As You Think…

Oh Sam Samy, it is sooo true as Father says in His Word, that what every person desires is unfailing love!!! Because of fear and lack of faith and confidence, most people would not have the bravery to reach out in faith to love someone with a gun pointed at them as seen here!!! I see that same kind of bravery and confidence, faith and love in you!!! This man loved enough not to let the gunman destroy his own life by letting him wipe out a life. Therefore, he got creative and stepped out in faith!!! I greatly admire that!!! Powerful video here!!! Thank you sooo much for sharing it!!!

As a person thinks in their mind so they are because they don’t always believe divine truth!!! What we believe in in life we act on. Apparently this man needed to be convinced he was loved!!! When someone knows the true love of Jesus, it carries them into life in a whole new mindset as this song says here:

Going in love, faith, Godfidence and happy in life because of God with you making my day with divine love!!!

Jesus…He’s Sooo Smart!!!

This is powerful and life changing strategy that can make a heavenly difference on earth as Sam Samy shares here!!!

How can you apply it to your life??? Pondering it as well with Jesus as my guide!!! 😊 I’m happy and smiling…going for divine best life, too!!! Hooorrraaahhh!!!

I like this song here about shaking with divine change:

Captivated By Love

Ladies!!! Oh an interesting cause to check out for sure in this video here that Sam Samy shares:


I find it interesting that the lion wants to stay where it finds love in relationship rather than step out into the world all alone. As you know, Sam, a person is never alone because Jesus is always with us as His people of faith!!! Oh that just makes me smile!!! As you also know, Sam, Father created us for relationship!!! I am reminded that it is always good news wherever He opens and closes doors in our lives to put us in the divine place for us to be together with divine purpose with Him working in us as His people of faith!!! 🙂 Lots to ponder about this video!!! I am reminded of this song here about being a new creation in faith in Jesus and the specialness of His love:

Thank you for the pondering again today, Sam!!! I’m sharing it!!!

Having a Grace Lift

Oh there is nothing more delightful in life as we journey along on this earth than having heaven reach down and give us a grace lift when earthly life has us knocked down by our enemy Satan. Do I hear an amen from you, precious saint???

One thing is sure in this life is that the enemy is always on the prowl to discourage God’s people however he can and what our Father wants us to know is we need not go there because our loving all powerful Father is always right wherever we are to uphold us with His righteous right hand of perfect unfailing, unconditional love!!! Not only does He keep us from laying down on the ground of defeat, but as He is lifting us up, He is reminding us that there is no such thing as failure – no condemnation for those of us in Christ Jesus, only grace to reveal to us divine life so that when we get our feet under us, we can continue on with Father’s supporting grace as sufficient to help us glean from our evaluated experiences and move forward the wiser with Father’s truth for us!!! Oh we are always learning that is for sure, so let us not ever let the enemy convince us that we are any different than anyone else who is learning about life on the go of experiencing it for the first and only lifetime!!! We have our Father’s Word (the Holy Bible) and we have learning from experience!!! How exciting to always be learning!!!

Hence as Father tells us, we can count it all joy as solid gold the experiences in life that the enemy seeks to use to destroy us, but our Father works through to enlighten us and empower us to keep a going in life!!! Oh this is amazing grace and our Father’s sweet love and amazing grace is truly something to joyfully sing about as we step through this life with Father always with us!!! Father has me smiling in His grace lift for me this new day and I’m a gal stepping into life with His reassurance that with Him, life is gonna be alright and that nothing can snatch us as His people from His hand of grace that He has forever upon all of us who believe in Christ and His forever defeat of the enemy on the cross!!!

The trials of the enemy just make us stronger as we keep our hearts fixed on the love and grace of Jesus for us!!! Let us always remember the secret of life contentment and power available to us over the evil one that the Apostle Paul came to understand from Jesus’ love and words for him:

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

2 Corinthians 12:9

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the ruler, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

Ephesians 6:12

“Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”

Ephesians 6:13

How do we stand against the enemy??? Just as the saints of yesterday did:

“They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”

Revelation 12:11


The saints of yesterday were sure of their future and their victory in Christ so therefore, they didn’t shrink back to the enemy bluffs, nor should we!!! They prayed, rebuked the Devil and claimed God’s authority over him!!! WOOOHOOO!!! I’m a gal standing sure and holy and blameless, without accusation and with no condemnation in Christ Jesus with ya’s in heavenly authority, precious saints!!! We are more than conquerors in Father’s amazing grace as our sufficiency to stand against enemy efforts to keep us down in defeat when he raises up his worthless efforts!!!


