Captivated By Love

Ladies!!! Oh an interesting cause to check out for sure in this video here that Sam Samy shares:


I find it interesting that the lion wants to stay where it finds love in relationship rather than step out into the world all alone. As you know, Sam, a person is never alone because Jesus is always with us as His people of faith!!! Oh that just makes me smile!!! As you also know, Sam, Father created us for relationship!!! I am reminded that it is always good news wherever He opens and closes doors in our lives to put us in the divine place for us to be together with divine purpose with Him working in us as His people of faith!!! 🙂 Lots to ponder about this video!!! I am reminded of this song here about being a new creation in faith in Jesus and the specialness of His love:

Thank you for the pondering again today, Sam!!! I’m sharing it!!!

The Glory of Jesus Rising Up

A fresh new blanket of snow here in Idaho this morning!!! Wow!!! What a beautiful wonderland it is!!! It is still snowing!!! Wherever you are today, my prayer for you today is for Father’s travel mercies upon you!


“Father in heaven, I thank You for everyone of these precious snowflakes that reveal an abundance of Your blessings of water for us for the upcoming harvest! Father, I pray for all those seeking to put the snow in the right places for people to continue living their lives of purpose in the midst! Father, I love this scene today because in it, I see the bursting forth of Your light reflections upon the window! It is a beautiful reminder that as we travel into this day that we can have visIon of Your light bursting forth in multiple ways to guide us in Your love and divine best throughout this day!!! Oh Father Your glory is rising up all around us and my prayer for us is the heart of Jesus when He prayed for us to You as His Father when he traveled this earth: “Father, I want those You have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory You have given me because You loved me before the creation of the world.” 1 John 2:15
Oh sweet Jesus, we know that You are with the Father and the Holy Spirit in our One and only triune God and You are with us as Your beloved of faith! Never will You leave us nor forsake us! I am sooo thankful for You with us bringing us heaven to earth! Father, please open our eyes to reveal to us Your glory in our lives throughout this day and I pray our hearts will burst forth in the light of giving You praise that is multiplied out into the lives of those around us, too! You are glorious Father! My prayer is that Your glory will rise among us to bless Your loving heart by us as Your children! Oh it is going to be a wonderful day with You with us as Yours! You’re all-mighty, all-powerful, all-wise, all-love, all-victorious, God! We lack nothing in You! Much love to You Father in heaven with us! I thank You now for all the ways Your glory will burst forth to light our day with Your glory in Jesus’s precious Name! Amen.”
Letting His glory rise up is this song’s message here.

The No Problemo Life

When we have Jesus as our Savior in life through our faith in what He did on the cross for all people, we reap benefits in life that make us forever victorious:

  • We are rescued from the wages of sin because He paid it all for us on the cross which satisfied the holiness of our perfect God
  • We are forgiven for all of our sins throughout all of our life here on earth
  • We are given a royal inheritance as children of God of all the glorious riches of Christ Jesus – co-heirs with Him
  • We receive the power of His Holy Spirit within us to guide us in Truth and empower us supernaturally
  • We have forever life in God’s paradise kingdom of heaven
  • We are reconciled into a personal relationship with our Father that is sooo secure that nothing can separate us ever from Him and His love for us

These are the greatest victory gifts in all of life that override any issues we have in this earthly life!!! Imagine Jesus saying it like this:

No Problemo Jesus

Oh that thought just makes me smile and gives me all kinds of confidence because I know that there is nothing in life that can ever defeat me or you, dear one!!! Jesus has us forever in His all-powerful, all-wise, all-loving, all victorious care in all things!!! He tells us this in His Word:

“…in all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”

Boxer Champion

More Than A COnqueror

More Than Conquerors

Just as it was in the days of the Israelites as they looked to God, that God took care of His people as they were pursued by the enemy in life, so it is for us in this modern-day. King David understood this victorious perspective when he wrote:

“In my anguish I cried to the Lord,

and he answered me by setting me free.

The Lord is with me; he is my helper.

I will look in triumph on my enemies.”

