Drawn Divinely

This Sam Samy video speaks volumes here!!!
Oh when you have a man in your life, his heart is your first priority, dear ladies of mine!!! It is good when the man makes himself very attractive, alluring and hard to resist in manly ways, too!!! Tell him what you find attractive for him to implement!!! Ask him what would be attractive to him for you to do, too!!!
woman on cell phone.jpg

Enjoying the Sonshine

New day greetings, precious saints wherever you are today!!! My heart for heaven on earth is on the move with Jesus with ya’s for the journey of life gifted to us today!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! What a privilege and honor to travel with the King of Glory where He is leading us each one on a special assignment from His royal throne of grace directly!!! Oh He sees us each one oh sooo special and even knows the number of hairs on our heads!!! He has had His eye on each one of us from the time He first thought about us and said oh this one is going to be a Masterpiece and sure enough when He was done creating YOU and me, too, He said “It is very good.” Soon marvel at yourself darlin’ because YOU are truly heavenly – an absolute dream come true on this earth with heaven as our forever eternal home!!! YEP!!! WE’RE ALL GONNA MEET UP THERE AND IT’S GONNA BE ONE HEAVENLY CELEBRATION!!! WOOOHOOO!!! THAT HAS ME SMILING AND HAPPY TODAY TO THINK ABOUT!!!

Meanwhile, back at the farm of earth where we are all planted and producing seeds of love and grace in the dirt fields of the enemy, it is growing season for the big kingdom harvest of all of God’s people that shall spring forth victorious as God’s holy Spirit waters and provides Sunshine to warm us and light up the inner core of our beings with heavenly nutrients necessary to bring eternal life!!! Oh how massive the opportunity for divine up-croppings of new seedlings of faith in the always good Master who has the big picture plan to bring good into the life of each one, to give hope and a future that is heavenly!!! RUH, RUH, RUH!!! I’m a gal seeking to bloom for Him where He has me planted by His grace, too!!!

As we each one sprout and grow, there is no need to have concerns of competition over one receiving our Father’s love, acceptance, blessing and approval more than another, because that Holy Spirit sap He has for us to give us the essential nourishment we need to be content and happy in His loving care for us is this from His Word (the Bible):

“But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.”

Ephesians 4:7

Therefore, Father has given us each one exactly what we need to stand victorious in the very spot in life where He has us planted, so lets us each one enjoy the Sonshine upon our lives right where Father has us for such a time as this!!! How exciting is life with our Father with each other!!! I love Him in my life with ya’s!!! Our lives serve purpose to grow and produce just what Father sees is divine for the harvest of this earth and He will do what is needed as He tells us:

“For it is God who works in you (me, too) to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose.”

Philippians 2:13


Therefore, our focus is to enjoy His loving smile upon us and the life we all have together in the common purpose of loving our Father, loving ourself and loving our neighbor as ourselves!!! Oh what a sweet life we have, dear ones of faith and we can know that as we look to Father, He will take care of all the weeds of the enemy so we need not fear their overtaking us!!! His promise to us is “Never will I leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5) POWERFUL WE ARE WITH OUR ALWAYS GOOD AND VICTORIOUS MASTER AT WORK IN US, THRU US AND ALL AROUND US!!! ENJOY HIS LOVE FOR YOU TODAY!!! I AM, TOO!!! MUCH LOVE TO YOU WHERE YOU ARE STANDING FIRM IN JESUS!!! IT’S A BEAUTIFUL DAY AS THIS SONG SAYS HERE. SMILING AND HAPPY!!!

Individual Purpose

Purposeful day it is for everybody, ya’ll here!!! No matter who we are in life, we each have a  divine reason for being and whether we volunteer our time or are employed by someone or we are an employer of others, we each can in someway bring contribution to what our Father is wanting to accomplish here in bringing heaven on earth!!! Now how awesome is that for everyone to be included in the purpose of life together with Jesus!!! Oh it just makes me smile!!!

