Hearts Secure Forever

Personal inner security of the heart….As you know, Sam Samy, everyone desires it!!! I find it interesting in this video here that the pacifier the dog is hanging on to is purple which is the color of royalty.



As people of faith in Christ Jesus, upon faith in Him, we are part of his royal kingdom family!!! Each one of us is royalty!!! Now how awesome is that and how sweet of Jesus to build us up that way as so special to Him. In his kingdom family, men are as kings and women are as queens. When His people of faith have their security in the royal color of heaven’s view of us all, we are secure for this life and for forever life!!! We can call it “mindset heaven’s viewpoint” for strong, courageous, peaceful and empowered life living!!! “And I will be a Father to you and you shall be sons and daughters to Me, says the Lord Almighty 2 Corinthians 6:18. I like this song here that talks about us as people of faith belonging to God’s royal kingdom family as children of God:


Oh it all just makes me smile with you Sam Samy, here with everybody!!! Such fun life!!! 🙂 Special and loved by heaven we are!!!