Rivers of Gratitude

Oh the thanksgiving is flowing out of my heart with you, precious saints of faith!!! Jesus is with us and His blessings are everywhere around us to be seen and within us as His Holy Spirit pours out to our Spirit the desire to shout out “Abba Father” to He who has created us in His love and who gives us all things heavenly!!! Oh I sooo agree with His written Word (His love letter – the Bible) that says:

“As high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His lovingkindness toward those who fear (reverence) Him.” 

Psalm 103:11

Not only are our sweet Father’s blessings visible all around us, but they are within us as His beloved as well:

“He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'”

John 7:38

One of the best secrets to victory life is to listen to our Father’s voice in our innermost being as He speaks life into us from His LIVING WATERS. Oh His love and encouragement to our souls truly makes all the difference in the world as we believe His heart for us that we are His people in whom He delights and smiles upon just because we believe in Him!!! Now how awesome is that – we believe in Him and He believes in us as His all right kingdom kids without us doing a single thing but having a heart of faith that He loves us and is our forever Savior, never to leave us nor forsake us!!! Such a blessed deal forever!!! WOOOHOOO!!! PUT ON THE DANCING IN VICTORY SHOES!!!

As we fill up with His perfect love for us, His lovingkindness brings to life repentance – a change within our hearts (a mindset that says I’m going with your heart, Father) and apart from His Spirit at work in us, we can do nothing, not even breathe. Therefore, let us be alive in trusting in Him who always leads us in triumphant procession through His sufficient grace for us. He works good through all things in our lives, so as we stay open to His Holy Spirit to pour into us as His whom He flat out gets excited about doing life with, it’s gonna be a good day of seeing heaven on the move in us, through us and all around us to work through all circumstances heavenly as we stay connected to Him!!!

We can have peace even when life flares up issues that are upsetting because we know that as we pray about them with full awareness that Father is near, we can rejoice and have thanksgiving that He is indeed with us and that He is able to help us in perfect divine ways that is beyond all we can ask or imagine!!! Now how awesome is that to have heaven’s help to make us more than conquerors in all things thru Christ Jesus who loves us!!!  Therefore, our minds can be guarded in Him with His peace that transcends all understanding.

As we pray and stay calm in Him, He will guide our hearts in what we need to do if anything and He will work in His own razzle dazzle ways to bring heaven to earth!!! Truly Father is our river of living waters in our innermost being that takes us from earthly life to heavenly life so let us stay close to our lifestream of Jesus today!!! I’m a gal doing so with you and enjoying the love, grace and victory of Jesus as our everything with a heart filled full of thanksgiving with ya!!! Sooo thankful we are kingdom family together forever, even now!!! Happy and smiling!!! I like this song here that talks about how His rivers of living water raises us up in amazing grace!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! FLOWING WITH JESUS WITH YA’S WHEREVER HE IS MOVING YOU IN LIFE TODAY!!!




Worshipping Jesus

Evening greetings, everybody!!! We have so much to be thankful for and as we near the end of 2016 and look to a new year moving forward, what better time to reflect upon the precious gift of Jesus in our lives. I want to share Psalm 91 with you today and this link to some of top Christian worship songs of the past year. I want to encourage you to take 30 minutes today and spend time worshipping our source of life and every good and perfect gift that we enjoy in life!!! Jesus is worthy of praise and adoration!!! Psalm 91 link:


Worship songs link:

Have a great day reflecting upon the many blessings we have in He who loves us as His forever kingdom family forever!!! He is our victory!!! Much love!!! 🙂 Happy and smiling!!!

