The Heavenly Garden

Sooo true about what you share here wjth this video, Sam Samy:

It’s a beautiful garden!!! 😊It makes me smile!!! Jesus provided all of it!!! Isn’t He a beautiful Gardner!!! I praise Jesus here with you, Sam:

Jesus…He’s Sooo Smart!!!

This is powerful and life changing strategy that can make a heavenly difference on earth as Sam Samy shares here!!!

How can you apply it to your life??? Pondering it as well with Jesus as my guide!!! 😊 I’m happy and smiling…going for divine best life, too!!! Hooorrraaahhh!!!

I like this song here about shaking with divine change:

Divine World Changers

Sooo precious of a story Sam Samy shares here:

Jesus was and is all about rescue!!! He works through people by His Holy Spirit that they receive upon faith in Him to help others neglected by people and pursued by the enemy of this world!!! As He tells us in His Word, the Bible:

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

Oh He gives us breath for life…what we choose to do with it can sure make a divine difference in this world!!! You can make a difference in this world!!! Staying close to Jesus and going into life for His kingdom, too!!! ☝️πŸ”₯πŸ‘β€οΈπŸ‘‘πŸ’ͺπŸ™ I like this song here:

Meeting God Halfway

Sam Samy shares this inspiring example in this video:

As you know of Sam Samy, he has made it to where he is as a physical athlete because he met God half way!!! I know he loves football sport and works hard for the divine goal, too!!! He has worked hard to do his best to reach his goal with heaven’s grace given him and trusted God for the rest of putting him in life where he is today!!! I admire that you have the heart to do the same for the dream of the sport!!!

Divine Turn Arounds

Hahaha!!! This Sam Samy video here has me beginning my day with a chuckle and all inspired!!!

Even though this video shows a guy in supernatural action, we, too, ladies!!! Through faith in Christ Jesus, His Holy Spirit working in us can give us supernatural wisdom, power, gifts, skills and talents that may not only save our own life but make a huge turn around in the lives of others around us in life!!! Jesus is the energy at work in us as His people of faith as this song says here.



How is Jesus’s energy moving your heart today to be a vessel through whom He works to bring a heavenly turn about??? Oh Jesus paid the price of admission into His forever kingdom life for all who believe in Him and all that we do, even breathing is by the free gift of His grace!!! Oh sooo thankful we don’t have to pay the price ourselves to have admission to heaven!!! For it is by grace we are saved and not of ourselves so that nobody can boast!!! Praising Jesus with you this day as every good and perfect gift is coming down from Him, the Father of heavenly lights who does not change like shifting shadows!!! All the time Jesus is good and He has paid the price for our forever life victory that is sooo beyond this world around us!!! Be the supernatural creative one you are with Godfidence today!!! It brings divine life in many ways!!! Happy and smiling with Jesus, too!!! πŸ™‚ It’s gonna be a good day with Jesus!!!

The Champ In You

Well, our Father is with us and blessing us with the gift of a brand new day filled full of His grace to enable us to live and move and have our being again today and His grace will be what leads us through this day in triumphant procession as we keep our eyes fixed on Him!!! Oh He is a razzle-dazzle God who flat out just boggles our minds with the greatness of Him who puts the breathe in our lungs and the smiles upon our faces!!! He is without question the Champion of life and so there is no contest when it comes to letting Him be the greatest in life!!! Amen???

Holy SPirit AS Power.jpg

The good news is that He was a Champion in doing the challenging in life to make it so that we have a blessed life as His royal kingdom family forever!!! He went to the cross for us in the effort to not let the enemy of this world win in our lives and how did He do that??? He conquered life step by step, with prayer and the strength that His Father gave to him to be able to do so. Oh that is what our lives are is a process of keeping taking steps towards the light as Father reveals it to us and oh yes Jesus just like us had times where He sweated out the darkness in prayer. Doesn’t it bless your heart that Jesus gets our hearts?!! It sure does mine!!! His Word tells us of His understanding for us:

“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are–yet He did not sin.”Β 

Hebrews 4:15

Jesus was triumphant because He had a Champion of love and grace and power and victory living in Him and so do we, precious saints!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! We can’t do life on our own, but He in us through our faith in Him can as He tells us:

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”Β 

Galatians 2:20

Faith is Having COurage

Jesus has always been sooo encouraging to us as His people in telling us how much we need Him and that “apart from Him, we can do nothing.” Oh He is the vine and we are the branches and as we stay connected to Him in prayer and in focusing on His written Word, hearing His small still voice within us just as He did on earth in listening to His Father in heaven, we too shall be guided and empowered from on high for “it is God who works in us to will and act according to His purpose.”(Philippians 2:13)


So in pondering all of this, we can rest in grace that we are sufficient to live life today because the Champion of Life Jesus lives in us, never to leave us nor forsake us!!! (Hebrews 13:5) Humbled by His holiness and grace and also empowered as champions in all things thru Christ who gives us strength – yep, that is us, dear saints!!! His grace is enough as this song says here. Enjoy life with the King who loves you today, who will be your guide all day through!!! It’s gonna be a heaven on earth day because we are not left alone to conquer life – got the greatest within us, through us and working all around us who can do more than we can even ask or imagine and He has nothing but good plans for us to prosper us and not harm us, to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11)!!! Oh that all just makes me smile!!! Divine sisterly love to you wherever you are today!!! Father loves us perfectly forever because we believe in Him as our Savior!!! That’s enough to make us champions in His eyes and Him in us will help us have best life – the heavenly life on earth!!! πŸ™‚ YYYIIIPPPEEE!!! BLESSED WE ARE WITH JESUS WITH US!!!

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Acts 1:8

Individual Purpose

Purposeful day it is for everybody, ya’ll here!!! No matter who we are in life, we each have a Β divine reason for being and whether we volunteer our time or are employed by someone or we are an employer of others, we each can in someway bring contribution to what our Father is wanting to accomplish here in bringing heaven on earth!!! Now how awesome is that for everyone to be included in the purpose of life together with Jesus!!! Oh it just makes me smile!!!

As I continue in sharing about the different generalized areas of ministry that each of us individually will typically step in and out of in the course of our lives, I want to share these thoughts today about being an employee and an employer. Our Father will speak to each of us as we have need to hear His voice. Even if we volunteer in life for someone or for our Father in heaven, some of these same principles can apply to all of us:

“If you are a hired employee, God desires for you to β€œobey your earthly masters (in righteousness) and do it not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving” (Colossians 3:22-24). God sees it all (Proverbs 15:3) – He sees faithfulness and hard work that can sometimes go unnoticed by employers and He says He will reward you for that, so you can rest in that if that is your case. He sees the way we treat our coworkers with love and kindness, praying for them and our employers, seeking their good and success. He also sees the ways someone may mistreat their employer such as using an employer’s time for personal matters and wasting an employer’s resources. For example: When your employer sends you to make purchases, do you use your employer’s money to buy you the more expensive when lesser would do and you would buy lesser if it was your own money? Do you steal from your employer? Are you lazy and fail to carry out his or her instructions for your work. God forgives, but it is good to confess (agree about) sin to Him (1 John 1 8-10), and He desires us to repent and make restitution (Exodus 22:3b) if we need to. From that day forward, we can seek to do our work to God’s glory (1 Corinthians 10:31) and work as we would want someone to work for us if we were an employer (Matthew 22:39). Let us be thankful (Colossians 3:15) for God’s provision of someone to hire us and provide for us financially. We can ask God to help us be a good employee. Here is a photo of some employees and employers working together doing some work on a home I recently purchased. Here they are working on steps, a walkway and a gate. I greatly appreciate their efforts for me in life as I could not do all this work without their help and expertise with the other things that I do as a self-employed person and a volunteer as our Father has called me to be in life!!!Β 


Β Where are you in life??? An employee, an employer, self-employed, a volunteer??? This you can know of our Father:

“God is not unjust; He will not forget your hard work and the love that you show Him as you help His people and continue to help them.”

