The “I” Has It

It is a glorious gift of divine grace upon us that we have this new day together as our Father’s kids with Him with us as we journey through life today!!! I am very thankful for our Father who IS love and who is all about relationship – our relationship first and foremost with Him and then with each other and those our Father puts around us in life!!! How special it is to know and experience divine love in life!!! Even animals appreciate love!!! Yesterday I was at the zoo north of Phoenix and just watching the animals as they interacted with human kindness to them and each other was sooo sweet and of our Father’s love. Even the big ole rhino liked having its head patted by its caregiver!!! 🙂

To have the comfort and reassurance of love as we journey thru life is very dear to us in life and that is the Word our Father has laid on my heart today as I reflect upon the story of His disciples who were going out into life as Jesus had asked them to do, setting out in a boat to cross the sea as Jesus sent crowds away and spent some alone time with His Father.

Jesus Looking at Man

Holy Bible with Cross

As the disciples ventured out in following their Lord, the waves on the sea were “contrary” or unexpected, opposite of what they would’ve chosen. However, in that wave of circumstance they found themselves in, another unexpected, but divine thing happened – Jesus came walking to them on top of the water!!! WOOOHOOO!!! Jesus was on top of it as usual – nothing contrary or unexpected in that!!! WAY TO ROCK FOR YOUR KIDS, JESUS!!! HOOORAH!!! While Jesus was on top of it, His disciples were crying out in question and fear as they looked upon Him, as if seeing a ghost. In that Jesus does not want His kingdom family to fear in life, He immediately comforted them saying “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” I love how Peter courageously spoke up seeing great opportunity to experience the divine in a new way as he said to the Lord, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” Oh Jesus loves a brave and courageous child of faith and He immediately jumped on Peter’s offer to step out bravely, saying “Come!” Hence, Peter did and Peter actually walked on the water as long as He kept His eyes on His Lord!!! Now how awesome is that!!! Ruh, ruh, ruh!!! WAY TO STEP OUT IN TRUST IN JESUS EMPOWERING HIS SON!!!

Peter Learning to Walk on Water

As I reflect upon this story today, how is Jesus asking you to step out in faith in a new way??? Are there circumstances in your life that are “contrary” or unexpected, opposite of what you perhaps would have chosen or thought would be life’s scenario??? Oh how awesome it will be to trust it to Jesus to be on top of it just as He was with His disciples in all of their experiences!!! His heart for us is to not fear, but have peace in Him and step into the circumstances trusting in His power to enable us to walk divinely on top of the waves with eyes fixed on Him!!!

God Our Help


YYYEEEHHHAAAWWW!!! How exciting to see the divine life happen in a new way in life!!! Jesus is always up to razzle dazzle when it comes to producing genuine faith in His sons and daughters!!! That is all because He loves us and He wants us to realize just how very true that is and how capable He is to handle all of our life circumstances victoriously!!! Whooop!!! Whooop!!! Whooop!!!

God Sees You

Let’s keep being brave and stepping courageously as He sends us, knowing we will not face anything alone without Him seeing us and being present with us to be more than conquerors in all things thru Him who loves us!!! I love this song here about how He makes us brave!!! YYYEEESSS!!! If He calls us to it, He will see us thru it and He will lead our hearts to want to step out onto the waves of life knowing He is with us!!!


Jesus on Water

Best Foor Forward On Water

Sooo proud of you for keeping conquering faith in He who loves us and is for us always over fear, for He (Jesus), the everlasting “I” has it!!! He is before all things life puts before us in our lives and without ending faithfulness to see us through all things forever safe and victorious!!! How exciting life is with the God of the Universe journeying with us!!! He makes life sooo interesting and divine!!! He always just makes me smile!!! 🙂 I celebrate His love with you, dear one of faith!!! Always blessed by the King are we!!!

