The Surprise

The videos you share are sooo helpful in dealing with fears for the people that follow you, Sam Samy!!!👍
Poor critters!!! They do get scared of loud things they do not understand, even though they are in reality safe. Veterans can get jumpy, too and the sound can bring flashbacks of war. Many things in life that surprise us, are in our life without understanding and can create sparks of fear and anxiety that is false or without legitimate reason. In all things, we can trust in Jesus Who has not given us a spirit of fear but one of love, power and sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 I like this song about finding peace in Jesus:
Jesus has our forever victory already won through our faith in Him as our Savior and the surprise He gave the devil on the cross!!! Hooorrraaahhh!!! I sooo love the video selection you have, Sam Samy as here:

As You Think…

Oh Sam Samy, it is sooo true as Father says in His Word, that what every person desires is unfailing love!!! Because of fear and lack of faith and confidence, most people would not have the bravery to reach out in faith to love someone with a gun pointed at them as seen here!!! I see that same kind of bravery and confidence, faith and love in you!!! This man loved enough not to let the gunman destroy his own life by letting him wipe out a life. Therefore, he got creative and stepped out in faith!!! I greatly admire that!!! Powerful video here!!! Thank you sooo much for sharing it!!!

As a person thinks in their mind so they are because they don’t always believe divine truth!!! What we believe in in life we act on. Apparently this man needed to be convinced he was loved!!! When someone knows the true love of Jesus, it carries them into life in a whole new mindset as this song says here:

Going in love, faith, Godfidence and happy in life because of God with you making my day with divine love!!!

Courage to Trust

Sam Samy shares this video here and ladies here with me, Father speaks to my heart that when your man is seeking Jesus and is willing to do battle in partnership with Him to protect you and your family, let him do so, trusting Jesus is guiding him and praise him for it!!!
Prince and Princess
His bravery and faithfulness speaks powerfully of God’s love and power flowing through him for you!!! It is good when the enemy who hunts us down to destroy us is put in his place!!! Be courageous in trusting Jesus to guide your man courageously!!! This song here speaks to how Jesus made men to be courageous!!! (Us, courageous in faith, too!!!)
Father’s promise: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid and do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will go with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Trusting Jesus courageously with you!!! 🙂 His promise from Himself to us each is “never will I leave you nor forsake you.” Joshua 1:9
Jesus always brings the victory when we follow His lead!!?

Family Matters


In a day when there is divine hope and light by the grace of Jesus upon us as His kingdom family, there is an opposition at work against families. Because of that our Father gives us His Word to understand what is truth for divine life and He gives us His Holy Spirit at work in us to empower us to live the Christian life. It is not by our might or our strength, but by His Spirit that we love and have our being!!! There is much to say in our Father’s Word about family interactions and as a result of a Bible study group of women that I was leading several years ago that questioned how to know God’s purpose for their life, I put together a study guide to help summarize the teachings of the Bible regarding understanding one’s purpose in life. It is entitled “Running Your Road of Purpose” and it is to be released to the market any day now. Here is a reflection of God’s heart for family life! May it bless your hearts to know Father’s heart and to know that Father’s grace is sufficient for us and the empowerment that brings family victory to marriages, raising children and interacting with extended family as all look to Him in as the light for our feet to walk in unity. As Father says: it is by His grace as we stay close to Him:



If you have a husband, God desires for you to be his helper, to assist and aid him (Genesis 2:18-25), to partner with him (1 Peter 3:7), to be a faithful companion (Exodus 20:14), to encourage him and build him up as a man (Proverbs 14:1, 1 Thessalonians 5:11), to meet his sexual needs and please him (1 Corinthians 7), to respect him and put forward his opinions as is fitting to the Lord (Colossians 3:18).  

If you have a wife, God desires for you to love her as your own body, as yourself (Ephesians 5:33), be considerate of her and her opinions (1 Peter 3:7, Ephesians 5:21), encourage her and build her up as a woman ((1 Thessalonians 5:11), not being harsh with her (Colossians 3:19), loving her as Christ loves the church – giving himself up for her (Ephesians 5:25), treating her with respect (1 Peter 3:7), protecting her by your stronger physical abilities (1 Peter 3:7), meeting her sexual needs (1 Corinthians 7), being faithful to her (Exodus 20:14) so that nothing hinders your prayers (1 Peter 3:7).