Made the Grade

Blessed (happy) day to you, precious family!!! I smile in the peace of Father’s love for me today that rises me up above all cares of life!!! Oh when our Father smiles upon us, you just feel like you are on top of the world and we are!!! Our Father tells us this:

“No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ who loves us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow–not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below–indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Romans 8:37-39 NLT



As I reflect upon my own past memories of being a school girl, I recall the pressure or anxiety I used to feel when I was about to receive my report card at the end of the year that told me if I had passed for the year and would be given the opportunity to enter the next grade and not have to remain where I was. It was always such a relief to know that I had qualified or was accepted into the next class. It gave me peace and relief. Today, my Father gives me that same kind of peace for which I am thankful to Him for when He tells us that through our faith in Christ that we are “qualified” or fitted for sharing in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. We have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness. We have made the highest grade!!! To that I say “Wooohooo!!!” That feels so good!!! My Father tells me that He desires that we all have that good feeling and peace and that is why He gave the Apostle Paul and now each of us the request to open the eyes of others, to school them and turn them from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Jesus. We have been sanctified, meaning we have been passed on from the kingdom of darkness, have been freed from sin and death and are now set apart as a holy saint destined to inherit all of the riches of the Kingdom of Christ. Now that thought just makes my day!!! Isn’t it a great feeling to know we are qualified by the best?!! Celebrating with ya with His peace of mind as I step out into the day!!!



If you would like to know more about God’s freedom for you or someone you know, here is more information to help you:


I close with this song of peace here that we are no longer slaves to fear in Christ Jesus!!! I praise His name with you today who has forever seated us in His heavenly kingdom as royal kingdom family!!! Oh that feels good to my soul to have that blessed assurance!!! It just makes me smile!!!


Col 1:12-14; Ac 26:12-18; Mt 28:19; Eph 2:4-9; Romans 8:37-39

Grace Content

Good morning, ya’ll wherever you are today!!! It’s a beautiful day here in Idaho where I am and I give thanks to Jesus with you for His gift of life together!!! His grace is amazing to us all every day!!! He has made life in our personal relationship with Him all about our relationship being more important than perfect performance for He knows that as humans on this earth there is no way that anyone can perform perfectly, therefore, He performed perfectly on the cross so that we could have a beautiful love relationship with Him thru our faith in His work to defeat our enemy in this world!!! Now how sweet is He to care about you and me that much!!! Because of faith in Him and His big ole heart of love, our Father tells us this:

“And although you were formerly alienated and hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds, yet He has now reconciled you in His fleshly body through death, in order to present you before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach–if indeed you continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven of which I, (Paul) was made a minister.”

Colossians 1:21-23

Grace flows into us of faith – how is Father’s grace moving your heart to let it flow out to those around you in life today??? YOU and JESUS team bring the beauty of heaven to earth as YOU step into life to love!!! Sooo proud of you for doing so!!! A coach who understood our Father’s heart once said of his team’s efforts although they did not win every game: “We did a great job and the kids and my life are enriched by it and I will take that!!!” 🙂 Me, too!!! Divine sisterly love to you all as you go thru this day with Jesus with ya!!! I am always blessed by this song here of Father’s amazing love and grace:

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The Victor of Life

Sometimes in life, we experience hard things, traumas, disasters, accidents and some of these things can leave us wondering where God is in the midst of them. Sometimes things happen to us as people because of our lack of good choice, lack of knowledge, purposefully putting ourselves at high risks that as Jesus said in response to Satan’s temptation: “It is also written: Do not put the Lord your God to the test.” Jesus was tempted by Satan to throw Himself off the highest point of the temple when Satan said to Him “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written: “He will command His angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.”  Matthew 4:5-7

Eyes Fixed on Jesus

Unless it is very clear that God is asking us to do something risky to carry out His will, His plan and His purpose for us making a difference in this world, He does not want us to live life recklessly, but rather with the making of wise choices to take care of our bodies as His holy temples. If He is calling us to do something risky, He will see us thru it and give us the exact number of days that are meant for us to have to complete our purpose in this life!!! Jesus was on a high-risk mission and our Father kept Him alive for the purpose of going to the cross for all people to have eternal life forever in His paradise kingdom with Him. There was a point on the cross when Jesus cried out “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” Jesus at that moment represented all the sin of all mankind and our Father has nothing to do with sin, so Jesus’ body tasted death, but did God abandon Him??? Not at all, it was with the Father’s love that Jesus went thru what He did on this earth, descended into hell to retrieve the keys to freedom back from the enemy and He was raised up to new life and seated next to His Father in His heavenly kingdom where “He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.” (Romans 8:27)