Jesus outstretched hands

God Is My Keeper

 Power of Christ

The Call to Freedom

Delightful day greetings to you dear family!!! Jesus has set us forever free from the law of performance in life to earn His love and acceptance!!! What a big sigh of relief is that for us as kids of faith who are not capable of living perfectly!!! There is only One who is perfect and that is Jesus who loves us as His kids of faith with unfailing, unconditional love!!! Bless Him!!!

Our sweet Father understands our struggles with the flesh and the enemy and therefore, He has given us His Spirit in us to help us live in His power –  it is He who works in us to will and act according to His purpose for us in life. His Spirit with us is not a Spirit of fear and timidity, but one of power, love and self-discipline!!!

Let Out the Roar

It is important that we are aware of this in life because we as people can sometimes find ourselves doing things out of fear of losing people in our lives rather than doing things based on our Father’s Spirit of love moving us to love and serve others. Having been called to freedom in Christ, our freedom should overflow with gratitude, an overflowing heart and love for others. To give bountifully from a divine motive has blessing and reward. Our Father’s Word tells us that when we refresh others, we are refreshed ourselves. It is something we want to do. It is truly more blessed to give than receive!!!

Walk in the Spirit

Heart with Kids

I share this with you, dear ones, because if one finds themselves in a place of giving without cheer, it is a good time to check one’s motivation for why we do what we do. Our lives should be freedom in Christ first, service second. If we serve to break free from fear, it is time for our Father to work on resolving the fears in life and creating healthy boundaries to guard the freedom in Him that we are called to in life!!!

Where You Are I Am Free

Oh when we are moving thru life in our Father’s freedom for us and moving with His Spirit of love working in our hearts, we are going to have a heart passion that wants to love and serve others He puts upon our hearts!!!

Hearts on Fire

Oh, I’m sooo happy to be doing life with you with Jesus here!!! It just makes me smile!!! Is your heart serving somewhere out of fear??? How is Jesus leading you to resolve the fear and set healthy boundaries to guard your freedom in Him??? If divine freedom is needed in your life, I am excited for you to break free and have a cheerful heart at peace in Jesus!!! I love this song about freedom here. Father’s love to you wherever you are today!!! Enjoy His presence with us to help us live life freely!!!

A Heart Set on Purpose

HOOORAH!!! I am thrilled about living life again today!!! Why??? Well, it is because this is no day like any other and it is a day with divine opportunity to do new things that we will encounter as never before!!! No two days are ever exactly the same!!! Now how adventurous is that for us kids of faith!!! Life could become pretty mundane if it wasn’t for the way our Father puts life together so that it is always interesting and He helps us to love life here in how He gives to our hearts great enthusiasm as His Word tells us:

“He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.”

Ecclesiastes 3:11NASB

Never Underestimate the Power of God

There is a certain element of mystery about life that makes it interesting in that we do not have it all figured out on our own and that is good because it keeps us dependent on our Father!!! It keeps us reaching to hold onto personal relationship with our Father who loves us with unfailing, unconditional love at all times!!! Life at times is suspenseful and on the edge of our seat and wooohooo – how exciting is that to see how our Father guides us and works life out divinely for us as we look to Him in faith!!!  His promise to us is “never will I leave you nor forsake you.” I love life adventures with our Father!!! This we can always know in life experiences:

“God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son…”

Romans 8:28-29NASB

Jesus is always working things with the view of an eternal victorious paradise plan for us to grow us and prepare us as His kids for His kingdom coming soon!!! Our faith is being made genuine as we see His faithfulness to see us thru life divinely!!! If there is anything that is the same about our everyday lives, it is this – we can always trust our Father to take care of us and work thru all of our lives with eternal purpose and victorious outcome that makes a divine difference in the long-term plans our Father has for us as we look to Him!!!

Power and Victory


Catch the Vision

Sometimes there are parts of our days that are the same each day, but always with divine purpose that excites us about doing those things repeatedly knowing it makes an eternal difference in this world and sometimes there are new adventures unlike other days for us to enjoy, experience and glean from that teach us and provide us with insights with which we can learn and share with others along the way, too!!! How awesome we are in relationship and can talk heart to heart about the gift of life together!!! I love that!!! For example, I am going on a sunset horseback trail ride later today with my daughter and oh I am looking forward to it!!!  It will be in a place I have ridden before on a horse that I have previously enjoyed great adventures with. I am thankful that our Father has once again blessed me with such a gift in life as this!!!


