Jesus…He’s Sooo Smart!!!

This is powerful and life changing strategy that can make a heavenly difference on earth as Sam Samy shares here!!!

How can you apply it to your life??? Pondering it as well with Jesus as my guide!!! 😊 I’m happy and smiling…going for divine best life, too!!! Hooorrraaahhh!!!

I like this song here about shaking with divine change:

Captivated By Love

Ladies!!! Oh an interesting cause to check out for sure in this video here that Sam Samy shares:


I find it interesting that the lion wants to stay where it finds love in relationship rather than step out into the world all alone. As you know, Sam, a person is never alone because Jesus is always with us as His people of faith!!! Oh that just makes me smile!!! As you also know, Sam, Father created us for relationship!!! I am reminded that it is always good news wherever He opens and closes doors in our lives to put us in the divine place for us to be together with divine purpose with Him working in us as His people of faith!!! 🙂 Lots to ponder about this video!!! I am reminded of this song here about being a new creation in faith in Jesus and the specialness of His love:

Thank you for the pondering again today, Sam!!! I’m sharing it!!!

Having a Grace Lift

Oh there is nothing more delightful in life as we journey along on this earth than having heaven reach down and give us a grace lift when earthly life has us knocked down by our enemy Satan. Do I hear an amen from you, precious saint???

One thing is sure in this life is that the enemy is always on the prowl to discourage God’s people however he can and what our Father wants us to know is we need not go there because our loving all powerful Father is always right wherever we are to uphold us with His righteous right hand of perfect unfailing, unconditional love!!! Not only does He keep us from laying down on the ground of defeat, but as He is lifting us up, He is reminding us that there is no such thing as failure – no condemnation for those of us in Christ Jesus, only grace to reveal to us divine life so that when we get our feet under us, we can continue on with Father’s supporting grace as sufficient to help us glean from our evaluated experiences and move forward the wiser with Father’s truth for us!!! Oh we are always learning that is for sure, so let us not ever let the enemy convince us that we are any different than anyone else who is learning about life on the go of experiencing it for the first and only lifetime!!! We have our Father’s Word (the Holy Bible) and we have learning from experience!!! How exciting to always be learning!!!

Hence as Father tells us, we can count it all joy as solid gold the experiences in life that the enemy seeks to use to destroy us, but our Father works through to enlighten us and empower us to keep a going in life!!! Oh this is amazing grace and our Father’s sweet love and amazing grace is truly something to joyfully sing about as we step through this life with Father always with us!!! Father has me smiling in His grace lift for me this new day and I’m a gal stepping into life with His reassurance that with Him, life is gonna be alright and that nothing can snatch us as His people from His hand of grace that He has forever upon all of us who believe in Christ and His forever defeat of the enemy on the cross!!!

The trials of the enemy just make us stronger as we keep our hearts fixed on the love and grace of Jesus for us!!! Let us always remember the secret of life contentment and power available to us over the evil one that the Apostle Paul came to understand from Jesus’ love and words for him:

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

2 Corinthians 12:9

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the ruler, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

Ephesians 6:12

“Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”

Ephesians 6:13

How do we stand against the enemy??? Just as the saints of yesterday did:

“They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”

Revelation 12:11


The saints of yesterday were sure of their future and their victory in Christ so therefore, they didn’t shrink back to the enemy bluffs, nor should we!!! They prayed, rebuked the Devil and claimed God’s authority over him!!! WOOOHOOO!!! I’m a gal standing sure and holy and blameless, without accusation and with no condemnation in Christ Jesus with ya’s in heavenly authority, precious saints!!! We are more than conquerors in Father’s amazing grace as our sufficiency to stand against enemy efforts to keep us down in defeat when he raises up his worthless efforts!!!


Father’s unfailing sufficient grace, love, strength and power is ours as this song says here. Father laid down His life so ours can always be picked up!!! Now how awesome that we can always stand divine in Jesus, hanging onto His righteous right hand!!!


