The Impossible Made Possible

Now this is a sign of trust by these chicks in this Sam Samy video here:


As you know, Sam, what might be thought impossible with the flesh side is possible with the power of the Holy Spirit working divinely to overpower what is of the flesh and the enemy of life!!!

Jesus tells us that there is a day in His kingdom when the lion will be at peace with the lamb!!! Now how awesome is that!!! I sooo love peace between all of Jesus’s creation!!! Father tells us this in His Word that He has given us the ability to overcome Satan, my dear Sam Samy!!! As we stay focused on Jesus, we win heaven’s victory always!!!

“Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11 “Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” James 4:7

I like this powerful song about Jesus living inside of us:

🙂 HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! I am sooo thankful that chicks feel comfortable with me in their lives!!! Oh life with them with me with you just makes me smile!!! Much Jesus love!!!

Meeting God Halfway

Sam Samy shares this inspiring example in this video:

As you know of Sam Samy, he has made it to where he is as a physical athlete because he met God half way!!! I know he loves football sport and works hard for the divine goal, too!!! He has worked hard to do his best to reach his goal with heaven’s grace given him and trusted God for the rest of putting him in life where he is today!!! I admire that you have the heart to do the same for the dream of the sport!!!

Lured by Light

Good pondering here in this video, Sam Samy!!!

Thank you for sharing this!!! It speaks to me and I will share it with my lady friends who journey my road of purpose with me to always be careful about what we let lure us because the devil disguises himself as an angel of light!!! Our defense is to stay close to Jesus and pray, pray, pray always!!! I like this song here about protection found in Jesus



Looking Up

New day greetings, precious saints of faith!!! Today as I turn to Father’s Word, I am moved in gratitude that it is available on our mobile phones these days (got the app?) and the holy book (the Bible) can also be carried along with us in all of life!!! It is God’s love letter to us and Father says this about it:

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,”

2 Timothy 3:16

Here is a song that speaks of the blessings of God’s Word to us as His beloved people of faith:

Oh nothing blesses my heart more than the voice of my Father!!! I need Him always with me as shared live here and He always is with us dear ones of faith!!! Thru faith, we are forever sealed to Him and nothing can snatch us from His love!!! His promise to us is “never will I leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5) As we draw close to Him, He is always there for us and we can approach His throne of grace with confidence to find mercy and grace to help us in our times of need. Now how awesome is He!!! Oh let us not miss out on the greatest gift of all dear ones of faith – time with our beloved Maker who IS love and everything good!!! He created us to enjoy relationship with Him and vice versa forever so let us make priority the priority of seeking Him in life!!!! Blessed are we and will be forever in seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness and then all heavenly things shall be added unto us!!! Proud of ya for seeking Jesus!!! What is His Spirit speaking to you today through His Word??? “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.”
James 1:5


A Tickled Heart

Have you ever had an experience in life where your heart is tickled???? By that I am describing a heart tickled as one excited or stirred up agreeably, provoked to laugher, joy or merriment. It gives ya this kind of expression:

Girl YES

Smile 🙂

I have to say the Lord truly just tickles my heart in heavenly ways as I look to Jesus first and foremost in life! King David understood this when he wrote this praise of deliverance by our Father. As you read it, see if you can pick up on how his heart is tickled by the Father:

“O Lord, in Your strength the king will be glad,

And in Your salvation

how greatly he will rejoice!

You have given him his heart’s desire,

And You have not withheld

the request of his lips.


For You meet him with 

the blessings of good things;

You set a crown of fine gold on his head.

He asked life of You,

You gave it to him,

Length of days forever and ever.

His glory is great through

Your salvation,

Splendor and majesty You place upon him.

For you make him most blessed forever;

You make him joyful with gladness in Your 


For the king trusts in the LORD,

And through the lovingkindness 

of the Most High he will not be shaken.”

Psalm 21:1-7

This Psalm or praise of deliverance was written in response to the prayers of the people for King David in which they prayed for him:

“May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble!

May the name of the

God of Jacob set you

securely on high!

May He send you help

from the sanctuary (sacred place)

And support you from Zion!