As I continue in sharing about the different generalized areas of ministry that each of us individually will typically step in and out of in the course of our lives, I want to share these thoughts today about being an employee and an employer. Our Father will speak to each of us as we have need to hear His voice. Even if we volunteer in life for someone or for our Father in heaven, some of these same principles can apply to all of us:

“If you are a hired employee, God desires for you to “obey your earthly masters (in righteousness) and do it not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving” (Colossians 3:22-24). God sees it all (Proverbs 15:3) – He sees faithfulness and hard work that can sometimes go unnoticed by employers and He says He will reward you for that, so you can rest in that if that is your case. He sees the way we treat our coworkers with love and kindness, praying for them and our employers, seeking their good and success. He also sees the ways someone may mistreat their employer such as using an employer’s time for personal matters and wasting an employer’s resources. For example: When your employer sends you to make purchases, do you use your employer’s money to buy you the more expensive when lesser would do and you would buy lesser if it was your own money? Do you steal from your employer? Are you lazy and fail to carry out his or her instructions for your work. God forgives, but it is good to confess (agree about) sin to Him (1 John 1 8-10), and He desires us to repent and make restitution (Exodus 22:3b) if we need to. From that day forward, we can seek to do our work to God’s glory (1 Corinthians 10:31) and work as we would want someone to work for us if we were an employer (Matthew 22:39). Let us be thankful (Colossians 3:15) for God’s provision of someone to hire us and provide for us financially. We can ask God to help us be a good employee. Here is a photo of some employees and employers working together doing some work on a home I recently purchased. Here they are working on steps, a walkway and a gate. I greatly appreciate their efforts for me in life as I could not do all this work without their help and expertise with the other things that I do as a self-employed person and a volunteer as our Father has called me to be in life!!! 


 Where are you in life??? An employee, an employer, self-employed, a volunteer??? This you can know of our Father:

“God is not unjust; He will not forget your hard work and the love that you show Him as you help His people and continue to help them.”

Hebrews 6:10

If you are an employer, here are some thoughts from God’s Word to ponder in doing your work for our Father. God asks employers in Colossians 4:1 to provide your employees with what is right and fair, because you know you have a Master in heaven (the Lord). The Lord sees everything (Proverbs 15:3). Even if your employees don’t seem to appreciate what you do for them, God sees it and He appreciates it. He will reward you for it. Be considerate of your employees. Do you value each of your employees? Are you friendly to them and treat them respectfully? Do you show favoritism? Are you more concerned with using available resources to make yourself comfortable and promote your image while employees go without the tools and training they need to do their jobs more efficiently and successfully. Do you pray for your employees? Do you ask your employees to do things that are ungodly? Do you cheat your employees out of pay and benefits?   If you haven’t been a good employer, it is not too late to change. Confess your sin (1 John 1:8-10), repent and make restitution (Exodus 22:3b) if you need. We need to treat our employees the way that we would want to be treated if we were someone’s employee, as in fact we are (the Lord’s). Oh let us be thankful for the help God has given to us in the employees who work hard to make us successful. We can ask God to make us a good employer if we are called to that purpose, for “God works in us to will and act according to His purpose.” (Philippians 2:13)

God At Work

Let Your Life Be A Reflection


Jesus Kudos

Hi, precious saints!!! Today I want to share the thoughts that Father has given to me that in all of life, He is the One that we should focus on for the how to’s of living life well. He always guides us in truth and in the knowing that our efforts for Him in life are not in vain!!! His Word tells us:

“Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” 