Ya know what they say “Ya can’t keep a good man (or woman) down” and in Christ Jesus, that is oh sooo true!!! I’m a gal standing all right in Jesus’ robe of righteousness with ya, dear saints of royalty!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! VICTORIOUS KINGDOM FAMILY WE FOREVER ARE!!! WEAR YOUR CROWN WELL TODAY AND LET’S NEVER LET SATAN TALK US INTO LAYING IT DOWN IN DEFEAT!!! PROUD OF YOU FOR KEEPING STANDING IN CHRIST JESUS VICTORY!!!

A Tiger in Your Tank

Fill ‘er up, please!!! Oh that is a phrase I heard spoken to gas station attendants often as a little girl when I was with my parents in their car out of fuel. It is something that in some places you still hear today depending on if the law allows a person to fill their own fuel tank or if a hired hand is requested to do so. That ole E for empty is not something you like to see when you are out on a roadway with a long ways to go to the next city!!! I remember a time when I was traveling with others to an event that put us on the road for home late into the night and as we were riding along, the driver said “I should have filled up with gas before we left. Oh I hope the gas station in the next town has pumps working at 3:00am in the morning!!!” YIKES I SAID TO MYSELF!!! PRAYER TO JESUS WAS MY RESPONSE!!! I was praying and we were driving on fumes I am sure as we pulled into the station. The next question was will they take a credit card and sure enough, they did and we were able to get the empty tank filled up and we made it home to see the sun rise and the birds singing!!! NOW THAT WAS A BEAUTIFUL SIGHT TO SEE FOR SURE FROM HOME AND NOT STRANDED OUT ON THE ROADWAY!!! It was not the first time of being delivered thru prayer to Jesus, either!!! PRAISE JESUS!!! 🙂

As I ponder this memory, Father puts it upon my heart that every person has a fuel tank that can be empty and in need of a “fill up.” In fact, each one has a couple – one being the stomach that can at times seem like a bottomless pit when real empty or hungry physically and the second is the human heart and our Father tells us in His Word it is always in a state of needing divine spiritual fuel due to being empty with these voids:

  • It desires unfailing love
  • It is lonely
  • It is fearful
  • It has guilt

The antidote to all of these ill-feeling conditions is Jesus!!! He is the One who:

  • Loves us thru our faith in Him perfectly
  • Fills our voids or emptiness, our spiritual hunger
  • Gives us peace that transcends all understanding
  • Makes us brave and strong in Him
  • Forgives us for sin, extending us unconditional love and grace thru faith in His perfect performance on the cross to give us victory from Satan our accuser who lies to us continually to empty our heart tank!!!

Let me ask you today as I ask myself, dear saint…how is your heart today??? Whatever our need, let us cast our cares on our Father, for He cares for us!!! He has many ways of providing just what we need as we turn to Him and trust in Him. I am doing divinely well today, but I appreciate the message of this song here that speaks of our need to always turn to Jesus when we need help filling the hole in our hearts and being reminded of who we are in Christ Jesus’ love and powerful energy!!!  Let us look to Him to fill our hearts and pour out of His Spirit’s love to keep telling others of the source of their being filled with the fruit of Jesus’ Spirit within them thru faith, too. If someone has a sickness of heart, would we not want to help them??? Even beyond that, we can save them from death, giving them eternal life and all the fullness of the glorious riches of Christ’s love in His kingdom!!! All hearts need the good news of Jesus and Jesus can work thru anyone to help another!!! Let us as our Father tells us:

“…As I have loved you, so love one another.” (John 13:34)

How can you help add divine fuel to fill a heart needing filled up with Jesus where you are today??? Father has us where we are for divine reasons – “to help fill up” others with the good news that Jesus longs to pour into every heart to get them over the road of life to home safely and happy with the fullness of blessings in Him!!! 🙂 Happy travels to ya wherever you are!!! Let us seek not to leave those stranded with an empty heart tank that we see along our life’s way!!! All need the divine filling of Jesus as abundant heart fuel to keep going!!! When our hearts are full of Jesus, our heart motors are gonna be roaring for the going for Jesus with divine performance and energy!!! Have you ever heard the phrase of having a”tiger in your tank!!!” 🙂 Exxon used it as a corporate logo in years past.

