You are Who and Why?

I am here as a daughter of the King today, dear saints!!! You are here as a son or daughter of the King thru your faith in the King Jesus as well and that is just who we are – it is our identity in Christ and nothing can ever change that as nothing can ever separate us from the love of our Father!!! Upon faith in Christ as our Savior, we enter into a personal relationship with Jesus and become His children of God:

“Yet to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.”

John 1:12

Hand of God with Child

Secondly, we are created with divine purpose in life – a mission from heaven given to us individually upon earth as we exist here. Once we know who we are in Christ, one should seek to understand “What does God want me to do with my life.” That is something that God puts into our hearts the desire to do – His Holy Spirit blazes us forward as He is an all consuming fire that stirs our purpose up inside of us to carry it forward into life!!! It’s the WOOOHOOO LET’S GO ZEAL DRIVE IN US!!!

“For it is God who works in us to will and act according to His purpose.”

Philippians 2:13

Third – once we understand who we are in Christ and our purpose in life, our Father desires that we follow Him in it as His Holy Spirit guides us step by step!!!

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it.”

Isaiah 30:21

Transformed in Mind

I love the thought that says we will hear “a voice behind you” as the voice of our Father distinguished above all other voices is key to the divine life!!! This we can know at all times, too – our Father is behind us (supportive) of us carrying out our purpose in life!!! Now how awesome to know that we have a voice cheering for us in going for our purpose!!! Our Father is our biggest coach!!!

Trusting Jesus

Jesus is behind YOU!!! He believes in YOU to carry out YOUR purpose in life!!!

Oh let us keep His voice as the voice that is the loudest and clearest as this song says here so that we can keep going on the divine road of purpose for us, dear saints. We are in a spiritual war and the enemy would love to discourage us and stop us from victory. SO LET US MOVE, KEEP WALKING, SOLDIER (SOLDIERS FOR CHRIST) KEEP MOVING ON until the enemy is no more!!!

“Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

It is Him, our coach who will reward us at the finish line, but until then, we get our all victorious Jesus as the prize with us every moment of everyday!!! YYYIIIPPPEEE!!!Oh that thought just makes me smile!!! đŸ™‚ Who are YOU and why??? Father desires all people to understand that as it makes a BIG difference in their lives!!! He wants us to trust in Him with us to move with it as He guides us!!! How is Father calling you to move??? I ask Father the same thing!!! What difference does it make in your life to know our Father is backing ya in His call in your life??? Oh it just make me shout out HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! LET’S GO, FATHER!!! I’M READY AND GOING WITH YA!!! IT’S GONNA BE EXCITING, IT’S GONNA BE FUN SEEING FATHER BRING THE VICTORY LIFE!!!

Christ One Eye

The Source


The Magnified Life

It has been a good day for me, busy with lots of workers here in my house as remodeling of this house of purpose continues to advance in progress towards completion!!! Small steps towards a big goal at the start – it is kinda like life, in that our Father has a big picture plan (a magnified life plan beyond all we can ask or imagine until we see it completed.) Until then, each day our Father magnifies the steps of life He has for each one of us individually so we can understand them and see where He is calling us to step. His heart for us is to know that all His plans for us are good and to give us life in abundance – forever life as a son or daughter of His kingdom thru our faith in His victory for us as our Savior on the cross. Hence, God describes Himself thru history as:

“I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. He is not the God of the dead, but of the living.”

Matthew 22:32

Jesus with hole in hand

Even beyond having eternal life in His forever heavenly place kingdom, He desires that we:

  • recognize who He is as the King of this world and universe,
  • know who we are as His beloved royal kingdom kids of faith,
  • know the victory that is ours over the enemy of this world
  • know the power that is ours to live the Christian life thru the empowerment of His Holy Spirit at work in us, thru us and all around us!!!

Ressurection Power

It is restful knowing that we have a “magnified” God – a God that is bigger than all of life and the Creator of life who only does only divine good for us!!! Therefore, whatever we may be seeing in life as a problem, this we can do, we can magnify our God and trust Him as being bigger and more able to win over our lives than any problem that there is in this life!!!  He is eager to help us as His kids, too!!! Got a issue you would like to cast upon the Lord in prayer this day???