Colossians 3:23-24

Girl With Jesus

Jesus Looking at Man

When we are working from a heart that makes Jesus the priority in our lives, it is His voice that matters in the scheme of all of life and whatever others say is irrelevant to Jesus’ voice for us!!! GO FOR THE DIVINE, DEAR ONES!!! When we are working from a heart for Jesus, even if others are not in agreement, we can know that Jesus will take care of us in all circumstances as we keep focused on Him!!! One example of Jesus’ faithfulness to Mary was in the story of Martha and Mary found in the Bible in Luke 10:38-42. Martha was trying to dictate what Mary’s life should be and yet Mary was in fact choosing what was priority – being focused on Jesus and His heart for her life!!! When Martha spoke out against Mary, Jesus defended Mary because she was centered in the middle of His will for her. Oh that is always the safest place to be in life!!! WAY TO GO MARY!!! ATTA GIRL IN GOING FOR JESUS!!! GOING FOR JESUS WITH YA’S AND CLAIMING HIS ATTA GIRL VOICE AS SUFFICIENT FOR ME, TOO!!!

Girl YES

In light of this, story, we can always ask ourselves, “why am I doing what I am doing?” Is it because we are where Jesus has placed us in life or is it because we are being pressured by human perspective about us. Perhaps like Martha, we are worried about too many things??? It is good to focus on the heart of Jesus for the details of our own lives and how He wants us to spend our time!!! Worried??? Why??? How can time be set aside in place of what is worrying us and seek first priority of spending time with Jesus??? Martha did just that and Jesus gave her the answer that she needed to hear about Mary. Oh it was a perspective changer!!! WAY TO GO MARTHA IN SEEKING JESUS FOR WHAT UPSET YOU!!! FATHER WANTS US TO CAST ALL OUR CARES ON HIM BECAUSE HE CARES FOR US!!! (1 Peter 5:7) Wherever we are in life, even if we do not get kudos or support from others, if Jesus says we are all right and that’s all right – it’s divine and good enough for the final answer for us!!! Father’s perspective is always the divine best!!! Let’s follow Father’s heart for each of us and be content in it, dear ones!!! Oh I am sooo proud of ya’s for seeking Jesus above all, too!!! He is our all in all as this song says here. Jesus just always makes ya smile!!! 🙂 Smiling with Jesus with ya’s!!!

Grace Content

Good morning, ya’ll wherever you are today!!! It’s a beautiful day here in Idaho where I am and I give thanks to Jesus with you for His gift of life together!!! His grace is amazing to us all every day!!! He has made life in our personal relationship with Him all about our relationship being more important than perfect performance for He knows that as humans on this earth there is no way that anyone can perform perfectly, therefore, He performed perfectly on the cross so that we could have a beautiful love relationship with Him thru our faith in His work to defeat our enemy in this world!!! Now how sweet is He to care about you and me that much!!! Because of faith in Him and His big ole heart of love, our Father tells us this:

“And although you were formerly alienated and hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds, yet He has now reconciled you in His fleshly body through death, in order to present you before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach–if indeed you continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven of which I, (Paul) was made a minister.”

Colossians 1:21-23

Grace flows into us of faith – how is Father’s grace moving your heart to let it flow out to those around you in life today??? YOU and JESUS team bring the beauty of heaven to earth as YOU step into life to love!!! Sooo proud of you for doing so!!! A coach who understood our Father’s heart once said of his team’s efforts although they did not win every game: “We did a great job and the kids and my life are enriched by it and I will take that!!!” 🙂 Me, too!!! Divine sisterly love to you all as you go thru this day with Jesus with ya!!! I am always blessed by this song here of Father’s amazing love and grace:

Two Hands and Heart.jpg

Building Divinely

Awesome new day greetings to ya wherever you are today!!! Whether our Father has placed you in the presence of a woman or a man, His purpose for us each is to carry out His will, His plan and His purpose for us as individuals!!! Oh He has made us builders as the Apostle Paul described himself by the grace of God:

“By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care.”

1 Corinthians 3:10

When we step into life to carry out our Father’s will for us, building out of motives of the Holy Spirit will bring about divine building up of the church. Our work will be shown for what it is and what is built on the motives of Christ will survive and we shall receive a reward. If it is done with a motive contrary to the Holy Spirit, our work will be burned up and without reward. However, our salvation remains secure thru faith in Christ’s divine work on the cross for each of us and our seat in heaven is made sure – even though it will be only as one escaping through the flames. To build eternal work thru our lives that brings eternal reward, it takes first building up ourself thru prayer as Father tells us:

“But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.”

