Growing Into Our Call

Well, moving from the place of resting into the newness of a work day came around on the ole clock and I am excited about this new day of opportunity to go into the world for Jesus!!! For some people in the work place Jesus puts us in life, depending on where the hands on the clock are is indicative when work time is done and personal time begins. It is good when an employee is strong enough to be able to set Godly boundaries in their lives themselves if a time clock is not part of life!!! Some jobs are not your typical 8 to 5 Monday thru Friday, though, so learning to identify proper balance in one’s life in those circumstances can be challenging, but important. Many entrepreneurs with large callings on their lives find themselves in unique circumstances that take the leading of the Holy Spirit individually as to how to set the pace and priorities of their work.  They train themselves, for example, to work towards turning off the excitement of all that is going on in their life at night and instead begin talking themselves into calmness and a mindset of rest. Otherwise a mind can be too active about thoughts of work to sleep well and the next day has a price to pay for lack of sleep. YIKES!!! I have to watch myself on this, too!!!


Jesus Rest

Man sleeping in tire


I often laugh at how legalistic we can sometimes become when we focus too much on being in control of our schedules rather than trusting in the Holy Spirit to guide us, though. When I was young, I attempted to follow the rules of a day planner in which I had implemented a plan for every 15 minutes of my days. The problem was that it did not have any margin of acceptance of God’s plans for my days, like heeding to His spur of the moment promptings like “instead of rewashing your floor that really doesn’t need it yet, how about calling so and so and see if you can pray with that person as you know this is the day this is happening in their life and they could really use the support right now!!! I have to say I had to learn the ole school of hard knocks way as I experienced choices of saying either ok, I’m going to wash that living room window right now because I saw a spot on it or why, yes, I can run to town for you right now and pick up that car part you realized you are going to need to finish getting the spare vehicle running today now that you are into fixing it and I know we need it running by the end of the day!!! 🙂 Oh I just laugh at myself sometimes at how our Father has had to teach me His ways about priorities and boundaries and flexibility to His plans in life!!!


Adventures With God

It is good to let the Holy Spirit set our boundaries as the decider in decisions that pop up in life rather than following other people because other people can deter us from God’s will for our lives with their desires and expectations. That is why our Father tells us that in “whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not human masters.” (Colossians 3:23) That is not to say that our Father doesn’t want us to take into consideration what others have to say because He tells us that with many advisors victory is sure and He puts leaders into our lives on purpose, but He needs to be our final authority and He will never lead us contrary to His written Word!!! Know who your leaders are in life and hear the voice of Jesus as priority, dear ones!!! A Pastor once told me “when you have all the facts, the answer will jump out at you.” That answer needs to be our Father’s heart for us as an individual.

Hearts on Fire

Jesus You are the Keeper of My Heart

Listening to our Father first is important for us as His kids of faith to remember because sometimes people have not been able to determine and grow into their calling of their own gifts, talents, wants and desires because they are unable to set boundaries on others’ definitions and expectations of them. YIKES!!! WATCH OUT FOR THAT!!! For example, a person could enter into a work situation because of the pressures that a family member has placed on them and spend years unhappy in their work because it is not the call/passion that God has  put on their heart to carry out. Because as a person, they are not able to tell a family member “no,” their life is not Spirit led!!! YIKES AGAIN!!! This can happen also with friends and culture as well. Oh be strong enough in life to not let others define you in life, dear ones!!! Go with what our Father’s Spirit is telling you because in it will be the divine life that will have our Father’s joy and blessing in it!!! Work with God to find out who you really are and what kind of work you are made for. Father tells us “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of  this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve God’s will, His good pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2)

Transformed in Mind

Jesus always brings freedom into life and not bondage!!! Oh I am sooo thankful to be where my Father has me in life – His Spirit continues to confirm it to me and oh that just makes me smile!!! 🙂 What is He speaking to your heart about your life today??? Our Father gives us the strength and courage to stand for Him in life – we can because we know He is right and His way will bring the blessing into life for us!!! He makes me brave as this song says here. Let’s be brave together for Jesus’ heart for us always because it makes for the best life!!! Ruh, ruh, ruh!!! Going for Jesus with you as He leads us!!!