God calls us all to consider the opinions of all people and to not seek our own good, but the good of others, but this does not mean to put them above God or become a participant in sin (Ephesians 5:21, 1 Corinthians 10:24 & 33, Proverbs 14:16a, Exodus 20:3).

We are also called to show proper respect to everyone (1 Peter 2:17). Respect is defined as “to consider deserving of high or special regard”. [1] It is important to remember also, that if we desire the respect of others, we need to seek to be respectable – not making it difficult for people to respect us (1 Timothy 3:8, 11; 1 Thessalonians 5:11, 1 Thessalonians 4:12, Proverbs 11:16, Titus 2:2).

We need to not take our spouses for granted. Be thankful for your spouse (Colossians 3:15). If you find yourself focusing on negative thoughts about your spouse, take your thoughts captive to Christ and focus on “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things” (Philippians 4:8). An exercise that is helpful in doing this is to go through the alphabet and for each letter, state a word that begins with that letter that represents a true good quality about your spouse (for example: A – She adores me and my children, B – He is bold, C – He is courageous, etc… by the time you get to Z, you have 26 good reasons to admire your spouse.   Have you ever considered that there are many lonely people in the world who would perhaps love to have your spouse? I see the sadness of lonely people all the time. Does any stranger walking down the street treat your spouse better than you do? Do you strive to be the “special someone” in your spouse’s life? Do you seek to minister to your spouse’s needs out of love even though they are not your needs? Do you realize that God loves your spouse as much as He loves you? Galatians 3:28 says in God’s eyes “There is neither male nor female.” He loves them both the same. God understands our spouses as unique individuals and He knows what will bless them, so ask Him to give you wisdom in how to bless your spouse.

Healthy marriages practice these things and seek to work as a team to “discern the best” (Philippians 1:10) and keep peace and harmony in their relationship (Proverbs 3:13-17). If differences are creating bitterness and resentment, marriage partners need to quickly (Ephesians 4:26-27) seek God’s wisdom through prayer (Psalm 119:25, James 1:5), the study of God’s Word and godly counsel (Proverbs 1:5, Proverbs 15:14 & 22, Proverbs 3:21) to resolve problems (Matthew 12:25) and restore peace (Hebrews 12:14).

Couples should also work together to manage their homes and children well (Proverbs 31:27, Titus 2:5, 1 Timothy 3:12). Ask God to show you the definition of “well”. Sometimes people can go to the extreme of “too perfect” and some are “too relaxed” in caring for their homes and children. We want to make it our aim to bring glory to God in the eyes of our neighbors and those who might enter into our homes. Consider also the feelings of your family about your home. What makes your home comfortable to them? What ministers to them and to others who are visiting? Is your family embarrassed about where and how they live? If so, ask your family why and work through it together as a family. It is good when your family loves to be home and they feel good about bringing home their friends instead of being out with friends where there are all sorts of temptations. When they are in your home, you know what they are doing and who they are with. This also gives you the opportunity to minister to them and show them the love of Christ.


If you have children, God desires for us to provide for them as they are growing up (1 Timothy 5:8), bring them up in the instruction of the Lord, not exasperating them or causing bitterness or they will become discouraged (Colossians 3:21). Deuteronomy 4:9 tells us to teach God’s commands to our children and to their children after them. Teach them how to pray and rely on God. Help them to see that God’s ways are best for their lives and the importance of making good choices and setting good goals. Help them to find their giftedness and their abilities and encourage them to put them to work in their lives. We should seek to set a godly example for them so they have a correct perspective of God (we show them the Father in us through how we live, love and discipline our children – 1 Corinthians 10:31). We need to teach them about obedience (Deuteronomy 32:46). If children do not learn how to be obedient to their parents, they will find it hard to be obedient to the Lord’s will for their lives. Let us not withhold discipline from our children (Proverbs 23:13-14). “A child left to him/herself will bring disgrace to his or her mother” (Proverbs 29:15). We can ask God to make us a good parent. He does not leave us alone to run our road of purpose!!! YAY!!!

Other Family

God sets the lonely in families (Psalm 68:6). If we have lonely family members, we can reach out to them and include them in our life. God desires that we provide for our relatives, especially our immediate family. However, we must be careful to listen to God in this area, because we can take away people’s motivation to work by being their source of constant provision. God is clear in 2 Thessalonians 3:10 that “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.” We also need to be careful that we do not provide the means that supports destructive habits or addictions in someone’s life. We are to also care for widows/widowers and look after orphans in their distress (1 Timothy 5:4, 8, James 1:27).

