with Him in sharing the good news of Jesus with others so that they can be set free from the prison of the OT Law of performance for acceptance too!!! I don’t have to, I get to work with my Father and sooo love every minute of it!!! I love this song here!

Are you free in Christ Jesus from having to perform for His forever acceptance??? If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed!!!

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

John 3:16 NIV

Power and Victory


Joyful Healthy Hearts At Rest

Good morning, my precious family!!! It is a beautiful day outside here in Idaho this morning and I have to say it is a beautiful day here on the inside as well. By the inside, I mean all is well with my soul – my heart is at peace because of the love of Jesus!!! Going through life with the perspective that you are a beloved daughter or son of the King of glory who is sovereign over our lives and He is working all things for us in His perfect loving ways and with divine wisdom gives me extreme peace and joy!!! It is what the Apostle  Paul described as

“…fixing our eyes on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV

The circumstances of my life are blessed, but in times of life when there are challenges in our lives, our Father promises these things to us as His kids living in a world with an enemy on the prowl who would love nothing better than to destroy our faith:

“…the One who raised Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you in His presence. All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to over flow to the glory of God. Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”

2 Corinthians 4:14-16 NIV

Why this is all good news to us as our Father’s children:

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” 

2 Corinthians 4:17-18 NIV

Therefore, we fix our eyes not on what is seen (outward earthly circumstances), but on what is unseen – eternity with all the glorious riches of Christ Jesus in the dwelling of our Father’s Kingdom paradise where it is said to be as this:

“Now the dwelling of God is with men, and He will live with them. They will be His people and God Himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

Revelation 21:3-4 NIV

The good news is that in our daily lives where we are, we have the presence of the Holy Spirit of Jesus in our hearts through faith with us now and His Words of encouragement to us that is our peace and guidance in Truth in the present!!! Yay!!! Father has not left us nor will He ever leave us and His heart for us each day is this:

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–His good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Romans 12:2 NIV

When we keep focused on our Father’s voice through His Spirit in us, through His written Word and as we encourage one another daily as His children, we shall have hearts at peace and hearts full of joy!!! Joy comes from trusting in our Father who loves us each with unfailing, unconditional love. He is sovereign, all-powerful, all-wise, all-love, all-victorious, faithful to us and trustworthy to work good through all things in our lives!!! Now how awesome is He to us, family!!! All the time God is good in this world that is presently harassed by the enemy. Let us keep our hearts joyful that our Father has us and has already won our FOREVER victory!!! This life on earth is a small dot compared to our forever life on the way!!! Enjoy the presence of Jesus’ love with you wherever you are now and share Him with those around you so that they have His peace, guidance, love, forever life and joy in the present too!!! WOOOHOOO!!! Life is good with Jesus!!! I love this song here that gets me all fired up with a healthy heart about His love for me in life today!!! Let’s rock life with joy today, sweet family!!! I’m a gal smiling with you with eyes fixed on my Father!!!

Catch the Vision


Resting in Grace

Where does Father want to renew your mind with His peace today, saint??? Rest it with Him who cares for you!!!

Raise a Shout of Victory!!!

WOOOHOOO!!! A big shout out of joy over victory this new day for our precious Father who saves us each one!!! I love this truth about our Jesus:

“God is our refuge and strength, 

a very present help in trouble.”

Psalm 46:1 NIV

Our God Saves

Through our faith in Christ Jesus as our Savior, we have the backing of all of heaven with us, precious saints!!! Now how awesome is that to carry with us through this day!!! Father and His angel army is always encamped around us with a big picture plan at work for our forever life together as His royal family!!! Fighting that enemy in life as His Ambassadors in this world, we are more than conquerors in all things through Him who loves us!!! YYYEEESSS!!!

Cross Saves

Consider these thoughts about our Father who is ever-present with us:

  • He is the Lord ALMIGHTY
  • He is FOR US
  • He is GOD WITH US – That is His very name Immanuel
  • He is our STRENGTH
  • He is our REFUGE – where we find REST
  • He is our FORTRESS – our stronghold, special PROTECTION against the enemy
  • He is CLOSE TO US
  • He has identified Himself with us and DWELLS WITH US, right in our heart, His Spirit in us, upon us and all around us
  • He IS LOVE
  • He is TRUTH
  • He is HOPE

WOW!!! How awesome it is that we have our Father to whom we can take refuge always – “to flee” into His arms for guidance and help at any time as our Father says:

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

Hebrews 4:16 NIV

God Who Saves

What a special gift it is to be able to flee into intimate times of closeness with our Father to hear His voice through His Spirit and His written Word and talk to Him to obtain divine help for us all throughout our day at any given moment!!! “Abba, Father” help me know this or know what to do about that, provide me strength, provide your supernatural help beyond me, what steps do you desire for me to take here? Oh, thank you, Father, for loving me with your unfailing, unconditional love and thank you for helping me through that!!! He has a way of working through others to bring us Godly counsel, too and certainly helps us through circumstances!!! These are just a few ways we are blessed in having a personal relationship with Jesus!!! Now what blessed kids are we to have all of that with us at every single second of our every day!!! What peace to know that He is ours and we are His FOREVER!!! He always works all things for the good for us because He is a good Daddy to us and He always desires our best!!! JESUS SAVES as this song says here. What would you like to visit with our Father about today??? He is there for you!!!

Have a strong, confident, powerful day full of Father’s love for you, precious saints!!! I’m a gal doing the same with our Father with you all and loving life!!! Love to you wherever you journey today for heaven!!! We are in His good hands always!!! YIPPEEE!!!