As I journey, it will be great opportunity for Father/daughter talks and mother/daughter talks, too!!! Now all of that just has my heart set on appreciation of Father’s gifts and purpose for me in life today and puts a big smile on my face that I can journey along life’s trail with Him with you!!! How is our Father blessing you with the gift of life and opportunity to make a forever difference where you are today??? As needed, our Father will give divine insight, help and joy of your heart as He reveals to you how you make such a huge difference in this world to many . This is His heart for you, dear one:

“God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love you have shown towards His name, in having ministered and in still ministering to the saints.” 

Hebrews 6:10NASB

Jesus Healing Blind

May He set our hearts on fire this day with excitement and joy about the opportunities all around us today to share His love, light and the difference that faith and eternal perspective makes to a heart!!! Joy in the Holy Ghost – I love that gift of our Father as this song says here!!!

Jesus smiling

Fruit of the Spirit is Joy

Reaping Divine Love

It is a beautiful day of life for us as our Father’s beloved kids – we have Jesus leading us and guiding each one of us and He is wanting to do a “divine work” in each of our lives as only He can best!!! Part of that is letting us experience life in such a way that we learn what we need to learn in life from Him as we “reap what we sow.” Our Father tells us this about our lives”

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son…”

Romans 8:28-29NASB

Jesus outstretched hands

Transformed in Mind


Jesus has a plan for every life and the best way that we can love ourselves is to trust in Him and the best way we can love others in our lives is to let them experience life the way our Father intends for them to. He loves us each one perfectly and better than any of us can love!!! Why I say this is because sometimes it can be hard for us to see people experience things in life that are hard lessons for them to learn. We can share our Father’s ways with someone, but when they choose to ignore it, for us to step in and prevent their choice consequences from happening – what God is wanting to have them learn in their lives so they can move forward in life successfully would be to hurt them in an even greater way because it would be to withhold our Father’s divine help in their life that is perfect!!! YIKES!!! We’ve got to watch out for that!!! When our Father lets His kids experience hard-learned lessons in life – the reaping of what is sown, it is not our Father punishing them, but rather He is letting His loved ones experience the natural consequences of life so that they can learn best to live life for the wiser and to His glory!!! People caught in destructive patterns in life by the flesh or the enemy in life need to experience consequences before we can change our behavior. Our Father tells us it is worthless for us to confront foolish or mocking people when He said:

“Do not rebuke a mocker or they will hate you; rebuke a wise person and they will love you.”

Proverbs 9:8

Bible in Hands

When we are open to our Father’s heart of wisdom for us in life, we escape having to learn life the hard way. Oh that can be ouch to learn the hard way, but our Father lets us hurt sooo good!!! In the end there is triumph when the lesson is well learned!!! 🙂 YAY!!!Ultimately we learn the lessons of life the easiest way by embracing His best for us as we read His love letter to us (the Bible). It is by far less painful and that is why our Father gives us His Word!!! He likes to see us joyful in life!!! He delights in us!!! Our Father always desires our best and like any good parent, He teaches us ahead of time what to watch out for in life that is why He has given us His Word to guide us!!! In it, He also tells us of His perfect, unfailing, unconditional love that is ours thru our faith in His finished work on the cross for us. We are forever saved by grace and not by our works and it is He who works in us to will and act according to His good purpose. When we forget to cling to that lesson in life, we must watch out for the reaping of Satan’s laughter at us. Oh kowabunga him!!! He always loves stepping in to keep us from believing our Father’s truths to see how it hurts us. Satan never rebukes us for failing to rest in our Father’s constant love for us!!!