Cross and Hands Broke Free

The Apostle Paul spoke the same confidence in Jesus when He said:

“So we say in confidence,

The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.

What can man do to me.”

He said this because of our Father’s promise to us as His kids:

“Never will I leave you;

never will I forsake you.”

God Our Help

A personal relationship with Jesus and focusing on our Father’s promises does take away a person’s anxiety by shaping our perspective in life to that which is of our Father and He is always at work to bless us as His kids as we look to Him. He helps us in life like none other and can do so because of His being all-powerful and these abilities He has that we read about in Psalm 139:

  • He knows our every thought, every word and every move.
  • He direct us no matter where we go.
  • He knows no hopeless or helpless situation.
  • He formed every complex detail of our bodies, minds and spirits.
  • He constantly thinks of us and is concerned with the details of our individual lives.
  • He searches our hearts and will purify our motives.

Father’s heart for us is this:

  • Rejoice in the Lord always!!! Wooohooo!!! Rejoice!!!
  • Let our gentleness be evident to all because we know the Lord is near. We need not fret or freak out!!! 🙂
  • Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
  • Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.
  • Whatever we have learned or received or heard from Father, put it into practice as it is the best stepping in life to help us. We are already saved by grace and not by works, but Father’s wisdom helps us live well in this life!!!

The results of this:

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus.”

The God of peace will be with us always because of our faith in His grace upon us, in us and at work all around us always!!!

Power of Christ

So, life because of our faith in our sweet Jesus is “no problemo” because it is a divinely victorious life as Jesus has us in His grip of power and love!!! It doesn’t mean there won’t be challenges, but rather that Jesus with us is greater than any challenges before us!!! Now that just makes me smile always!!! Let us trust in our sweet Father’s desires for us to cast all our cares on Him and let Him do the supernatural that He does sooo perfectly to bring us peace and rejoicing in all of life!!! Love this song here!!! Casting away cares on Jesus, trusting Him and rejoicing in His victory with you is what we can confidently do together, sweet family!!! Sooo thankful we can do so together forever!!! 🙂

Psalm 118:5-7; 139; Hebrews 13:5-6; Philippians 4:4-9

Grace on the Move

WOW!!! Before we were even out of bed and in fact, even while we were sleeping, our sweet Jesus was not sleeping because He never sleeps!!! He desires for His saints to move along in times of wooohooo activity and also to have divine times of rest. It is His gift to us as His kids!!! He moves us through life at just the right pace as we look to Him!!! It is His heart that we enjoy our life with Him with us and enjoy our toil that He gives us each individually and uniquely!!! When you are working in the area of your heart passion and in your area of giftedness, it is fun!!! It just makes you smile!!! 🙂 Jesus is our great enabler to live the gift of this day and He is the enabler for us to live life in the “fullness of His grace” as John the Baptist said:

“From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another.” For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Christ Jesus.”

John 1:16-17 NIV

Trophies of Grace

When we are living in the fullness of our Father’s grace, we are divine winners and we have His vision for our lives guiding us each one uniquely special for this life!!! He is on the move in us, through us and all around us!!! He is da God on the move in more ways than one as John the Baptist recognized long ago:

“He who comes after me has surpassed me because He was before me.”

Ha, ha, ha!!! I envision that it is kinda like a tortoise moving in life verses a hare, i.e. we are meandering through life as His chosen vessels like a slow turtle waiting on His guidance, dependent on Him for everything and while we are stepping along the road of life as He leads us, He is bouncing divinely before us, in us, through us and behind us in supernatural wisdom and energy to make the divine in life happen for us and through us to others to His glory!!! Oh that just makes me smile as I think of our Father on the move the way He does to take care of us as His beloved kids!!!

