The Impossible Made Possible

Now this is a sign of trust by these chicks in this Sam Samy video here:


As you know, Sam, what might be thought impossible with the flesh side is possible with the power of the Holy Spirit working divinely to overpower what is of the flesh and the enemy of life!!!

Jesus tells us that there is a day in His kingdom when the lion will be at peace with the lamb!!! Now how awesome is that!!! I sooo love peace between all of Jesus’s creation!!! Father tells us this in His Word that He has given us the ability to overcome Satan, my dear Sam Samy!!! As we stay focused on Jesus, we win heaven’s victory always!!!

“Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11 “Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” James 4:7

I like this powerful song about Jesus living inside of us:

🙂 HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! I am sooo thankful that chicks feel comfortable with me in their lives!!! Oh life with them with me with you just makes me smile!!! Much Jesus love!!!

Animals See Heaven, too!!!

This video you share here is so sweet, Sam Samy!!!

Jesus made animals very smart…divine…having the ability to reason, sense danger and even see angels!!! That is what happened to Balam’s donkey as we have shared with us in God’s Word in Numbers 22:21-33!!! Oh they are amazing creations and Jesus cares for His animals!!! I know that the great love you have for animals is straight from the heart of Jesus to me and many!!! Blessings to you today in all your work!!! I like this song here about everything praising Jesus…our always good God who only does what is good, of love and of truth in our lives:

I praise Jesus, our source of love with you, Sam!!! Have a great rest of today!!!