Jesus is Our Champion

Loving Jesus

Jesus desires that we as His children have a personal love relationship with Him not just us jumping thru hoops of rules and regulations to please Him. He has set us free from having to earn heaven on our own because we cannot!!! It is only thru our faith in His rescue of us on the cross, His death and resurrection that we are set free from the enemy of this world and the wages of sin that Satan brought upon all people!!! Those wages were death and forever eternal separation from God!!! That is no more our worry as His kids thru our faith in His love gift to us of Him taking our place on the cross!!! WOOOHOOO!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!! FOREVER HIS WE ARE!!! PUT ON THE DANCING SHOES AND SHOUT OUT HOOORAY!!! SMILE BIG!!! 🙂

Our Father’s wrath and judgement and power against evil along with the ability to give and take life, is evident from time to time when disasters are allowed in this world. These should be wake-up calls to the people of the world that God is and life is fragile!!! If this world were perfect without any hardships, why would people give any thought to God??? It is most likely that they would eat, drink, be merry, give into pleasures of the flesh without thought to what life is truly all about!!! If a baby is never told no in life, if it never learns boundaries or that there are dangers to fear, how does it ever learn to live life well and rightly with true life perspective???

Jesus Helping Kids

In the Bible, there is a man by the name of Job of whom it is said was “blameless, upright, fearing God and turning away from evil,” but the enemy of this world tested his faith and because Job recognized that His life was in the hands of an all-powerful, all-wise God that was beyond him and the very giver of his life, he bowed in respect to his Father, knowing that His Father was the source of all he was and all he had in life. Without God we would be nothing, have nothing, nor could we do anything!!! Job’s faith held up in the test by Satan and our Father’s blessings upon Job were greater in the end than they had been before because of His faithfulness in not losing hope!!! Hopefully as people realize the power of God and the promises of our God that are good, are wise, are of love and for our eternal victory, they will be moved to choose to look to Him, to walk with Him thru this life as their personal Savior who is not tempted to do evil. Our Father’s heart is that none perish, but evil will have no part of His kingdom!!! It is only open to those who have faith in Him as their Savior!!!

“For God so loved the world that He gave His One and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”

John 3:16

Christ Lion of Judah

Our Father is a kind and compassionate God who cried with Mary and Martha when they lost their brother to sickness and death and He raised him up again to new forever life. He also saw Mary’s heartbreak with her son’s crucifixtion and He gave her a new son to take His place when His life here was complete. Even in His leaving this earth, His promise is that He will not leave us as orphans, but that He would come to us and He has by indwelling us as His kids of faith with His Holy Spirit in our hearts to lead us, guide us, empower us and seal us to Him as forever His!!! “It is He who works in us to will and act according to His purpose and thru our faith in Him, He says He sees us as “holy, without blemish, without accusation and with no condemnation.”  Our Father takes care of His people and created us to be His people, His forever Kingdom family if we choose to be. He does not tolerate evil though and neither should we!!! Life and death is something that is a serious matter and our Father desires that we be ready for the day when He calls us from this earth to our eternal home with Him. Will you be ready??? It can happen at any moment!!! So no matter what happens in this life, for whatever the divine reason, as our Father’s kids, we can know this – we are forever safe in Him!!! Nothing can separate us from His love and in all these things, we overwhelmingly conquer thru Him who loves us!!! (Romans 8:37-39)

Cross Eternal Life


Until that point in time that we are moved from this earth, let us move thru life walking in Spirit with Him who is everything that is all power, all right, all good, all true and all love!!! We are here on a mission to share this good news!!! We are here with a purpose and His grace shall be sufficient always for us to carry it out as He moves with us thru it!!!

Trusting Jesus

Jesus Delighting in Me

Jesus and His Disciples

Jesus smiling

Should we face hardship in life, this we can know: Our Father is with us, never will He leave us nor forsake us and we know that God works all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son…” (Romans 8:28-29) Now how awesome is that of an opportunity to bring our Father glory in this world that sooo needs to know of Him and His plans for us that are for our good and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) We are in the midst of a spiritual battle being fought in the heavenly realms our Father tells us in His Word!!!