May He remember all 

your meal offerings

And find your burnt offering


May He grant you your heart’s desire

And fulfill all your 


We will sing for joy over your victory,

And in the name of our God we will set up

our banners.

May the LORD fulfill all 

your petitions.

Now I know that the LORD saves His


He will answer him from 

His holy heaven

With the saving

strength of His right hand.

Some boast in chariots 

and some in


But we will boast in the

name of the LORD, our 


They have bowed down and fallen,

But we have risen and

stood upright.

Save, O LORD;

May the King answer us

in the day we call.

Psalm 20

WOW! According to King David, the LORD answered the people’s prayers for him against enemy armies and that not only tickled King David’s heart, but the hearts of the people who boasted in advance of the faithfulness of their God in response to their prayer that they had confidence in to bring heaven to their king and hence to them! Oh that kinda makes ya want to pray for your leader, doesn’t it! Doing so with ya!

Prayer Can Move Mountains

When we as God’s people look to Him, He puts upon our hearts what is of heaven’s heart for us!!!! As the people prayed “May He grant you your heart’s desire And fulfill all your counsel!” the LORD went to work in guiding King David’s heart and counseled him in such a way that led King David to have a heart in agreement and celebration of victory with heaven and oh that is sure how our Father still works in the lives of His people even today! We may think this way initially or step forward with a plan and our Father reveals His Godly counsel as we go that can move our hearts to match up with heaven’s heart plan for us and when we see it and go with it, our hearts are tickled with joy and gladness for we trust in the LORD!!! Through His lovingkindness of revealing heaven to our hearts, we are not shaken, but enlightened and excited about going with the heavenly plan in life and seeing His victory for us as Father’s Word tells us:

“Delight yourself in the LORD;

And He will give you the

desires of your heart.

Commit your way to the LORD,

Trust also in Him, and He 

will do it.

He will bring forth your

righteousness as the 


And your judgment 

as the noonday.”

Psalm 37:4-6

Because our Father is righteous and just, we have the assurance that He will extend righteousness and justice to His people of faith in Him! HOOORRRAAAHHH! Oh that glory of His that will be unveiled soon with the coming of His kingdom shall be like the rising sun at dawn and like the bright light at noon! This we can be sure of, for us of faith in Christ Jesus as our Savior, there will be no condemnation for us – only reward for what we do on this earth out of a heart for heaven! GLORY BE TO JESUS FOREVER!


Therefore, let us keep praying, precious family of faith and looking to our Father and we, too shall find our hearts tickled in His victory blessings for us as He is at work in our lives even now and forever! Oh He has a heavenly way of changing the atmosphere of our hearts to bring heaven to us here on earth as this song says here. To that I say, bring it sweet loving kind Jesus! I sooo want to have a heavenly heart after your own heart!


He loves us of faith, dear ones and is faithful to lead us in triumphant procession always as we keep looking to Him Who is all the time good and forever victorious and therefore, so are we!!!! WOOOHOOO!!!! I’m tickled about that and rejoicing with ya’s wherever you are today!!!! Let us stay connected in unity of heart through prayer to our Father for heaven’s heart for us because it’s the divine life that just tickles our hearts!!!! Oh that thought just makes me smile! 🙂 It’s a good life with Jesus with us wherever we are just as we are! Father sees us His of faith always holy, blameless and beyond reproach–if indeed we continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that we have heard which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven.

The Gospel Truth

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

John 3:16


Already Gifted

As I sit by the warmth of the fire here in Idaho listening to my Father’s heart, He speaks to me amidst the snap, crackle and pop of the logs bursting as the fire dances all around them. I sooo love that as it reminds me of the Holy Spirit ablaze with me!!!

Photo on 1-24-17 at 4.21 PM.jpg

Father speaks to my heart that while there is a future time coming when He will return to gives us a new life with the fullness of heaven with us without the enemy of this world present, even now we have the blessing of having the love of Jesus with us and His heart of care for us!!! PRAISE JESUS!!! Oh and as I write, He takes me to the passage in His Word of the two that hung on the cross beside Him. One had a heart for Him and saw in Him His divinity and one ridiculed Him. The one who believed in Him asked Jesus to remember him and Jesus, even though dealing with His own struggles on the cross, loved the man and reassured him that “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43).