Father’s unfailing sufficient grace, love, strength and power is ours as this song says here. Father laid down His life so ours can always be picked up!!! Now how awesome that we can always stand divine in Jesus, hanging onto His righteous right hand!!!


Ya know what they say “Ya can’t keep a good man (or woman) down” and in Christ Jesus, that is oh sooo true!!! I’m a gal standing all right in Jesus’ robe of righteousness with ya, dear saints of royalty!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! VICTORIOUS KINGDOM FAMILY WE FOREVER ARE!!! WEAR YOUR CROWN WELL TODAY AND LET’S NEVER LET SATAN TALK US INTO LAYING IT DOWN IN DEFEAT!!! PROUD OF YOU FOR KEEPING STANDING IN CHRIST JESUS VICTORY!!!

Good News Life

New day greetings to you precious saints wherever you are!!! I want to share with you today that I have taken on full-time work assisting a sweet 89-year young lady (for how long, only Father knows) and as I can, I will continue to write some although it may take some time to figure out my new routine. 🙂

For now, as I reflect upon our Father’s Word, I smile and my eyes get a little teary as I think about how sweet our Jesus is!!! He has such a heart of compassion for His people and He speaks through King David of the anointing that would be upon the coming Messiah Jesus and whose same Spirit lives in us as His people of faith today. This is His heart, was His earthly mission on earth and is the intent of His anointing upon us as His saints:

“The Spirit of the Lord

God is upon me;

Because the LORD has

anointed me

To bring good news to the


He has sent me to bind

up the brokenhearted,

To proclaim liberty to


And freedom to


To proclaim the favorable

year of the LORD

And the day of vengeance

of our God;

To comfort all who mourn,

To grant those who

mourn in Zion,

Giving them a garland

instead of ashes,

The oil of gladness

instead of mourning,

The mantle of praise

instead of a spirit of


So they will be called

oaks of righteousness,

The planting of the LORD,

that He may be


Psalm 61:1-3

I love the reasoning behind our Father’s heart to bless us in these ways, not only to bring Him glory that He so highly deserves because everything we are and have is from His loving caring hand, but let us also zoom in on this:

“So they will be called oaks of righteousness.”

In other words, Father loves on us so that we will thrive as this song says here!!! Not only does Father’s holy sap anointing flowing through us as His people make us strong and mighty and able to be His vessels through whom He works and enables to live out the Christian life, but through our faith in His finished work on the cross, we are seen as holy, blameless, without accusation and without condemnation!!! YAY!!! We are robed forever in His righteousness as His royal family forever and His face shines upon us in delight!!! Now how wonderful is Father to us!!! Oh He just makes me smile always!!!  I’m branching out in thriving life with Jesus with ya forever, His beloved one of faith!!! Divine sisterly love to you!!! Stand tall in Jesus by seeking Him as you have need!!! I’m seeking Him to be able to thrive too!!! Staying close to Jesus makes our lives beautiful and forever victorious!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! Winners we are!!! Happy and smiling!!!

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The Father of Love Gifts

Hi, precious saint of our Father!!! Father’s love for you goes on forever and while He has put you on this earth as a special gift to Himself and to those He puts around you, His love for you will be shown to you in ways that go on forever!!! His Word tells us thru the writing of John in the book of Revelation that when this life is through on earth:

“…blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on!’ “”Yes, says the Spirit, “so that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow with them.”

Father desires to give you rest at right times here on earth and rest from all earthly labors when this life is done here!!! For the things that you have done for Him, He will reward you!!! There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1), only reward for what you do that springs from your love for Jesus, with a motive to bless His heart for how He has blessed you . Oh these things are not because you have to, but because you get to as your heart is passionately moved!!! You are saved by grace in Father’s finished work on the cross that has delivered you from the enemy of this world. Our battles on earth are with the devil and not with people so we can hate the sin and love the sinner!!! Father gets that and that is why He has forever rescued His thru their faith in Him for eternal salvation and their faith for His empowerment to love people to victory thru enemy attacks.

