The Heavenly Garden

Sooo true about what you share here wjth this video, Sam Samy:

It’s a beautiful garden!!! 😊It makes me smile!!! Jesus provided all of it!!! Isn’t He a beautiful Gardner!!! I praise Jesus here with you, Sam:

Jesus…He’s Sooo Smart!!!

This is powerful and life changing strategy that can make a heavenly difference on earth as Sam Samy shares here!!!

How can you apply it to your life??? Pondering it as well with Jesus as my guide!!! 😊 I’m happy and smiling…going for divine best life, too!!! Hooorrraaahhh!!!

I like this song here about shaking with divine change:

Divine World Changers

Sooo precious of a story Sam Samy shares here:

Jesus was and is all about rescue!!! He works through people by His Holy Spirit that they receive upon faith in Him to help others neglected by people and pursued by the enemy of this world!!! As He tells us in His Word, the Bible:

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

Oh He gives us breath for life…what we choose to do with it can sure make a divine difference in this world!!! You can make a difference in this world!!! Staying close to Jesus and going into life for His kingdom, too!!! ☝️πŸ”₯πŸ‘β€οΈπŸ‘‘πŸ’ͺπŸ™ I like this song here:

Captivated By Love

Ladies!!! Oh an interesting cause to check out for sure in this video here that Sam Samy shares:


I find it interesting that the lion wants to stay where it finds love in relationship rather than step out into the world all alone. As you know, Sam, a person is never alone because Jesus is always with us as His people of faith!!! Oh that just makes me smile!!! As you also know, Sam, Father created us for relationship!!! I am reminded that it is always good news wherever He opens and closes doors in our lives to put us in the divine place for us to be together with divine purpose with Him working in us as His people of faith!!! πŸ™‚ Lots to ponder about this video!!! I am reminded of this song here about being a new creation in faith in Jesus and the specialness of His love:

Thank you for the pondering again today, Sam!!! I’m sharing it!!!

A Cup of Divine Life

Girls Having Coffee

C.O.F.F.E.E. Christ Offers Forgiveness For Everyone Everywhere

My dear lady friends who have asked me to share my writings, welcome YOU here!!! Oh I love this thought of Jesus’s loving kindness to us wherever we are!!! Isn’t technology a gift?!!

I invite you to grab a cup of coffee and explore my years of archived writings and videos here whenever you’d like!! You can also explore my many years of blogging with a friend with this link here:

I am working on the launch of my new book entitled Running Your Road of Purpose that has been released by Westbow Press and available now at!!! Please consider a copy or two or three or more as the perfect Valentine’s Day gift, birthday, graduation, Christmas or just a friendship gift!!! πŸ™‚ What better way to love someone than to share the unfailing, unconditional love of our Father and His nothing but heavenly plans for them even now on earth!!! Oh that thought just makes me smile and hopefully blesses many!!!

Have a great day with Jesus as your constant love, sufficiency and victory as we all look to Him to guide us individually!!! Always much love!!! ❀️ BE YOU AND JESUS TEAM GODFIDENTLY!!! IM DOING SO, TOO!!! WOOOHOOO!!! IT’S ALWAYS A GOOD LIFE WHEN JESUS LEADS US!!!
