Already Gifted

As I sit by the warmth of the fire here in Idaho listening to my Father’s heart, He speaks to me amidst the snap, crackle and pop of the logs bursting as the fire dances all around them. I sooo love that as it reminds me of the Holy Spirit ablaze with me!!!

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Father speaks to my heart that while there is a future time coming when He will return to gives us a new life with the fullness of heaven with us without the enemy of this world present, even now we have the blessing of having the love of Jesus with us and His heart of care for us!!! PRAISE JESUS!!! Oh and as I write, He takes me to the passage in His Word of the two that hung on the cross beside Him. One had a heart for Him and saw in Him His divinity and one ridiculed Him. The one who believed in Him asked Jesus to remember him and Jesus, even though dealing with His own struggles on the cross, loved the man and reassured him that “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43).

Because we, too believe in Jesus and His divinity and the work that He did on the cross as the enemy ridiculed Him so that we can be seated in heavenly places with Him in the future, He has put His Holy Spirit within our hearts to comfort us, give us peace, recall to us the things He tells us, to counsel us and guide us in truth away from sin, to empower us and assure us that we are His children. He has not left us alone on this earth, but rather His Spirit is present with us so that even now, we have heaven with us as we journey the road of earth where we have victory over the enemy, too!!!

I smile as I think about the man on the cross who had the assurance of Jesus’ love and victory for him. I think about how he must have felt inside with such a sigh of relief that said to his soul–I’m going to be alright!!! Now I can’t imagine how hanging on a cross could be heavenly by itself, but I can just imagine that after that reassurance of Jesus to that man, he experienced of heaven right then and there as he thought Jesus has me in His love and paradise victory forever with Him!!! I’ve got it made with Jesus here with me – got heaven on earth even now!!! It must have given that man encouragement to persevere with Jesus, knowing that Jesus sympathized with him and understood what he was going thru.

Oh the love of Jesus is so sweet to us and sure can ignite a Holy Spirit fire in our souls that says I’m gonna be alright and I can do this with Jesus with me who loves me and gives me strength and victory!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! RUH, RUH, RUH!!! POWER ON IN LOVE FOR FATHER!!! YYYEEESSS WE CAN DO ALL THINGS THRU CHRIST WHO GIVES US STRENGTH!!! (Philippians 4:13) I think of how Jesus’ words to the man on the cross must have been similar to the message of this song here. This man at that point in time needed to know who he was to Christ and he learned that he was special, loved, accepted and worth the sacrifice of Jesus’ life to give him all the glorious riches that were of Jesus’ kingdom!!!


Wherever you are today, my prayer for you is that you may hear Jesus’ understanding heart for you as His beloved of faith saying to you, you’re alright and I’ve got ya victorious forever with me, so hang in there!!! (Sorry, no pun intended.)

You are safe with Jesus thru your faith in Him and YOU are loved by Him, dear saint. Me, too!!! Oh that just makes me smile!!! Have a sigh of relief in Jesus right where you are right now and have a good rest of today!!! YOU have a good heavenly life future, even now with Jesus!!!


Perhaps you can be somebody’s assurance where you’re hanging out today by sharing about Jesus’ love and victory for them thru faith, too??? 🙂 Proud of you for doing so!!!


Building Divinely

Awesome new day greetings to ya wherever you are today!!! Whether our Father has placed you in the presence of a woman or a man, His purpose for us each is to carry out His will, His plan and His purpose for us as individuals!!! Oh He has made us builders as the Apostle Paul described himself by the grace of God:

“By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care.”

1 Corinthians 3:10

When we step into life to carry out our Father’s will for us, building out of motives of the Holy Spirit will bring about divine building up of the church. Our work will be shown for what it is and what is built on the motives of Christ will survive and we shall receive a reward. If it is done with a motive contrary to the Holy Spirit, our work will be burned up and without reward. However, our salvation remains secure thru faith in Christ’s divine work on the cross for each of us and our seat in heaven is made sure – even though it will be only as one escaping through the flames. To build eternal work thru our lives that brings eternal reward, it takes first building up ourself thru prayer as Father tells us:

“But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.”

Jude 1:20

Communion with the Holy Spirit in order to build others divinely is important because it is thru praying in the Spirit that our bodies and minds begin to experience an increased measure of the reality of the Holy Spirit’s presence with us!!!

Praying in the Spirit gives us access to the Holy Spirit teaching us how to think and pray:

“However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come. He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.”

(John 16:13-14)

Woman and Man Praying Together

What is the Holy Spirit revealing to YOU to build???

Motive – may it always be that the glory of the Lord be shown on earth as it is in heaven as this song says here:

Built on the Rock

New day greetings, sweet saints!!! How blessed we are to have the perspective of our Father in our lives because it makes a difference as big as the difference between day and night!!! Our Father’s perspective in our personal lives makes the divine difference between strength and weakness, fear and courage, defeat and victory, no esteem and confidence, positive and negative attitudes/outlooks, blessing or harm!!!