Because we, too believe in Jesus and His divinity and the work that He did on the cross as the enemy ridiculed Him so that we can be seated in heavenly places with Him in the future, He has put His Holy Spirit within our hearts to comfort us, give us peace, recall to us the things He tells us, to counsel us and guide us in truth away from sin, to empower us and assure us that we are His children. He has not left us alone on this earth, but rather His Spirit is present with us so that even now, we have heaven with us as we journey the road of earth where we have victory over the enemy, too!!!

I smile as I think about the man on the cross who had the assurance of Jesus’ love and victory for him. I think about how he must have felt inside with such a sigh of relief that said to his soul–I’m going to be alright!!! Now I can’t imagine how hanging on a cross could be heavenly by itself, but I can just imagine that after that reassurance of Jesus to that man, he experienced of heaven right then and there as he thought Jesus has me in His love and paradise victory forever with Him!!! I’ve got it made with Jesus here with me – got heaven on earth even now!!! It must have given that man encouragement to persevere with Jesus, knowing that Jesus sympathized with him and understood what he was going thru.

Oh the love of Jesus is so sweet to us and sure can ignite a Holy Spirit fire in our souls that says I’m gonna be alright and I can do this with Jesus with me who loves me and gives me strength and victory!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! RUH, RUH, RUH!!! POWER ON IN LOVE FOR FATHER!!! YYYEEESSS WE CAN DO ALL THINGS THRU CHRIST WHO GIVES US STRENGTH!!! (Philippians 4:13) I think of how Jesus’ words to the man on the cross must have been similar to the message of this song here. This man at that point in time needed to know who he was to Christ and he learned that he was special, loved, accepted and worth the sacrifice of Jesus’ life to give him all the glorious riches that were of Jesus’ kingdom!!!


Wherever you are today, my prayer for you is that you may hear Jesus’ understanding heart for you as His beloved of faith saying to you, you’re alright and I’ve got ya victorious forever with me, so hang in there!!! (Sorry, no pun intended.)

You are safe with Jesus thru your faith in Him and YOU are loved by Him, dear saint. Me, too!!! Oh that just makes me smile!!! Have a sigh of relief in Jesus right where you are right now and have a good rest of today!!! YOU have a good heavenly life future, even now with Jesus!!!


Perhaps you can be somebody’s assurance where you’re hanging out today by sharing about Jesus’ love and victory for them thru faith, too??? 🙂 Proud of you for doing so!!!


The Strong Hold

Powerful new day greetings to you His precious royal of faith in Christ Jesus!!! As I begin this new gift of life today, I am powerfully encouraged and strengthened in our Father’s promises to us from the Lord towards His people as He shared His heart thru His leader Moses towards the Israelites in their war with the enemy:

“And Moses said to the people, ‘Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.'”

Exodus 14:13-14

Faith is Having COurage

As I reflect upon this passage in the Bible today, these thoughts stand out to me:

  • God appoints leaders to lead people
  • God speaks to His leaders as to what to speak and do for the people
  • God desires that His people be at peace in heart in trusting in Him and His victory for them.
  • God desires that His people cease from all activity at times to hear His heart for them.
  • God desires that His people trust that He will save His people.
  • God is able to accomplish what He promises His people.
  • In spite of enemy tactics that flare up, God desires that His people realize He has authority over the enemy and forever victory over the enemy for His people.
  • God fights for His people in ways that are beyond anything that His people can do.
  • There are times when God calls His people to be still and know that He is God and that He will be exalted among the nations, He will be exalted in the earth. (Psalm 46:10)
  • God is able to preserve our peace in Him thru His power at work for us!!!