Hebrews 6:10

If you are an employer, here are some thoughts from God’s Word to ponder in doing your work for our Father. God asks employers in Colossians 4:1 to provide your employees with what is right and fair, because you know you have a Master in heaven (the Lord). The Lord sees everything (Proverbs 15:3). Even if your employees don’t seem to appreciate what you do for them, God sees it and He appreciates it. He will reward you for it. Be considerate of your employees. Do you value each of your employees? Are you friendly to them and treat them respectfully? Do you show favoritism? Are you more concerned with using available resources to make yourself comfortable and promote your image while employees go without the tools and training they need to do their jobs more efficiently and successfully. Do you pray for your employees? Do you ask your employees to do things that are ungodly? Do you cheat your employees out of pay and benefits?Β Β  If you haven’t been a good employer, it is not too late to change. Confess your sin (1 John 1:8-10), repent and make restitution (Exodus 22:3b) if you need. We need to treat our employees the way that we would want to be treated if we were someone’s employee, as in fact we are (the Lord’s). Oh let us be thankful for the help God has given to us in the employees who work hard to make us successful. We can ask God to make us a good employer if we are called to that purpose, for “God works in us to will and act according to His purpose.” (Philippians 2:13)

God At Work

Let Your Life Be A Reflection


Experience Reveals Sweet Life

Everyday there is something new to learn in life!!! It seems that is life – people grow, grass grows, weeds grow, animals grow, technology, science and know how grows and on and on and on and Β more and more as time goes on.

Seed Growing

Experience is a good teacher for helping us learn, provided we evaluate it.. Each day is jammed packed with experiences from which we gain understanding and knowledge. Some experiences are shared by others and some are unique only to us personally. Some people may attend schools to learn or gain knowledge while others may learn through evaluated experience. Β 

Back to the Future

Sometimes people can have the attitude that the experiences they have had in life that were bad as a result of personal sin was something that needed to always keep hidden away in a closet of secret. However, I have learned a lot from my experiences in life and God has often moved my heart to share these experiences at times in order to warn, encourage, help or strengthen others. It is important though to listen to the Lord in terms of proper timing for sharing because there could be times where sharing could have the opposite effect. Sharing too much with your children could be one example. Your sharing could detour a child from sin, but it could also justify sin in their mind as they may think β€œWell, if mom or dad did it, he or she would understand if I did it!” YIKES!!! This could be especially true if you shared your sin with a smile or a light-hearted attitude that implies that it was cool or fun at the time. Our Father tells us to hate sin, therefore to explain the down side of it is good if you are led to share it!!!

Jesus, in Luke 22:31, told Peter (Simon) that Satan wanted to sift him as wheat, but that He was praying for him that his faith would not fail. This was right before Peter was to publicly deny Christ three times out of fear of persecution. Jesus then told Peter (Simon) β€œafter you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” In other words He was saying, β€œafter you have gone through your experience, use it to strengthen others.”

Two Hands and Heart

Our own experiences can definitely be a resource to us to grow our faith and to help us minister to other people as they encounter experiences that we have already gone through ourselves. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 says:

β€œPraise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.”

Build One Another Up

I have found experiences greatly confirm to me the truth of what God tells us in His word as truth and experiences make the lasting impressions upon my heart that stick with me and surface when I see other people struggling with the things that I have already been through. With these experiences, I can understand or relate better to people and can warn, help or encourage others with proven validity because I have gone through it. The same can be true for you!!! God can certainly burden our hearts to minister to people by sharing our personal experiences with them. Some people dedicate their whole lives to sharing from their past experience in order to make a difference for Christ.


As it relates to our seeking to understand our areas of giftedness, experience at trying different things is very valuable as a teacher of what we are good at. When we think back over times in our past and observe the different activities that we have really enjoyed and activities in which we feel we have done well, it reveals to us our β€œsweet spot.” Our β€œsweet spot” or giftedness is so natural and so instinctive that when we are using it, itΒ happens very easily and you can find yourself carrying it out without much thought!!!

Going through the small group study exercise entitled β€œCure for the Common Life” provided by Max Lucado with People Management International helps to identify our area of giftedness that is sweet to us. In this book, Max explains a β€œsweet spot,” as being the place on a golf club (or baseball bat or tennis racket) where you get the most power and control out of your swing. People have sweet spots, too.Β  It’s about using our God-given strengths to achieve an outcome we are divinely motivated to pursue. Giftedness is not about satisfaction – it’s about motivation stirred up by the Holy Spirit at work in us as this song says here.Β 

Flying Heart

Satisfaction is an end result of doing what we are motivated and able to do. I encourage you to work through the process in the workbook and/or ask Jesus to help you to discover your β€œsweet spot.” When you find it, you will want to run there. Β What is your area of giftedness that when working there, it is sweet to your soul??? Oh it is my heart that you will enjoy the divine adventures of life with Jesus right where it is meant for you to be and doing what you are divinely gifted to do!!! It’s the divine best life for you!!! Me, too!!!

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