How awesome that our Father is our God of love and not only does He love us, but He helps us as His universal kingdom family as this song says here. Blessed to have Father and each other forever through faith, we are!!! Let us count our blessings and give thanks for the gift of life and relationships together!!! Oh that all just makes me smile!!


[1] “By permission. From Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition, Copyright 2010 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated (”

The Strong Hold

Powerful new day greetings to you His precious royal of faith in Christ Jesus!!! As I begin this new gift of life today, I am powerfully encouraged and strengthened in our Father’s promises to us from the Lord towards His people as He shared His heart thru His leader Moses towards the Israelites in their war with the enemy:

“And Moses said to the people, ‘Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.'”

Exodus 14:13-14

Faith is Having COurage

As I reflect upon this passage in the Bible today, these thoughts stand out to me:

  • God appoints leaders to lead people
  • God speaks to His leaders as to what to speak and do for the people
  • God desires that His people be at peace in heart in trusting in Him and His victory for them.
  • God desires that His people cease from all activity at times to hear His heart for them.
  • God desires that His people trust that He will save His people.
  • God is able to accomplish what He promises His people.
  • In spite of enemy tactics that flare up, God desires that His people realize He has authority over the enemy and forever victory over the enemy for His people.
  • God fights for His people in ways that are beyond anything that His people can do.
  • There are times when God calls His people to be still and know that He is God and that He will be exalted among the nations, He will be exalted in the earth. (Psalm 46:10)
  • God is able to preserve our peace in Him thru His power at work for us!!!




Our Father tells us in His Word:

“The Lord is good, a STRONGHOLD in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him.” Nahum 1:7

Whenever we see the enemy seeking to put a stronghold upon us as people, we can know that our Father has THE STRONGHOLD upon us as His people from the love of God and this His powerful promise:

“…in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Romans 8:37-39

Here is a powerful song that speaks of Jesus as our strong tower, shelter over us as His beloved of faith!!! Oh I am sooo thankful that our Father fights for us as His people and gives us powerful leaders to guide us all in unity of His will, His plan and His purpose for us!!! Who is Father calling you to hear as His leader??? Are you a leader??? You can know our Father will give you what you need to lead His people divinely!!! Where is Father calling you to be still and know that He is your God fighting for your rescue??? Have peace that you are STRONGLY HELD by the power of the universe held in our Father’s righteous right hand!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! God’s forever got us victorious as we trust in Him!!! We are sooo blessed as His people!!! Oh that gives my heart such peace knowing that our Father knows how to communicate with us as His people and work beyond us to do more than we can ever ask or imagine!!! We can’t even breathe without Him and because of His promises to us and His record of faithfulness and love to His people, we can rest knowing we shall experience His ongoing rescue that results in our singing songs of His deliverance!!! Much love to you His beloved!!! Let us keep the faith in our faithful Father!!!

Individual Purpose

Purposeful day it is for everybody, ya’ll here!!! No matter who we are in life, we each have a  divine reason for being and whether we volunteer our time or are employed by someone or we are an employer of others, we each can in someway bring contribution to what our Father is wanting to accomplish here in bringing heaven on earth!!! Now how awesome is that for everyone to be included in the purpose of life together with Jesus!!! Oh it just makes me smile!!!

As I continue in sharing about the different generalized areas of ministry that each of us individually will typically step in and out of in the course of our lives, I want to share these thoughts today about being an employee and an employer. Our Father will speak to each of us as we have need to hear His voice. Even if we volunteer in life for someone or for our Father in heaven, some of these same principles can apply to all of us:

“If you are a hired employee, God desires for you to “obey your earthly masters (in righteousness) and do it not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving” (Colossians 3:22-24). God sees it all (Proverbs 15:3) – He sees faithfulness and hard work that can sometimes go unnoticed by employers and He says He will reward you for that, so you can rest in that if that is your case. He sees the way we treat our coworkers with love and kindness, praying for them and our employers, seeking their good and success. He also sees the ways someone may mistreat their employer such as using an employer’s time for personal matters and wasting an employer’s resources. For example: When your employer sends you to make purchases, do you use your employer’s money to buy you the more expensive when lesser would do and you would buy lesser if it was your own money? Do you steal from your employer? Are you lazy and fail to carry out his or her instructions for your work. God forgives, but it is good to confess (agree about) sin to Him (1 John 1 8-10), and He desires us to repent and make restitution (Exodus 22:3b) if we need to. From that day forward, we can seek to do our work to God’s glory (1 Corinthians 10:31) and work as we would want someone to work for us if we were an employer (Matthew 22:39). Let us be thankful (Colossians 3:15) for God’s provision of someone to hire us and provide for us financially. We can ask God to help us be a good employee. Here is a photo of some employees and employers working together doing some work on a home I recently purchased. Here they are working on steps, a walkway and a gate. I greatly appreciate their efforts for me in life as I could not do all this work without their help and expertise with the other things that I do as a self-employed person and a volunteer as our Father has called me to be in life!!! 


 Where are you in life??? An employee, an employer, self-employed, a volunteer??? This you can know of our Father:

“God is not unjust; He will not forget your hard work and the love that you show Him as you help His people and continue to help them.”

Hebrews 6:10

If you are an employer, here are some thoughts from God’s Word to ponder in doing your work for our Father. God asks employers in Colossians 4:1 to provide your employees with what is right and fair, because you know you have a Master in heaven (the Lord). The Lord sees everything (Proverbs 15:3). Even if your employees don’t seem to appreciate what you do for them, God sees it and He appreciates it. He will reward you for it. Be considerate of your employees. Do you value each of your employees? Are you friendly to them and treat them respectfully? Do you show favoritism? Are you more concerned with using available resources to make yourself comfortable and promote your image while employees go without the tools and training they need to do their jobs more efficiently and successfully. Do you pray for your employees? Do you ask your employees to do things that are ungodly? Do you cheat your employees out of pay and benefits?   If you haven’t been a good employer, it is not too late to change. Confess your sin (1 John 1:8-10), repent and make restitution (Exodus 22:3b) if you need. We need to treat our employees the way that we would want to be treated if we were someone’s employee, as in fact we are (the Lord’s). Oh let us be thankful for the help God has given to us in the employees who work hard to make us successful. We can ask God to make us a good employer if we are called to that purpose, for “God works in us to will and act according to His purpose.” (Philippians 2:13)

God At Work

Let Your Life Be A Reflection


Coupled in Life

Blessings of love to you, precious saints here with me!!! I am sooo thankful our Father has made us Kingdom family together and that we can work together to bring heaven to earth to bless our Father, bless each other and bless others. As I continue to share some generalized areas of ministry that each of us individually will typically step in and out of in the course of our life, today I am sharing thoughts for couples as taken from our Father’s Word. Diving right in – wooohooo, here we go and it is my heart that you will find our Father’s heart of love and light for your own heart as He speaks personally to you. It is with a heart that longs for all to be blessed that I share these things:


If you have a husband, God desires for you to be his helper, to assist and aid him (Genesis 2:18-25), to partner with him (1 Peter 3:7), to be a faithful companion (Exodus 20:14), to encourage him and build him up as a man (Proverbs 14:1, 1 Thessalonians 5:11), to meet his sexual needs and please him (1 Corinthians 7), to respect him and put forward his opinions as is fitting to the Lord (Colossians 3:18).


If you have a wife, God desires for you to love her as your own body, as yourself (Ephesians 5:33), be considerate of her and her opinions (1 Peter 3:7, Ephesians 5:21), encourage her and build her up as a woman ((1 Thessalonians 5:11), not being harsh with her (Colossians 3:19), loving her as Christ loves the church – giving himself up for her (Ephesians 5:25), treating her with respect (1 Peter 3:7), protecting her by your stronger physical abilities (1 Peter 3:7), meeting her sexual needs (1 Corinthians 7), being faithful to her (Exodus 20:14) so that nothing hinders your prayers (1 Peter 3:7).

God calls us all to consider the opinions of all people and to not seek our own good, but the good of others, but this does not mean to put them above God or become a participant in sin (Ephesians 5:21, 1 Corinthians 10:24 & 33, Proverbs 14:16a, Exodus 20:3).