Jude 1:20

Communion with the Holy Spirit in order to build others divinely is important because it is thru praying in the Spirit that our bodies and minds begin to experience an increased measure of the reality of the Holy Spirit’s presence with us!!!

Praying in the Spirit gives us access to the Holy Spirit teaching us how to think and pray:

“However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come. He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.”

(John 16:13-14)

Woman and Man Praying Together

What is the Holy Spirit revealing to YOU to build???

Motive – may it always be that the glory of the Lord be shown on earth as it is in heaven as this song says here:

The BIG Thinker

I chuckle today as I think about what my/our/your Father has revealed during my study time today!!! 🙂

Each child of faith is an essential part of the body of Christ and is designed each one oh sooo special to make a divine difference in this world as only that individual can as Christ moves thru he or she specifically!!! This is important to understand for these reasons:

  • When the gospel is focused only upon satisfying the needs/desires of just one person, it can be dangerously incomplete!!! Yikes!!!
  • When people think only of the group as a whole, it can be considered as being a religious or “bound to a tradition” way of thinking. Yikes again!!!

The truth is that we must stay open to the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives to weave in and out between these two scenarios as He guides us as individuals and as a group of His people for these reasons:

  • There can be some aspects of one believer’s life that cannot be discovered or fully ministered to by just one person, but must be taken on as a whole body of kingdom family.
  • Because of our Father’s perfect wisdom, some things He deems not to impart fully to just one person, but rather distributes the impartation in pieces or parts through out the body, otherwise there is the possibility of destructive pride to set in.
  • Our Father can work thru the transforming of one individual mind that plants a seed that produces a whole crop of fruit-bearing individuals within a church, a city,  that bears fruit in a whole nation that can bring reformation or transformation of the whole world to be ONE WITH HIM IN AGREEMENT WITH HIS HEART FOR US!!! WOOOHOOO!!! NOW HOW EXCITING IS ALL OF THAT!!! That just makes ME smile!!! 🙂 Jesus is a BIG THINKER!!! His plan is for ALL of humanity and THE INDIVIDUAL PERSON!!!

Seeds of Person Growing

My/our/your Father’s Word (the Holy Bible) says:

  • “This, then, is how YOU should pray: “OUR Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Your Name.” Matthew 6:9
  • “WE have the mind of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 2:16
  • “…Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the Word and to present her to Himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.” Ephesians 5:27- (The spotless bride of Christ is not just one person, but the whole church.)
  • “For God so loved the WORLD that He gave His One and only Son that WHOEVER believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
  • “Fear not, for I am with YOU; be not dismayed, for I am YOUR God; I will strengthen YOU, I will help YOU, I will uphold YOU with My righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10
  • “So that Christ may dwell in YOUR hearts through faith–that YOU, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that YOU may be filled with ALL THE FULLNESS OF GOD.” Ephesians 3:17-19
  • “So WE have come to know and to believe the love that God has for US. God is love, and WHOEVER abides in love abides in God, and God abides in HIM/HER.” 1 John 4:16

To You WIth Love

The Holy Spirit is the One who works in US, “each individual member” of His kingdom family – it is He who is the head of the church, whom each ONE of US looks to for individual guidance as we each do our part in bringing HIS kingdom into the earth!!! How is He moving YOU, dear one, to make a transforming difference where YOU are as an individual in another individual’s life??? How is He moving YOU as an individual to make a transforming difference to His church as a whole??? How is He moving the church or group YOU are in as an individual to make a transforming difference as a church or other group in the world for His heavenly kingdom??? Oh I’m a gal going with ya’s for Father who loves YOU and ME as part of His whole kingdom family kids!!! That all just makes ME smile with ya as I close with this song here!!! 🙂