God's Hand


Having a Divine Time of Life

Time – oh we have a whole new year of it with today being the first day of the year 2016!!! Time is often personified as “Father Time” and that could not be more true as our Father is in control of time!!! His view of time is different from ours as well as His Word tells us:

“But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.”

2 Peter 3:8NASB

We can often look at our lives and think our life is short, but as our Father’s kids, we have eternal life without end thru faith in Christ Jesus and His finished work on the cross He focused on during His time on earth.  So each one of us as His kids have a divine purpose for our lives during our time on this earth and in choosing to let our Father work thru our vessels, our efforts can make a forever difference as did Jesus’ work!!! It is Jesus who works in us to will and act according to His purpose. Given that as our Father’s Word tells us

“So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom.”

Psalm 90:12 NASB

Clock and Calendar

Oh my heart so delights in each gift of a day in which we have opportunity to use our lives to make choices with our time here on earth count or be spent for doing what will make an eternal difference that will last into eternity. For example, sharing the gospel with someone that does not know how to live forever in Christ’s kingdom as His royal child will make a forever difference in how someone lives out their eternity – not separated from the One who loved them from the start and desires to have them choose life with Him forevermore!!! Resting in His saving and empowering grace for salvation always, this is a eternity lasting goal for life right here:

“Making the most of your time, because the days are evil.”

Ephesians 5:16NASB

Jesus said:

“We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no one can work.”

John 9:4 NASB

WOOOHOOO!!! Now is the time to shine Jesus, dear family and we can as we look to Him to enable us with His Spirit of power and grace!!! We don’t have to in order to have salvation, but we get to and with Jesus in us stirring up a fire in us to shine Him into the world, we can’t help but be moved divinely!!! Ruh, ruh, ruh!!! LET’S GO DIVINELY TOGETHER FATHER!!!

Let Light Shine in You

Shine So they See Him.jpg

What are ways our Father has equipped you and is guiding you to make an eternal difference where you are in life, precious saints??? You life matters to many and our Father will not forget all you do to help others!!! He is returning soon and His reward will be with Him and He will give to everyone for what they have done!!! (Revelation 22:12)

God Crowning Man

We are not left on our own to do so. In fact, without Jesus, we can do nothing!!! Choosing to be His Ambassador on this earth leaves the rest up to Him to guide us, empower us and work thru us and work in the hearts of others that He puts us with!!! Now how exciting is that to be heaven’s light on earth!!! This earth needs heaven on earth!!! This earth needs you and Jesus team living out your amazing purpose that is unlike anybody else!!! Oh you do shine divinely, dear ones of Father’s kingdom!!! The hands of time for light giving is precious!!!

Hands of Light for Time.jpg

Here are some things we can know about time as we move forward trusting in Father of time:

  • Father knows the plans He has for us, they are plans for our good and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future and we will find Him as we take the time to seek Him with all our heart. (Jeremiah 29:11-13)
  • Because our Father’s timing is perfect and with divine understanding, let us hold to flexibility to making His plans for us priority, saying “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” (James 4:13-15) “The heart of a person plans their way, but the Lord establishes our steps.” (Proverbs 16:9) We do not know what today or tomorrow will bring, but we can know it will be divinely good as we trust in our Father to guide us who works all things for the good of those called according to His purpose and life will always be conforming us, making our hearts more and more like Christ who is everything right, true and good. Oh I sooo love it that our Father who has began a good work in us will continue it until the day of completion when our lives on this earth are through!!! Then we will be like Him and until then He already sees us as holy, without blemish, without accusation and with no condemnation!!! How sweet is our Father!!! (Colossians 1:21-23)
  • Our times are in His hand!!! Oh what better hands are there to be in – none better!!! Oh it’s perfect for us!!! Divine conditions to be in, we are!!! Our number of days, number of our months and our limits are determined individually by Him and cannot be passed.(Job 14:1-14)
  • As we commit our work in this life to Him, our plans will be established. (Proverbs 16:3) Our Father will move our hearts, creating  in our hearts passion after His heart’s plans and desires for us!!!
  • Leaving behind the past not useful to the future, we can focus on the divine steps moving forward without wasting precious time. The Apostle Paul modeled this for us in saying : “Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14)
  • Too much rest brings poverty more ways than one. There is seed time and harvest time. There is a time for everything Father desires for our time.(Proverbs 6:10-11; Genesis 8:22; Ecc 3:1)
  • Let us not live our time with an anxious heart, but be filled with the peace of our Father that transcends all understanding.  (Matthew 6:25-23; Php 4:6-8)

In all of our time, this we can count on:

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

Hebrews 13:8

God Is My Keeper

Just as Jesus was faithful to us as His kids, worthy of praise and celebration yesterday, He is today, too and He will be tomorrow as well. Oh now that just has me smiling big and trusting that all our time together as our Father’s kids is going to be delightful as He delights in us as His kids and has divine plans for our every moment of life!!!

