As You Think…

Oh Sam Samy, it is sooo true as Father says in His Word, that what every person desires is unfailing love!!! Because of fear and lack of faith and confidence, most people would not have the bravery to reach out in faith to love someone with a gun pointed at them as seen here!!! I see that same kind of bravery and confidence, faith and love in you!!! This man loved enough not to let the gunman destroy his own life by letting him wipe out a life. Therefore, he got creative and stepped out in faith!!! I greatly admire that!!! Powerful video here!!! Thank you sooo much for sharing it!!!

As a person thinks in their mind so they are because they don’t always believe divine truth!!! What we believe in in life we act on. Apparently this man needed to be convinced he was loved!!! When someone knows the true love of Jesus, it carries them into life in a whole new mindset as this song says here:

Going in love, faith, Godfidence and happy in life because of God with you making my day with divine love!!!

Individual Purpose

Purposeful day it is for everybody, ya’ll here!!! No matter who we are in life, we each have a  divine reason for being and whether we volunteer our time or are employed by someone or we are an employer of others, we each can in someway bring contribution to what our Father is wanting to accomplish here in bringing heaven on earth!!! Now how awesome is that for everyone to be included in the purpose of life together with Jesus!!! Oh it just makes me smile!!!

As I continue in sharing about the different generalized areas of ministry that each of us individually will typically step in and out of in the course of our lives, I want to share these thoughts today about being an employee and an employer. Our Father will speak to each of us as we have need to hear His voice. Even if we volunteer in life for someone or for our Father in heaven, some of these same principles can apply to all of us:

“If you are a hired employee, God desires for you to “obey your earthly masters (in righteousness) and do it not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving” (Colossians 3:22-24). God sees it all (Proverbs 15:3) – He sees faithfulness and hard work that can sometimes go unnoticed by employers and He says He will reward you for that, so you can rest in that if that is your case. He sees the way we treat our coworkers with love and kindness, praying for them and our employers, seeking their good and success. He also sees the ways someone may mistreat their employer such as using an employer’s time for personal matters and wasting an employer’s resources. For example: When your employer sends you to make purchases, do you use your employer’s money to buy you the more expensive when lesser would do and you would buy lesser if it was your own money? Do you steal from your employer? Are you lazy and fail to carry out his or her instructions for your work. God forgives, but it is good to confess (agree about) sin to Him (1 John 1 8-10), and He desires us to repent and make restitution (Exodus 22:3b) if we need to. From that day forward, we can seek to do our work to God’s glory (1 Corinthians 10:31) and work as we would want someone to work for us if we were an employer (Matthew 22:39). Let us be thankful (Colossians 3:15) for God’s provision of someone to hire us and provide for us financially. We can ask God to help us be a good employee. Here is a photo of some employees and employers working together doing some work on a home I recently purchased. Here they are working on steps, a walkway and a gate. I greatly appreciate their efforts for me in life as I could not do all this work without their help and expertise with the other things that I do as a self-employed person and a volunteer as our Father has called me to be in life!!! 


 Where are you in life??? An employee, an employer, self-employed, a volunteer??? This you can know of our Father:

“God is not unjust; He will not forget your hard work and the love that you show Him as you help His people and continue to help them.”

Hebrews 6:10

If you are an employer, here are some thoughts from God’s Word to ponder in doing your work for our Father. God asks employers in Colossians 4:1 to provide your employees with what is right and fair, because you know you have a Master in heaven (the Lord). The Lord sees everything (Proverbs 15:3). Even if your employees don’t seem to appreciate what you do for them, God sees it and He appreciates it. He will reward you for it. Be considerate of your employees. Do you value each of your employees? Are you friendly to them and treat them respectfully? Do you show favoritism? Are you more concerned with using available resources to make yourself comfortable and promote your image while employees go without the tools and training they need to do their jobs more efficiently and successfully. Do you pray for your employees? Do you ask your employees to do things that are ungodly? Do you cheat your employees out of pay and benefits?   If you haven’t been a good employer, it is not too late to change. Confess your sin (1 John 1:8-10), repent and make restitution (Exodus 22:3b) if you need. We need to treat our employees the way that we would want to be treated if we were someone’s employee, as in fact we are (the Lord’s). Oh let us be thankful for the help God has given to us in the employees who work hard to make us successful. We can ask God to make us a good employer if we are called to that purpose, for “God works in us to will and act according to His purpose.” (Philippians 2:13)