As I ponder this, I see three thoughts that bless my heart today:

  1. We are totally dependent on our Father and He is all-powerful, all-wise and all-love and for us, hence let us give thanks to Him!!! “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
  2. We can trust that before we get to where He is leading us, He has already been there working to prepare for our arrival. Therefore, wherever we go, we can trust that it will be a divine experience for us – one from which there will be His good working for us!!! There may be opportunities to delight in, opportunities to learn and grow from, opportunities to make a difference and opportunities to trust in Him to grow our faith genuine!!! All good stuff because that is all He does is good!!! All the time God is good and God is good all the time!!! He has no part in evil and His promise to us is: “For I know the plans for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” “In all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.” When it comes to that devil dude in life, we are powerful tortoises to conquer with Him with us: Ninja Turtle
  3. Father works behind us as we travel through life. Past experiences when evaluated can reveal much to us and give us wisdom for moving forward divinely for ourselves and also giving to us what we can then share to help others we encounter down the road further as well. God comforts us so that “we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” What He does and speaks through us to others, His Spirit works through behind our visit with them into their hearts to help them divinely in their life journey!!! It may be that what He shares through you, dear one, the next person will pass along to someone else and so on and so on and so on!!! Now how exciting is that!!! Father, the hare that bounces around, multiples the divine, bringing forth more divine into lives!!! 🙂 Tortoise and Hare

Three Turtles

How exciting to be part of life with Jesus with us, precious family!!! He makes life sooo interesting – an adventure that is divine and of heaven that is leading us to our paradise home where we will enjoy endless bliss, love and fellowship with Him and each other as His royal family!!!

Turtle Finishing

Until then, I’m a gal moving along the road of life in dependance on our Father who is bouncing all around us, before us and in us and through us and behind us together!!! I love that!!! Much love to you as you journey wherever He has you today!!! It’s all divine!!! Here is a song we can enjoy together about our Father’s love for us as His kids!!! We are winning!!!

John 1:15, 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8:28-39; 2 Corinthians 1:4 NIV

Divine Heart Music

Wooohooo!!! It is an awesome new gift of life today, beloved family and we have great opportunity to walk through this day with the sweet music of our Father’s love and delight of us in our hearts. I love what the Psalmist wrote from the attitude of his heart about life with our Father:

“My heart is steadfast, O God;

I will sing and make music

with all my soul.

Awake, harp and lyre!

I will awaken the dawn.

I will praise you, O Lord,

among the nations;

I will sing of you among the peoples.

For great is your love, higher

than the heavens;

your faithfulness reaches to 

the skies.

Be exalted, O God, above the


and let your glory be over all the earth.”

Psalm 108:1-5 NIV

To have a “steadfast” heart is to be strong, be patient and to endure in life and in so going, we can choose to focus on the many blessings of our Father in our lives and from our hearts of thanksgiving, be light hearted and go through this day with joyful hearts of celebration and victory, knowing that our Father loves us with unfailing, unconditional love, He is for us and working His eternal forever plan for us and through us to show His love and compassion not only to us, but through us to others!!! Now how exciting is that to know that we are sooo loved in life and our Father sees you and me as His delightful kids through whom He loves shining through to bless others around us!!! YYYEEESSS!!!

Dear God Thank YOu

Let’s let Him shine through our steadfast joyful hearts to bless others today, as He will be with us to empower us to do what we need to do today to help those He puts around us!!!

Gal Shining

As we journey with Jesus today, let us keep coming back to the music in our heart throughout the day that we are privileged and loved children that walk with Jesus through the courts of His Kingdom with us through our faith in Him!!! He thinks we are each one oh sooo special and mighty warriors capable of conquering any of the enemies tactics thrown at us!!! Ruh, ruh, ruh!!! Yep!!! Got heaven with us so we are divinely able!!!

Guy Shining

I’m a gal conquering this day of life divinely with you, precious ones!!! Here is a song we can have a listen to that is a good reminder of how awesome life is with Father’s Kingdom with us – the whole angel army is encamped around us to help us!!! WOW!!! Talk about a support system, we’ve got it!!! We win, win, win forever!!! YAY!!! Much love to you as you sing through life with Jesus today where you are!!! La, la, la – singing with you with the King with us!!! Oh how that just makes me smile!!!

