The Heavenly Garden

Sooo true about what you share here wjth this video, Sam Samy:

It’s a beautiful garden!!! 😊It makes me smile!!! Jesus provided all of it!!! Isn’t He a beautiful Gardner!!! I praise Jesus here with you, Sam:

Divine World Changers

Sooo precious of a story Sam Samy shares here:

Jesus was and is all about rescue!!! He works through people by His Holy Spirit that they receive upon faith in Him to help others neglected by people and pursued by the enemy of this world!!! As He tells us in His Word, the Bible:

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

Oh He gives us breath for life…what we choose to do with it can sure make a divine difference in this world!!! You can make a difference in this world!!! Staying close to Jesus and going into life for His kingdom, too!!! ☝️πŸ”₯πŸ‘β€οΈπŸ‘‘πŸ’ͺπŸ™ I like this song here:

Captivated By Love

Ladies!!! Oh an interesting cause to check out for sure in this video here that Sam Samy shares:


I find it interesting that the lion wants to stay where it finds love in relationship rather than step out into the world all alone. As you know, Sam, a person is never alone because Jesus is always with us as His people of faith!!! Oh that just makes me smile!!! As you also know, Sam, Father created us for relationship!!! I am reminded that it is always good news wherever He opens and closes doors in our lives to put us in the divine place for us to be together with divine purpose with Him working in us as His people of faith!!! πŸ™‚ Lots to ponder about this video!!! I am reminded of this song here about being a new creation in faith in Jesus and the specialness of His love:

Thank you for the pondering again today, Sam!!! I’m sharing it!!!

Father Gets You

Happy day greetings, sweet saints of faith!!! I do not know where you are or what you may be doing today, but I am thankful that our Sovereign Father does!!! He has had His eye on you from before you were – that is how much He cares for YOU!!! He knows every hair that is on your head and He cares about your heart!!! He longs to always bless you and have you as His prized possession as a royal member of His Kingdom family without end!!! There is nothing that you can do to make him love you any more or any less than He already does and always has!!! He has gone to great lengths to show us just how great His love is by being an example of sacrificial love in going to the cross to forever rescue us from the evil one who wants to thwart God’s loving plans for us. Satan tries to do so by creating doubt in our minds as to God’s goodness so that we lose faith in our perfect God of love and instead take up following he who hates us and is a liar!!! YIKES!!! WATCH OUT DEAR ONES!!! LET US STAY CLOSE TO OUR FATHER OF LOVE WHO GETS OUR HEARTS AND WHO WILL PROVE OUR FAITH GENUINE AS WE PERSEVERE IN THE CHALLENGING TIMES!!!


Some things Jesus just handles and has handled for us and some things He calls us to join Him in the process of handling to have victory in this life!!! He likes to work through His people and when we join Him in life process, it gives us opportunity to see His power at work in us through us and all around us in ways that we wouldn’t see otherwise!!! It makes our faith genuine!!! Jesus gets us and the Devil because Jesus endured hard stuff on earth to bring us eternal victory over the enemy!!! Β Had Jesus cowered or acted passively to the enemy threats, the Devil would have defeated us all. WOOOHOOO!!! WAY TO PUSH HIM BACK JESUS!! YOU PUSHED HIM FOREVER BACK WITH THOSE STRIPES ON YOUR BACK AND THOSE BLOWS TO YOUR HANDS AND FEET THAT YOU TOOK!!! THANK YOU JESUS FOR DOING THAT FOR US AS YOUR BELOVED OF FAITH!!!

Jesus Fighting Satan.jpg

Oh I find it very inspiring that “For even the Son of Man (Jesus) did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45) Bless Him for doing so!!! Bless YOU for doing so, too, dear saint!!!

Each one of us on earth have the opportunity to resist the Devil and in doing so, he will flee from us!!! Life sometimes calls us to do hard things as Jesus did, too, in order to bring divine victory to others, including ourselves and to bring heaven to earth!!! How is Father moving your heart to do what might be hard, challenging or not necessarily easy or pleasant??? Oh let us find the pleasure in knowing that as we do those kinds of things in life, that our Father gets it!!! For the joy set before Him in blessing us, He endured the cross!!! He understands!!! He gets our heart and as we look to Him as Jesus looked to His Father, He will give us the strength and grace that is needed to persevere and have divine victory!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! LET’S KEEP A GOING FOR DIVINE VICTORY, PRECIOUS SAINTS OF HOPE WHO WILL ALSO SHARE IN OUR FATHER’S GLORY JUST AS WE SHARE AT TIMES IN SUFFERING AS HE ENDURED AGAINST THE EVIL ONE TO GIVE US FOREVER RESCUE FROM DEATH AND A SURE SECURE FUTURE IN HIS ETERNAL KINGDOM WITH HIM AS OUR FATHER WHO LOVES US WITH UNFAILING, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!!! HE DID FOR US WHAT WE COULD NEVER DO FOR OURSELVES AND HE IS STILL DOING SO TODAY!!!