Fight Satan

We can’t let that devil dude win in anyway in our lives, dear ones!!! I ask myself as I ask you “Are you resting in our Father’s constant love for you, saint???” “Is there somewhere our Father is showing you in life to rest in Him from stepping into someone else’s life to prevent their divine learning life lessons by taking their consequences away from them designed to help them turn to what is His divine best in their life???” “Where is our Father showing you to step in to remind someone of how much our Father loves them to rescue them from the enemy???” Let us help each other reap that which is divine in life for the victory life Jesus has for us each. Oh, we will be sooo happy for each other to have His divine best for us all. That is the best victory outcome sight to see in all of life!!!

Jesus the Healer

Because of what Jesus reaped in His life, we have all been sown His righteousness thru faith and victory forever over the enemy of this world. Sowing for the best life in stepping thru life trusting in our Father’s Word to us and His Spirit working in us just keeps us reaping joyfully in all of life!!! I am sooo thankful our Father seeks to help us avoid learning life lessons the hard way, aren’t you!!! I celebrate that our Father’s love and grace is always working ahead of us and for us to prepare the best life for us as His dearly loved kids. Let’s welcome His view into our lives as this song says here.

 Boy With Father

Father Is Always Close

Greetings from Tucson, AZ today. I am heading outside to work in the yard in the sunshine – coming from Idaho in January, it is a simple pleasure I am digging!!! 🙂 In reflection upon our Father today, as children of faith in a great big world, there is one truth we must always remember no matter where we are in life – more live here.

Jesus Looking at Man

Jesus Helping Kids

I love this song here that speaks of our greatest need and gift in all of life!!!

Father's Hand Has Us

Going First for Jesus

Well, dear saints, our Father has taken the lead in creating new life for us again today and because He created us with purpose in this life, He takes the lead to “work in us to will and act according to His good pleasure.” (Philippians 2:13NASB)

Power of Vision.jpg

In much the same way as Jesus works in us to bring about His purpose that He has designed us to carry out in life, so a leader must put forth a godly aggressive, meaningful pursuit or confrontation in order to push forward the vision that the Lord has given to them as a leader for accomplishing the purpose called to for making a divine difference in this world. This can be in a household, a ministry, a church, a business or within any group of people that is guided by a leader.

Be a Leader Among People.jpg

A good leader knows that this is important in order to keep a group of people on track and in keeping coming back to the truth of its mission!!! Unless someone understands this about a leader, they can sometimes think of that person as self-focused, whereas the truth is they are God-focused for their group’s effort success!!! If a leader doesn’t keep a group focused, it can become very easily diluted by too many excursions and fall short of producing what it is meant to produce!!! Yikes!!! Watch out for getting too involved in going too many directions in life!!!

Leadership Compass

It is the sense of taking responsibility as a leader for what is “first-needs God-given vision” in order for the divine call to happen. It is to ask questions, perhaps initiate conversation to reassure or inform others of what is happening or to point out the necessary direction Jesus desires that a group go in order to take care of first-need priorities in life to keep a group from entering into a crisis situation of ineffectiveness from being overly branched out, moving away from its divine purpose. It is much like a healthy fruit tree that develops too many outreaching limbs that can take needed sap away from the main strength of the tree, keeping it from bearing as much intended fruit as it could if it had less limbs to flow sap in to. Therefore, a master gardener or leader of the orchard must trim off or prune back outcroppings of additional unnecessary limbs in order to encourage more of the initial fruit the tree is intended to produce!!! Now how exciting is that!!!

Man in tree pruning

Pruning Fruit Trees.jpg

In an organization, this can sometimes create animosity from those wanting to produce differently than the fruitfulness of the tree’s true purpose of fruit-bearing. A leader must still prune what is necessary to bring the fruitfulness of its intended purpose!!! Others may or may not choose to follow along. This is why following God’s leader given to us in life is important, so long as they do not lead us contrary to what is of Jesus.