The Sky Spills Over His Glory

I’m a gal soaring in praise of our Father this new day, beloved ones!!! WOW!!! Have you looked at the sky lately??? It is sooo filled with the wonder and awe of how amazing our Lord is and His kindness to us!!! It is true still today what the Psalmist shared about the sky so many years ago:

“The heavens declare the glory of God;

the skies proclaim the work

of His hands.

Day after day they pour forth 


night after night they display


There is no speech or language

where their voice is not heard.

Their voice goes out into all

the earth

their words to the ends of 

the world.”

Psalm 19:1-6 NIV

Two Eagles

When we need a reassurance of our Father’s love for us, let us look up and see His faithfulness as He has written it across the sky as one way and let’s say a prayer of thanksgiving for His many graces upon us all around us!!! Oh, it gets me all inspired and I am ready to soar through this day with the purpose that our Father has for me in this life with much enthusiasm!!!

Eagle Over Ocean

He has equipped each one of us with divine intent to enable each one of us to soar to where His Spirit will carry us today to make a divine difference!!! How exciting that is going to be to see life above all earthly situations with His eagle-eye perspective as we seek His guidance for each one of us as we journey today!!! It will be the divine view that is of heaven and oh that just fills my heart with all kinds of peace, joy and thankfulness for the personal relationship that we each have through faith with our sweet Jesus!!! Soar divinely as His Masterpiece creation today and if you can have a listen to this song here.  May the awareness of Father’s love and faithfulness to you thunder loudly to your soul as you listen!!! Much love to you wherever you are today!!! I am thankful we can soar victoriously with the power of Father’s loving and enabling Spirit in us today with freedom and victory in Christ who is forever faithful to us!!!

Eagle in Sky

On High Holy Ground

Wooohooo!!! I’m a gal on the heights of our Father’s love and grace and victory in life with you all, precious saints!!! I say that because through our faith in Jesus and His finished work on the cross, He has raised us all up out of the muck and mire of the enemy and placed our feet on the solid ground of righteous standing with Christ Jesus!!! Whoop, whoop, whoop!!! That is something to celebrate today and it gives us all newness of life and a divine outlook in which to view ourselves, our life and each other!!! We can forgive ourselves and each other because our Father has removed all the muck and mire from each of us and cleansed us with His holy living waters, placing new robes of righteousness upon us for forever life together!!!

Dirty Hands


Throne of God

“He lifted me out of the slimy pit,

out of the mud and mire;

He set my feet on a rock

and gave me a firm place to stand.

He put a new song in my mouth,

a hymn of praise to our God. “

Psalm 40:2-3 NIV

There is nothing anyone can do to us that is greater than what Jesus has forgiven each one of us for and that gives us high ground perspective with which to extend forgiveness to each other!!! We all need and have grace the same!!! Yay!!! We can be glad for each other that our muck and mire of all the past has all been removed and we can be glad for each other that we are all holy Ambassadors of heaven, without blemish, without accusation and without condemnation!!! We can be glad for each other that we are each fearfully and wonderfully made, uniquely created, gifted, fully equipped and supernaturally all powered up with our Father’s Spirit in us to carry out divine purpose in this world for our Father’s Kingdom!!! Whoot, whoot, whoot!!! YYYEEESSS!!! We are awesome rockin’ saints and loved with unfailing, unconditional love by our Father equally through our faith – so let us love each other that way as we are all standing the same on high ground of His grace together!!!

Hands of Commitment

Oh, now that thought just makes me smile as I begin this day and I want you each to know you are loved, cherished and seen as a gift in my life!!!

People Smiles

I am sooo thankful our Father is relational and He desires that we have life together and love each other as we are loved ourselves!!! Have a great day journeying on the high holy ground of life where He has you!!! Oh, it’s gonna be a divine adventure all day long!!! How exciting it is gonna be to travel with our Father today!!!

Hands Joined In Worship

I’m a gal lifting the name of our sweet Daddy on high today as this songs says here. 

Cross with People WOrshipping

Love you all tons!!!