Let us trust in He who loves us always as this song says here. Much love to you wherever you are!!! We are never alone – we have our Father and each other always and forever!!! Oh that thought just makes me smile!!! 🙂

God Crowning Man

“Behold I am coming quickly and My reward will be with Me to render to every man (and woman) according to what he (she) has done.”

Revelation  22:12 NASB

We are saved by faith and not by works. We get to be a vessel of our Father’s love and light in this world, not because we have to for salvation, but because we get to thru His power moving in us thru faith in His finished work on the cross that has forever saved us and made us His family!!! Exciting!!!

Bacon Saved

Hee, hee, hee!!! I chuckle this day as our Father speaks to my heart about a group of brothers that found themselves in a bit of a predicament!!! It all started with a little brother named Joseph who had been given our Father’s grace in a very special unique way that was different from his brothers, his father’s other sons. Young Joseph was also said to be more loved by his earthly father than the other brothers because Joseph was his son of his old age and his father made him a colored tunic.


Coat of Many Colors

Coat of Many Colors Alone

Joseph and Father Love

Because of this and also the divine revelation given to their little brother thru dreams about the future, Joseph’s brothers were jealous and hated him. One day when the father sent Joseph to go check on his brothers who were pasturing the flock for him, the jealous brothers saw Joseph approaching from afar and schemed to kill him, throw him in a pit and tell their father that a wild beast ate him. One of the older brothers of Joseph spoke against his murder, so they ended up stripping him of the colored tunic that their father had made Joseph, throwing him into a pit and when a group of Ishmaelites were passing by, they sold Joseph to them. The Ishmaelites took him to Egypt and sold him to an Egyptian officer of the Pharaoh.

Joseph Thrown into Pit

Pit Happens

Sold into Slavery.jpg

Because the Lord was with Joseph in his circumstances, he became a successful man, a ruler of Egypt and was ultimately set over all the land of Egypt!!! Shazam!!! Talk about a divine Father at miracle work for His kid of faith thru prayer – well, our Father did one in this story!!! WOOOHOOO!!! GO FATHER!!! 🙂

Smiling Boy

Now our Father works in mysterious and amazing ways and this new divine God-given position came in quite handy when it came famine time and Joseph was able to be a dream come true to his brothers when they found themselves in a place of need, having to go to Egypt and ask for food. Guess who they had to ask for it from??? Yep, none other than their little brother Joseph whom they had sold out of their hearts and lives moved by jealousy towards him!!! Joseph recognized them, but they did not recognize him, so after dealing with his emotions, having them go thru some divinely discerned steps to test and teach his brothers’ hearts about honesty and at the same time accomplish the needed steps to deal rightly with the situation, he provided for their needs abundantly and moved them to Egypt to be near him and to care for them all well with the glorious riches of the Lord’s provision for them!!! Oh, have you ever heard of God’s grace moving in a heart??? It did thru Joseph!!!

Joseph with Brothers.jpg

After being reunited together again as family, their father passed away and the brothers out of fear of not knowing how Joseph would act towards them now that their father was dead, the brothers put words into a sent message to Joseph written in the personage of their dead father saying: “Please forgive, I beg you, the transgression of your brothers and their sin, for they did you wrong.” And now, please forgive the transgression of the servants of God of your father.” Joseph wept when he heard those words. His brothers stepped forward and bowed down before him just as the dream given to Joseph as a boy had revealed and they said to Joseph “Behold, we are your servants.” But Joseph seeing their worried hearts over their sin, Joseph spoke words of grace to them again, saying:

“Do not be afraid, for am I in God’s place? As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive. So therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones.” So he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.

Genesis 50:19-21

Unwavering Faith

Oh our Father’s sweet loving grace is sooo beautiful in life to us as His kids of faith!!! Joseph’s words had to have been much to all their relief in more ways than one to see that the Lord had saved their bacon, so to speak – that means to save someone’s skin or neck or hide!!! Oh now that thought just makes me smile!!! 🙂

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Pigs Fly

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Oh they all came out smelling like a divine rose full of the fragrance of our Father’s love, power, grace and purpose!!!

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That is what our sweet Jesus does for us as His kids as we look to him to help us in life!!!