Never Underestimate the Power of God


The House of Purpose

Kitchen Bay Window

The house I purchased is continuing to be worked on. Much is done and there is much more to go to bring it to completion before it can be considered as sellable. I love the bay window that views the thriving trees in the kitchen!!! I am keeping the faith Father has good divine purpose for it and I am also excited about new online classes I am taking to gear up for the cause going forward!!! That is important!!! As a man by the name of Ben Sweetland stated “We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own.”
How are you seeking to brighten your own torch for the cause of Christ where you are planted??? Do you have a clear vision of where you are supposed to be and why??? When you have the why, the what to do becomes simple. When the why is right, perhaps the what becomes as simple as “Do unto others as you would have them do to you.” (Luke 6:31)
WOOOHOOO!!! I am working and pondering Jesus with ya’s!!! Divine sisterly love to you!!!

The Freedom Road

Hi, sweet family of faith!!! We are very blessed as children of faith in life with Jesus because in that, we each one have our own personal caretaker – Jesus with us individually. He gives us choice in life to follow Him and His heart for us is to live free in Him, not controlled by another person nor in bondage to sin and its destruction. That doesn’t mean that He doesn’t give us leaders to lead us in life, but in that following of a leader and in being the leader, we must always respect that each person is free as an individual to choose for oneself. In those choices, however, we as people need to realize that there are consequences to our choices. Hence, one must weight the consequences of their personal choices. For example, if we grab the hot handle of a frying pan, it is our choice, but we must realize it’s gonna hurt and we will be burned!!! YIKES!!! WATCH OUT!!! IT’S HHHOOOTTT!!! OUCH!!! OOOCCCHHH!!! SIZZLE THE SKIN!!! PAIN DANCING IMMEDIATE BECAUSE YOU’VE GOT NERVES!!! LEARN ABOUT HOT PADS QUICKLY!!! 🙂

Hot skillet stove

Just as we can choose with knowledge not to hurt ourselves by our choice of grabbing onto something that can hurt us such as a hot frying pan, here are some examples of how we can help people to realize they have choices in our conversations when it is important to protect ourselves from harm from the choices of others. Not forcing others is in keeping with Christ’s giving of free will choice to us in choosing Him in life.

Forced choice says: “Stop yelling at me as you are. You have got to be nicer to me.”

Allowed choice says: “You can choose to yell all you want to, but I will not be in your presence while you are doing so.”

Forced choice says: “You have got to stop drinking because you are ruining our family. Please listen “You are wrecking our lives.”

Allowed choice says: “You may choose not to deal with your drinking, if you want. But I will not continue to expose me and the kids to the chaos it creates. The next time you are drunk, we will leave the house and go to the Does house and we will tell them why we are there. Your drinking is your choice. What I will put up with is my choice.

Forced choice says: “You are a pervert to look at pornography. That is so degrading to God’s original intended creation. What kind of person are you anyway?”

Allowed choice says: “I will not continue to share you sexually with others naked in magazines, online or in person. I will only be with a spouse who is interested in me. Make up your mind and choose.”


YIKES!!! These things may sound harsh in some ways, but they bring out the point that setting boundaries are not a way of controlling others, it is a way of protecting you from the sin of others and letting our Father guide your individual life choices. These are examples of taking divine power over what you have power over -yourself- and giving up seeking to control and have power over someone else.

Road with turns

Freedom Road Sign

I hope these thoughts help bring clarity about why boundaries are important in your life as it has done mine. Jesus has revealed Himself to me as the divine choices in life always!!! Jesus is my choice!!! Do you have a choice to make before you??? I encourage you to consider what Jesus says about it for the divine life!!! I love you tons as your sister in Him and desire the best for you!!! I love this song of freedom here.