The farther the world is away from our Father who values us and believes in us each one oh so special, the more brokenness (sinking hearts) there is!!! The enemy of this world desires that we always be looking at what is broken about ourselves and our lives and our Father desires that we always be looking at what is right about who we are and our lives in Him and going with that!!! He tells us in His Word:

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise person who built their house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish person who built their house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”

Matthew 7:24-27

We are all saved by our Father’s grace thru His finished work on the cross for all sin, but if we hear our Father’s Words of encouragement to us in life and we do not take them to heart, but instead choose to let the enemy of this world speak his lies to us, then we each will be as our Father’s holy temple, only building our lives upon the sand rather than upon Him as our solid foundation or rock.

Houses on Rock and Sand.jpg

Not only is it important what we allow to be spoken into our own personal lives, but how we speak to each other is important in life, too!!! We can partner with heaven in building each other up in the Lord or we can partner with the enemy of this world in tearing others down in life. Our Father’s heart for us is this, dear ones:

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Jesus left behind a legacy in life of seeking to build people up – to give them hope and a future:

“For God so loved the world that He gave His One and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”

John 3:16

Jesus outstretched hands

Whoever believes in Christ Jesus as their personal Savior over the destruction the enemy of this world brought into our lives called sin, are forever victorious in Christ and set free from the enemy’s negative influence. YAY!!! WOOOHOOO!!! Let us be confident in this – that thru our faith in Christ’s love and help for us that we are seen by our Father with no condemnation, but rather in this way:

“…He has now reconciled us in His fleshly body through death, in order to present us before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach–if indeed we continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that we have heard, which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven…”

Colossians 1:22-23

How about you, saint??? Are you living built up as our Father’s holy temple upon His heart of truth, love and encouragement to you??? Our Father has chosen you and I to be His Ambassadors of heaven here on earth to build others up in Him who are around us, too!!! He created us each one special and gifted and empowered with His Holy Spirit living in us through our faith in Him!!! Therefore, we with His help and sufficient grace for us are capable and good at impacting this world in divine heavenly positive ways!!! Now how exciting is that to be part of heavenly purpose in our lives here on earth!!! HOOORAH!!! LET’S GO FOR IT!!! How is He showing you that you can do that where you are today??? Oh I am sooo proud of you for stepping into life to be that positive “building up voice of heaven” where you are!!! It is my heart to do so, too!!! I love this song here that talks about the power of words and how we can be the voice of life for our Father!!! YYYEEESSS!!! WE CAN!!! Oh that just makes me smile to think about people being built up on the ROCK (Jesus) – encouraged in  Christ in this world!!! 🙂

How is God Calling YOU.jpg

The Key to Victory Life

Awesome new day greetings, dear family of saints!!! Every morning when we arise, our lives are presented with many opportunities for how we can choose to spend our time, resources and energy. All of our lives are driven by what we hold near and dear to our hearts. In this life, there are many things that we can hold near and dear to our hearts, but there is only one thing that held dear to our hearts that will bring us victory in all things!!! Any guesses as to what that is??? Well, if you guessed Jesus, then you are rootin’ spot on!!! In our Father’s love letter of communication to us, His written Word (the Bible), inspired thru men by His Holy Spirit moving them to write just as He moves all things of the Universe,  we are told that we are created by God with the purpose of enjoying the gift of Him in our life as light for our lives and that every good aspect of our lives is a gift from God!!!

“Every good and perfect gift is coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

James 1:17

Gift of Heaven.jpg

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.”

John 1:1-4

Bible With Cross

In having a relationship with God who is perfect light that shines into the darkness of this world thru His written Word, He has told us we have an enemy in this life who wants to drive a wedge between us and our Father and is always at work to deceive and entice people to sin in ways that work against His heart for us!!! Rather than giving up on His relationship with us and destroying us thru death, He Himself paid the wages of all people’s sins by leaving His heavenly throne on high, coming into the darkness of earth as light thru a man named Jesus, Himself tasting death in our place on a cross, descending into the home of our enemy, hell, and retrieving the key to open up the gate of forgiveness for us so that we may enter into His eternal kingdom of love to us of faith in His efforts for us!!!

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“For God so loved the world He gave us His One and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”

John 3:16

Therefore in the eyes of our Father, we are seen as without sin – holy, blameless and without accusation and with no condemnation!!! VICTORY DANCING I AM WITH YOU ONES OF FAITH IN HIM!!! So if when we climb out of bed each day and we think about enjoying life with our Father who loves us perfectly with unfailing, unconditional love, we can know that it is thru our faith in Him and His performance on our behalf on the cross and His Holy Spirit that now indwells our hearts and moves our lives in ways that please Him to carry out His will, plan and purpose for us!!! It is all by His power at work in us and not our own performance efforts!!! All that for saying YES I BELIEVE IN YOU JESUS!!!