God At Work

Let Your Life Be A Reflection


Pondering Good Life

Hi, dear family!!! Today I want to continue to reflect upon ways that we know our Father’s will. He speaks to us thru His Holy Spirit and thru His written Word. Another way He speaks to us is thru our thoughts. Thoughts are very interesting!!! They stem from our beliefs that lead to thoughts that lead to emotions that lead to actions. Lots of different thoughts can pass thru our minds and here are some things to consider about our thought life:

Thoughts may come to us such as call this person, pray for that person, do it this way, share this verse, don’t say anything right now or now is the time!!!  A particular Scripture may come to our mind as we are praying or asking our Father for His guidance. It is a good thing for us to ponder our thoughts and “test everything (to see how it lines up with God’s Word). Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil” it tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22. It is important to examine our motives – what is our belief behind why we are doing or not doing.  This is important because thoughts can come to us from God’s Holy Spirit, but also from our sinful nature (Mark 7:21) and Satan as well (Luke 22:3, 2 Corinthians 11:14, Mark 4:15). Yikes!!! Let us watch out, dear ones!!! Let us take the time to ponder before we act!!! God will persist in pursuing our hearts to do His will (1 Samuel 3).


We certainly don’t want to be too hasty in making our decisions and miss the way (Proverbs 19:2), but, if we sense God’s voice calling us to action and we wait too long in stepping forward in obedience, we might miss opportunities or experience other consequences of not listening to God’s voice when He speaks to us, too. Oh the story of Jonah is an interesting one and thru all of Jonah’s story, God kept hold of him!!! Whew!!! He certainly had some interesting experiences because of His hard heart, though!!! When the Israelites failed to act in obedience to God’s desire for them, they missed the opportunity to enter the land God wanted to give to them (Hebrews 3:15-19) and another example is Saul who lost his status as the King of Israel because he rejected the Word of God (1 Samuel 15:23). Ouch!!! Procrastination or ignoring divine thoughts can have its price tag for us in life for sure!!! Prisons are full of folks that choose not to go with divine thoughts!!! In most of those cases, they have lots of time to ponder it!!!


In application, what thoughts is our Father asking us to take action on today as we ponder??? Is there a thought that keeps speaking to us alot??? Is there a reason why we shouldn’t take that action now??? If not, He will show it to us and give us the right sense of timing!!! If now is the time, we can step out and trust our Father will be our sufficiency and provision to carry out what it is He calls us to do. Oh how exciting to join our Father in the divine adventures in life!!! I’m a gal seeking to test and hold on to the good and avoid evil too!!! I am thankful we have our Father to prod us or spur us on to love and good deeds in life and work in us to will and act according to His purpose!!! I have found when He is moving our hearts, it is hard to say no to Him!!! He has a way of making us brave in life and to have strength that accompanies the thoughts He gives to us as this song says here!!! I’m proud of ya’s for being brave to follow as Jesus leads us!!! I’m a gal seeking to be so also and trusting Jesus to bless us in going for Him!!! He is faithful and always works all things for the good of those who are called according to His purpose. YAY!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!


I found it interesting the other day when I was looking at a weather vane on my table that has the four directions on it N for north, E for east, S for south, and W for west. As I thought about that in regards to direction, Father showed me this way to look at N, E, S and W. N for never, E for eat, S for Satan and W for words. “Never Eat Satan’s Words.” Oh our Father always gives us good directions!!! 🙂 Seeking to follow Him with ya’s!!!

Filled to the Brim

Idaho greetings, family!!! Today I want to share the second in the series of comparisons of a physical athlete running a race to a spiritual athlete running a race. It is this:                  

Physical Athlete

Needs hydration or water for proper body function.

Spiritual Athlete

“On the last and greatest day of the feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “If anyone is thristy, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him. By this He meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were later to receive.”

                    John 7:37-39                     

Jesus Streams

When we believe in Jesus as our Savior from personal sin, the Father will send the Holy Spirit (to live in us) to teach us all things and remind us of everything Jesus has said. (John 14:26) John 16:13 says “When He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth.” We could say that He is our coach!!! When Jesus’ work on earth was finished, He did not want to leave us helpless and thirsty for Him. He tells us in Matthew 28:20 “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Although He is always with us and never leaves us, choosing to sin will grieve the Holy Spirit within us (Ephesians 4:30).