Magnify Your God

Jesus loves it when we magnify Him as the biggest in life and all capable beyond all things and able to bring us triumph!!! He is the One who walked on water,  raised up the dead, healed the sick, rescued all sinners from death and separation from Him and the giver of all of life and all good things of life!!! His reassurance to us is that “We are more than conquerors in all things thru Christ Jesus who loves us.” (Romans 8:37) Wherever any of us may see life as dead – not of His abundant joy and victory, He can bring life into it in amazing ways to give us new perspective, divine wisdom and supernatural help for us as we take it to Him!!! As the Psalmist wrote so many years ago:

“O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.”

Psalm 34:3

Jesus walking on water

Whether it is morning or night where we are, let us cast away anything that threatens to rob us of what is contrary to His heart for us, dear saints. Let us magnify our Father to His proper high standing perspective and let Him bring His life of rest, peace and joy and victory into our mindset and have a divine rest of today with He who loves us with unfailing, unconditional love as His kids of faith!!! BRING EVERYTHING TO LIFE FOR US, DEAR FATHER AS THIS SONG SAYS HERE!!! WE TRUST YOU AND KNOW YOU ARE THE GREATEST OF ALL THINGS AND ALL POWERFUL TO CARE FOR US PERFECTLY AND YOU DELIGHT IN DOING SO AS WE SEEK YOU!!!

Held in God's Power

Divine sisterly love to you wherever you are!!! I am thankful we have divine life with God’s Glory ablaze in our lives in all things with Jesus with us as His blessed kingdom family forever!!! Let us change what we can as He shows us and leave the rest to Him to do the magnified supernatural. I am alive in Jesus because I have a HUGE LIMITLESS GOD!!! How big is your God??? He will show it as we seek Him for divine life!!!

Visions of Royalty

Delightful new day greetings, dear ones of faith!!! Today I smile at the heart of our Father for us as His kingdom family of faith, for we are forever blessed!!! His favor upon us as His people is forever thru our faith in His perfect performance on the cross as our Savior from sin in this world!!! Thru faith, Father sees us robed in the righteousness of Christ and with His Holy Spirit working in us, He brings about the fruit of the Spirit!!! Oh that can certainly be meekness and all niceties as civilized citizens, but it can also be as a Holy Spirit fire-breathing mighty warrior taking on the role of stepping up and saying and doing what is needed to be a world changer of divine love and truth!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! As His Word tells us:

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” 

2 Timothy 1:7

When the Spirit of the Lord is stepping out to do something new to bring world change, it is always accompanied by courage and a risk of stepping out to go beyond what perhaps has ever been done before – beyond what people have grown accustomed to and perhaps beyond their understanding!!! Just because we cannot always see our Father’s full picture of what He is doing does not mean that we cannot step out in faith to stand on the step He is calling us out onto and from that point He will guide us in the right timing!!! Oh it is always good to remember that our Daddy, our Father, our ABBA, our God is the King of the World as this song says here. 

This is sooo important for us to always hold close to our heart and mind, dear ones because when we lose track of that mindset, it is easy for us to want to take life into our own hands and seek to make its outcome based upon our limited thinking of how it should perhaps be, rather than trusting in our Father’s big picture beautiful victory forever life plan for us. Father tells us this in His Word:

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.

Isaiah 55:8

The Apostle Paul understood this and experienced it as a “SHAZAM” eye-opener way on the road of Damascus when Jesus revealed truth to him personally to set him on the divine path of learning and continuing to learn. Paul later wrote:

“Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”

1 Corinthians 13:12

Our Father created the entire universe and that is a feat that none of us could even begin to do!!! He also knows each one of us fully and we are each one oh sooo special in His eyes!!! We can trust that our Father will always know how to guide each one of us individually to where we need to be in life just as He did the three wise men who followed the bright light given to them by their God they looked to with a star He hung in the sky to make it clear to them how to journey to find Christ in their life!!! Now how miraculous is that and how successful the three wise men were in receiving the clarity of understanding that our Father was determined to give to them!!! Oh the same is true for us and His promise to us is this:

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

James 1:5

Transformed in Mind

Is there somewhere you desire Father’s perspective in life, dear one??? In those times, we can approach our Father’s throne of grace with confidence to find mercy in our times of need. His promises to us is that “He will never leave us nor forsake us.” (Hebrews 13:5) He also will always lead us in ways of perfect love and sufficient grace!!! We have this confidence in our Father’s heart for us forever:

“For I know the plans that I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11

Father also promises us that when we call out to Him and seek Him with all our heart desire to find Him, that the result will be:

“you will find Me (JESUS).”