Jesus and His Disciples

In light of this, are you a leader of a group??? If so, is your group on target with your God-given vision??? Where is your group moving out in too many directions??? How should the focus be transferred back to its original source for producing the intended fruit of purpose it was planted to have??? How do you as a leader need to take responsibility to communicate what is necessary to claim the divine and get the group back on target to prevent crisis??? Maybe you are right on target already?!! HOOORAH!!! 🙂

Rooted in Christ

Know this, saint, Jesus delights in you as His chosen leader where you are to guide His people and keep them healthy and the most fruitful for His kingdom!!! Keep rocking with Father as He leads you divinely!!! Ruh, ruh, ruh!!! The world sooo needs divine leaders like you over the group of His choosing with godly purpose!!! Forward ho in bravery for the divine, dear saint!!! 🙂 I like this song here that talks about how our Father calls His out into His living waters for walking life out bravely!!! Sooo proud of you for following Jesus in leading where He calls you to lead!!! Lead on!!!

Walking in His Will

The Well Soul

Beautiful day greetings to you, beloved family of saints!!! How exciting that today we have great opportunity to have the presence of the God of the Universe with us in heart thru our faith in His finished work on the cross that has given us forever victory from the wages of sin that the enemy of this world inflicted upon God’s people just as soon as God had completed His creation, putting Adam and Eve into the paradise Garden of Eden!!! Jesus didn’t let it get Him down or stop His forward moving eternal plan though, hence the cross mission that forever saves us thru our faith in Him. We are reconciled to our holy Father forever, never to be separated from Him, made heirs to all the glorious riches of His Kingdom in Christ Jesus and blessed with His all-powerful Spirit living close to us in our very hearts!!! He is our counselor and victor, always leading us in triumphant procession!!! His written Word (the Bible) tells us this about our Father:

“for it is God who is at work in you both to will and to work for His good pleasure.”

Philippians 2:13NASB

Two Hearts on Fire

You Shall Receive Power

Oh our sweet Jesus is always at work in us to empower us to carry out His “good pleasure” into this world where we are!!! He tells us:

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren (sisters, too), whatever is true; whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.”

Philippians 4:4-8NASB

Pastor With Bible

Woman with Cross

Our Father desires that we all be children of hope and joy and peace and Paul encourages the people of Philippi to “Do all things without grumbling or disputing.” He tells them this for two reasons 1) to prove ourselves blameless and innocent, above reproach in a world influenced by the enemy that likes to accuse God’s people day and night 2) in order to be lights in the world, holding fast the Word of life that is all about love, hope and victory in Christ Jesus!!! Our Father’s promise to us as His kids of faith is this “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son…” (Romans 8:28-29) Whatever Satan throws at us in life, our Father will always help us thru it triumphantly!!! YAY!!! GOOO FATHER!!! YOU ROCK ALWAYS!!!

Fruit of the Spirit is Joy

WOOOHOOO!!! I am sooo thankful for our Father’s Word that always guides us in loving and helping each other in divine ways. That was the Apostle Paul’s heart as well and he spoke these words to the people of Philippi so that in the day of Christ’s return that Paul would have reason to glory because he did not run in vain nor toil in vain. He spoke to the people of Philippi that he rejoiced that the Lord chose him to be poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrifice and service of their faith. He told them he rejoiced and shared his joy with them all. He urged the people to rejoice in the same way and to share their joy with him. Paul spent a lot of time encouraging and seeking to uplift God’s people and I can imagine it must have been discouraging for him to work so hard and then have the people having unchecked grumbling and disputing. Moses experienced the same thing when he led the Israelites thru the desert towards God’s land flowing with milk and honey!!! It was because of a lack of faith upon the hearts of the people.

Jesus understands challenges in life. He went to the cross for us and He sweated blood at the thought of it. His victory came thru taking His circumstance to prayer before His Father where He found the help to face the cross for the joy set before Him!!! 🙂 I am sooo thankful Jesus didn’t let the enemy win!!! We are blessed because of the choice Jesus made to trust in His Father!!! Whooop!!! Whooop!!! Whooop!!!