You may be saying “YIKES!!! What happens then?” The Good News is Father still loves us, does not condemn us and here is what we need to know:

To be filled “fully” with the Holy Spirit requires our submission to the will of God. When we do not allow the Holy Spirit to be seen in our actions, or do what is wrong (sin) and grieve the Holy Spirit who lives in us, we create leaks that drain out His living water from within us! (1 Thessalonians 5:19)


We are forever saved by God’s grace to us thru our faith in Christ’s perfect performance on the cross; however, a sinful lifestyle hinders a godly lifestyle and affects our power and our witness of Christ’s truths into the world thru us. While the world needs to understand grace, it also needs to realize Christ’s truths lead to the best life!!! Oh Jesus is so smart!!!


To remedy the grieving or quenching of the Holy Spirit in us over our sin, it is important to confess our sins to ourselves and to God. To “confess” means to agree with God about sin. Upon agreeing that sin is sin, it is important to “repent” which means to change one’s mind; to reverse the effects of the previous state of mind. This change of mind involves turning from sin and turning to God, looking to Him to refill us up fully as we move forward. Once we place our faith in Christ Jesus, we are forgiven for all sins, past, present and future. A one-time confession of our need for Christ saves us from the wages of sin forever and gives us eternal life as a child of faith in God’s kingdom of heaven!!! Our Father likes us to talk with Him about our sin struggles though to help us move forward the wiser, with correct perspective of what is right, accompanied by the reassurance of grace and strengthened by the support of our Father in heaven – just as a father with his child does here on earth. This act of confession or agreement with God should not be seen as a legalistic act of performance for acceptance, but rather relationally healthy – a step to staying close in relationship in our minds to our Father who loves us and forgives us, even when we fall short of what is doing right. We have probably all experienced that when we know we have someone who is upset with us, even though they may still love us, our upsetting action affects our relationship mindset with that person and talking it thru brings healing and improved relationship!!!  Oh I always love seeing relationship healing and restoration thru truth, love and grace!!!

Come Holy Spirit.jpg

It is a true gift to be heard by God, to hear the voice of God and experience His power working through us!!! It is good to be fully hydrated or “filled to the brim” with the living water of the Holy Spirit and not just have “a drop in the bucket, so to speak!!!”  

Holy Spirit To EARTH

We need this anointing to run God’s road for our lives with His power in us. We would dry up spiritually without Him.

 We can  each ponder these thoughts:

  • In what ways am I grieving the Holy Spirit by choosing sin over God? 
  • Am I praying for strength to overcome the sin?
  • What other steps can I take to keep from committing this sin in my life moving forward?
  • Have I rebuked the devil verbally, claiming the power and authority of Christ?
  • Is there someone that Father would have me talk to about holding me accountable to help me have victory over the sin?  

The sinful nature within us is strong, but praise be to God for His forgiveness and power over sin to help us have victory!!! He is super sweet, powerful and full of grace for us!!!

Power of Christ

He tells us in 1 John 1:8-10 “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make Him out to be a liar and His Word has no place in our lives.” When we confess, it is saying we agree with God about what is sin and to repent is to turn and go the other way – away from sin. Unless we acknowledge to ourselves we have a sin issue, our mind will not see a need to go in a different direction. This is why it is healthy to confess (agree) with our Father. But all the time, our Father loves us and His grace not only covers us, but also can give us strength to live the Christian life as we look to Him!!!

Do Not Give the Devil A Foothold

Jesus Battling Jesus

Oh, Jesus life – it’s the divine life, the best life!!! Let us go for that, dear ones of faith!!! I’m trusting Jesus’ with you for victory in Him working in us to will and act according to His purpose!!! His grace always finds us wherever we are to restore us in the fullness of His Spirit as we look to Him as this song says here. Blessed are we to have our Father’s grace – never will He leave us (Hebrews 13:5) and nothing can snatch us from His hand as His kids of faith!!!

The Source



YAY!!! Oh that just makes me smile to know grace is always with us!!! 🙂 Divine sisterly love to ya’s wherever you are in life!!! Smiling to the brim for overflowing with joy about Father’s grace with ya’s!!!