Jesus Key to Heaven

“And without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.”

Hebrews 11:6

“It is God who works in us to will and act according to His purpose.”

Philippians 2:13

In summary of all of this love story that He has shared with us, the bottom line is that when we believe in our Father and we look to Him as the priority of our lives, our lives will be heavenly rewarded by Him both here on earth and in the future when He ushers us into His eternal kingdom forever!!! Thru Him, we shall have the divine life of light instead of darkness and our joy with Him in our lives will be complete!!!

“Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Matthew 6:33


He tells us “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

John 15:5

I am True Vine

Jesus just always makes me smile – it is the power of His love and light shining into my life as this song says here that makes the difference in my heart and life!!! Wherever you are in life today, dear one – cling to our Father and always, always, always keep faith in Him above all things and we shall find our lives to be divine and filled with joy, forever blessed beyond all that we can ask or imagine!!! Got faith in Jesus??? It is the key to forever life victory, even here and now!!!

Faith Key to Victory

Having Son Life

Life has been busy for me the last few weeks as I have purchased a home and am in the process of getting the home ready for moving into and making the move. Thanks for your patience in my fluctuating timing with writing!!!

Today I want to talk to you dear ones of faith about overcoming the world!!! YYYEEESSS WE CAN!!! As our Father’s kingdom kids, that is our Father’s heart for us from the time Satan enticed God’s beloved people to turn against God in the Garden of Eden. God’s plan since then has been for us to turn away from the world that is Satan’s dominion. Since Satan’s deception of God’s people in the Garden of Eden where God first placed His people for life here on earth, our Father has been working to restore His creation to Himself from Satan’s deception of us because He loves us and desires us to be His forever people in love with Him who loves us perfectly!!! We are truly His family and forever we shall be as we know thru our faith in God and His work to restore what Satan the thief took away from us in the Garden of Eden. Our Father did so on the cross where He Himself paid our penalty of sin so that we could live forever in His kingdom with Him free from enemy influence!!! HOOORAH!!! WAY TO GO FATHER!!! THANK YOU FOR SWEET VICTORY!!!

Jesus Battling Jesus

We shall see God’s heavenly kingdom ushered in soon when heaven is full and the time is ripe!!! What Satan took away from us by lying to God’s people in that garden about our Father was our innocence before God who is holy and without sin and wants no part of sin. Satan brought sin into our lives and into this world by convincing God’s people our Father wasn’t truthful with them. He put doubt in their minds about our Father to sway us to his side that was and still is contrary to our Father who loves us and created us!!! OH KOWABUNGA DEVIL DUDE!!!

Battle Already Won

 Our Father has taken the wages of sin against Him which is death and eternal separation from Him out of existence for us of faith thru the cross. On the cross, God Himself became a man in the form of His Son Jesus and took our place in death thru crucifixion to pay the wages of sin so we wouldn’t have to!!! BLESS HIM!!!

Jesus Rose to New Life

He descended into the hell hole home of Satan from His heavenly home, retrieved the keys to unlock the doors of heaven’s freedom from death for us so that we can be seated with Him in His paradise kingdom forever free from the influence and affliction of the enemy Satan. PRAISE OUR FATHER FOR HIS LOVE AND VICTORY FOR US!!! That is now ours thru our faith in God and what He did for us to deliver us from the enemy!!! God has now reconciled us to Himself thru our faith in His finished work on the cross for us to spare us from death and to save us from having to live perfectly without sin in order to meet His approval which we would have to do without our faith in His work in our place on the cross!!!

Power & Victory of the Cross

God’s Spirit now indwells us and empowers us to battle the enemy with victory thru His Spirit living in us to help us while we live out our lives here on earth where we have purpose in telling this story to others so that they may believe in God’s sacrifice on the cross for them and believe in His victory for them, too!!! 🙂 OH HAPPY DAY FOR ALL WHO BELIEVE IN THE SON JESUS AS FATHER TELLS US:

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His One and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” 

John 3:16

Cross with Manger

So who overcomes the world??? It is the one who “believes that Jesus is the Son of God. This is the One who came by water and blood; not from the water only; but with the water (Jesus’ baptism in water) and the blood (Jesus’ death on the cross). It is the Spirit (of God) who testifies, because the Spirit (of God) is the truth. For there are three that testify: the Spirit and the water and the blood and the three are in agreement. YAY!!!

If we receive the testimony of men, the testimony of God is greater; for the testimony of God is this, that He has testified concerning His Son (Jesus). The one who believes in the Son of God (Jesus) has the testimony in himself; the one who does not believe God has made Him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony that God has given concerning His Son. And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son (Jesus). He who has the Son has the life; He who does not have the Son of God does not have the life. (1 John 5:5-12)

Thru faith in Jesus, we have life and we have the victory life in Him if we have faith in what He has done for us on the cross and we also have His Spirit living in us to enable us to overcome the world with Son life!!! WOOOHOOO!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT, SAINTS!!!