Our Father tells us in His Word:

“The Lord is good, a STRONGHOLD in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him.” Nahum 1:7

Whenever we see the enemy seeking to put a stronghold upon us as people, we can know that our Father has THE STRONGHOLD upon us as His people from the love of God and this His powerful promise:

“…in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Romans 8:37-39

Here is a powerful song that speaks of Jesus as our strong tower, shelter over us as His beloved of faith!!! Oh I am sooo thankful that our Father fights for us as His people and gives us powerful leaders to guide us all in unity of His will, His plan and His purpose for us!!! Who is Father calling you to hear as His leader??? Are you a leader??? You can know our Father will give you what you need to lead His people divinely!!! Where is Father calling you to be still and know that He is your God fighting for your rescue??? Have peace that you are STRONGLY HELD by the power of the universe held in our Father’s righteous right hand!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! God’s forever got us victorious as we trust in Him!!! We are sooo blessed as His people!!! Oh that gives my heart such peace knowing that our Father knows how to communicate with us as His people and work beyond us to do more than we can ever ask or imagine!!! We can’t even breathe without Him and because of His promises to us and His record of faithfulness and love to His people, we can rest knowing we shall experience His ongoing rescue that results in our singing songs of His deliverance!!! Much love to you His beloved!!! Let us keep the faith in our faithful Father!!!

Going Supernatural

Well, I’m a gal all zealed up for Jesus again today by His Holy Spirit moving my heart to go for Him, sweet family!!! Oh I just get all excited about all of the possibilities of where our Father can take each one of us as His kingdom family into life for making a divine difference as He moves our hearts individually!!!

Girl YES

For each person, there are lots of possibilities and sorting thru them to find our Father’s heart is important for divine life!!! It happens when we seek Him in prayer:

Pray to God as Psalm 20:4 says: “May you (God) give me the desires (God’s desires) of my heart and make all your (God’s) plans succeed”.   Another prayer that I have found very helpful when overwhelmed is:


Sometimes I find it hard to manage my time well. There is so much to do and that can be done! Please help me to prioritize my daily activities and finances to align with your will, your plan, your purpose, and to do what is most important as well as the little mundane tasks that must be done. Help me to know when to say “no” to projects and requests that come along that would overwhelm me or take away from what you want me to do. Please help me to always love and care for those lives you have entrusted to my care and circle of influence. In Jesus name I pray, amen.”

The best thing we can do in life is to seek His wisdom in weighing the amount of time and resources we have to devote to each area of ministry He asks us to step into and for wisdom in determining the right timing for each step we take. God doesn’t show us the whole road at once, so we must always step out with a submissive attitude to His desire to have us continue our direction, redirect our goals, postpone them or stop them all together. James 4:13-17 says “Now listen, you who say “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money. Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, if it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” As it is, you boast and brag.   All such boasting is evil. Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” Bearing these verses in mind, unless God makes changes, I step out with the light that has been given to me thus far to run the section of road God has made visible to me.

Given all of these things to think about each day, do you feel overwhelmed? Do you feel like you need a cape and a large “S” on your chest to be a supernatural “Superwoman” or “Superman?”


I confess to that and the truth is that we do need supernatural strength and let me encourage you again that God is the supernatural strength that we need to run the road He has mapped out for you and I personally. Philippians 4:13 says “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”   This is true no matter where the road of God’s purpose may take us and no matter what the circumstances. It is important to let God give us the heart desire and grace to minister where He leads (Philippians 2:13) and not take an attitude of “legalism”, telling ourself we have to meet certain standards to earn God’s acceptance. This is a lie of Satan. If we believe it, we will wear ourself out by running too much and too fast and for unnecessary reasons. Because of what Christ did on the cross for us, we are deeply loved, completely forgiven and totally accepted by God. He tells us in Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” God will lead us at the proper pace and in proper balance if we listen to Him. “It is God who works in us to will and act according to His purpose.” (Philippians 2:13)

Not by might

Living the Christian life is all about Father’s grace to us – apart from Him, we can do nothing divinely!!! With Jesus – it’s the supernatural divine life that just makes ya smile!!! 🙂 I’m a gal seeking His supernatural heart for me today with you, dear ones!!! Father tells us:

“For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on Me and come and pray to Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.”

Jeremiah 29:11-13

Stay close in heart to Jesus!!! Jesus will bring the divine life to us as this song says here!!! 🙂 WOOOHOOO!!! IT’S GONNA BE EXCITING, IT’S GONNA BE FUN!!! IT’S GONNA BE DIVINE AND AN ETERNAL DIFFERENCE MAKER!!! POWER ON!!! YEP – YA GOT JESUS!!!



Filled to the Brim

Idaho greetings, family!!! Today I want to share the second in the series of comparisons of a physical athlete running a race to a spiritual athlete running a race. It is this:                  

Physical Athlete

Needs hydration or water for proper body function.