Free Indeed

Strong and Courageous Over Flesh

Oh how awesome that our Father has given us a great day of opportunity to be His royal family of saints together!!! Our Father loves us and cares for each one of us divinely and desires our best just like He did the Israelites in Biblical times!!! While our Father sees each one of us as His kids as special, He also knew that with there being sooo many people that all have their own personalities and ideas and opinions, that there would need to be a leader that sought out the heart of Jesus and communicated it with authority to God’s people so that they could all follow the Lord’s plan for them all to get them where they needed to be – to the land that would be prosperous and a blessing to them as His royal forever kingdom family – a land flowing with milk and honey!!! The Lord’s anointing for the divine plan for all of them was on Joshua as the leader. Joshua could have been terrified at that thought, but he rested in knowing the Lord was with him and never leaving him!!! God had promised him that He would see him thru what He was asking of him to do and that he would be blessed!!! The same is true for each of our Father’s kids of faith!!!

God will Reward Your Faithfulness

The other people that Joshua was in charge of leading, upon hearing the divine overall plan of God for them all thru Joshua, received their own personal anointing from the Lord personally to individually carry out their part in the divine plan given by Joshua to them thru our Father’s Spirit spoken to him. The divine life is always Holy Spirit-powered!!!


In one example of the Bible (Joshua 1:10-18), there were mighty men who were “officers over the people,” and Joshua as God’s chosen leader over them told them to “Pass through the midst of the camp and command the people, saying, “Prepare provisions for yourselves, for within three days you are to cross this Jordan, to go in to possess the land which the Lord your God is giving you, to possess it.” Joshua encouraged his officers and reminded them of the blessings that would result in their lives thru their willingness to do what needed to be done for victory!!! “The Lord will give you rest and will give you the land.” I sooo love that about Joshua’s heart that desired to inspire and encourage Father’s people to do the right thing!!! Sooo sweet and of a good leader that is!!!

Armor of God

Knight with sword and shield

Joshua guided his men in what to do with regards to caring for their wives, their children and the possessions in the midst of carrying out the Lord’s call on their lives. I love it that our Father worked thru His leaders to take care of their families and steward well what our Father had given to them!!! He reminded them of who they were in God-given ability to help others, saying to them “you shall cross before your brothers in battle array, all you valiant warriors, and shall help them until the Lord gives your brothers rest, and He gives you, and they also possess the land which the Lord your God is giving them. Then you shall return to your own land, and possess that which Moses the servant of the Lord gave you beyond the Jordan toward the sunrise.” Oh there is a time for work-life and time for restful home life, too!!!

I love the respect that these “officers of the people” said to Joshua, their anointed leader when they replied to Joshua:

“All that you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go. Just as we obeyed Moses in all things, so we will obey you; only may the Lord be with you as He was with Moses. Anyone who rebels against your command and does not obey your words in all that you command him, shall be put to death; only be strong and courageous.”

Jesus and His Disciples

God You Have Called Me Friend

Putting to death the flesh that opposes our Father’s leaders by being strong and courageous in the Lord leads to the divine in life!!! Rebellion against our Father’s leadership of His leaders is to rebel against the Lord and its result is always destruction – not for the leader, but for those who fight against Jesus!!! Jesus’ heart for all His people is a good orderly plan for life as He says in His Word:

“For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11

Our God Saves

In light of these thoughts, how is Jesus speaking to you as a leader in leading those He has put in your care, saints??? What divine plans, encouragement and inspiration can you share with others to spur them on towards love and good deeds??? Is there a leader in your life that our Father is speaking divine plans to you through??? What steps are needed to bring it about in your life??? We can know this, in trusting in our Father, there is blessing for us all and He who is calling us to do the divine will enable us and provides all we need to make the divine happen!!!

Divine Energy - Version 2

Oh with Jesus with us each one, we are powerful to have the best life and we already have forever salvation and unfailing love thru our faith in Jesus’ finished work on the cross!!! We have already received all the glorious riches of His kingdom land that will forever be flowing with sweet milk and honey!!! Forever blessed we are – let’s help others to have that forever blessing in life too, starting with a blessed life in the here and now!!! Sooo proud of you for your love for our Father’s heart first in all of life!!! Where Jesus goes, I will follow personally as this song says here.

Father's Hand Has Us