Jesus smiling

He has given us the exact amount of time we need each day to do His will and be His divine ones in this world!!! Treasure the gift of time with His presence with you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and forever as His beloved!! Never will He leave us nor forsake us and nothing can separate us from Him ever!!! 🙂


Love this song here that talks about how Jesus makes all things beautiful in His perfect timing!!!

Grace on the Move

WOW!!! Before we were even out of bed and in fact, even while we were sleeping, our sweet Jesus was not sleeping because He never sleeps!!! He desires for His saints to move along in times of wooohooo activity and also to have divine times of rest. It is His gift to us as His kids!!! He moves us through life at just the right pace as we look to Him!!! It is His heart that we enjoy our life with Him with us and enjoy our toil that He gives us each individually and uniquely!!! When you are working in the area of your heart passion and in your area of giftedness, it is fun!!! It just makes you smile!!! 🙂 Jesus is our great enabler to live the gift of this day and He is the enabler for us to live life in the “fullness of His grace” as John the Baptist said:

“From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another.” For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Christ Jesus.”

John 1:16-17 NIV

Trophies of Grace

When we are living in the fullness of our Father’s grace, we are divine winners and we have His vision for our lives guiding us each one uniquely special for this life!!! He is on the move in us, through us and all around us!!! He is da God on the move in more ways than one as John the Baptist recognized long ago:

“He who comes after me has surpassed me because He was before me.”

Ha, ha, ha!!! I envision that it is kinda like a tortoise moving in life verses a hare, i.e. we are meandering through life as His chosen vessels like a slow turtle waiting on His guidance, dependent on Him for everything and while we are stepping along the road of life as He leads us, He is bouncing divinely before us, in us, through us and behind us in supernatural wisdom and energy to make the divine in life happen for us and through us to others to His glory!!! Oh that just makes me smile as I think of our Father on the move the way He does to take care of us as His beloved kids!!!

As I ponder this, I see three thoughts that bless my heart today:

  1. We are totally dependent on our Father and He is all-powerful, all-wise and all-love and for us, hence let us give thanks to Him!!! “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
  2. We can trust that before we get to where He is leading us, He has already been there working to prepare for our arrival. Therefore, wherever we go, we can trust that it will be a divine experience for us – one from which there will be His good working for us!!! There may be opportunities to delight in, opportunities to learn and grow from, opportunities to make a difference and opportunities to trust in Him to grow our faith genuine!!! All good stuff because that is all He does is good!!! All the time God is good and God is good all the time!!! He has no part in evil and His promise to us is: “For I know the plans for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” “In all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.” When it comes to that devil dude in life, we are powerful tortoises to conquer with Him with us: Ninja Turtle
  3. Father works behind us as we travel through life. Past experiences when evaluated can reveal much to us and give us wisdom for moving forward divinely for ourselves and also giving to us what we can then share to help others we encounter down the road further as well. God comforts us so that “we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” What He does and speaks through us to others, His Spirit works through behind our visit with them into their hearts to help them divinely in their life journey!!! It may be that what He shares through you, dear one, the next person will pass along to someone else and so on and so on and so on!!! Now how exciting is that!!! Father, the hare that bounces around, multiples the divine, bringing forth more divine into lives!!! 🙂 Tortoise and Hare

Three Turtles

How exciting to be part of life with Jesus with us, precious family!!! He makes life sooo interesting – an adventure that is divine and of heaven that is leading us to our paradise home where we will enjoy endless bliss, love and fellowship with Him and each other as His royal family!!!

Turtle Finishing

Until then, I’m a gal moving along the road of life in dependance on our Father who is bouncing all around us, before us and in us and through us and behind us together!!! I love that!!! Much love to you as you journey wherever He has you today!!! It’s all divine!!! Here is a song we can enjoy together about our Father’s love for us as His kids!!! We are winning!!!