Jeremiah 29:13

Man on Rock

Jesus outstretched hands

I chuckle as I think about a traveler that is walking thru life preoccupied and not giving any thought to what God might be doing around him/her and there could be divine things falling all around from heaven for them to see, but because they are not looking for what is of God in their life, they are not seeing it. Oh that is a good reason to look up in life and fix our eyes on our Father and say, show me what is of heaven, ABBA FATHER!!! It is then that we shall see what the King of the World is wanting to show us out of His love and perfect wisdom for us!!! Having a teachable Spirit that desires to see God will see God!!! Oh let us stay open to how our Father wants to guide us and not seek to journey based on our own ways of thinking, sweet saints!!! It is a good thing for me to keep in mind, too as I journey along with ya’s and I’m a gal trusting Father’s road of divine life for us all!!! It’s a divine life we have that just makes me smile and stand sooo amazed by our King of the World – JESUS WHO LOVES US FOREVER!!!

Sons & Daughters of the King.jpg

We Are His Royalty



Faith Goes in Faith

Life has purpose this day, dear kingdom family!!! Father had His eye on each of us from the very beginning and He said “oh this one is special for sure, downright wonderful and good – a Masterpiece if I say so Myself.” “This one I am going to equip and prepare to do good things in life.” (Ephesians 2:10) Oh that you are, dear ones!!! For each one of us, that is a different call upon our lives as He designed us and as we step out into life to carry out our God-given purpose, we can do so with faith and peace that the Lord is always going to see us thru in carrying out what He prepared in advance for us to do back when we were just a twinkle in His eye, pondering all the divine greatness He was going to pour into us as His kingdom kids of faith!!! And another awesome thing is that He put a strong passion in our hearts to do what He created us to be able to do!!! Now how sweet and special is it that our Father created us each one oh sooo special and capable of shining His glory into this world in ways that only we each one can and in ways that we will each one love!!! đŸ™‚ Jesus is downright LOVE!!! HE ROCKS!!!

Jesus and Man

Jesus Delighting in Me

Hence as we step into life where our Father places us, we can go forth happy in heart and with confidence that our Father’s blessings are upon us just as we are, without doing a single thing, but also in our choosing to step out into what He is calling us to do from the passion He put into our hearts when we were created!!!  As the Apostle Paul realized “Father’s grace is sufficient” to supply us His Holy Spirit  power to make it happen, too!!! Father calls us to step out even if at times His confidence in us with Him scares us some, as it was with Joshua and Moses and sooo many saints of yesterdays and because of their faithfulness and trust in their Father, they saw victory happen and the miracles of God’s power in ways they would have never seen had they chosen to shrink back from divine adventure life with He who loved them as children of faith and loves us with the same unfailing, unconditional love thru our faith in Him!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! HOW EXCITING TO BE A MIGHTY ADVENTURER INTO DIVINE PLACES TO BRING THE POWER OF GOD ON DISPLAY IN THIS WORLD WITH HE WHO IS WORKING IN US AND HAS US BY THE RIGHTEOUS RIGHT HAND AND WILL LEAD US VICTORIOUSLY AS WE LOOK TO HIM!!! YYYEEESSS WE CAN AS FATHER TOLD HIS SAINTS OF YESTER YEARS!!! THEY EVEN PASSED THAT GOOD NEWS AND ENCOURAGEMENT ON TO OTHERS AS DID KING DAVID WHEN HE TOLD HIS SON SOLOMON ABOUT HOW THE LORD WOULD ENABLE HIM TO CARRY OUT HIS PURPOSE OF BUILDING THE TEMPLE OF THE LORD THAT WAS HIS PURPOSE TO BUILD!!! WOW!!! OH OUR FATHER MADE KING SOLOMON SOOO WISE WHEN SOLOMON ASKED HIM TO DO SO!!!