The “Son”ny side of Life

Oh, having the warmth of the sunshine is sooo delightful in life!!! I recently went for a walk along the river and found the places with the rays of the sun so inviting in the cool spring air.

How awesome that our Father gives us the light and warmth of the sun!!!


Opening up the curtains and letting the light of the sun’s rays enter in makes such a cheery difference in the room’s atmosphere and as I ponder that today, I can’t help but think that all of life is that way when it comes to seeing life through the light and warmth of the Son Jesus in our lives!!!

 Warmth in Light of God

Every day we have choices to choose how we look at life and the best pathway to choose to walk down is always the one that takes the hand of our sweet Lord with us!!! I sooo agree with the Apostle Paul when He wrote:

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”

He then goes on to remind us as saints “The Lord is near. Let your gentleness be evident to all.”

Given that, his recommendation to us in life is this:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

And the result of that is this:

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Then what?

Take captive our thoughts in obedience to the mind of our sweet Father for victory over the enemy in life!!! Oh, that is the warmth and inviting light of the Son for sure!!! As Paul says:

“…whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.”

Philippians 4:4-8 NIV

Keeping on the sunny side of life in walking the trail of life feels warm and inviting and so does walking on the “Son”ny side of life in our spiritual lives as this song says here.


Enjoy the warmth of our Father’s all-wise, all-powerful, all-loving light where you are today, precious saints!!! Our Father is sovereign and working good through all things in our lives so that we have the divine life and that is the very best one for us!!! Now how awesome is that to have what is the very best out of all the choices around us!!! He gets the big picture in life and we are blinded to that!!! I am sooo thankful that He sees ahead for us and always is the “Son” to light the trail before us, the warmth of His love covering our backs and His rays of goodness all around us!!! Oh, those thoughts just feel so warm and comforting to me today!!! How about you?!! Got the warmth of the “Son” with ya today??? Paul tells us how to above!!! So thankful for life with Jesus with us all today!!! Much love to you wherever you are!!!

Job 1

Miraculous day greetings to each of you, beloved family of saints!!!!!!! I am sooo thankful for the blessing of being able to be in life with you all today!!!!!!!

Hands Joined In Worship

Worthy is the Lord of praise and adoration, for without Him, none of us would be, would have anything, or be able to do anything in all of life!!! Amen?!! Often we as people can cry out to our Father for His help in life, but then we can get busy and forget to go back and thank God for His kindnesses to us and His divine responses to our prayers. I love what is said in our Father’s Word about His heart for His people to seek a place of sacrifice to Him, a place to feast and rejoice in all that we undertake, in which the Lord our God has blessed us. (Dt 12:5-7). In keeping with honoring our Father’s heart to be worshipped – loved upon, let us take some time today and make it our job #1 to worship He who makes all things possible for us in life!!! Let us offer up to Him our sacrifices of praise and feast in on His love and kindness to us as we reflect upon His help in life!!! I sooo agree with these Words:

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”

Revelation 4:11

Great is the Lord

Here are some worship songs that we can all utilize to help us in our time of worship of our best friend in the whole world – our sweet King Jesus, who loves each one of us as His kids with unfailing, unconditional love!!! He is forever faithful and forever for us and He is our victory!!! I’m a gal praising Him today for all that He is and His love for each of us!!! Enjoy His presence and love for you today wherever you are!!!

Cross with People WOrshipping

Sustained, Thankful and Thriving With Love

It is with a thankful heart that I approach life today with you all, dear family!!! Our Father is sooo for us and wants us to stay focused on all the blessings He gives to us each day!!! He is all about taking good care of us – sustaining us and more!!! Some thoughts live here!

Grateful Heart

Tree of Love Fruit

Our Father not only sustains us, but He desires that we thrive in His love with Joy!!!

Two Hands of Hearts

Jesus bore the marks on His hands to show us His love and to give us victory forever!!! Let’s step out into life with hearts of joy and love one another with the love of our sweet Father today!!! His love sooo makes me smile!!! Much love to you all wherever you are!!!