John 1:15, 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8:28-39; 2 Corinthians 1:4 NIV

Not Guilty

Good morning beloved family of saints!!!!!!! I want to encourage your hearts today that our Father sees us through eyes of grace and He reaches out to us right where we are in life!!!

Jesus Lifting Sheep Up

I’m a gal sooo thankful for that in life, aren’t you?! Jesus had a heart for everyone whom He encountered in life as He walked this earth!!! He loves and accepts us just for being His kids!!! Isn’t that a breath of fresh air in this life?

Jesus with Sheep

I love that Jesus was one always found in relationship with what the religious world called sinners! There is no sin too great that Jesus doesn’t understand it and He looks beyond it to see the divinity in each one of us!!!!!!! We are all made fearfully and wonderfully in His image!!! Now how awesome is that!!!

Lord Made Us

Jesus was very good at letting people know that He loved them and He also had a way of helping people see the divine life!!! People who had an encounter with Him always left His presence changed in some way – their lives were never the same!!! Life with Jesus makes for one adventurous ride through life as we seek Him and let Him work His love and grace through us!!!

Sheep Hug

Jesus is our gentle Shepherd who is always protecting us from the wolf, the enemy Satan who seeks to devour us with guilt. Yikes! Watch out for that dear ones!!!!!!! May we always stay close to our Shepherd, being able to learn from His voice and be fed well, where we are also kept safe from the enemy. Oh, precious saints, let us rest in the safe pasture of our Father’s close by us love today!  His grace always finds us as this song says here! YAY!!! He just makes me smile with a divine sheepish grin that makes me want to leap in the air with joy!!! Woohoo!!! Have a divine day and know you’re loved very deeply!!!

Woohoo Sheep

The Holiness of Sleep

A new day has dawned, mighty saints!!!!!!! I hope you all had good rest last night! Rest for us as our Father’s kids is important as He says:

“It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for He gives to His beloved sleep.”

Psalm 127:2

In this verse, our Father is saying to rise up real early and stay up real late is to short change ourselves on rest! Our Father is working everyday in this world, even this day and while our Father’s timetable is different than ours, in that a day to Him is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day, He sets an example for us, in that when our Father created the world, when some of His work was done, He built in a time of rest for Himself:

“And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it He rested from all the work of creating that He had done.”

Genesis 2:1-2

 Our Father called rest holy, but as we take the Bible as a whole, He also tells us sleep is sweet, but in healthy quantities:

“Do not love sleep, or you will grow poor.”

Proverbs 20:13


Guy Sleeping on Tire

Man sleeping in tire

Yikes! Do take care of you, precious saints!!!!!!! Protect your rest times as our Father desires that for you!

Sleeping in Post

As I ponder these thoughts today, Father lays it upon my heart the importance of talking about all of us honoring resting times in people’s lives. I know people that go to bed at 8:00pm at night because they raise up really early to be at work and because I know that about them, I don’t call or text them after a certain time of day. Many people turn their phones off at night for silence, but many keep their phones on by their beds for setting an alarm or for family emergency calls like “I’m at the hospital at 3:00am. Can you please come take me home as I rode the ambulance here.” Yikes! I certainly like being there for my family! In loving people, it is good for us to all be mindful that non-emergency texts and calls in times of people’s resting can be disturbing to their sleep, stirring up thought processes and creating the need to settle back into sleep again. For people that have a difficult time sleeping anyway, this can be problematic to their well being.  I have given in to sending texts at all hours myself in the past, assuming people turn their phones off at night and I have also created texts in the past and have them ready to go the next morning just to clear my mind of a thought I don’t want to forget about, but have not hit the send button until the next morning.  I hear our Father saying to me today that it is good to be mindful of this as we seek to all do life together and love each other well! Letting people know if you are an early sleeper is good. So, having shared these thoughts after rest last night, I’m a gal up and ready for our Father’s work for me today and so excited about doing life with ya with our Father!!! Oh, it’s gonna be fun with Dad; it’s gonna be a divine adventure and with faith in our Father who loves us all with unfailing, unconditional love and is working all things for our good, it’s gonna be victorious!!! Woohoo! I’m ready for life happening today, are you? Love ya tons!!!!!!!

Baby Awake pumping iron