Jesus smiling


Valued Enough to Rescue

It’s a victory in Christ Jesus day today, precious saints and everyday can be for us kids of faith!!! All people on earth are in a spiritual battle and the fight is not against flesh and blood!!! It is as Father tells us:

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of the dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

Ephesians 6:12

Devil Said They are Mine

Devil verses Jesus

Satan is no part of love and Jesus IS 100% love!!! Jesus never glossed over evil happening, but was strong and courageous to speak out truth in hopes of bringing divine victory!!! When a person was open to the divine life, people were saved from the powers of darkness and received all the glorious riches of heaven. Jesus spoke truth, but He always did so with love in His heart for the other person and was always hopeful they would see the divine light for divine peace and forever victory!!! When there is difficultly between two people, the goal is to bring about divine life in the midst of the two of them so there is mutual peace about it. Being courageous to have the uncomfortable talks with an attitude of love and God’s will brings divine victory. When two people are not willing to see the conversation thru to the victory conclusion and stick to the agreement, there is loss. People can give up too soon!!! It is important to cross over to the victory side of life and not settle for the less, nor stay stuck in the nowhere in between. PUSH FOR VICTORY!!! WHERE IS THAT??? I have seen both of that happen many times!!! Oh let us never give in to the enemy!!! Therefore, let us always be willing to do as this song says here and “move, keep walking, soldier keep moving on and lift your head, it’s not over yet.” As long as there are our lives on this earth, there is hope of the divine happening when someone opens their heart to heaven’s divine plan and help!!! Sometimes that is in ongoing prayer that a hardened heart will be changed to cooperate with heaven to have divine life!!! Prayer can be the very thing that tears down the brick wall in relationships!!! Jesus prayed for Peter that the enemy would not be able to sift him as wheat and that when he returned back, that he would strengthen his brothers!!! Jesus had faith in Peter that he could have victory against the enemy Satan and all the while Jesus loved Peter!!! We can always know that Father’s love for us never changes in the trials of life!!! HE IS FOR US!!! HOW AWESOME IS JESUS LOVE TO US!!!

Power of Christ

To You WIth Love

So, therefore, keep speaking truth in love and pushing for divine victory, dear ones, pray and seek godly counsel for heaven’s victory in life!!! It is the recipe we each can follow that brings the divine life to fruition!!! Sooo proud of you for doing so and my heart seeks Jesus’ best in all of life, too!!! YYYEEESSS YOU CAN WIN WITH JESUS IF WE ARE WILLING TO WRESTLE DIVINELY TO GET THE VICTORY!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! NEVER GIVE UP IN GOING FOR DIVINE VICTORY AND PEACE!!! HAPPY TO BE DOING LIFE WITH YA’S FOR JESUS AS HE GUIDES US UP AND ONWARD IN DIVINE VICTORY!!! MORE THAN CONQUERORS WE ARE IN CHRIST JESUS WHO LOVES US!!! IN CHRIST JESUS’ LOVE???

Spirit Blaze With God's Love

Jesus Kudos

Hi, precious saints!!! Today I want to share the thoughts that Father has given to me that in all of life, He is the One that we should focus on for the how to’s of living life well. He always guides us in truth and in the knowing that our efforts for Him in life are not in vain!!! His Word tells us:

“Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” 

Colossians 3:23-24

Girl With Jesus

Jesus Looking at Man

When we are working from a heart that makes Jesus the priority in our lives, it is His voice that matters in the scheme of all of life and whatever others say is irrelevant to Jesus’ voice for us!!! GO FOR THE DIVINE, DEAR ONES!!! When we are working from a heart for Jesus, even if others are not in agreement, we can know that Jesus will take care of us in all circumstances as we keep focused on Him!!! One example of Jesus’ faithfulness to Mary was in the story of Martha and Mary found in the Bible in Luke 10:38-42. Martha was trying to dictate what Mary’s life should be and yet Mary was in fact choosing what was priority – being focused on Jesus and His heart for her life!!! When Martha spoke out against Mary, Jesus defended Mary because she was centered in the middle of His will for her. Oh that is always the safest place to be in life!!! WAY TO GO MARY!!! ATTA GIRL IN GOING FOR JESUS!!! GOING FOR JESUS WITH YA’S AND CLAIMING HIS ATTA GIRL VOICE AS SUFFICIENT FOR ME, TOO!!!

Girl YES

In light of this, story, we can always ask ourselves, “why am I doing what I am doing?” Is it because we are where Jesus has placed us in life or is it because we are being pressured by human perspective about us. Perhaps like Martha, we are worried about too many things??? It is good to focus on the heart of Jesus for the details of our own lives and how He wants us to spend our time!!! Worried??? Why??? How can time be set aside in place of what is worrying us and seek first priority of spending time with Jesus??? Martha did just that and Jesus gave her the answer that she needed to hear about Mary. Oh it was a perspective changer!!! WAY TO GO MARTHA IN SEEKING JESUS FOR WHAT UPSET YOU!!! FATHER WANTS US TO CAST ALL OUR CARES ON HIM BECAUSE HE CARES FOR US!!! (1 Peter 5:7) Wherever we are in life, even if we do not get kudos or support from others, if Jesus says we are all right and that’s all right – it’s divine and good enough for the final answer for us!!! Father’s perspective is always the divine best!!! Let’s follow Father’s heart for each of us and be content in it, dear ones!!! Oh I am sooo proud of ya’s for seeking Jesus above all, too!!! He is our all in all as this song says here. Jesus just always makes ya smile!!! 🙂 Smiling with Jesus with ya’s!!!