Rejoice in the Son life that you have thru faith, dear saints!!! Having Son life has made you a victor in this life and forever more!!! YAY!!! OH HAPPY DAY FOR HE HAS WASHED OUR SINS AWAY THRU FAITH AS THIS SONG SAYS HERE. Rest in His love and victory for you, oh one of faith!!! I’m doing so, too!!! 🙂

Jesus smiling

Jesus with hole in hand

You Are Loved by the Highest

Confidence in the love of our Father is crucial to standing for Him!!! It is what enabled Christ to succeed in His life on earth “dream/divine work” on the cross and when He needed divine help, our Father gave Him the help and the strength that He needed to persevere in His purpose!!!

Jeesus and enemy

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I think about Jesus in His faith in His Father today as I think about Pastor Saeed Abedini who went to Iran to start an orphanage and found himself imprisoned for his faith in Christ. Not only was he imprisoned, but he was also beaten and abused by the enemy of Christ in many ways. Jesus speaks loudly to me today that if we as saints are looking for confirmation from the people around us where He places us in life to keep going in our faith in Christ, it may or may not be there!!! Pastor Saeed probably would have been pretty discouraged many days over the three-year term of imprisonment and if his faith would have been shaky, he may have chosen to give in to the people abusing him, forgoing his faith in Christ and what it was that Christ wanted him to stand for and carry out in his life. YIKES!!! I am sooo thankful that he stood on his faith in our Father’s love for him!!! Because he was faithful to his faith in Jesus and prayed to His Lord, as did his family and others that loved him from afar who knew of his circumstances, his deliverance from the enemy’s prison of torture came and he has now been released from his prison.  WOOOHOOO!!! PRAISE JESUS FOR HIS DELIVERANCE!!! He is presently being treated for his injuries in Germany before heading home to be with his family. He is from my home state and I am sure there will be great celebration for him when he gets here and in heaven when all of our lives on earth are thru here as our Father’s kids of faith!!! Ruh, ruh, ruh!!! Jesus is always worth the stand!!!

Pastor Saeed

Wherever you are at in life, dear family, I want to tell you that you are loved as a child of faith by the greatest One in all the world!!! That is important for each one of us to remember and rely upon!!! There is no other love like the love of Jesus and when we learn that His love is sufficient for us, we can remain strong in His love alone and keep going in His will, His plan, His purpose for us in life!!! We are forever held dear to Jesus and His promise to us as His kids is “Never will I leave you nor forsake you.”(Hebrews 13:5)



Jesus said to seek first His kingdom and then other things will be added to us. Pastor Saeed Abedini has now been blessed with other things in life because of his faithfulness to let Christ be enough to sustain him thru the tough times. He didn’t rest in the confirmation of the love from other people he could see around him to keep him going because there were great lapses in time when he didn’t have it where he could see any one other than those who wanted to belittle him!!! He had a lot of support from his family of faith beyond his prison cells always though!!! That support prayed our Father’s victory for him!!! Where is our Father calling you to pray support for someone going through a tough time of spiritual warfare right now for the cause of Jesus??? Jesus is interceding for each one of us in heaven, too!!!

Jesus Battling Jesus

Jesus calls us as His children of faith to love one another and because the saints who knew Pastor Saeed prayed for him from a distance, he was set free by their prayers of love and faithfulness to Jesus to support their royal family member. Pastor Saeed Abedini was a leader for Christ and because of his faithfulness to go where Christ had for him to go and keep his faith, Christ has been lifted up and glorified all over the world of how he as a man was willing to hold true to Christ despite the work of the enemy in this world!!! I praise Jesus for Pastor Saeed’s bravery and faithfulness to Jesus!!! Where is Jesus calling you to take a stand as a leader in this world, saint??? I want to encourage you to do so, even if it is not the popular amongst the people where Jesus places you!!! The Apostle Paul got this and so did Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. whose birthday is celebrated today. They are in paradise today for their stand for their highest love – Jesus!!!  It will always have a divine outcome for us as children of faith when we hold to the plans and faith in our Father who loves us with forever unfailing, unconditional love!!! YOU are loved with the highest love – the love of the Most High and there is standing power in that love as this song says here.

Jesus with hole in hand

Chosen By God

Make God Your Strength

Famous Kids

Well, Christmas and New Year’s Day is past and the stores are already getting ready for the next big selling holiday that is Valentine’s Day!!! It is a day often thought of by many when you give to a loved one some type of note or gift that brings with it the message “Be mine” and/or “I love you” or “you are special to me” – it is the sharing of words or actions of affirmation of their love for someone special in their life. I remember as a classmate in elementary school when we would make ourselves folders that would hold all the valentines that we as classmates would all share with each other as a note of love and friendship towards one another.  Sometimes gifts of candy were given in lieu of or along with a paper note of encouragement. It was something that everyone looked forward to as it was a day when we all felt loved by one another just as Jesus desires for us as His kids!!! Oh that thought just makes me smile to think on all of that!!! 🙂

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As I think about that sweet memory so long ago, I think about how people no matter the age, desire to be loved. Our Father tells us in His Word:

“The greatest desire of a man’s (woman’s) heart is for unfailing love.”