As we enjoy the love relationship that we have with our Father who calls us HIS MASTERPIECE AND PART OF A BIG HEAVENLY PLAN, Father tells us in going with Him in His purpose for us each:

“Be strong and courageous; do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

We are not alone and Father says “we will receive power when His Holy Spirit comes upon us.”

Acts 1:8

“The eyes of the Lord roam throughout the earth to strengthen those who are fully committed to Him.”

 2Chronicles 16:9

Oh, I’m a gal committed to Jesus in faith in Him to enable me, too with ya as we each say “here am I, Lord, send me,” too!!! Therefore, let us

“Be strong and let us show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people and for the cities of our God; and may the LORD do what is good in His sight.”

1 Chronicles 19:13

We can trust in our good Father to “work good thru all things for those were are called according to His purpose.”

Romans 8:28

Oh that is you and me, dear saints!!! Father has purpose for all us saints in this world!!! The greatest purpose of all that He has for us is to just enjoy Him and His love for us!!! That is our first priority in all of life so let’s soak up all that love He has for us that is perfect to the core of our hearts that makes us feel loved and accepted and ALL RIGHT and ALL POWERFUL TO CONQUER LIFE DIVINELY!!! đŸ™‚

He who has called us is faithful and in His perfect love, wisdom, power and timing, He will always bring us divine victory in the divine good life as we trust in Him!!! Oh there ain’t nothing better than divine good life!!! It just makes ya smile again and again and again!!!

đŸ™‚ đŸ™‚ đŸ™‚

Therefore, let us each “Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the LORD.”

Psalm 27:14

Proud of ya’s for stepping out into life with purpose. Father’s heart for YOU and ME to keep in mind as we go for Him is that “God is not unjust and He will not forget the love that you show Him as you help His people and continue to help them.”

Hebrews 6:10



Thumbs Up.jpg


Jesus Kudos

Hi, precious saints!!! Today I want to share the thoughts that Father has given to me that in all of life, He is the One that we should focus on for the how to’s of living life well. He always guides us in truth and in the knowing that our efforts for Him in life are not in vain!!! His Word tells us:

“Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” 

Colossians 3:23-24

Girl With Jesus

Jesus Looking at Man

When we are working from a heart that makes Jesus the priority in our lives, it is His voice that matters in the scheme of all of life and whatever others say is irrelevant to Jesus’ voice for us!!! GO FOR THE DIVINE, DEAR ONES!!! When we are working from a heart for Jesus, even if others are not in agreement, we can know that Jesus will take care of us in all circumstances as we keep focused on Him!!! One example of Jesus’ faithfulness to Mary was in the story of Martha and Mary found in the Bible in Luke 10:38-42. Martha was trying to dictate what Mary’s life should be and yet Mary was in fact choosing what was priority – being focused on Jesus and His heart for her life!!! When Martha spoke out against Mary, Jesus defended Mary because she was centered in the middle of His will for her. Oh that is always the safest place to be in life!!! WAY TO GO MARY!!! ATTA GIRL IN GOING FOR JESUS!!! GOING FOR JESUS WITH YA’S AND CLAIMING HIS ATTA GIRL VOICE AS SUFFICIENT FOR ME, TOO!!!

Girl YES

In light of this, story, we can always ask ourselves, “why am I doing what I am doing?” Is it because we are where Jesus has placed us in life or is it because we are being pressured by human perspective about us. Perhaps like Martha, we are worried about too many things??? It is good to focus on the heart of Jesus for the details of our own lives and how He wants us to spend our time!!! Worried??? Why??? How can time be set aside in place of what is worrying us and seek first priority of spending time with Jesus??? Martha did just that and Jesus gave her the answer that she needed to hear about Mary. Oh it was a perspective changer!!! WAY TO GO MARTHA IN SEEKING JESUS FOR WHAT UPSET YOU!!! FATHER WANTS US TO CAST ALL OUR CARES ON HIM BECAUSE HE CARES FOR US!!! (1 Peter 5:7) Wherever we are in life, even if we do not get kudos or support from others, if Jesus says we are all right and that’s all right – it’s divine and good enough for the final answer for us!!! Father’s perspective is always the divine best!!! Let’s follow Father’s heart for each of us and be content in it, dear ones!!! Oh I am sooo proud of ya’s for seeking Jesus above all, too!!! He is our all in all as this song says here. Jesus just always makes ya smile!!! đŸ™‚ Smiling with Jesus with ya’s!!!