Father always loves you, dear one and will see you thru all things!!! He will also bless you for standing firm in His love and power and trusting in His sufficiency of grace to do all things thru Christ who strengthens you!!! Oh this life you live with Jesus is truly opportunity to leave behind and eternally enjoy the legacy that you two together create. A legacy is the effect of, result of, repercussion of, the by product of, the aftermath of. As you look to Jesus and rest in the grace of Jesus, He will be the author and perfecter of your faith and the rewarder of it, too!!! Jesus sees you as good already!!! He made you that way just like Him!!! He who has began a good work in you is going to continue it until the day of completion when life on this earth is done!!! As He says:

“For it is God who works in you to will and act according to His purpose.”

Philippians 2:13

Jesus is our everything…

“For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

1 Corinthians 3:11

We cannot even breathe without Him. He has your days numbered just right!!! Apart from Him you can do nothing, but as you abide in Him, you will be able to build upon His foundation – bear much fruit that Father will bless you for!!! Oh He knows how to give good gifts to His people…He is always good and working to bless you because He loves you and delights in you and has made you special with His Spirit of power, love and light!!! YOU ARE A LIVING LEGACY OF JESUS IN YOU!!! Sooo proud of you for being open to being heaven on earth!!! Here is a song that talks about having the favor of Father’s grace upon you – just like in heaven, but here now on earth!!! I enjoy it’s message with ya!!!  🙂 Have a wonderful day with the miracles of heaven’s love gifts with you!!!


Made the Grade

Blessed (happy) day to you, precious family!!! I smile in the peace of Father’s love for me today that rises me up above all cares of life!!! Oh when our Father smiles upon us, you just feel like you are on top of the world and we are!!! Our Father tells us this:

“No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ who loves us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow–not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below–indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Romans 8:37-39 NLT



As I reflect upon my own past memories of being a school girl, I recall the pressure or anxiety I used to feel when I was about to receive my report card at the end of the year that told me if I had passed for the year and would be given the opportunity to enter the next grade and not have to remain where I was. It was always such a relief to know that I had qualified or was accepted into the next class. It gave me peace and relief. Today, my Father gives me that same kind of peace for which I am thankful to Him for when He tells us that through our faith in Christ that we are “qualified” or fitted for sharing in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. We have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness. We have made the highest grade!!! To that I say “Wooohooo!!!” That feels so good!!! My Father tells me that He desires that we all have that good feeling and peace and that is why He gave the Apostle Paul and now each of us the request to open the eyes of others, to school them and turn them from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Jesus. We have been sanctified, meaning we have been passed on from the kingdom of darkness, have been freed from sin and death and are now set apart as a holy saint destined to inherit all of the riches of the Kingdom of Christ. Now that thought just makes my day!!! Isn’t it a great feeling to know we are qualified by the best?!! Celebrating with ya with His peace of mind as I step out into the day!!!



If you would like to know more about God’s freedom for you or someone you know, here is more information to help you:

I close with this song of peace here that we are no longer slaves to fear in Christ Jesus!!! I praise His name with you today who has forever seated us in His heavenly kingdom as royal kingdom family!!! Oh that feels good to my soul to have that blessed assurance!!! It just makes me smile!!!


Col 1:12-14; Ac 26:12-18; Mt 28:19; Eph 2:4-9; Romans 8:37-39

Built on the Rock

New day greetings, sweet saints!!! How blessed we are to have the perspective of our Father in our lives because it makes a difference as big as the difference between day and night!!! Our Father’s perspective in our personal lives makes the divine difference between strength and weakness, fear and courage, defeat and victory, no esteem and confidence, positive and negative attitudes/outlooks, blessing or harm!!!


The farther the world is away from our Father who values us and believes in us each one oh so special, the more brokenness (sinking hearts) there is!!! The enemy of this world desires that we always be looking at what is broken about ourselves and our lives and our Father desires that we always be looking at what is right about who we are and our lives in Him and going with that!!! He tells us in His Word:

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise person who built their house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish person who built their house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”

Matthew 7:24-27

We are all saved by our Father’s grace thru His finished work on the cross for all sin, but if we hear our Father’s Words of encouragement to us in life and we do not take them to heart, but instead choose to let the enemy of this world speak his lies to us, then we each will be as our Father’s holy temple, only building our lives upon the sand rather than upon Him as our solid foundation or rock.