Proverbs 19:22

Being loved and fitting in – it is what all people want in life no matter the age and while perhaps not everybody in life has a spouse as a valentine to belong to, to extend the personal invitation of “Be Mine” to and perhaps share the same house or family name with, this our Father tells us as His children of faith:

“I have called you by name; you are Mine.”

Isaiah 43:1NASB

Jesus Looking at Man

Jesus Holding Girl

Now how awesome is it that no matter who we are in this life and no matter where we are and even if we are alone, we are never alone and we each one belong to someone who loves us with perfect, unfailing, unconditional love at all times – our Father!!! Not only that, but through our faith, we are all His royal family that loves each other and we all share in the name of God as He tells us it shall be in our eternal home coming soon:

“I am coming quickly, hold fast what you have, so no one will take your crown (given as our eternal reward of Father for what we do). He/she who overcomes I will make him/her a pillar in the temple of My God, and he/she will not go out from it anymore; and I will write on him/her the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God, and My new name. He/she who has an ear, let him/her hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

Revelation 3:11-12NASB

Our Father is telling us that we all have Father’s name as His kids of faith in Him that labels us as His special pillars of faith in eternity!!! In Biblical times, one’s name spoke of their character. Writing His name on us as His children of faith speaks of imprinting His character on us and identifying us as belonging to Him!!! Now what greater name is there to be had or to be identified with than that of JESUS!!! He knows each one of our names, including how many hairs are on each one of our heads!!! Wow!!! Talk about knowing someone thoroughly, Jesus does know us each one special and I love it that He knew us and had His eye on us each one before time began as He says:

“…He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love, He predestined us to adoption as sons/daughters through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, to the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.”

Ephesians 1:4-6NASB

Chosen By God

To You WIth Love

Our earthly life has healthy boundaries by our Father’s design, but because of the finished work of Jesus on the cross, our individual names are written in our Father’s Book of Life, making us members all together as His royal family forever and giving us His name – the name that is above all names on earth!!!

God's Family

Now how awesome is that to know that we are all His forever and we all share His name, making us all one mighty divine army for making a forever difference!!! Oh all of that unity in Him just makes me smile!!! 🙂

Jesus Army

Life is all His stage and we with Him in us individually and together are His shining star team that shines bright just like the stars in the Universe as we team with Him to present Him into this world!!! Ruh, ruh, ruh!!! WOOOHOOO!!! LET’S GO “BE HIS” confidently and point others to Him so that they know His love for them and that they belong to Him forever no matter what happens in this life!!! Nothing can separate us from His forever love!!! We also have each other as His kids forever!!! YAY!!!

Stars on Stage

God Crowning Man

All one family, but He knows your name, dear one as this song says here. Got faith in Jesus??? What’s your name??? Who are you??? What is your identity??? Oh our Father knows it well, for YOU are famous in our Father’s eyes as His precious child of the King of kings and the Lord of lords and He delights in YOU!!! Me, too!!! 🙂 SHINE ON!!!

Children of God

Freedom in Relationships

My Father lays it upon my heart today the importance of relationships and the influence that they can have on our lives. Our Father made us to be in close personal relationship with Him as a priority in our lives and when we draw close to Him and love Him with all of our heart, with all of our soul and with all of our mind and with all of our strength as He tells us is the greatest Word in all the Bible, we find the unfailing, unconditional love that gives us the strength, the love, the courage and the wisdom to deal rightly in all other relationships in life!!! Oh our Father is sooo smart and that is why He tells us:

“…do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Romans 12:2NASB

Pastor With Bible

The Apostle Paul then goes on to share with us in Father’s Word:

“For through the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of yourself that you ought to think; but think so as to have sound judgment, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith.”

Romans 12:3NASB

Woman with Cross

When we see ourselves as our Father sees us in the close intimacy (in-t0-me-see) perfect love relationship we have with Him, we see ourselves as His beloved children of faith in whom He delights!!! We also see that thru our faith in His finished work on the cross for the sins of each one of us, we know that He sees us as saved sinners that have the issue of the enemy Satan to contend with as long as we do life here on this earth!!! Our Father sees us as holy, without blemish and without accusation and with no condemnation in Him thru our faith in His sacrifice for us to set us free from the wages of sin!!! He also gives us choice in life and His Word (the Bible) to help us make the best divine choices in how we live life here on earth. When we have made mistakes, our Father desires that we realize it, accept it, learn from it and move on into life making better choices in the future, being the wiser from what we learn. There are natural consequences for our choices and our sweet Father wants us to have the best life possible in choosing His ways for ourselves. We are already saved from the wages of sin thru His work on the cross, so we will never be cast away from our Father’s love and acceptance, nor will we ever be cast away from being part of His royal family in His paradise kingdom coming soon. YAY!!!