Spiritual Athlete

“On the last and greatest day of the feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “If anyone is thristy, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him. By this He meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were later to receive.”

                    John 7:37-39                     

Jesus Streams

When we believe in Jesus as our Savior from personal sin, the Father will send the Holy Spirit (to live in us) to teach us all things and remind us of everything Jesus has said. (John 14:26) John 16:13 says “When He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth.” We could say that He is our coach!!! When Jesus’ work on earth was finished, He did not want to leave us helpless and thirsty for Him. He tells us in Matthew 28:20 “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Although He is always with us and never leaves us, choosing to sin will grieve the Holy Spirit within us (Ephesians 4:30).



You may be saying “YIKES!!! What happens then?” The Good News is Father still loves us, does not condemn us and here is what we need to know:

To be filled “fully” with the Holy Spirit requires our submission to the will of God. When we do not allow the Holy Spirit to be seen in our actions, or do what is wrong (sin) and grieve the Holy Spirit who lives in us, we create leaks that drain out His living water from within us! (1 Thessalonians 5:19)


We are forever saved by God’s grace to us thru our faith in Christ’s perfect performance on the cross; however, a sinful lifestyle hinders a godly lifestyle and affects our power and our witness of Christ’s truths into the world thru us. While the world needs to understand grace, it also needs to realize Christ’s truths lead to the best life!!! Oh Jesus is so smart!!!


To remedy the grieving or quenching of the Holy Spirit in us over our sin, it is important to confess our sins to ourselves and to God. To “confess” means to agree with God about sin. Upon agreeing that sin is sin, it is important to “repent” which means to change one’s mind; to reverse the effects of the previous state of mind. This change of mind involves turning from sin and turning to God, looking to Him to refill us up fully as we move forward. Once we place our faith in Christ Jesus, we are forgiven for all sins, past, present and future. A one-time confession of our need for Christ saves us from the wages of sin forever and gives us eternal life as a child of faith in God’s kingdom of heaven!!! Our Father likes us to talk with Him about our sin struggles though to help us move forward the wiser, with correct perspective of what is right, accompanied by the reassurance of grace and strengthened by the support of our Father in heaven – just as a father with his child does here on earth. This act of confession or agreement with God should not be seen as a legalistic act of performance for acceptance, but rather relationally healthy – a step to staying close in relationship in our minds to our Father who loves us and forgives us, even when we fall short of what is doing right. We have probably all experienced that when we know we have someone who is upset with us, even though they may still love us, our upsetting action affects our relationship mindset with that person and talking it thru brings healing and improved relationship!!!  Oh I always love seeing relationship healing and restoration thru truth, love and grace!!!

Come Holy Spirit.jpg

It is a true gift to be heard by God, to hear the voice of God and experience His power working through us!!! It is good to be fully hydrated or “filled to the brim” with the living water of the Holy Spirit and not just have “a drop in the bucket, so to speak!!!”  

Holy Spirit To EARTH

We need this anointing to run God’s road for our lives with His power in us. We would dry up spiritually without Him.

 We can  each ponder these thoughts:

  • In what ways am I grieving the Holy Spirit by choosing sin over God? 
  • Am I praying for strength to overcome the sin?
  • What other steps can I take to keep from committing this sin in my life moving forward?
  • Have I rebuked the devil verbally, claiming the power and authority of Christ?
  • Is there someone that Father would have me talk to about holding me accountable to help me have victory over the sin?  

The sinful nature within us is strong, but praise be to God for His forgiveness and power over sin to help us have victory!!! He is super sweet, powerful and full of grace for us!!!

Power of Christ

He tells us in 1 John 1:8-10 “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make Him out to be a liar and His Word has no place in our lives.” When we confess, it is saying we agree with God about what is sin and to repent is to turn and go the other way – away from sin. Unless we acknowledge to ourselves we have a sin issue, our mind will not see a need to go in a different direction. This is why it is healthy to confess (agree) with our Father. But all the time, our Father loves us and His grace not only covers us, but also can give us strength to live the Christian life as we look to Him!!!