Tiger in Your Tank

Tiger Tail out of Tank

Jesus is even greater than a tiger in yer tank; He just makes ya smile – He puts the smile in tigers, too!!! 🙂 See:

Happy Motoring

Making regular pit stops of quiet time with Jesus for refueling and He’ll keep us fueled up for moving with divine performance and energy along the road to our eternal destiny for sure!!! So let us be filled with Jesus and go rescue those stranded with empty tanks along the way of life!!! We can give them the premium fuel – the supreme fuel of Jesus!!! WOOOHOOO!!! ANOTHER WAY TO SAY THIS IS “GO GET ‘EM TIGER!!!” 🙂 ROARING OUT FOR JESUS WITH YA’S AND HAPPY MOTORING IN DOING SO!!!


Freedom and Blessings

As I settle into the night of rest that Father has for me, I reflect upon His Word:

“Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door, if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, but I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

John 10:7-10

Happy People Following Jesus

As I reflect upon this verse, Father speaks to my heart that He is truly, truly the door to divine life!!! He opens up divine life to us thru His written Word (the Bible), His Holy Spirit that dwells within us upon faith in His finished work on the cross for personal sin, working good thru circumstances we encounter and thru the Godly counsel of others. He is always our final voice to listen to as we make decisions!!! He will never lead us astray from what is good, right, true and of love!!! He provides the framework that keeps us from entering into or staying in a life of destruction. Oh let us go for the divine life, dear family!!! He opens the door for us to have green pasture (life that thrives) – the good abundant life that we find only thru Him. In that abundant divine life that we have in Him, we can walk about in freedom from the enemy and all that is of him. So let us stay in Father’s pasture of safety and freedom from bondage that He offers to us, sweet saints!!! It is there that we thrive with our Good Shepherd Jesus in His love and grace, wisdom and power as this song says here. Have a good rest, knowing He has us in His care and nothing can separate us from His love!!! Upon faith, His Spirit is sealed within us and He will never leave us nor forsake us!!! Sweet dreams of peace, knowing we are in the best of care and Father will meet all our needs divinely!!! Oh Jesus just makes ya smile!!! 🙂

Sheep Following Jesus

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Walking With God

HOOORAH!!! I love this song here that talks about the importance of saints keeping walking:

I sooo look up to King David who had a heart after God’s own heart and relied upon God’s provision for him in all circumstances, even when he was all alone at times!!!

King David and Giant

While King David knew God personally and held Him in high regard and very close, looking to Him for guidance, there were times our Father met his needs and the needs of his family and army thru the help of others that He put in his pathway. Our Father created Adam for a personal relationship with Him, but He did not put him in the world to do life all alone. He said:

“It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

Genesis 2:18

King David had many mighty men around him and one time when a man refused to help him when he asked for help, the wife of that unwilling man had mercy on them. It saved many lives!!!


What soldier in our Father’s army can YOU step out to encourage and lend a helping hand to today where you are??? I’m a gal stepping out to do so with Jesus!!! Have a great day and keep walking close to He who loves ya!!! Me, too!!! 🙂 YAY!!! LOVE JESUS!!!

King David

Freedom From Satan’s Wallowing

Every person in the world makes mistakes in life. When a person is honest with themselves and humble before their God, they are willing to admit when they are wrong, out of line or walking in sin. They are willing to apologize, ask for forgiveness, make restitution how they need to, repent and turn from their wrong to do right in the future. When you put forth the effort to do so, those with a heart after God’s own heart should want to extend forgiveness and move towards reconciliation in relationships.