Jeesus and enemy

Jesus with hole in hand

It was Paul’s heart that God’s people live in joy, peace and harmony together and Father speaks to my heart today that when as His people, we let our attitude in life become one of unchecked grumbling and disputing, we are not showing the world any reason why Christ makes a life better in this world. Oh, that devil dude sure does laugh over that one!!! YIKES!!! Let’s get him, beloved saints – thru the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony!!! Let’s denounce his lies and scheming ways towards us and take grumbles and disputes (cares) to the Lord who gives us the wisdom and the rest of heart to deal rightly in situations!!! Let’s be givers of Father’s hope in the world where we are!!!

Do Not Give the Devil A Foothold

In light of our Father’s Word, let us ask ourselves if we have cares that Jesus can help us deal rightly with to overpower the enemy of our lives. What is He saying in His Word is an appropriate action/mindset that needs to be taken to deal rightly with it so that we can have our Father’s victory and peace in it??? “Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). Oh His Word brings us smiles, knowing that He has it handled divinely as always when we look to Him to help us in life!!! 🙂 I love that sweet reassurance by He who is all powerful. HOOORAH!!! In Him, we are more than conquerors in all things thru Christ who loves us (Romans 8:31-39)!!! Ruh, ruh, ruh!!! I love this song of joy here.

Jesus smiling

Jesus with hole in hand

The Rewards of “Love Reigning”

One of the things that I greatly admire about Jesus is that He is unconditional love for us as His kids of faith. Our Father has forever saved us thru His finished work on the cross and because of our faith in that committed sacrifice to love us, we are reconciled into a forever love relationship with Him and heirs to all the glorious riches of His heavenly kingdom forever!!!

Robe of Righteousness

Jesus as our loving Father is concerned for us as His kids to understand what ways of walking thru life bring us blessing and His promise to us is:

“Behold, I am returning soon and My reward is with Me to render to every man (gals, too) according to what he (she) has done.”

Revelation 22:12

Cross Crown

Heaven Rewards

Our Father offers us blessings and rewards in life for what we do, rather than condemnation and punishment for what we don’t do as He says:

“…there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.”

Romans 8:1NASB

Where You Are I Am Free

How this would work in a modern-day father/son or father/daughter relationship would be to have a “you-have-a-choice” approach. Rather than saying “my-way-or-else” with threatened punishment for non-compliance, the parent is rather saying you have the choice of receiving a reward/blessing or not. 🙂 In this life thru our faith in what Christ did on the cross for us, we are blessed with being saved from the eternal wages (punishment) of our sins. Our Father does not force us to live out His ways of perfect performance for us in life; He gives us free will to choose in life and we do not need to choose His best for us in life, but in choosing that which is His best, we reap the benefits/rewards of a life well lived here and eternal blessings from our Father as well.

With You We Are Victorious

Now how sweet is that of our Father to reward us for doing what is good, right, divine and of love!!! If we choose to walk contrary to what our Father offers to us as the divine cream on the top life of His pure true blessed-life wisdom, we are still loved as His child and forever saved as a member of His family, but we miss out on the best earthly life possible now and the rewards of wise choices that could be ours in the future as well!!! The Apostle Paul talked about the importance of being willing to work in order to eat and he encouraged the people to “work in quiet fashion and eat their own bread” and to “not grow weary of doing good.” He also shared that it was their choice, but if they were “not willing to work, then he/she is not to eat, either.” (1 Thessalonians 3:10-13) That was their freewill choice to work to have food or not. This isn’t to say that those unable to work should not be fed. That is a whole different story!!! 🙂

In this life, we do reap what we sow and when we sow for the best in life, we sure do reap it!!! 🙂 In light of this, what does our Father reveal to you in His love for you that is best life walking to bless your life here on earth that you will also be rewarded for in the future that you are pondering???

