Determined for Good

I love hearts of determination as shown in this video, sweet Sam Samy!!!…


Oh as you know, when we of faith keep faith and keep seeking truth, we together will break through to divine life with the Holy Spirit’s supernatural help always!!! His Word (the Holy Bible) speaks this example to us through the Apostle Paul’s writings: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day–and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for His appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:7-8) Pushing for what is heavenly brings us heavenly and the opposite is true too!!! Wooohooo!!! This I know, I’m a gal pushing for heaven with you, Sam and our friends that want to join along with us in doing so, too!!! 🙂 Oh the sweet heavenly life just makes us smile forever!!! I like this song here about “keeping fighting the good fight”

With heaven with us, everyday is a good victory day!!!








The Committed Father

A good father example shared by Sam Samy!!! It reminds me of our good, good Father in heaven who loves us and desires to provide good life for us as this song says here:

Thank you, Sam Samy!!! You are a good leader that makes a good difference to many!!!



Laughing Due to Grace

Oh this video here reminds me of the joy we experience when we as His beloved realize that we are set free by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, Sam Samy!!!…


We become His innocent bride of Christ, loved with unfailing, unconditional love, forever set free from having to live committed to living by having to perform perfectly a list of dos and don’ts. We get to live for Jesus, but we don’t have to in order to be accepted by heaven!!! Oh it’s a good reason to smile and even laugh out loud!!! I like this song here:

God’s Word…the Holy Bible says it this way:

21 “But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22 This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” Romans 3:21-24

The Impossible Made Possible

Now this is a sign of trust by these chicks in this Sam Samy video here:


As you know, Sam, what might be thought impossible with the flesh side is possible with the power of the Holy Spirit working divinely to overpower what is of the flesh and the enemy of life!!!

Jesus tells us that there is a day in His kingdom when the lion will be at peace with the lamb!!! Now how awesome is that!!! I sooo love peace between all of Jesus’s creation!!! Father tells us this in His Word that He has given us the ability to overcome Satan, my dear Sam Samy!!! As we stay focused on Jesus, we win heaven’s victory always!!!

“Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11 “Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” James 4:7

I like this powerful song about Jesus living inside of us:

🙂 HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! I am sooo thankful that chicks feel comfortable with me in their lives!!! Oh life with them with me with you just makes me smile!!! Much Jesus love!!!

The Surprise

The videos you share are sooo helpful in dealing with fears for the people that follow you, Sam Samy!!!👍
Poor critters!!! They do get scared of loud things they do not understand, even though they are in reality safe. Veterans can get jumpy, too and the sound can bring flashbacks of war. Many things in life that surprise us, are in our life without understanding and can create sparks of fear and anxiety that is false or without legitimate reason. In all things, we can trust in Jesus Who has not given us a spirit of fear but one of love, power and sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 I like this song about finding peace in Jesus:
Jesus has our forever victory already won through our faith in Him as our Savior and the surprise He gave the devil on the cross!!! Hooorrraaahhh!!! I sooo love the video selection you have, Sam Samy as here:

Soaring the Heights of Grace…

Such a beautiful overview of soaring the heights of our Creator in life is this video shared here, Sam Samy:

Oh a person truly soars to all new heights when we realize that love came down from heaven to earth to rescue us all as people of faith in Christ Jesus!!! Let us always abide together soaring through life knowing Jesus is greater than us, is the most powerful in all the universe and His abiding grace is sufficient to carry us through all of life!!! I sooo hope everyone climbs aboard His plane of grace for the heavenly ride through life in this world!!! It’s a beautiful way to fly above all the world problems with peace that transcends all understanding!!! I like this song here about how God’s love came down and rescued us, Sam Samy!!! My heart is glad as I am sure is yours!!!

Forever safe in Christ Jesus we are!!! Flying by His sufficient grace with you with all those here with us, Sam!!! Glad we have our friends here!!! 😊

Psa.61:1-4 “Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer.(vs2) From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.(vs3) For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy. (vs4) I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of thy wings. Se’lah.”

The Heavenly Garden

Sooo true about what you share here wjth this video, Sam Samy:

It’s a beautiful garden!!! 😊It makes me smile!!! Jesus provided all of it!!! Isn’t He a beautiful Gardner!!! I praise Jesus here with you, Sam:

As You Think…

Oh Sam Samy, it is sooo true as Father says in His Word, that what every person desires is unfailing love!!! Because of fear and lack of faith and confidence, most people would not have the bravery to reach out in faith to love someone with a gun pointed at them as seen here!!! I see that same kind of bravery and confidence, faith and love in you!!! This man loved enough not to let the gunman destroy his own life by letting him wipe out a life. Therefore, he got creative and stepped out in faith!!! I greatly admire that!!! Powerful video here!!! Thank you sooo much for sharing it!!!

As a person thinks in their mind so they are because they don’t always believe divine truth!!! What we believe in in life we act on. Apparently this man needed to be convinced he was loved!!! When someone knows the true love of Jesus, it carries them into life in a whole new mindset as this song says here:

Going in love, faith, Godfidence and happy in life because of God with you making my day with divine love!!!

Divine World Changers

Sooo precious of a story Sam Samy shares here:

Jesus was and is all about rescue!!! He works through people by His Holy Spirit that they receive upon faith in Him to help others neglected by people and pursued by the enemy of this world!!! As He tells us in His Word, the Bible:

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

Oh He gives us breath for life…what we choose to do with it can sure make a divine difference in this world!!! You can make a difference in this world!!! Staying close to Jesus and going into life for His kingdom, too!!! ☝️🔥👁❤️👑💪🙏 I like this song here:

Meeting God Halfway

Sam Samy shares this inspiring example in this video:

As you know of Sam Samy, he has made it to where he is as a physical athlete because he met God half way!!! I know he loves football sport and works hard for the divine goal, too!!! He has worked hard to do his best to reach his goal with heaven’s grace given him and trusted God for the rest of putting him in life where he is today!!! I admire that you have the heart to do the same for the dream of the sport!!!