There is a time coming soon when life on this earth will be no more and heaven will be full of those who heard of and kept faith in Jesus as our Savior!!! When He returns to take us all to our new home where the Devil will be no more a pest to bother us, Jesus says:

“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me and I will give to each person according to what they have done.”Β 

Revelation 22:12

There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus, only rewards for things we do to show love for Father!!! Now how loving is our Father to not only help us have victory while here on earth, but to also give back to us in heavenly ways for what we do on earth for our Father who loves us always!!! His heart for us to know is this:

“God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love that you show Him as you help His people and continue to help them.”

Hebrews 6:10

May your heart smile BIG today knowing Father gets your heart and He delights in you and is for you always as this song says here.Β Β 

I am sooo proud of you for doing the hard stuff in life and focusing not on it, but on how special you are in this world and to our Father and how much He delights in your heart for Him and being His chosen one for bringing heaven to earth as only YOU and He can together. That rocks the Devil’s world, saint!!! Now how awesome is that!!! It just makes me smile!!! πŸ™‚ Seeking to ROCK the Devil’s world for Jesus THE GOOD ROCK, TOO!!!

Having a Grace Lift

Oh there is nothing more delightful in life as we journey along on this earth than having heaven reach down and give us a grace lift when earthly life has us knocked down by our enemy Satan. Do I hear an amen from you, precious saint???

One thing is sure in this life is that the enemy is always on the prowl to discourage God’s people however he can and what our Father wants us to know is we need not go there because our loving all powerful Father is always right wherever we are to uphold us with His righteous right hand of perfect unfailing, unconditional love!!! Not only does He keep us from laying down on the ground of defeat, but as He is lifting us up, He is reminding us that there is no such thing as failure – no condemnation for those of us in Christ Jesus, only grace to reveal to us divine life so that when we get our feet under us, we can continue on with Father’s supporting grace as sufficient to help us glean from our evaluated experiences and move forward the wiser with Father’s truth for us!!! Oh we are always learning that is for sure, so let us not ever let the enemy convince us that we are any different than anyone else who is learning about life on the go of experiencing it for the first and only lifetime!!! We have our Father’s Word (the Holy Bible) and we have learning from experience!!! How exciting to always be learning!!!

Hence as Father tells us, we can count it all joy as solid gold the experiences in life that the enemy seeks to use to destroy us, but our Father works through to enlighten us and empower us to keep a going in life!!! Oh this is amazing grace and our Father’s sweet love and amazing grace is truly something to joyfully sing about as we step through this life with Father always with us!!! Father has me smiling in His grace lift for me this new day and I’m a gal stepping into life with His reassurance that with Him, life is gonna be alright and that nothing can snatch us as His people from His hand of grace that He has forever upon all of us who believe in Christ and His forever defeat of the enemy on the cross!!!

The trials of the enemy just make us stronger as we keep our hearts fixed on the love and grace of Jesus for us!!! Let us always remember the secret of life contentment and power available to us over the evil one that the Apostle Paul came to understand from Jesus’ love and words for him:

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

2 Corinthians 12:9

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the ruler, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

Ephesians 6:12

“Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”

Ephesians 6:13

How do we stand against the enemy??? Just as the saints of yesterday did:

“They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”

Revelation 12:11


The saints of yesterday were sure of their future and their victory in Christ so therefore, they didn’t shrink back to the enemy bluffs, nor should we!!! They prayed, rebuked the Devil and claimed God’s authority over him!!! WOOOHOOO!!! I’m a gal standing sure and holy and blameless, without accusation and with no condemnation in Christ Jesus with ya’s in heavenly authority, precious saints!!! We are more than conquerors in Father’s amazing grace as our sufficiency to stand against enemy efforts to keep us down in defeat when he raises up his worthless efforts!!!


Father’s unfailing sufficient grace, love, strength and power is ours as this song says here. Father laid down His life so ours can always be picked up!!! Now how awesome that we can always stand divine in Jesus, hanging onto His righteous right hand!!!