Freedom For My Soul

Jesus is all about love!!! May His Spirit of love take over our hearts in all of our choices as this song says here because it is in those “love reigning” decisions that will truly make our hearts the happiest because our lives will be at their best when we choose to love ourselves and others in love-reigning choices!!! Oh, a truly happy heart just makes me smile!!! 🙂

Gentle Words of Love

Father’s unfailing, unconditional love is ours always – never will He leave us nor forsake us and He tells us that it is “God who works in us to will and act according to His purpose.” (Philippians 2:13) He helps us to desire the best in our lives!!! He is a Father that always longs to give out “atta-boys” and “atta-girls” and “well-done good and faithful servant praise to encourage us along and bless us for what we do, too!!!”

Jesus Loving Dog

Jesus Delighting in Me

I’m a gal seeking after His best in my life with ya as He reveals it to me and enables me with His empowering grace and I’m also thankful that our Father loves us always as His kids of faith and never withholds His love from us no matter where we are at in life!!! Much sisterly love to you wherever you are at in life!!! 🙂 Always choose to know you are loved forever!!!

God's Love is Everlasting

Lifted Up by Love

We are together today, beloved saints!!! How wonderful to have the love of Jesus with us and to have each other to keep our heads lifted up above the enemy and his kingdom in this life!!! King David certainly knew where his power and victory came from when he wrote:

“And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me, And I will offer in His tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.”

Psalm 27:6NASB

Boy At Sonset

Girl Reaching to Jesus

Jesus Looking at Man

Oh that devil dude is one who is always wanting to play with our heads in life and I am sooo thankful that Jesus helps us to override his nonsense ways of thinking, taking them captive and raising up our thoughts to His highest thoughts for living life!!!

Transformed in Mind.jpg

Oh to that I agree with the heart of King David, as when I think about the victory that Jesus gives to us in life, it just makes me want to offer in His tent (my body) sacrifices with shouts of joy!!! WOOOHOOO!!! I see my life as a song of love to my sweet King Jesus who created us to be in a forever blessed victorious love relationship with Him, free from the enemy of this world and if thru this life of mine, He can work thru it as a vessel to help others know of His rescue for them from the evil one, I am willing to sing out as David did “YYYEEESSS” as a praise to Jesus!!!

“I will sing to the Lord for He has dealt bountifully with me.”

Psalm 13:6NASB

“…You, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the One who lifts my head.”

Psalm 3:3NASB

King David saw the power of the Lord and how He delivered people when he wrote:

“Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble; He saved them out of their distresses. He sent His Word and healed them, And delivered them from their destructions. Let them give thanks to the Lord for His lovingkindness, And for His wonders to the sons of men (gals, too!) Let them also offer sacrifices of thanksgiving, And tell of His works with joyful singing.”

Psalm 107:19-22NASB

Double-edged Sword

You Shall Receive Power

Eyes Fixed on Jesus

In light of these thoughts today, I want to encourage us as saints to cast upon Jesus areas of our lives where we need His help, to denounce thoughts that are destructive thoughts the enemy means to use to cause any of us to drop our head!!! Oh that is not the position our Father wants any of us to stand in!!! He did not let the enemy keep Him down!!! 🙂 HOOORAH!!!

Jesus with hole in hand

“Kowabunga devil dude!!! Our Father’s thoughts are highest and truth above you and you, devil dude, have no authority in our lives!!!” Oh get mad at that enemy, dear ones and let us love our Father and His heart for us, love ourselves and people!!! Let us praise Jesus that He is our God of hope, our God who sees, our God who is for us, our God who is working all powerfully to make us more than conquerors in all things thru His love for us!!! Ruh, ruh, ruh!!!

God's Power Makes Perfect

Riding on Dad

Father has us raised up to stand the highest – strong, courageous, victorious and full of faith in Him!!! We are strong when we are on His shoulders carrying us thru all of life!!! I sing this song of faith and thanksgiving here to our King today!!! YYYEEESSS!!! Where can Father work thru your sacrifices today to help others to hold their head high in their standing in Christ??? Sooo proud of you for holding your head high and stepping out to help others be healed in Christ – our mighty victorious warrior!!! YOU ARE A LIFE-CHANGING LEGACY WHERE YOU ARE WITH JESUS AT WORK IN YOU!!!

Jesus on Horse