Sometimes when we care and love someone enough to go through the risk, challenge and difficulty to speak truth to them about their behavior because you see a destructive pattern in their life that may be hurting them and/or others around them, understand that one’s loving thoughtfulness towards them is not always met with appreciation!!! It is something we should keep in mind each of us personally when we hear truth about ourselves, too!!! I am thankful to hear truth about myself upon serious reflection of it before our Father for His guidance for me.  His Word tells us:

“let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance.”

Proverbs 1:5

We can always listen, take what we hear before our Father and rest in His final decision/outlook for us. We should not seek out ungodly counsel purposefully though or follow the advice of counsel contrary to our Father’s written Word. Not only does our Father call us to listen to wisdom, but He also calls us to share His wisdom with others around us in life. Sometimes this can be saying very hard things and to do that is always a hard call to make to speak truth to another and one that takes serious prayer, but our Father tells us in His written Word (the Bible):

“Better is open rebuke than hidden love.”

Proverbs 27:5

Our Father gave us the emotions of anger and frustration. They are indicators that something is wrong. Short-term anger and frustration can be a good attribute when something is morally or ethically done wrong in us or towards someone on our team – for example, if someone lies or cheats or some thing that someone does violates someone’s rights. In these situations, it is good to speak out in Father’s truth and love.

I have seen many times in life how anger and frustration is allowed to last long term and raise havoc on relationships and the joy that our Father desires for us to have as His people. Holding on to a claim of being hurt to procrastinate admission of a sin and needed repentance or to hide from it in Satan’s convincing shame and guilt for us rather than facing the issue truthfully and moving forward having learned from the experience is not our Father’s heart for any of us. Often someone hurt will continue long term to remind the person who spoke truth to them of how out of line they were in doing so because it hurt them. This can be an unconscious or conscious tactic to belittle the truth speaker in an effort to build themselves up because of their low self esteem in not being able to handle the truth that they were wrong and in a place of needing someone to speak truth to them. It can also be a motive of withholding love to a person intentionally as a payback for them speaking truth and interfering with a sin that they want to hold on to in their life. When we have an honest heart open to Jesus, He can reveal truth in these things into each of our lives and help us have victory over Satanic strongholds upon our hearts!!! Oh let us always choose divine victory life, dear ones!!!

In life, there are times when we all truly can be embarrassed, hurt, ashamed, angered or frustrated and it can take time and effort to fight off strongholds in these areas. I recall a time when a brother of mine shared the words with me to rebuke the enemy of unforgiveness out loud, commanding him and his demonic influences to leave me. We then prayed with God’s truth for God’s authority and victory to fill me up and knock away that stronghold. It worked right away and I am sooo thankful to be free from unforgiveness!!! I think we can all understand that in life and Jesus certainly understands us. However, these times are times that should be dealt with in the short term and then as God’s people, we should move right back in to living in the repentant fruit and renewed joy of the Holy Spirit’s love and grace for us as kingdom sons and daughters. Jesus modeled this for us when He was angered over the actions taking place in the temple. He had the necessary conversation to bring correction and clear understanding, then let it go to move forward into divine life. He did not make it a long-term emotional issue that kept Him bringing it up or keep Him from doing what was right. I have heard many stories where people hang on to grudges all their lives and then after a person has passed away, the grudge holder wishes they would have gotten right with them before they left. They wish they could’ve had courage to share that deep down they really did love the person, they were sorry and desired reconciliation to happen. Oh the sadness of the destruction to relationships that pride in hearts can have!!!

God gave us emotions and there is nothing wrong with having emotions, however, it is important that we learn to deal with our emotions rightly. Jesus had emotions, too and understands us each one fully!!!

Girl Leaning on God

Trusting Jesus

There was only one time in Jesus’ mission on earth when He was just about shut down from moving forward divinely and that was when He was bearing the weight of all sin upon Him with its temptation of falling into the enemy’s overwhelming accusations of embarrassment, shame and guilt. Jesus gained the victory over the enemy thru prayer to His Father and with the mindset towards His Father’s heart as “not my will, but Yours be done.”  I am thankful Jesus dealt with it right away and did not let it lead Him to procrastinate divine action in life!!!