Ya know what they say “Ya can’t keep a good man (or woman) down” and in Christ Jesus, that is oh sooo true!!! I’m a gal standing all right in Jesus’ robe of righteousness with ya, dear saints of royalty!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! VICTORIOUS KINGDOM FAMILY WE FOREVER ARE!!! WEAR YOUR CROWN WELL TODAY AND LET’S NEVER LET SATAN TALK US INTO LAYING IT DOWN IN DEFEAT!!! PROUD OF YOU FOR KEEPING STANDING IN CHRIST JESUS VICTORY!!!

Enjoying the Sonshine

New day greetings, precious saints wherever you are today!!! My heart for heaven on earth is on the move with Jesus with ya’s for the journey of life gifted to us today!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! What a privilege and honor to travel with the King of Glory where He is leading us each one on a special assignment from His royal throne of grace directly!!! Oh He sees us each one oh sooo special and even knows the number of hairs on our heads!!! He has had His eye on each one of us from the time He first thought about us and said oh this one is going to be a Masterpiece and sure enough when He was done creating YOU and me, too, He said “It is very good.” Soon marvel at yourself darlin’ because YOU are truly heavenly – an absolute dream come true on this earth with heaven as our forever eternal home!!! YEP!!! WE’RE ALL GONNA MEET UP THERE AND IT’S GONNA BE ONE HEAVENLY CELEBRATION!!! WOOOHOOO!!! THAT HAS ME SMILING AND HAPPY TODAY TO THINK ABOUT!!!

Meanwhile, back at the farm of earth where we are all planted and producing seeds of love and grace in the dirt fields of the enemy, it is growing season for the big kingdom harvest of all of God’s people that shall spring forth victorious as God’s holy Spirit waters and provides Sunshine to warm us and light up the inner core of our beings with heavenly nutrients necessary to bring eternal life!!! Oh how massive the opportunity for divine up-croppings of new seedlings of faith in the always good Master who has the big picture plan to bring good into the life of each one, to give hope and a future that is heavenly!!! RUH, RUH, RUH!!! I’m a gal seeking to bloom for Him where He has me planted by His grace, too!!!

As we each one sprout and grow, there is no need to have concerns of competition over one receiving our Father’s love, acceptance, blessing and approval more than another, because that Holy Spirit sap He has for us to give us the essential nourishment we need to be content and happy in His loving care for us is this from His Word (the Bible):

“But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.”

Ephesians 4:7

Therefore, Father has given us each one exactly what we need to stand victorious in the very spot in life where He has us planted, so lets us each one enjoy the Sonshine upon our lives right where Father has us for such a time as this!!! How exciting is life with our Father with each other!!! I love Him in my life with ya’s!!! Our lives serve purpose to grow and produce just what Father sees is divine for the harvest of this earth and He will do what is needed as He tells us:

“For it is God who works in you (me, too) to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose.”

Philippians 2:13


Therefore, our focus is to enjoy His loving smile upon us and the life we all have together in the common purpose of loving our Father, loving ourself and loving our neighbor as ourselves!!! Oh what a sweet life we have, dear ones of faith and we can know that as we look to Father, He will take care of all the weeds of the enemy so we need not fear their overtaking us!!! His promise to us is “Never will I leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5) POWERFUL WE ARE WITH OUR ALWAYS GOOD AND VICTORIOUS MASTER AT WORK IN US, THRU US AND ALL AROUND US!!! ENJOY HIS LOVE FOR YOU TODAY!!! I AM, TOO!!! MUCH LOVE TO YOU WHERE YOU ARE STANDING FIRM IN JESUS!!! IT’S A BEAUTIFUL DAY AS THIS SONG SAYS HERE.Β SMILING AND HAPPY!!!

Overflowing with Father’s Heart for You

Father’s beloved one of faith ~ May you find your heart filled to overflowing with the love of our Father that surrounds you today!!! The evidence of Him with you is all around you as this song says here!!!


Where is His love shining brightly before you in many ways right now??? As you look to Jesus with thanksgiving for His gifts before you, your heart will be filled with reminders of awareness that He is indeed with you in miraculous ways!!!

As you invite His Holy Spirit to fall afresh upon you, He will be with you to bring His kingdom on earth in newness for each second moving forward!!! He will bring His kingdom to you, thru you and to continually surround you in His ways more than you can ask or imagine or ever do in your own efforts!!! You are truly blessed by His unfailing, unconditional love and victory as you choose to follow Him as He leads you like none other!!! You are free in Him to live His will, plan and purpose for you by the sufficiency of His grace and approval of you thru your faith in Him!!! To do so will be the divine best life for you, His royal one!!!

Enjoy His love and freedom for you personally that is realized in following Father’s heart for you that is this:

“You shalt have no other gods before Me (Jesus).”