You Are A Divine Dad!!!

Happy Father's Day

Today is Father’s Day in America and it says on our money “in God we trust.” Our founding fathers believed and trusted in their Father in heaven, the God of the Bible, Jesus!!! How awesome is that and may we always hold on to that heritage!!! Whoever you are and wherever you are, I wanted to encourage you this day that you have a Father regardless of if you have an earthly dad!!! Jesus is alive and through faith in Him as our Savior through His sacrifice on the cross that covers all the sins of all the people of the world who will accept His generous gift to cleanse them from all sin. He is our forever Father whose Spirit indwells our hearts and He sees each one of us as His children through faith as His royal children:

“For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of kinship. And by Him we cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs–heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.”

Romans 8:15-17 NIV

If you are an earthly dad (mommas, too), the best thing that you can do for your children is point them to their Father in heaven because it is our Father’s heart to be Father to all and when you are not able to be there for your kids, or even when you are, they will always have Jesus who is on His throne for them and available for them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to help them through life in divine ways!!!

Jesus and Girl

Dad and Daughter

Our Father knows they need to learn to know Him through you and He is there for you to help you and does not expect you to do so alone without Him!!!

Empowerd By Holy Spirit

Now how awesome is that for each one to know the empowering love and grace of Him who sees each one of us as righteous in Christ Jesus, holy, without blemish, without accusation and with no condemnation and to know He wants to be in life with each of us as our Father!!! He can also reveal His will to our children to guide them in having the best life possible with Him no matter where they are at in life!!! What a comfort for them to know what Joshua also knew when he was called to step out into taking the lead in life for our Father:

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you where you go.”

Joshua 1:9 NIV

This truth is for everyone, male or female, young or old!!! In all of life, Jesus is our constant ROCK on whom we can always stand firm and secure!!! Everyone should know Him as their best companion in all of life because He is and that is what He wants to be as He has said in His Word:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.”

Mark 12:30 NIV

Jesus Delighting in Me

Daddy Hugging Man

This is the greatest commandment and for good reason – our Father in heaven wants us to have His divine help in all of our lives and be His beloved child who dwells with Him forever in His Kingdom of bliss with all the glorious riches that are ours through faith in Christ!!! It is our true home and until we get there, He wants us to walk through life just as close together with Him with us as possible and that is why He lives within our hearts!!! YAY!!! We be blessed and loved kids forever!!! What an awesome family we all have together with our Father who will never leave us nor forsake us!!! Let us celebrate our Father with this song here.

Jesus With Us

Happy Father’s Day!!! You are a divine Dad!!!

Holy Spirit Love

Heart of People

It is the divine gift of a new day for us all as the family of God and what a privilege it is to know the unfailing, unconditional love of our Father!!! More live here.

Colorful Hands of Love

Where do you want to claim our Father’s love for you today, saint??? YOU are loved and are our Father’s love into the world where you are!!! Bless you!!! How wonderful that is!!! Shine His love as only you can with Him with you!!! Many need Father’s love through YOU and me as Jesus says here:

“As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

John 13:34 NIV

People on Beach

I’m a gal seeking loving for Father with you all as we journey the gift of life together!!! Here is a song about our Father’s power of love to have a listen to as we go through our day!!! We have His unlimited loving Spirit in us!!! Yay!!! Keep loving divinely as you do!!!

God In YOU

Idaho greetings, precious family!!! YOU, saint, are our Father’s representative in this world and when people receive YOU into their midst, they are receiving the God of the Universe in you, too!!! Yep!!! Jesus speaks it to His saints like this:

“He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives the one who sent me.” 

Matthew 10:40 NIV

Kingdom of God In You

Each one of us as our Father’s kids are vessels of He who lives in us and boy, girl howdy, does that give us a divine perspective of each one of us!!! We were each fearfully and wonderfully made in His image and when He made us He said “It is GOOD!” Wooohooo!!! Let’s claim His divinity over us today and walk with Godfidence in who we are going into this world to make a divine difference as His righteous living by faith as His Word tells us:

“For in the gospel, a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.” 

Romans 1:17 NIV

The Apostle Paul saw Himself as our Father’s called one not through his performance, but through his faith just as Abraham’s faith was accredited to him as righteousness, just as each one of us are through our faith in Christ Jesus!!! The Apostle Paul was one that boldly stepped out with faith in the power of God with him and through him to share the gospel because he understood there was supernatural power at work in it:

“I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes…”

Romans 1:16 NIV

YOU, saint, are a powerhouse capable of imparting life-changing words and actions on the move with God in YOU today!!! WOW!!! What a privilege and honor it is for each one of us to carry with us the very presence of the God of the Universe and be His vessel through whom His love, power and light is shared to make a forever difference for all of eternity!!! I love this song here that in essence says “POWER ON DAD!!! Wooohooo!!! Let us worship Him who lives in us and go where our Father leads us today and what a special gift it is to see Him living in each one of us – divine kids are we!!!

God Has Amazing Plan for You

When we love each other, not only are we loving each other, but we are loving our Father, too:

“And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward.”

Matthew 10:42 NIV

Girl Giving Water

Now how sweet is our Father to bless those who bless us with Him in us as His kids!!! Much love to you, you divine saint!!! Have fun going with Father today, you powerhouse, you!!! Where is He leading you to make a divine difference today??? Oh, I’m sooo excited and I can’t help but smile about it all 🙂