Jesus with Angel

Jesus stepped forward into life to do the right thing towards the people of the world that brought eternal victory and reconciliation of all people to our Father. Because Jesus did the right thing in life, there is forgiveness by our Father of all sins of all of us who believe in Christ’s efforts on the cross for us and eternal life for us in Father’s kingdom being ushered into fullness soon that will be forever free from ongoing enemy influence. We also now have the indwelling of our Father’s Holy Spirit within our hearts as believers to empower us to live victoriously over the enemy of us (Satan). If Jesus has forgiven us as children of faith, He tells us so we should forgive one another. We may find a huge improvement in our relationships in life if we all seek to eliminate the sense of embarrassment, sense of shame, guilt if you don’t play well and sense of distress like your life is ruined if you don’t play like you are suppose to. Culture is always inundated with this stuff. We don’t need to be part of it, saints – it just doesn’t work. It always raises the intensity level too high and tactical and people will play in life too uptight, fearful of making a mistake or eventually become so discouraged by the enemy that they just shut down, too weak to fight anymore. Let us not let Satan do that to us ever!!! Let us always fight for what is the right and best life!!!

One of the best things a girlfriend said to me many years ago as a young Christian was “Don’t let Satan allow you to wallow in this problem.” May we always remember that Father’s joy is the best emotion in life. Getting rid of complacency of sin, long-term anger and frustration is important to moving forward divinely victorious. We can do so when we have the mindset that our Father’s love and grace for us is sufficient as this song says here and that His plans for us are best. Let us step forward in His love, grace and the pursuit of His goodness. Much love to you wherever you are at in life. Only Father knows fully your heart and only Father knows fully my heart and He can reveal what we each need to see in life as individuals to move forward and not wallow in the enemy’s muck and mire. To forgive is to set a prisoner free and often times that prisoner is yourself. Are you free or still wallowing with our enemy of this life and Father’s kingdom???

Built on the Rock

New day greetings, sweet saints!!! How blessed we are to have the perspective of our Father in our lives because it makes a difference as big as the difference between day and night!!! Our Father’s perspective in our personal lives makes the divine difference between strength and weakness, fear and courage, defeat and victory, no esteem and confidence, positive and negative attitudes/outlooks, blessing or harm!!!


The farther the world is away from our Father who values us and believes in us each one oh so special, the more brokenness (sinking hearts) there is!!! The enemy of this world desires that we always be looking at what is broken about ourselves and our lives and our Father desires that we always be looking at what is right about who we are and our lives in Him and going with that!!! He tells us in His Word:

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise person who built their house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish person who built their house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”

Matthew 7:24-27

We are all saved by our Father’s grace thru His finished work on the cross for all sin, but if we hear our Father’s Words of encouragement to us in life and we do not take them to heart, but instead choose to let the enemy of this world speak his lies to us, then we each will be as our Father’s holy temple, only building our lives upon the sand rather than upon Him as our solid foundation or rock.

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Not only is it important what we allow to be spoken into our own personal lives, but how we speak to each other is important in life, too!!! We can partner with heaven in building each other up in the Lord or we can partner with the enemy of this world in tearing others down in life. Our Father’s heart for us is this, dear ones:

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Jesus left behind a legacy in life of seeking to build people up – to give them hope and a future:

“For God so loved the world that He gave His One and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”

John 3:16

Jesus outstretched hands

Whoever believes in Christ Jesus as their personal Savior over the destruction the enemy of this world brought into our lives called sin, are forever victorious in Christ and set free from the enemy’s negative influence. YAY!!! WOOOHOOO!!! Let us be confident in this – that thru our faith in Christ’s love and help for us that we are seen by our Father with no condemnation, but rather in this way:

“…He has now reconciled us in His fleshly body through death, in order to present us before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach–if indeed we continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that we have heard, which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven…”

Colossians 1:22-23

How about you, saint??? Are you living built up as our Father’s holy temple upon His heart of truth, love and encouragement to you??? Our Father has chosen you and I to be His Ambassadors of heaven here on earth to build others up in Him who are around us, too!!! He created us each one special and gifted and empowered with His Holy Spirit living in us through our faith in Him!!! Therefore, we with His help and sufficient grace for us are capable and good at impacting this world in divine heavenly positive ways!!! Now how exciting is that to be part of heavenly purpose in our lives here on earth!!! HOOORAH!!! LET’S GO FOR IT!!! How is He showing you that you can do that where you are today??? Oh I am sooo proud of you for stepping into life to be that positive “building up voice of heaven” where you are!!! It is my heart to do so, too!!! I love this song here that talks about the power of words and how we can be the voice of life for our Father!!! YYYEEESSS!!! WE CAN!!! Oh that just makes me smile to think about people being built up on the ROCK (Jesus) – encouraged in  Christ in this world!!! 🙂

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Springing Forth

Spring forth YOU!!! More live here!!! 🙂

God is wanting to move, spring forth thru YOU into the world with divine purpose as this song says here !!!

Seeds of Person Growing.gif

WOOOHOOO!!! Oh that just makes me smile and spring forth in divine excitement and motivation for Father’s kingdom with ya!!! 🙂

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God is Doing a New Thing.jpg

“…I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 3:13-14

Inexpensive Medicine

Oh I’m just a smiling today family of faith because of the kind words that Jesus has spoken into my life!!! Everyday He is the medicine that my soul needs to have good spiritual health that also leads to physical, mental and emotional good health too just as His Word tells us:

“Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”

Proverbs 16:24NASB

Words Like HOney

Oh choosing good words are worth much and cost us little. Jesus laid down His whole life for each of us and we can bless His name in loving His people around us!!! He tells us this:

“God is not unjust; He will not forget your hard work to show Him love by helping His people and continuing to help them.”

Hebrews 6:10

“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.”

Revelation 22:12

Our Father has taken great strides to make sure that we have the victory in this life and so as long as it is day (life here on earth), His heart is for us as our Father’s kids of faith is:

“…to encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Build One Another Up

Jesus guides us thru His Holy Spirit in how to do that and He will bless us for it!!! I’m a gal seeking to do so with you in the world for Jesus!!! I am proud of you for seeking Father’s heart for the right words to help those He has placed around you, too!!! He calls us to speak truth in love and when we take the time to seek Him and reflect on His heart for us, we can go forth as Moses did in speaking to Pharaoh to be our Father’s voice in this world knowing Father who created our mouths will help us!!! Moses did not go to Pharaoh and just flatter him – He spoke truth, but to our Father’s glory!!! Our Father loved Pharaoh and if Pharaoh would have chosen to turn to the Lord, his life would’ve lived out a whole lot different!!! He could have lived out life forever divinely healthy with God’s kingdom family, but He chose otherwise. Truth spoken to deliver a soul is always sweet when it is received with repentance and changed life!!! Speak the sweetness of truth and love wherever Father calls you to do so, dear ones!!! Moses gave Pharaoh the opportunity to respond to truth!!! Our Father’s guidance is free and the best medicine for a person’s soul that exists!!! Where do you need our Father’s voice of healing in your life and how can you help bring healing and well being to someone around you, dear one of faith???

Cross Healer

Bless you for your willing heart to love for Jesus!!! He loves and delights in you as His forever kingdom child and He has given us His Word to sustain us and bring us victory in all of our lives!!! Let us stay focused on Him and His Word as this song says here!!! His spoken Word will never fade away; it stands forever true and victorious and gives us all we need for living life well!!!

Bible With Cross

Cross Eternal Life