Do Not Give the Devil A Foothold

Jesus Battling Jesus

Oh, Jesus life – it’s the divine life, the best life!!! Let us go for that, dear ones of faith!!! I’m trusting Jesus’ with you for victory in Him working in us to will and act according to His purpose!!! His grace always finds us wherever we are to restore us in the fullness of His Spirit as we look to Him as this song says here. Blessed are we to have our Father’s grace – never will He leave us (Hebrews 13:5) and nothing can snatch us from His hand as His kids of faith!!!

The Source



YAY!!! Oh that just makes me smile to know grace is always with us!!! 🙂 Divine sisterly love to ya’s wherever you are in life!!! Smiling to the brim for overflowing with joy about Father’s grace with ya’s!!!

Jesus smiling


Confident in Father

Life happens!!! Amen??? (aka agree???) Oh so true in my life!!! How about you??? It has been happening ever since our Father created it for us as His dearly loved people of faith and that is certainly what the disciples of yesterdays discovered when they found themselves faced with life after Christ’s resurrection and they had great desire to speak as our Father’s bond-servants with ALL confidence, looking to our Father to extend His hand to heal and for signs and wonders to take place thru the name of Jesus!!!

Jesus with hole in hand

Upon praying for that empowerment in a place where they were gathered together, it is said that the place where they were was shaken and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to speak the Word of God with boldness. (Acts 4:29-31) Speaking our Father’s heart of love with boldness sure makes life heavenly!!! I love our Father’s heart for us and the world!!!

God's Love is So Big

As the disciples found out, when we look to our Father and pray – SHAZAM!!! BE PREPARED FOR THE SUPERNATURAL TO KICK IN AND CHANGE YA INTO A BOLD, MIGHTY POWERFUL SAINT THAT IS CAPABLE OF DOING WHAT FATHER NEEDS US TO DO TO BRING HIM GLORY IN THE EYES OF PEOPLE!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! That is my heart is to bring my sweet Jesus glory in my life and therefore, I can relate to the hearts of the disciples!!! Loving our Father, being willing to partner with Him, being prayed up and trusting in Jesus to do the amazing as He desires in us thru us and all around us is our job one and that mindset enables us to step into life having divine confidence and victory and power in Jesus!!! That is what happened to the disciples!!! They went from the place of knowing they needed help to do the divine life, asking for it and experiencing it personally!!! Oh when we ask for the divine life from Jesus – we can always expect it and expect it to be in His timing for each moment of our lives!!! It is called HOPE!!! Having Only Powerful Expectations!!!

Power of Christ

Jesus does not ask His people to do anything for heaven’s kingdom that He isn’t going to support us in as we ask Him for divine help!!! It is good and healthy for us when we have a “wanna be divine for His glory, His kingdom purposes and the blessing of others” and to know we need Him to be a blessing on this earth, for with Him we can do all things thru Him who gives us strength and apart from Him, we can do nothing!!! He flat out changes us into supernatural saints as this song says here.

You Were Made to Reflect God's Glory

In whatever way He needs to move us to do His will, He knows how, is willing and is able to empower us!!! Therefore, we can always be confident in Father to see us thru all of life and oh that just makes me smile!!! I’m a gal trusting in Father and confident in Jesus with ya’s!!! Let’s pray and trust in Father to guide us victoriously always!!! His promise to us is “We are more than conquerors in all these things thru Christ Jesus who loves us.” (Romans 8:37) WE’VE GOT DIVINE SHAKIN’ GOING ON ALWAYS WITH JESUS!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! HOW EXCITING IS LIFE WITH JESUS WHO IS ALWAYS WITH US AND WHO WILL NEVER LEAVE US NOR FORSAKE US!!! WHEW!!! THAT JUST GIVES ME ALL KINDS OF CONFIDENCE AND BOLDNESS AS HE LEADS ME!!! WE DON’T HAVE TO WORK FOR HEAVEN – IT IS ALREADY OURS THRU FAITH IN HIS FINISHED WORK ON THE CROSS, BUT WHEN YOU REALIZE THE GREAT GIFT JESUS IS, YA JUST WANNA SERVE THE KING OF GLORY!!! OH I SOOO LOVE THAT WITH YA’S!!!

To You WIth Love