All Right Together

It’s a “right on” day, precious saints!!! Oh that is the way our Father sees it for us and that is as we should see it, too!!! More live here!!!

Father’s amazing grace is the filter thru which we should always see ourselves and others, too!!! I love this song here that speaks of Father’s amazing grace and I celebrate it with you, today!!!

Everything Will Be oK.jpg

How sweet is our Father and how I am thankful He reveals truth to us when we need it and loves us always with unfailing, unconditional love thru our faith in His perfect performance on the cross!!! There is no failure with Father – only up or getting up from evaluated learning experiences!!! Oh He just always makes me smile!!! đŸ™‚

Gods Grace is Sufficient.jpg

So let us love one another, learn together and keep stepping forward for divine life as kids of faith who are forever loved!!! Divine sisterly love to ya wherever you are!!! đŸ™‚

Draw to the throne of Grace

Receive Father’s grace, see ourselves in His grace as sufficient always and extend grace in the exchanges of sharing the truths of Jesus as He leads!!! It’s an “all-right” combination for the divine win, win, win life of relationships!!!

Beyond Birdie Love

La, la, la – la, la, la, la!!! đŸ™‚ This song has me dancing in my chair with a smile in the joy of our Father today:


Three Sparrows

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”

Matthew 6:26

Father takes care of the birdies and sees us as much more valuable than they – now how special is His heart for us as His people!!! Oh Father speaks to my heart that He has had His eye on us as His kids of faith from the day He first created us with His love in mind for us and His purpose for us in this world!!!

Jesus Loving Dog

Jesus Delighting in Me

As the Apostle Paul tells us, He desires that we rest assured by His Word:

“My God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:19

When we see we have needs, we get to see our Father’s loving provision of meeting our needs (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual)!!! He knows what our needs are and what our wants are and what is good for us!!! YAYYY!!! I love it that Father watches out for us in good ways!!! While we do not always know exactly HOW Father will bless us in life, we can know He always knows how to bring about a beautiful result of what we might even think is hopeless!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! VICTORY IN JESUS IS WHAT HE BRINGS TO US AS HIS KIDS OF FAITH!!! We can trust in His love to take care of us well as His sons and daughters in all areas of life as we seek Him!!! How exciting and oh how He loves to show us His love for us!!! He is faithful and will “never leave us nor forsake us” (Hebrews 13:5)!!! He knows how to give good gifts to us and says that if we know how to give good gifts to our children, then how much more does He who is all perfect know how to give good gifts to us as His kids!!! (Matthew 7:11) Oh He is a good, good Father to us always!!!

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

James 1:17


YOU are a divine gift in this world, too, precious saints!!! How is Father moving your heart to be His gift to meet the needs of someone He is placing on your heart??? Oh you can bring a smile to someone or put a “la, la, la” – “la, la, la, la” victory song on their heart or a glory dance in their step!!! đŸ™‚ Proud of you for being heaven on earth as Father moves in your heart where He has you in life!!! Father will give us all we need by His sufficient grace!!! I’m a gal trusting in Him with ya’s and counting my blessings today!!! I am thankful for Jesus with ya’s!!! đŸ™‚ Oh that just makes me smile and puts a dance in my step both!!! đŸ™‚

Fully Alive

Hi, mighty saints in Christ Jesus!!! I want to encourage your hearts today as Father encourages mine that we should stand fully alive in Christ Jesus!!! Running on all cylinders of divine thinking and divine power is Father’s heart for us to bring us fully alive in His Spirit mindset!!! Fully alive is the status of His Spirit living within us without limitation thru our faith in Christ Jesus!!! Oh to that I say let’s let Jesus flaunt it out into us and thru us!!! đŸ™‚ There’s Holy Spirit spark alive in ya that moves us into divine life, saint!!! Me, too!!! How exciting is that!!! Don’t that just light ya up divinely?!!