Houses on Rock and Sand.jpg

Not only is it important what we allow to be spoken into our own personal lives, but how we speak to each other is important in life, too!!! We can partner with heaven in building each other up in the Lord or we can partner with the enemy of this world in tearing others down in life. Our Father’s heart for us is this, dear ones:

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Jesus left behind a legacy in life of seeking to build people up – to give them hope and a future:

“For God so loved the world that He gave His One and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”

John 3:16

Jesus outstretched hands

Whoever believes in Christ Jesus as their personal Savior over the destruction the enemy of this world brought into our lives called sin, are forever victorious in Christ and set free from the enemy’s negative influence. YAY!!! WOOOHOOO!!! Let us be confident in this – that thru our faith in Christ’s love and help for us that we are seen by our Father with no condemnation, but rather in this way:

“…He has now reconciled us in His fleshly body through death, in order to present us before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach–if indeed we continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that we have heard, which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven…”

Colossians 1:22-23

How about you, saint??? Are you living built up as our Father’s holy temple upon His heart of truth, love and encouragement to you??? Our Father has chosen you and I to be His Ambassadors of heaven here on earth to build others up in Him who are around us, too!!! He created us each one special and gifted and empowered with His Holy Spirit living in us through our faith in Him!!! Therefore, we with His help and sufficient grace for us are capable and good at impacting this world in divine heavenly positive ways!!! Now how exciting is that to be part of heavenly purpose in our lives here on earth!!! HOOORAH!!! LET’S GO FOR IT!!! How is He showing you that you can do that where you are today??? Oh I am sooo proud of you for stepping into life to be that positive “building up voice of heaven” where you are!!! It is my heart to do so, too!!! I love this song here that talks about the power of words and how we can be the voice of life for our Father!!! YYYEEESSS!!! WE CAN!!! Oh that just makes me smile to think about people being built up on the ROCK (Jesus) – encouraged in  Christ in this world!!! 🙂

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Hindsight is 20/20

Tyson Burger & Fries

When I look at this photo I say WOW!!! This photo right here is a powerful one and there is much to ponder as it is studied for sure!!! As I have pondered it, I want to share a few thoughts that Father speaks to me about it. Perhaps other thoughts He will reveal to you as well?!!

Discipline in being able to handle the temptations in the world before us rightly does not always happen without being taught!!! Knowing the difference between right and wrong does not happen to most people naturally!!! Amen?!! A baby is taught much as it grows as do we all during all of our lives!!! I have certainly learned quite a lot of things in my years thru experience and can see where our Father’s Word warns about it now, but then, I was still learning it all. I also learn new things everyday and I am thankful for that!!! Jesus gives us His Word that is made convincingly true as we experience life. If we read it in His Word before we experience it the hard way, that is less painful, but that is not always what many of us have experienced throughout various aspects of life!!!

Our Father’s Spirit’s presence with us helps us to handle living in the temptations of the world and not give into them as we grow from the learning of His Word and thru those experiences that our lives teach us!!! Everyone is always learning and our Father is always at work helping us to learn and see the better ways in life and move forward the wiser!!! All the time He is loving us thru our faith in Him and there is no condemnation from Him thru Christ who loves us!!! (Romans 8:1) We would have no existence without our Father’s care for us!!! He gives us choice in all of life and also realizes we must learn about life to choose as we go thru life!!!

“For it is God who works in us to will and to act according to His purpose.”