Having said that, our Father desires that we love and help each other as His kids in this life though and when we are choosing to walk in ways that are contrary to our Father, it is good when we are open to listening to others who love us enough to warn us and help us to see our Father’s heart for us!!! Our Father tells us:

“As iron sharpens iron, so one a person sharpens another.”

Proverbs 27:17

Oh I sooo love it when my family of saints help me in life to see clearly the divine life!!! Sometimes it can be hard to hear when we have messed up at first, but if we can see it as their love for us, we can take it before our Father and ask Him His view of it and if it is valid criticism before Him, we should seek to turn from the wrong and walk in the best life!!! I sooo love that thought of living life best!!! Our Father tells us that wounds from a friend can be trusted in Proverbs 27:6. If we turn a friend away that speaks our Father’s truth to us in love for us, we may lose one of the best friends we could have!!! YIKES!!! WATCH OUT!!!

It is never easy to speak hard things of godly correction to people we love and while seeking to help those we love, sometimes it can go well if they listen to what our Father lays on our heart to speak to them and they seek our Father, perhaps godly counsel about it, too, repent or turn the other way and do what is right in life.  While our Father tells us iron sharpens iron and a person sharpens another, He also warns us:

“Do not be deceived.” “Bad company corrupts good morals.”

1 Corinthians 15:33NASB

Jesus is Our Champion

When the effect of a friend upon us is negative, we must be careful the negative influence does not change us from what is of our Father. Consider that to not speak Truth in love and to continually just go along without helping godly change to happen, we may be actually condoning ungodliness to continue!!! YIKES!!! LET US LOVE ONE ANOTHER BEST AND DIVINE!!!  Ungodly influence may make it necessary to even separate ourselves from a relationship if godly change doesn’t happen. Often we can enter a relationship thinking that perhaps we can influence them or help them change, but the reality is that we cannot make people change. We can speak Truth in love and faithfulness, but only the work of the Holy Spirit can help a person and help them to see the Truth and even with that, He still gives them choice to choose His Truth or not. A good example of this is in the story of Joseph and Mary when Joseph was wanting to secretly divorce Mary because she ended up with the Christ child before they were married. The Lord was able to help Joseph see the divine in the situation and He changed Joseph’s heart. Hence, Joseph was open to choosing to continue in the relationship with Mary. YAY!!! WAY TO CHOOSE JESUS, JOSEPH!!! I BE BLESSED BY THAT RIGHTEOUS CHOICE!!! I’VE GOT MY DIVINE VICTORY DANCING SHOES ON AND WHOOPING IT UP WITH GRATEFULNESS!!! THAT CHOICE MADE A FOREVER DIFFERENCE TO ME AND MANY!!! 🙂 Another example to consider is the example of King Herod who had the light of the three wise men present him Truth about Christ born into the world and he chose in his heart to reject and destroy Christ’s partnership with him, hence, the Lord advised the three wise men not to return to King Herod, but to go a different direction.

Our Father gives us His heart and His Spirit’s power at work in us for our best life, forever set free in Him from sins bondage control upon us. His loving heart for us is to choose His heart:

“You shall not follow the masses in doing evil.”

Exodus 23:2NASB

Where You Are I Am Free

We have freedom of choice and power to overcome bondage to sin!!! There is a day coming when our Father will also separate those who are His from those who choose to reject Him rather than trust in Him as their Savior. Our Father does not partner with those bent on evil intent to destroy His kingdom and His kids, nor does He expect us to partner with evil as His kids of faith.

If you should find yourself in a questionable relationship, here are some thoughts to consider about whether or not it is appropriate to end a relationship:

  • Don’t end a relationship just because someone speaks Godly Truth to you. We may lose one of the best friends we could have. We must realize that everyone misbehaves sometimes, even ourselves. Our Father says to deny our personal sin is to be a liar. (1 John 1:8)
  • Don’t tell a friend Truth and walk away all mad never to relate with them again. Give them time to respond. If a friend acknowledges the problem and tries to change, be there for them to encourage them and support them in their efforts to live in godliness!!! This is not a good time to end a relationship.
  • If someone is continually or habitually intent on working against our Father (not just slipping up and making an occasional mistake) gradually separate yourself from them and widen your circle of friends to include those that are healthy for you.  If immediate severing of a relationship is necessary, tell the person you wish them well, but want to spend time with others in your life. Seek to end relationships without being unfriendly in the process. If paths cross again, be friendly instead of being an enemy. This is in keeping with our Father’s heart:

“If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all people.”