We are also called to show proper respect to everyone (1 Peter 2:17). Respect is defined as “to consider deserving of high or special regard”.  It is important to remember also, that if we desire the respect of others, we need to seek to be respectable – not making it difficult for people to respect us (1 Timothy 3:8, 11; 1 Thessalonians 5:11, 1 Thessalonians 4:12, Proverbs 11:16, Titus 2:2).

It is important to not take spouses for granted. Be thankful for your spouse (Colossians 3:15). If you find yourself focusing on negative thoughts about your spouse, take your thoughts captive to Christ and focus on “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things” (Philippians 4:8). An exercise that is helpful in doing this is to go through the alphabet and for each letter, state a word that begins with that letter that represents a true good quality about your spouse (for example: A – She adores me and my children, B – He is bold, C – He is courageous, etc… by the time you get to Z, you have 26 good reasons to admire your spouse.   Have you ever considered that there are many lonely people in the world who would perhaps love to have your spouse? I see the sadness of lonely people all the time. Does any stranger walking down the street treat your spouse better than you do? Do you strive to be the “special someone” in your spouse’s life? Do you seek to minister to your spouse’s needs out of love even though they are not your needs? Do you realize that God loves your spouse as much as He loves you? Galatians 3:28 says in God’s eyes “There is neither male nor female.” He loves them both the same. God understands our spouses as unique individuals and He knows what will bless them, so ask Him to give you wisdom in how to bless your spouse.

Healthy marriages practice these things and seek to work as a team to “discern the best” (Philippians 1:10) and keep peace and harmony in their relationship (Proverbs 3:13-17). If differences are creating bitterness and resentment, marriage partners need to quickly (Ephesians 4:26-27) seek God’s wisdom through prayer (Psalm 119:25, James 1:5), the study of God’s Word and godly counsel (Proverbs 1:5, Proverbs 15:14 & 22, Proverbs 3:21) to resolve problems (Matthew 12:25) and restore peace (Hebrews 12:14).

Couples should also work together to manage their homes and children well (Proverbs 31:27, Titus 2:5, 1 Timothy 3:12). Ask God to show you the definition of “well”.  Sometimes people can go to the extreme of “too perfect” and some are “too relaxed” in caring for their homes and children. We want to make it our aim to bring glory to God in the eyes of our neighbors and those who might enter into our homes. Consider also the feelings of your family about your home. What makes your home comfortable to them? What ministers to them and to others who are visiting? Is your family embarrassed about where and how they live? If so, ask your family why and work through it together as a family. It is good when your family loves to be home and they feel good about bringing home their friends instead of being out with friends where there are all sorts of temptations. When they are in your home, you know what they are doing and who they are with. This also gives you the opportunity to minister to them and show them the love of Christ.

Family at Cross

While there is lots to ponder here, in it all, the Holy Spirit will guide you as an individual and move your heart in what is right as He promises:

“For it is God who works in us to will and to act according to His purpose.”

Philippians 2:13


It is also important to understand that our Father understands each situation and sees His people thru eyes of love and grace and is always with His to guide. I love it that we can always approach our Father’s throne of grace with confidence to find help in all of life!!!

Married and parents??? Blessings to you!!! Sooo proud of you for your perseverance in the heart of Jesus in the center of your relationships!!! I greatly admire that in you!!! 🙂 One of the ways our Father shows us His love is in giving us relationships in life!!! Here is a song about His amazing love for us all whether married or single as the bride of Christ of which we all are as His church!!! Marriage is a model of our relationship with Jesus!!! It’s all a divine beautiful love story for sure!!! One that just makes me smile!!! 🙂

Dancing with Jesus



The Sparkle of YOU

God gives every believer spiritual gifts to be used in ministry to gift others (Romans 12:6-8). There are different gifts for different believers (1 Corinthians 12:4-6). They are gifted by the Holy Spirit, thus only to believers (1 Corinthians 12:7). Each one of us is a different part of the church body. It is important that we not expect all believers to be the same part as us. However, just because we do not have a particular gift does not mean that there will not be times when God does desire you to carry out a particular task, for example: you may not have the gift of evangelism, but we all have the responsibility for the Great Commission. It may not be your gift, or an activity that you love, but somebody has to change the diapers on the babies in the nursery! It is important that we remember that none of us are the complete body by ourselves. It is also important that we not think more of ourselves than we ought to (Romans 12:3). Spiritual gifts are chosen by God (1 Corinthians 12:14-20). They are equally important so jealousy towards another person’s gifts is foolish (1 Corinthians 12:21-27). You can have more than one gift and they can change or be flamed into action more at one time than another. God is our enabler who gives us what we need to accomplish what He wants to accomplish through us and when (1 Corinthians 12:6, Philippians 2:13). HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! Powerful saints we are with Him at work in us!!!


