The Source for Victory

We are very blessed children of faith in Jesus, precious family!!! Everything that we have in life is from our Father who IS love!!! Not only that but He is all wise and all powerful. He is everything that is good, right and just!!! It is to our blessing when we rest in those facts about our Father because in this life that we live in, there are things that we face – some are problems that we can solve and some are facts we must not worry about and give to our Father to take care of. He is capable and able to do far more than we can ever imagine.  We know that He works all things for our good always because that is all He does is good all the time!!!

When we rest things with our Father to take care of, we cease spending wasted energy on things we cannot change. We can feel peace and act with poise because we no longer beat our heads against an unbreakable wall trying to break it down. 🙂 Amen?!! We apply energy only to those things that we can change as our Father guides us in the how to. Oh that sure seems to make sense to me, how about you dear saint???

Woman with Fire in Hand

While we can put forth some energy thru our choices towards these things, we must rest that ultimately these are things we must look to God for as found in Psalm 23:

  • our possession
  • our provision
  • our peace
  • our pardon
  • our partner
  • our preparation
  • our praise
  • our paradise

Prayer Roots

When it comes to problems Father would have us work to solve, it is good to look at solving them with the help of our Father’s leading in these ways:

  • What is the problem?
  • The reason for the problem
  • The results of a problem
  • The remedy to the problem

It is good when we discern the root of problems quickly and offer practical solutions rooted in the wisdom and love of Jesus.

Rooted in Christ

Do Not Give the Devil A Foothold

Here are a few more thoughts to ponder live here if you are in a place of taking the lead to resolve problems. God bless you for doing the important work of problem solving in life!!! It makes a big difference as we work with our Father where He wants to work through us. We can solve problems and we can leave facts that we cannot change to our Father to work on. Oh isn’t it awesome to know the difference so we put forth our energy in the right places!!! I love that idea!!! Let’s save our energy for doing the good divine stuff in life, dear ones!!! That thought just makes me smile!!! Sooo proud of your heart for being a vessel through whom our Father works and for your trusting in Him to do His part!!! He will always work through it all in good divine amazing ways as this song says here and the whole time He will be loving us as His kids with unfailing, unconditional love and holding us in His righteous right hand where all of His power is!!! WOOOHOOO!!! We win, win, win always with Jesus with us!!!

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