Exodus 20:3



Enjoy the best heavenly life with He who loves you completely!!! He will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5) and that reminder will bring you the peace and joy of heart Father desires for you to have!!! Me, too!!!

Made the Grade

Blessed (happy) day to you, precious family!!! I smile in the peace of Father’s love for me today that rises me up above all cares of life!!! Oh when our Father smiles upon us, you just feel like you are on top of the world and we are!!! Our Father tells us this:

“No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ who loves us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow–not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below–indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Romans 8:37-39 NLT



As I reflect upon my own past memories of being a school girl, I recall the pressure or anxiety I used to feel when I was about to receive my report card at the end of the year that told me if I had passed for the year and would be given the opportunity to enter the next grade and not have to remain where I was. It was always such a relief to know that I had qualified or was accepted into the next class. It gave me peace and relief. Today, my Father gives me that same kind of peace for which I am thankful to Him for when He tells us that through our faith in Christ that we are β€œqualified” or fitted for sharing in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. We have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness. We have made the highest grade!!! To that I say β€œWooohooo!!!” That feels so good!!! My Father tells me that He desires that we all have that good feeling and peace and that is why He gave the Apostle Paul and now each of us the request to open the eyes of others, to school them and turn them from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Jesus. We have been sanctified, meaning we have been passed on from the kingdom of darkness, have been freed from sin and death and are now set apart as a holy saint destined to inherit all of the riches of the Kingdom of Christ. Now that thought just makes my day!!! Isn’t it a great feeling to know we are qualified by the best?!! Celebrating with ya with His peace of mind as I step out into the day!!!



If you would like to know more about God’s freedom for you or someone you know, here is more information to help you:

I close with this song of peace here that we are no longer slaves to fear in Christ Jesus!!! I praise His name with you today who has forever seated us in His heavenly kingdom as royal kingdom family!!! Oh that feels good to my soul to have that blessed assurance!!! It just makes me smile!!!


Col 1:12-14; Ac 26:12-18; Mt 28:19; Eph 2:4-9; Romans 8:37-39

The Fullness of Heaven

Over the past several weeks, I have been sharing from the writings in my soon to be published book “Running Your Road of Purpose.” I will continue to write and share here in the future, but in closing out this book study, I want to encourage each of your hearts in persevering in the running of your very own unique purpose in this life!!!

At your life’s end, may it be said of you that your faith was found in Christ for your eternal salvation (His gift to you), and out of your love for Him as a gift back to Him, that you successfully ran the road of God’s purpose for your life – you persevered!!! WOOOHOOO!!! AWESOME!!! ATTA SAINT!!! Your life was not wasted energy!!! You looked for and used your potential fully – you chose the best!!! As you continue running on your β€œhomeward bound” road, my friend, may the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.Β Β  Remember what we have talked about in this study. An expression from a Hallmark card reads β€œBe who you are. Do what you love. Make a difference. Change the world.” I echo these thoughts in the context of the following additional thoughts:

Be the special, unique athlete you were created to be – You were created wonderfully and equipped for a beautiful purpose!!!


Do what you love and are good at – God has a plan for your life and He has given you a special passion for the work He prepared in advance for you to do. When you are working in your area of giftedness, you will love what you do, but remember that sometimes in life there will be those diaper changes! πŸ™‚

Make a difference in the lives of people – Often people have improper mindsets about what it takes to make a difference in the world and if they can’t live up to the standard they have set in their own minds, they feel they are ineffective. We should never underestimate the power of a simply spoken word of love or a small, kind gesture, perhaps it will be the very thing that enables someone to see the glimmer of God’s love for them and that love is what they need to give them renewed hope and courage to continue on in their life. We will not know until eternity the full impact that our lives have had on others.Β Β  Jesus said in John 5:35 that John the Baptist was a lamp that burned and gave light (he testified to the truth of Jesus – THE light of the world). In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus says that we are the β€œlight of the world.” He tells us to β€œlet our lights shine before men/women, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Perhaps the people around you will see some small thing (a flicker of light) about you in the way you live out your life that makes them hunger for Christ in their own life. Little things mean a lot! YOU CAN make a difference in someone’s life.

God's Hands of Light

Change the world for Christ! There is only one YOU! Nobody can impact the world the way you can. If you do not share the gift of YOU with the world, the world will forever miss out!