Discovering your spiritual gifts takes time. Experience that comes from stepping out and trying some different areas of ministry is necessary to affirm our true gifts. When you are using your gift(s), you will enjoy it and when people are saying or showing that what you are doing is bearing fruit in their lives or saying that you are good at doing something in particular, these are indicators that you are working in your area(s) of giftedness. You will not learn this apart from trying. Try your hand at doing some things where you think you might be gifted and ask God to reveal the reality of your giftedness in that area. Try serving in several different ways, not just in the areas that assessment tests suggest (I’ll talk more about that later). Don’t worry about finding the perfect fit right away. Allow yourself to learn as you experiment. Consider one-time serving to try out different ministry areas. After each serving, ask yourself:

1) Was the work meaningful to you?

2) Was your emotional energy higher or lower after you served? Were you energized or drained?   Connecting your spiritual gift with an area of passion is the key to ultimate effectiveness and fulfillment in serving. It is also one of the keys to maintaining energy in serving.

3) Do you enjoy serving with the people involved?

4) Does it fit well with your schedule and time frame for the serving opportunity? You may discover that one part of a serving opportunity feels great while another part doesn’t, so use what you learn, both positive and negative to inform your next experiment. Don’t wait to be asked. Just step out! Whether your first step reveals your ideal serving spot or begins a slow process of self-discovery, it will provide invaluable opportunity to invite God to reveal your calling, your gifts and your passion.

 Run For the Vision

There are assessment tools available to help give you a hint at what you may be gifted at doing, but do not consider the results all-inclusive or an absolute indicator. As I just mentioned, experience will be the true test. DO NOT BE PIGEONHOLED BY TESTS! Assessment tools can give you some areas to think about and pray about. If you take the tests, it is important to be honest in your answers as to how you really are and not how you think you should be. The only should is that you should be yourself – how God made you!   A Spiritual Gifts Analysis that you can consider that offers personalized and instant results is available through the Internet by typing into the search engine:

       Church Growth Institute

You need to select FREE Spiritual Gifts Analysis – Church Growth.

If you do not have access to the Internet, you can also order a booklet test by calling the Church Growth Institute at 1-800-553-GROW (4769).

There are many assessment tools available through the internet and in book form to assist you in determining “Spiritual Gifts.” They vary in what they include, in that they may test for some or all of the “Spiritual Gifts” that the Bible refers to in Romans 12:6-8, Ephesians 4:11 and 1 Corinthians 12:1-14, but they may add other abilities and talents found throughout the Bible as well.

There are also different opinions as to what a “Spiritual Gift” is – some will say that they are limited to select gifts while others say a spiritual gift is anything that a person can do supernaturally well.

The “Spiritual Gifts” referred to in the “Running Your Road of Purpose” Bible study are the “gifts” referred to in Romans 12:6-8, Ephesians 4:11 and 1 Corinthians 12:1-14. They are listed below:

Romans 12:6-8                                  Ephesians 4:11                       1 Corinthians 12:1-14

Prophecy                                           Apostleship                             Wisdom

Serving                                              Prophecy                                 Knowledge

Teaching                                           Evangelism                             Distinguishing spirits

Exhortation/Encouraging                 Pastoring                                Speaking in tongues

Giving                                               Teaching                                 Interpretation of


Leading                                                                                               Prophecy

Showing mercy                                                                                   Faith

                                                                                                            Miraculous Powers


Some believe that the operation of some of these gifts is limited to early Christianity – a time when people did not have the written Bible and they looked for miracles to determine if someone was truly of God. According to some Protestant denominations, some of the spiritual gifts, for example: speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues were enjoyed only for a short time and were suited to the Church’s infancy, not to later times. This view is known as “cessationism.” While many churches hold to this view, others do not. One opinion is sure, God cannot be put into a box and have it be said of Him that He would not equip a believer to utilize a particular gift to carry out a purpose if that was His desire for that person to do so.