(Php 2:13)

This we can know, our Father loves us, delights in doing life with us and “He who has began a good work in us will continue it until the day of completion.” (Philippians 1:6)

It is not always easy to escape having temptation put before a person, but in trusting our Father is with us and with the knowledge we have learned from the past experiences, we become strengthened in our minds to stand against temptation. A good example of this was the woman in the Bible caught in adultery and those who wanted to stone her were told by Jesus “let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone.” (John 8:7) Everyone of those who were accusing her stepped away at the realization of their own sins!!! Upon the experience in life Mary went thru and finding the help she needed in Jesus, Mary learned from it well and went on to live as a faithful follower of Jesus. Jesus helped her to be strengthened to move forward in victory!!! YAY!!! I love victory stories!!! Nobody is perfect on their own and the good news is that Jesus chooses to work thru struggling people to empower them with His strength. As the Apostle Paul came to learn after his learning experience of growth, he could boast all the more gladly about his weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on him. (2 Corinthians 12:9) Ruh, ruh, ruh!!! The same is true of all of us thru faith in Jesus with us!!! We can know our Father will help us all to avoid giving in to what is of the world with His presence with us!!! 🙂 His promise to us is this:

“The eyes of the Lord roam throughout the earth to strengthen those who are fully committed to Him.”

2 Chronicles 16:9

What do we need to chalk up to a learning experience in life, let go of guilt over it and move forward the wiser and stronger trusting Father to help us all move forward powerfully thru His sufficient grace for us??? Our Father has promised us that “if we have confessed our sins to Him, that He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) The one who thinks they have no sin is said to be a liar, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God!!! We are saved by grace!!! That does not mean by works, otherwise grace wouldn’t be grace!!! Thru faith in Jesus’ perfect performance on the cross, we are seen as “holy, blameless and without accusation.” (Colossians 1:21-23) We can confess and repent to Father where we have done wrong, go the forward divine way where needed, make restitution if Father reveals that is needed somehow and then rest in His grace and love for us, free from past guilt!!!

Our Father’s grace is sufficient as this song says here!!!

Left Standing Fruitful

Oh what a joy it is to be able to join with our Father in carrying out His will, His plan and His purpose in this life as He enables each one of us by His Holy Spirit to bear the fruit of His intentions for our lives as He designed us and envisions life for us!!!

Making a Difference

In this life, we have great opportunity to have our Father’s help personally and yet He also chooses to work thru His people to love and help one another!!! He desires that we enable each other to be our best in life – the most fruitful. To be to others in a way that enables them to be better in life rather than worse or destroyed. Having Father’s discernment about this is good because to help others be their worst or less than their best – now why would we want to do that if we truly love them??? YIKES!!! Our Father’s Word says this about having discernment in how we are enabling others as He talks about a man with a fig tree planted in his vineyard who does not find fruit on it as he looks for it every year for three years. Hence, he tells the vine-yard-keeper to cut it down. However, the keeper replies:

“Let it alone, sir, for this year, too, until I dig around it and put in fertilizer; and if it bears fruit next year, fine; but if not, cut it down.”

Luke 13:8-9

How we interact with others can make a difference between their lives being fruitful and unfruitful thru how we let our Father’s Spirit work thru us!!! I’m a gal that wants to stand divinely fruitful in my reaching out for my Father and my heart roots abandoned to all but letting His Spirit work as He sees for the best!!! More live here.

Rooted in Christ

I love this song here about standing for Jesus’ will for me!!!

Where are you seeing fruitlessness around you as you seek our Father’s heart about life??? What would He have you do or change to bring forth fruitfulness??? You may be just the one who is needed in their life – perhaps the only Bible they will ever see!!! It is our Father whose Spirit is always at work in our lives, adding just the right things to enable us to be fruitful in life. He says that if we remain in Him and He in us, that we will bear much fruit. Apart from Him, we can do nothing.

Connected to the Vine

With Him, wooohooo!!! I am sooo thankful that Jesus does not leave us to do life on our own!!! He gives us His Spirit at work in us and gives us each other to help each other be our best!!! Oh that just all makes us our divine best!!! I love that thought of us all divinely fruity and I also love it that our Father is like the vine-yard-keeper in this story that thru our faith in Him and His work on the cross on our behalf, He sees us as holy, without blemish, without accusation and with no condemnation. He is not about to cut us down, but rather by His grace He has left us standing in this world for Him, enabling us to be fruitfully victorious thru our faith in looking to Him for help in life!!! YAY!!!! THANK YOU FATHER FOR BELIEVING IN US!!! Oh His love for me just makes me energized to pop forth what He brings out in my life where He has me in life!!! 🙂 Sooo proud of you for being divinely fruity hearted where you stand for Him, too!!! YOU ROCK!!!