Worthy Calling

I’m praying and cheering for you!!! I may not have the opportunity to meet you until we get β€œhome” to the place that will be grander than any place we have been before and I want you to know that I look forward to that day.Β Β  It will be our β€œhome sweet home” with God and each other!!! How exciting it will be!!! Psalm 16:11 says β€œYou (God) have made known to me the path of life; you fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.” Knowing God and His history of blessing His people, I have no doubt that we will all be filled with joy in His presence and partakers in the eternal pleasures that He has planned for us at the end of our path of life. β€œHe will wipe every tear from our eyes. There will be no more death or crying or mourning or pain, for the old order of things will have passed away” (Revelation 21:4).Β Β  Psalm 84:10 says β€œBetter is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere.” Β An excellent book that has me excited about our life after this life is called β€œHeaven” by Randy Alcorn.Β Β  With Randy’s reflection and what God has told us in His Word about heaven, I am sure when we all cross over the finish line into eternity, all of us will be in agreement that β€œthere is no place like our eternal home!”


Kingdom of Heaven in You

The Spirit and the bride say β€œCome!” And let him/her who hears say β€œCome!” Whoever is thirsty, let him/her come; and whoever wishes, let him/her take the free gift of the water of life” (Revelation 22:17). Β 


β€œAmen.” β€œCome, Lord Jesus.” I close with this song here that welcomes Jesus’ full big picture presence and kingdom ushered in – in all it’s full glorious reality with us where the lion will be at peace with the lamb!!!

Lion With the Lamb

Going Supernatural

Well, I’m a gal all zealed up for Jesus again today by His Holy Spirit moving my heart to go for Him, sweet family!!! Oh I just get all excited about all of the possibilities of where our Father can take each one of us as His kingdom family into life for making a divine difference as He moves our hearts individually!!!

Girl YES

For each person, there are lots of possibilities and sorting thru them to find our Father’s heart is important for divine life!!! It happens when we seek Him in prayer:

Pray to God as Psalm 20:4 says: β€œMay you (God) give me the desires (God’s desires) of my heart and make all your (God’s) plans succeed”.Β Β  Another prayer that I have found very helpful when overwhelmed is:


Sometimes I find it hard to manage my time well. There is so much to do and that can be done! Please help me to prioritize my daily activities and finances to align with your will, your plan, your purpose, and to do what is most important as well as the little mundane tasks that must be done. Help me to know when to say β€œno” to projects and requests that come along that would overwhelm me or take away from what you want me to do. Please help me to always love and care for those lives you have entrusted to my care and circle of influence. In Jesus name I pray, amen.”

The best thing we can do in life is to seek His wisdom in weighing the amount of time and resources we have to devote to each area of ministry He asks us to step into and for wisdom in determining the right timing for each step we take. God doesn’t show us the whole road at once, so we must always step out with a submissive attitude to His desire to have us continue our direction, redirect our goals, postpone them or stop them all together. James 4:13-17 says β€œNow listen, you who say β€œToday or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money. Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, if it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” As it is, you boast and brag.Β Β  All such boasting is evil. Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” Bearing these verses in mind, unless God makes changes, I step out with the light that has been given to me thus far to run the section of road God has made visible to me.

Given all of these things to think about each day, do you feel overwhelmed? Do you feel like you need a cape and a large β€œS” on your chest to be a supernatural β€œSuperwoman” or β€œSuperman?”


I confess to that and the truth is that we do need supernatural strength and let me encourage you again that God is the supernatural strength that we need to run the road He has mapped out for you and I personally. Philippians 4:13 says β€œI can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”   This is true no matter where the road of God’s purpose may take us and no matter what the circumstances. It is important to let God give us the heart desire and grace to minister where He leads (Philippians 2:13) and not take an attitude of β€œlegalism”, telling ourself we have to meet certain standards to earn God’s acceptance. This is a lie of Satan. If we believe it, we will wear ourself out by running too much and too fast and for unnecessary reasons. Because of what Christ did on the cross for us, we are deeply loved, completely forgiven and totally accepted by God. He tells us in Matthew 11:28-30 β€œCome to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” God will lead us at the proper pace and in proper balance if we listen to Him. “It is God who works in us to will and act according to His purpose.” (Philippians 2:13)

Not by might

Living the Christian life is all about Father’s grace to us – apart from Him, we can do nothing divinely!!! With Jesus – it’s the supernatural divine life that just makes ya smile!!! πŸ™‚ I’m a gal seeking His supernatural heart for me today with you, dear ones!!! Father tells us:

“For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on Me and come and pray to Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.”

Jeremiah 29:11-13

Stay close in heart to Jesus!!! Jesus will bring the divine life to us as this song says here!!! πŸ™‚ WOOOHOOO!!! IT’S GONNA BE EXCITING, IT’S GONNA BE FUN!!! IT’S GONNA BE DIVINE AND AN ETERNAL DIFFERENCE MAKER!!! POWER ON!!! YEP – YA GOT JESUS!!!