Man FIre to Earth

Run For the Vision

As we know from our Father’s written Word (the Bible) when our Father created us each one oh sooo special, He created us in His image who is the source of life!!! Now if we are created alive by the source of life who was before time and without end and He lives in us thru faith, we are totally forever alive bound and destined!!!

Thru faith in Jesus, He  has put into us His Holy Spirit upon faith in Him as our Savior so that He could be the divine victory song rising up from our hearts that plays out from our trusting in His love and perfect care for us forever!!! Let us not let anything take that beautiful song from our hearts, but rather let it play over and over and over again so it gets stuck in our head!!! Father is always working good life in us, thru us and all around us and has empowered us with His Spirit working in us to energize us and bring to us beyond all we could ask or imagine with unlimited victory possibilities so we can live life fully at peace and joy in Him!!!  So if the source of high energy life is with us and within us, let us not let the enemy of this world quench our fire from us by filling our minds with dead thoughts – things contrary to our Father’s goodness and ability to care for us and empower us to have the divine life!!! He can take care of all things of our past, present and future far better than we ever could, so let’s let Him make all our thoughts alive with hope and peace in Him as this song says here!!! Is there somewhere in your life where you are not experiencing life in the fullness of Father’s heart for you??? I ask myself the same, although right now I am doing well so please do not worry about me!!! Let us cast off to Jesus in prayer anything He brings to our minds that is needing His life spark set to it and then trust in Jesus to blaze divine life into that situation because Jesus says this about the enemy, the devil:

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.”  (John 10:10) Father has us and is holding on to us and wants to hold onto our thoughts, too!!! YAY!!! I’m a gal thankful with ya’s He helps us stay focused!!!! We are in His mighty right hand where all the power of the universe is and nothing can snatch us from His care!!! Safe forever we are as we stay close to Him!!! Yeppers, fully alive in Jesus we are forever, but let us rest in that divine destiny for us as His kingdom kids and celebrate life fully wherever Father has us even now by nestling in His love with us as we rest from this day!!! Jesus is fully alive and all powerful with us and in us!!! Nothing can touch that victoriously!!! YAYYY!!! Happy with ya’s!!! Much love to you!!! See ya tomorrow – fully alive in Jesus!!! Oh that just makes me smile!!! đŸ™‚

God's Hand Connects

Filled Up With the New

Being open to the mindset of heaven is to be open to the brilliance of all that is divine as our Father reveals it to us!!! From the beginning, our God has always been One who is doing new and amazing and unthought of by human minds things!!! Being open to the new, never been done before happenings is bound to happen as our Father tells us in His written Word (the Bible). He says this about our mindset compared to His ways of thinking and planning:

“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” — the things God has prepared for those who love Him.”

1 Corinthians 2:9

God is on the Move

These things we can know about the future:

  • His heart is for us to “be strong and courageous, do not be dismayed or afraid, for I will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
  • His promise to us: “For I know the plans that I have for you,” declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

As it was in the days of yesterdays, when you put new wine into old wineskins, they could break. That is why it was good to put new wine into new wineskins because they had strength and elasticity (stretch) to hold the new wine as it fermented. Jesus said it this way:

“…no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.”

Mark 2:22

Wineskin Breaking

For so many years, it seemed my life was the same in several ways and when our Father brought big change into my life, it was kinda shocking at first and it took time for me to adjust to the realization that my life had changed and that life is always changing!!! My source of stability in it all was Jesus – He was the constant for me that I could count on and trust in to see me thru life changes. He still is today and I know that He will be with us for all of our tomorrows, dear ones!!! That just gives me all kinds of peace!!! His promise: “Never will I leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5) Jesus is our ROCK for ROCK-SOLID FAITH!!!

On the Rock Faith

As Kingdom kids it is good when we do not get rigid comfortable in life one way to be continued always the same because if Father introduces the new into our lives and we are not open to it, we may break just like an old wineskin – not strong nor elastic (flexible)!!! YIKES!!!