The Past Blooming Forward

Life is an opportunity of growing experience!!! Amen??? Jesus is always at work in His people to conform us all to be like Him and that work in us is unique to each of us!!! We should not ever be ashamed or let the devil make us feel guilty for not knowing everything!!! Nor should we judge others for having to learn in life!!! We all need to grow and learn always and Jesus loves us each one thru all of our learning!!! Now how sweet is He to us!!! Oh He just makes me smile!!! 🙂 Only Father knows all and He knows we are each continually in needing to learn in life!!! It is something that happens from birth thru all of our lives!!!

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. For God knew His people in advance, and He chose them to become like His Son, so that His Son…”

Romans 8:28-29

As we go thru life, we can grow as we listen to our Father’s voice that helps us evaluate our life experiences, learn from them, step forward divinely enlightened and share the divine beauty we have learned from our past to be blessed and bless others!!! With Father’s guidance and grace at work in us, He works in us to bloom divinely where we are planted in life!!! Let the Son shine thru your past growing experiences as this sunflower I found on my morning prayer walk displays so beautifully!!!


I love how it bloomed as an individual plant with the grace of God having worked in it and continuing to work in it!!! Father tells us this: “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Philippians 1:6

WOOOHOOO!!! On that day when Christ returns, we shall be like Him – His completed Masterpiece each of us!!! I’m learning, growing and blooming where He has planted me with ya’s and sooo happy to be!!! 🙂 I love this fun song here of growing and changing with Jesus at work in us!!!


The King of Grace

Jesus – oh He has a heart to motivate His people to live courageously and in faith for His kingdom life here on earth!!! We see it all thru Biblical history as He beckoned His people to step into divine life in faith in Him, trusting in Him to see them through to victory life just as He told Joshua as He called him to step out and lead the way for the people that the Lord put him in leadership over to lead them thru enemy land:

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

I Am the Light

Our Father is one who builds His people up to encourage them onward to divine life!!! He would say it is acceptable end results to strive for motivation, however, it is important to rethink approaches to achieving these ends using fear, shame and anger to motivate others. Jesus as our direct supervisor would like to see completely abolished from programs the following because they don’t line up with His values and they have no future in His kingdom:

“using violent behaviors and attitudes to enforce one’s will to get tasks accomplished.”

We know this is the heart of our sweet King of grace as He has told us:

“Let all you do be done in love.”

1 Corinthians 16:14

“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.”

James 1:19-20

And in keeping with the heart of Jesus towards His Father who prayed to His Father:

 “not my will, but Yours be done.”  

Luke 22:42

Our Father encourages us as His kingdom kids to help each other by inspiring and motivating each other in Him as He says in His Word:

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.”

Hebrews 10:24

Is our Father putting it upon your heart to encourage those He loves to love and good works??? How can you do so in His love towards them??? To look through His eyes of grace and love to help one another does away with trembling and dismay and distancing of oneself to instead inspiring them to do the right thing thru divine love shown towards them. As the Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans of Father’s heart for them “His kindness is meant to lead you to repentance.”  (Romans 2:4)

To You WIth Love

It is Father’s love that is most important in this life and if we can do all kinds of things, but yet there is not love in our doing so, our actions are as a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. (1 Corinthians 13:1) YIKES!!! Now that is loud hoopla for nothing!!! YIKES AGAIN!!! Oh there is nothing sweeter than our Father’s voice of love to guide us!!! Let us seek to echo it into the world for Father’s sake and the blessing of people as this song says here!!! Divine sisterly love to you, saint and keep going for our Father’s heart in this world – the heart of the One who loves you forever with unfailing, unconditional love!!! I am proud of you for doing so!!! Sharing faith, love and hope is what it is to bring heaven to earth!!! Oh those thoughts sooo bless my heart and make me smile!!! His blessings to you wherever you are!!!

God's Love is So Big