Don’t get hung up in these issues. The point to remember is that all believers are gifted by the Holy Spirit to serve in a way(s) that builds the church. Assessment tools can be used to give you a hint at how you may be gifted, but they are not absolute or all inclusive as God gives us other abilities and talents as well through which He works His purpose for our lives. Experience is the key to truly understanding our uniqueness that God has given to each one of us for serving Him. Each one of us is specially equipped and none of us are indispensable to the body. To that I say, WOOOHOOO!!! LET’S GO IN THE GIFTING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT TO SHINE FORTH THE LOVE AND LIGHT AND VICTORY OF JESUS INTO THE WORLD WHEREVER HE HAS US AS HIS ENERGY WORKS SOOO POWERFULLY IN US AS THIS SONG SAYS HERE. I AM PROUD OF YOU FOR DOING SO, DEAR ONES!!!

Gift of Heaven

Letting Light Shine Into Action

I read an article today and had a conversation with a neighbor who was distraught today that has moved my heart to share these thoughts with you all today in the love of Jesus with nobody in mind, but moved by the Spirit to share these things for however the Lord might work thru these stories.

Looking upward keeps from being downcast!!! Oh that is the delightful place to be in life for sure!!! King David got it when he wrote:

“Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.”

Psalm 42:5


When you put your hope in God and have a mindset of bringing about His goals in life, it outshines the agenda of the world and the flesh!!! That’s a good thing!!!  As an individual and as a family, this makes a difference because our Father’s provision is based upon His will, His plan and His purpose for us and He promises to meet all our needs for those plans.  Needs are different from our wants. It is good to identify why we want. Is it for divine reasons or for the flesh or the world??? In a family, it is important to have divine “family” goals.

I know of a woman who desired to have family goals that took into consideration the whole families’ best interest and the Lord’s work, however, her husband would very rarely discuss it with her and didn’t share a plan of his own other than to just keep making money and spend as little as possible. He most often considered her ideas as insignificant and without any merit and always had reasons why they couldn’t do things that she dreamed of, like spending some extra to fix some things on their home, go and celebrate their milestone years of marriage together, inviting people over for dinner, going out on a date, doing things to help other people or putting out money to travel to see their kids. Yet he had one of the biggest men’s toy boxes that cost more than their house, always justifying purchases as investments, but not willing to invest in his relationships or God’s kingdom purposes. He wasn’t open to getting counseling to work thru their differences. Hence, it didn’t take long for the woman to realize the unfairness and selfishness of the man and his heart that cared less about her heart or the heart of others – only what he could get from her as a wife. If she didn’t provide what he wanted when he wanted, she was in trouble and he pouted and blamed her that drove her farther away.  She began to lose love and respect for him and quit caring about his desires because he cared not for her heart. This isn’t to say a human heart is always focused on what is divine, but if it is, it should be listened to.


I know of a woman who lived in her dreams of having artistic perfection in all that she did to the point that she put things and accomplishments that were worldly above her relationships and God’s kingdom purposes. It didn’t matter the family budget, she had to have the new outfit or decor for the house, the latest this or that. She spent the family into debt, causing the husband to work more and more hours to pay her overspending habit so she could stay home and raise their children. He became too tired to do the things she wanted him to do when he was home because of the hours spent trying to earn her a big enough paycheck while she stayed at home and dreamed about how to improve the looks of her house and the family appearance. Dinner was her job as a stay at home mom and it wasn’t done on time often because of her focus on her own self-interest dreaming. Finally, she went to work to have enough money to satisfy her worldly desires and with the weight of that time spent on top of all the other important things she needed to do but didn’t get done, but was trying to do – at the end of the day, she was too tired to give her husband any energy to love him – she had spent it all on things that were put before he.  Her husband felt cheated and abandoned and became frustrated in not being able to reach his wife’s ways of thinking to change her mind in any way from what her heart was set on as most important in life. This story isn’t to say that women who work are always working because of a worldly mindset, as there are lots of heavenly reasons why a woman does work. Sometimes a man stays at home and works for the team effort while a woman works outside the home. The important thing is to keep good balance between the time commitments the spouses make to each other and their family and that they have divine goals together for how they spend their money so both feel good about it and cared for. This is why it is not good to be unequally yoked, but to be yoked together with Christ as the center of our lives!!! He said “I am the way, the truth and the life.” John 14:6