When we are born again in faith, we are new creations with His Holy Spirit at work in us to put off the old nature and put on the new nature of His Spirit working in us to bring forth the fruit of His Spirit into our lives!!! This is an ongoing happening in us!!! It is the heart of Jesus for us that we have forever life with Him and to have joy in it – that our joy be complete!!! Now how sweet is He to us to be forever thinking of us!!!

They Seize Us


This is for sure, life is always going to be changing, so getting used to being open to changes the Holy Spirit is bringing is always going to be good for us – His changes are always a very good divine thing happening because that is all our Father is!!! All the time God is good and God is good all the time!!! Because our Father’s intent for us is good, we can be comfortable and peace full with that always!!! Therefore, let us be excited and hungry for Father’s good for us in life and press forward with Father, open to new divine things yet to be seen – good things beyond what we can even ask or imagine!!!  I am sooo thankful we are forever Kingdom family together with Jesus, precious saints – that is a surety that will never change and that just makes me smile and shout out WOOOHOOO – ON THE GOOO WITH YA’S FOR JESUS WHERE HE LEADS US!!! THIS SONG HERE IS A FUN SONG ABOUT CHANGES.  IT INSPIRES ME ABOUT THE FUTURE!!! DIVINE LIFE CHANGES ARE JUST THAT – DIVINE – HEAVENLY!!! LET’S EMBRACE HEAVEN AS FATHER REVEALS IT TO US!!! RUH, RUH, RUH!!! IT’S GONNA BE EXCITING TO SEE!!!

God is Good


Open to the New

NEW day greetings, NEW creations YOU thru faith in Christ Jesus!!! Oh how exciting to be able to experience the NEWNESS of today with ya’s with Jesus!!! It just has me smiling big today!!! Thinking NEW – it can bring about more than we could ever ask or imagine when we let Jesus create and bring new things into our lives and thru us!!! His grace is sufficient to bring it into our lives if we are willing to move with the Holy Spirit blazing inside of us to blaze a NEW trail into life!!! WOOOHOOO!!! LET’S RIDE THAT NEW RIDE IF FATHER IS CALLING US TO, DEAR ONES!!! Why??? If we stay open to new things and change in life, our Father will take us where He wants to have us go for divine purposes that can bring about divine changes for eternal kingdom purposes – it’s the best life for not only ourselves, but for others our Father wants to touch thru His new ideas and changes!!! Now how exciting is that!!! OH LET’S NOT MISS IT BY STAYING STUCK IN RUTS IF FATHER IS CALLING US OUT OF THEM!!! đŸ™‚ Is Father calling you to step out in faith to try something new??? What is it??? What is the first step He is wanting you to take??? WOOOHOOO!!! LET US NOT DELAY IT BUT GO WITH ENTHUSIASM AS HE GUIDES US!!! OH I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE WHAT IT MIGHT BE!!!

When new creativity and new ideas are put forth, things such as new music is created, new ways of loving a friend or your valentine can happen, good changes in life can happen, easier ways of doing something that needs to be done can happen, time can be saved, money can be saved and redirected in better ways, barriers can come down, books can be written, lives can be saved, relationships can be saved, forgiveness can happen, new inventions are developed to bless people and the list can go on and on and on!!!

Man Lovingn Woman

Three girl photos of loving

Black and White Handshake

There are lots of new things that can happen and perhaps it is just a new perspective about what our Father is wanting to do new or continue on in one’s life??? So I ask myself as I ask you “What’s new in your life???”

New Day and New

One thing we can rejoice over today no matter where we are is that our Father’s love and mercy is new not only every morning, but every second of everyday!!! He is constantly pouring new grace into our lives to take us from glory to glory!!! Let us rejoice that our Father of love is not only new, but also “the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) While Jesus often has new ideas and changes some things in our lives, He Himself is forever unchanging in who He is!!!

God is our Stability

He is always good, always truth, always all powerful, always all love, always all wise, always just and always victorious for us as we look to Him in life!!! Some things change and some things stay the same and for it all, we can trust in our constant trustworthy Father to guide us divinely for the best life as this song says here!!!

Three Hearts

God's Crazy Love