The Beauty of Jesus

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This is a new friend of mine…she has great makeup tips!!! I love her thought here, too!!! It reminds me that Father’s grace is always there for us when we trust in Jesus as our Savior from sin!!! His mercies are new every morning!!! Great is His faithfulness!!! Lamentations 3:23

I worship Jesus with you with this song here this new day of His grace and love and power for divine victory with us!!!

Jesus…He just makes all of life sooo beautiful when He puts His finishing touches on it for all who will believe in Him!!! Ephesians 2:8-9 New International Version (NIV)

8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.

Oh I’m a gal enjoying the beauty of Jesus’s love and grace and power and victory with ya!!! It’s a beautiful day and Jesus working through you just makes this world a beautiful place!!! Rock on in doing the divine in yer life by His grace working in you!!! You we’re created beautifully, fearfully and wonderfully!!!

Jesus for the world!!! Follow His lead with us here on instagram, too!!!



Enjoying Freedom

Imprisoned Animal

Mrgasco88 recently shared this photo on Instagram and it made me think about how sometimes people can feel like a caged animal by the confines of religion and performance for approval. Jesus desires His people to be set free in their thinking by finding rest in His grace. When we trust in Jesus to save us as our Savior from sins, we are forever set free from the confines of having to perform in order to be accepted by Him as a royal member of His Kingdom family forever. We are saved by grace, accepted by Him by His performance on the cross out of His love for us and His desire to have us forever safe with Him from the enemy of life, Satan, who always wants to put God’s people in bondage!!! Are you free??? More about having true freedom in Christ can be found here:

Working with Divine Passion

Hi, everybody!!! I am sooo thankful Father desires that we enjoy our lives with Him here in recreation and in our work to bring the presence of heaven to earth!!! When we seek to pursue life in our divine passions Father has put into us…here is what happens as shared live here.

Oh you are each one oh sooo special to making this world a beautiful place where heaven is seen and heard and His presence experienced as we trust in Jesus!!! Wooohooo!!! Let’s build Father’s kingdom here together as this song says here.

Proud of ya for doing what YOU can as the YOU and JESUS team you are with us!!! Happy and smiling!!!

Work Hard Trust God Enjoy Life

Jesus as Father and Mother

As my Pastor Todd Pierce shares here, our Father in heaven has both a strong courageous Fatherly side and a gentle and tender nurturing Mother side. If you have a mother living, honor her in your life today as Jesus did His mother who gave Him life. It honors Jesus who has given us all life, everybody!!! I asked Jesus to tell my mother hi and I love her as she is in heaven with Him!!! Jesus is my mother and my father now!!! Oh I know she is blessed in His presence!!!  As your sister in Christ, Happy Mother’s Day to you, everybody!!! Have a beautiful day!!!

From Pastor Todd Pierce:

“As we celebrate Mothers this weekend, I want to encourage you all to consider the fact that when God created mankind he created them both Male and Female. Because God chose to have us address him as a Father – we tend to only consider the masculinity of God, and not really consider the feminine side. I’m thankful for having a mom who showed me a feminine expression of who God is!”18425364_1897568623828270_6766138776991619016_n