The Master Has Need of It


Happy Psalm Sunday, sweet family of faith!!! Isn’t it wonderful that Jesus created even animals to have a divine purpose!!! In the biblical account of Jesus’s life, the donkey that had never been ridden before had to be untied for the honor of carrying out its purpose in life to carry Jesus into the midst of the people on Psalm Sunday!!! Jesus’ words to the donkey owner was “The Master has need of it.” It is amazing that the donkey that had never been rode before chose to carry the King without bucking or fighting Him. He saw eye to eye with Jesus!!! Now how amazing is that!!! Jesus is our Prince of peace and love and victory for all who believe in Him and He always leads us in triumphant procession!!! Oh let us stay one in purpose with Jesus’s kingdom coming into the world, too!!! What part is your purpose in life??? With Jesus guiding and us trusting in Him, it will be a heavenly divine ride!!! Wooohooo!!! Enjoy the gifQt of today wherever you are today!!! Much love!!! “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest heaven” Luke 19:38 (CEB). I praise our Lord with ya with this song here:

This just seems fitting today to share this photo of my Pastor Todd Pierce beckoning a donkey to come to him in trust as he demonstrated his wild-horse presentation in the jungle of Burma a few years ago with what was there. The Master had need of it!!! The donkey was learning he had a good purpose in life if he would just have faith!!! 🙂 Rock on in sharing what God has given you to do in life that carries a good purpose, dear saints!!! It makes a heavenly difference!!!

Todd in Burma.jpg