Romans 12:18NASB


God Is For You

Power to Bind The Devil

  • Find courage to end friendships when you must and tact to do it peacefully as possible. Ending with bitterness, anger and confusion is not the best way!!! Clarity in what the problem issues are helps both sides to have possible successful repentance, resolution and reconciliation.
  • If someone chooses not to change or do life with you in the future, don’t force them to, but rather rest in Father’s love and grace for you as sufficient, pray, move on in life and find joy and the blessings of being with people who love and care for you and desire the divine contributions of love and godliness that you have to add to their lives as Father guides you in loving them. He has made us to be in relationship with people and when two people look to Christ as the center of their relationships, it always brings the divine blessings into each of our lives that our Father intended when He said:

“…love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind, and with all your strength.” Secondly… “love your neighbor as yourself.”

Mark 12:30-31NASB

God on His throne

“As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

John 13:34NASB

Much love to you all wherever you are today, dear family!!! May our Father guide you in His wisdom, give you peace, strength and courage to carry out His will, His plan and His purpose for you in all the relationships He places around us!!! Always hold close to the power of God’s love for you above all as this song says here.

Girl Leaning on God

Hope in Jesus

Having a Divine Time of Life

Time – oh we have a whole new year of it with today being the first day of the year 2016!!! Time is often personified as “Father Time” and that could not be more true as our Father is in control of time!!! His view of time is different from ours as well as His Word tells us:

“But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.”

2 Peter 3:8NASB

We can often look at our lives and think our life is short, but as our Father’s kids, we have eternal life without end thru faith in Christ Jesus and His finished work on the cross He focused on during His time on earth.  So each one of us as His kids have a divine purpose for our lives during our time on this earth and in choosing to let our Father work thru our vessels, our efforts can make a forever difference as did Jesus’ work!!! It is Jesus who works in us to will and act according to His purpose. Given that as our Father’s Word tells us

“So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom.”

Psalm 90:12 NASB

Clock and Calendar

Oh my heart so delights in each gift of a day in which we have opportunity to use our lives to make choices with our time here on earth count or be spent for doing what will make an eternal difference that will last into eternity. For example, sharing the gospel with someone that does not know how to live forever in Christ’s kingdom as His royal child will make a forever difference in how someone lives out their eternity – not separated from the One who loved them from the start and desires to have them choose life with Him forevermore!!! Resting in His saving and empowering grace for salvation always, this is a eternity lasting goal for life right here:

“Making the most of your time, because the days are evil.”

Ephesians 5:16NASB

Jesus said:

“We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no one can work.”

John 9:4 NASB

WOOOHOOO!!! Now is the time to shine Jesus, dear family and we can as we look to Him to enable us with His Spirit of power and grace!!! We don’t have to in order to have salvation, but we get to and with Jesus in us stirring up a fire in us to shine Him into the world, we can’t help but be moved divinely!!! Ruh, ruh, ruh!!! LET’S GO DIVINELY TOGETHER FATHER!!!

Let Light Shine in You

Shine So they See Him.jpg

What are ways our Father has equipped you and is guiding you to make an eternal difference where you are in life, precious saints??? You life matters to many and our Father will not forget all you do to help others!!! He is returning soon and His reward will be with Him and He will give to everyone for what they have done!!! (Revelation 22:12)

God Crowning Man

We are not left on our own to do so. In fact, without Jesus, we can do nothing!!! Choosing to be His Ambassador on this earth leaves the rest up to Him to guide us, empower us and work thru us and work in the hearts of others that He puts us with!!! Now how exciting is that to be heaven’s light on earth!!! This earth needs heaven on earth!!! This earth needs you and Jesus team living out your amazing purpose that is unlike anybody else!!! Oh you do shine divinely, dear ones of Father’s kingdom!!! The hands of time for light giving is precious!!!

Hands of Light for Time.jpg

Here are some things we can know about time as we move forward trusting in Father of time:

  • Father knows the plans He has for us, they are plans for our good and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future and we will find Him as we take the time to seek Him with all our heart. (Jeremiah 29:11-13)
  • Because our Father’s timing is perfect and with divine understanding, let us hold to flexibility to making His plans for us priority, saying “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” (James 4:13-15) “The heart of a person plans their way, but the Lord establishes our steps.” (Proverbs 16:9) We do not know what today or tomorrow will bring, but we can know it will be divinely good as we trust in our Father to guide us who works all things for the good of those called according to His purpose and life will always be conforming us, making our hearts more and more like Christ who is everything right, true and good. Oh I sooo love it that our Father who has began a good work in us will continue it until the day of completion when our lives on this earth are through!!! Then we will be like Him and until then He already sees us as holy, without blemish, without accusation and with no condemnation!!! How sweet is our Father!!! (Colossians 1:21-23)
  • Our times are in His hand!!! Oh what better hands are there to be in – none better!!! Oh it’s perfect for us!!! Divine conditions to be in, we are!!! Our number of days, number of our months and our limits are determined individually by Him and cannot be passed.(Job 14:1-14)
  • As we commit our work in this life to Him, our plans will be established. (Proverbs 16:3) Our Father will move our hearts, creating  in our hearts passion after His heart’s plans and desires for us!!!
  • Leaving behind the past not useful to the future, we can focus on the divine steps moving forward without wasting precious time. The Apostle Paul modeled this for us in saying : “Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14)
  • Too much rest brings poverty more ways than one. There is seed time and harvest time. There is a time for everything Father desires for our time.(Proverbs 6:10-11; Genesis 8:22; Ecc 3:1)
  • Let us not live our time with an anxious heart, but be filled with the peace of our Father that transcends all understanding.  (Matthew 6:25-23; Php 4:6-8)

