Drawn Divinely

This Sam Samy video speaks volumes here!!!
Oh when you have a man in your life, his heart is your first priority, dear ladies of mine!!! It is good when the man makes himself very attractive, alluring and hard to resist in manly ways, too!!! Tell him what you find attractive for him to implement!!! Ask him what would be attractive to him for you to do, too!!!
woman on cell phone.jpg

As Close As Possible

New day greetings to you, precious family! This morning I have been enjoying the loving sweet presence of Jesus.


How dear He is and what a great heart of love He has for us all! He is the God of the Universe, the greatest being there is and from the distance it is from the heavenly realms to us on earth, He saw us from afar and it strikes me this morning that He was not content with that separation from us. He wanted to be just as close to us as He could possibly get to us. He wanted to be in our hearts!

Be Mine

That is truly an honor when someone cares enough about you to desire a heart to heart relationship with you. So precious! When Jesus shed His blood on the cross for us, His Word says “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ.”


“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” 

He has chosen us and considered us close enough to share His life and His heart with us thru our faith in Him. Not only that, but He desires to hear our hearts and cares about what is on our hearts. How special is that! Oh, my Jesus. I am so thankful this day to have such a close loving relationship with Him. What a great gift in all our lives to have someone as close as He with which we can be ourselves and know that we are loved unconditionally, totally accepted, totally forgiven and downright cherished. Doesn’t it just bless your heart to know that you have been chosen because you are loved! Oh, I’m a gal enjoying the gift of Him close to my heart today. As this song says here, indeed we have a great friend in Jesus! Enjoying His love with you all today ~ Smiling and happy and sooo glad you are here with me!!! 🙂

Eph 2:12-13; Ro 5:8; Jn 3:16,15:12-17; 1 Co 3:16; Col 1:19-23; Ac 10:38-43; Ps 13:5-6; 1 Pe 5:7; Jn 3:16


Happy Valentine's Day Much LOVE to you today, precious and beloved family of saints!!!!!!! Today is a day of celebration of love that began as a rememberance of Saint Valentine, a saint that was martyred for his love for Christ! God bless him for standing up for Jesus!!! He was one who understood how very much Jesus loved each one of us as if there were only one of us!!!!!!!

A Valentine From God

Each one of us is oh, sooo special to He who created us individually all unique and with a vision of greatness in every step of our creation! There is nobody like you and nobody like me in all of the world that has the same divine heavenly traits of our Father’s love and vision for us!!!!!!!

Celebrate the Gift of Life

When we read the Bible, God’s love letter to each one of us, ya can’t help but know that Jesus gave His all to love us and through our faith in Him, He lives in each of our hearts because He loves us, believes in each of us and wants to do life with each one of us!!!!!!! He wants to be our everything in life, our first priority!!!

He is Jealous for You

So as we go through this day of life that is given to each one of us, let us take some time to reflect upon how very much we are each one loved sooo perfectly by our Father and celebrate love today, knowing it all began with our Father and who He is and about how much He loves us and desires that we love Him and love one another as He loves us!!!!!!! Here are some Valentines for us to ponder and worship songs to listen to throughout our day today to remind us of how very much each one of us is loved forever and ever without end with unfailing, unconditional love!!!!!!! HAPPY LOVE DAY!!!!!!!

God Is Love

I could Sing of Your Love Forever


 Best Valentine is God

Your Love


God Loves Everybody

Your Love Never Fails


 God's Love is Perfect Love

Power of Your love


Heart Tree

One Thing Remains


Be Mine

Everything I Need


Jesus Loves You

Your Presence is Heaven to Me


God's Love is So Big