Christ One Eye

Oh these are some hard stories to hear, but I share these examples here with ya’s because we have an enemy named Satan and he is always tempting people. The enemy creeps into lives in subtle ways, dear ones and it all starts when the wants of hearts become different from what Jesus wants – his wants and her wants instead of God wants. He has the best plan always and when couples are open to His heart for their divine lives together, it makes a huge difference in their relationship. I know not how our Father might speak to your hearts thru this, but I rest it with Him with ya’s!!! Oh when two people are open to Godly counsel because our Father so often works thru an outside look into circumstances to reveal the answers to bring the healing, correction and victory into marriage, divine relationships happen. Our hope is always in Jesus as this song says here. Why be downcast when there are answers for victory by looking up. WOOOHOOO!!! How is Father moving your heart to think heavenly in your relationship – what do you need to give and claim for Jesus??? It is good to ponder these things and reach for the divine in relationships because it brings the divine life and oh the divine life is the best life that just makes ya smile!!! There is a reason for the light of heaven shining into our lives on earth – it is for our divine well being and one of the biggest competitors against our Father is money and what it will buy!!! Money and stress over money is one of the biggest problems in relationships. This is something important to talk about. What are the best choices for money in your life and if married, in your marriage relationship??? Get solutions to the problems before money destroys love and families.



Valued Enough to Rescue

It’s a victory in Christ Jesus day today, precious saints and everyday can be for us kids of faith!!! All people on earth are in a spiritual battle and the fight is not against flesh and blood!!! It is as Father tells us:

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of the dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

Ephesians 6:12

Devil Said They are Mine

Devil verses Jesus

Satan is no part of love and Jesus IS 100% love!!! Jesus never glossed over evil happening, but was strong and courageous to speak out truth in hopes of bringing divine victory!!! When a person was open to the divine life, people were saved from the powers of darkness and received all the glorious riches of heaven. Jesus spoke truth, but He always did so with love in His heart for the other person and was always hopeful they would see the divine light for divine peace and forever victory!!! When there is difficultly between two people, the goal is to bring about divine life in the midst of the two of them so there is mutual peace about it. Being courageous to have the uncomfortable talks with an attitude of love and God’s will brings divine victory. When two people are not willing to see the conversation thru to the victory conclusion and stick to the agreement, there is loss. People can give up too soon!!! It is important to cross over to the victory side of life and not settle for the less, nor stay stuck in the nowhere in between. PUSH FOR VICTORY!!! WHERE IS THAT??? I have seen both of that happen many times!!! Oh let us never give in to the enemy!!! Therefore, let us always be willing to do as this song says here and “move, keep walking, soldier keep moving on and lift your head, it’s not over yet.” As long as there are our lives on this earth, there is hope of the divine happening when someone opens their heart to heaven’s divine plan and help!!! Sometimes that is in ongoing prayer that a hardened heart will be changed to cooperate with heaven to have divine life!!! Prayer can be the very thing that tears down the brick wall in relationships!!! Jesus prayed for Peter that the enemy would not be able to sift him as wheat and that when he returned back, that he would strengthen his brothers!!! Jesus had faith in Peter that he could have victory against the enemy Satan and all the while Jesus loved Peter!!! We can always know that Father’s love for us never changes in the trials of life!!! HE IS FOR US!!! HOW AWESOME IS JESUS LOVE TO US!!!

Power of Christ

To You WIth Love

So, therefore, keep speaking truth in love and pushing for divine victory, dear ones, pray and seek godly counsel for heaven’s victory in life!!! It is the recipe we each can follow that brings the divine life to fruition!!! Sooo proud of you for doing so and my heart seeks Jesus’ best in all of life, too!!! YYYEEESSS YOU CAN WIN WITH JESUS IF WE ARE WILLING TO WRESTLE DIVINELY TO GET THE VICTORY!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! NEVER GIVE UP IN GOING FOR DIVINE VICTORY AND PEACE!!! HAPPY TO BE DOING LIFE WITH YA’S FOR JESUS AS HE GUIDES US UP AND ONWARD IN DIVINE VICTORY!!! MORE THAN CONQUERORS WE ARE IN CHRIST JESUS WHO LOVES US!!! IN CHRIST JESUS’ LOVE???

Spirit Blaze With God's Love