In all of our time, this we can count on:

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

Hebrews 13:8

God Is My Keeper

Just as Jesus was faithful to us as His kids, worthy of praise and celebration yesterday, He is today, too and He will be tomorrow as well. Oh now that just has me smiling big and trusting that all our time together as our Father’s kids is going to be delightful as He delights in us as His kids and has divine plans for our every moment of life!!!

Jesus smiling

He has given us the exact amount of time we need each day to do His will and be His divine ones in this world!!! Treasure the gift of time with His presence with you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and forever as His beloved!! Never will He leave us nor forsake us and nothing can separate us from Him ever!!! 🙂


Love this song here that talks about how Jesus makes all things beautiful in His perfect timing!!!

The Father Who Cares

We serve a compassionate Father in heaven whose Holy Spirit’s presence lives within us each one as children of faith in Christ Jesus!!! He cares about each one of us as His kids and this is very evident in His love for Jerusalem whom He is said to have wept over because of spiritual blindness that kept some from trusting in Him.  His heart for Jerusalem’s people who turn from Him is recorded in His Word as this:

“How often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.”

Matthew 23:37

Hen With Chicks

Jesus As Mother Hen

Sometimes people struggle to understand our Father’s will in life and He works to reveal truth and help those who are willing to trust in Him!!! He is committed to us as His kids who seek to help others see the truth of Him so that they too may enjoy the blessings that we have in Him!!! As we journey thru life on this earth, His promise to us is:

“For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.”

2 Chronicles 16:9

Emmanuel God with us

Jesus Seeing the World

Have you given Jesus your heart of faith, trusting in Him as your Savior from the wages of sin the enemy of this world afflicted upon all people in the Garden of Eden??? It has flowed down thru the DNA of all generations and our Father’s heart is for all to see Him as our rescue from the enemy!!! Hence, it is:

“For God so loved the world that He gave His One and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”

John 3:16

Christ on cross

Thru faith in Him, His Holy Spirit DNA now lives in us as His children of faith and He sees us as holy, without blemish, without accusation and with no condemnation!!! Whooop!!! Whooop!!! Whooop!!! He desires that none perish, but He also protects His from evil. I am sooo thankful we are forever in the care of our Father!!!

Jesus Power

He tells us that we are more than conquerors in all of life thru Christ Jesus who loves us. (Romans 8:37)

Always Victory

Oh that makes me kick up my heels with joy!!! 🙂

If Jesus is for us, who can stand against us?!! Nobody!!! Well, the enemy tries, but when we stand in faith in Jesus, He strongly supports us to overcome what is not of Him!!! YAY!!! He is a God who seeks the restoration of His people from the damage the enemy brought into the world still today and He does so as His children look to Him for help!!! Jesus desired to rebuild Jerusalem and He desires to rebuild the hearts of all people!!!  King David wrote this psalm about our Father:

“Praise the Lord!

For it is good to sing praises to our God;

For it is pleasant and praise is becoming.

The Lord builds up 


He gathers the outcasts of Israel.

He heals the brokenhearted

And binds up their wounds.

He counts the number of stars;

He gives names to all of them.

Great is our Lord and 

abundant in strength;

His understanding is


The Lord supports the


He brings down the wicked

to the ground.”

Psalm 147:1-6

As we continue to look to the Lord as His faithful kids, we can know that we are safe in the refuge of His wings as He tells us in His Word:

“He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.”

Psalm 91:4

Woman Under Shelter of Wings

Oh I’m sooo thankful for the love, care and protection of our Father!!! What a sweet heart He has for us as His royal family!!! Let us praise His holy name for His favor upon us as His Word tells us we are:

“The Lord favors those who fear (reverence) Him, 

Those who wait for His


Psalm 147:11

Is there somewhere you have seen our Father’s lovingkindness to you, family??? Let us give Him praise with this song here. Carry His loving favor for you with you wherever you go with Him with you today!!!

Jesus Hugs

It is a special treasure in life that others will be sooo glad to hear about if they haven’t yet seen it for themselves!!! I am sooo proud of your heart that seeks Him and shares His lovingkindness!!! That’s just like our Father!!! 🙂