What does our Father speak to your hearts as you reflect upon this story, sweet family??? In our life relationships, we are all human and we are in the midst of a spiritual battle between Satan and our Father. Satan is always seeking to destroy families and relationships and our Father is always working to save them and bring into them forgiveness, love, peace, purpose and His forever blessings.

Jesus Battling Jesus

As I reflect upon this story, these questions I reflect upon: Where do we need to trust our Father in difficult circumstances to “save our bacon”??? Where do we need to extend grace to bless others around us??? Where do we need to ask for forgiveness??? Where do we need to work together to bring about our Father’s will, His plan and His purpose??? Much love to you all wherever you are!!! I always say that everyday is like Christmas with Jesus with us as our Savior and this story of sweet reunion and reconciliation sure has a familiar ring to it as I think about how our sweet Father sent His One and only son into the world to save us, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life with Him in His eternal kingdom with us all as His beloved children of faith!!! Now if that don’t just wag the tail on the end of a puppy, I don’t know what will do so!!! 🙂

Wagging Tail

I love happy endings and all the in between, too – being in our good loving Father’s care always as we experience life together as His kids of faith!!! Father’s grace – it always finds us to save our bacon as this song says here!!! YYYIIIPPPEEE!!!




Seeking Jesus

May Christmas and the New Year be a time of deep reflection upon our Savior and His heart for us as His family of saints…As King David desired, may we all have a heart after the heart of God: “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast Spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10

Seeking Jesus…what a beautiful way to celebrate the gift of our Savior entering into our world!!! It makes for a merry heart – a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year as we find Him!!! Oh that thought just makes me smile!!! 🙂image

The Divine Surprise to Prayer

Wooohooo!!! Have you ever prayed and asked our Father for His help in life and found His help to be one great big divine surprise, but different than you thought??? Oh, life with our Father can be such exciting adventure!!!


More live here!!!

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” 

Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

Are you open to letting the divine glory of the Lord rise up into your life, dear saint??? Never will He leave us nor forsake us!!! (Hebrews 13:5) I love this song here!!! It gets me all inspired about the divine surprises Father longs to delight me with in life to His glory being revealed to me, into me and out into the world all around me!!! 🙂 Oh, our sweet Father knows how to give good gifts to us as His beloved children of faith in Him!!! We can trust Him always for the best in life!!! He always just makes me smile!!!

The Meaningful Life of Joy

King Solomon was a very interesting Biblical character. He is said to have dreamed of asking God for wisdom to guide God’s people and our Father’s Spirit did in deed give him great wisdom, to the point that he was said to be the wisest, richest and most powerful man in the world and he was sought out by people all over the world for his wisdom. King Solomon learned a lot from experience and part of that experience that taught him much was going through a time in his life where he turned his eyes to the world and all that it could offer to him as a means of providing him fulfillment in life. The result was that he proclaimed everything in the world as worthless!!!

King Solomon’s name means “peace,” but he enjoyed none of it while he wrote his book about all that was “under the sun.” During the process, he grew deflated, depressed and disillusioned about life based on living for this world. He lost the wind in his sail would be one way to say it or you could also say it that he lost all of his joy as he contemplated life “under the sun” without God. YIKES and how sad would that be?!! Oh, let’s not go there!!!

Choose Jesus

Because King Solomon gave up his true mission in life for a time to study the world without God, he teaches us these things thru his experience:

  • There is no profit. Life without God is an exercise in futility. Generations come and go and all we do is move stuff around. “What profit has a man from all his labor in which he toils under the sun? One generation passes away, and another generation comes; but the earth abides forever.” Ecclesiastes 1:3-4
  • There is no purpose. The sun rises only to set again, endlessly repeating a meaningless cycle. Wind blows, river flows, all in monotony. “The wind goes towards the south, and turns around to the north; the wind whirls about continually, and comes again on its circuit. All the rivers run into the sea. Yet the sea is not full; to the place from which the rivers come, there they return again.” Ecclesiastes 1:5-7
  • There is no progress. There is no satisfaction; there’s nothing new under the sun, nor pleasant remembrance of earlier life. “All things are full of labor; Man cannot express it. The eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing. That which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which it may be said, “See, this is new”? It has already been in ancient times before us. There is no remembrance of former things, nor will there be any remembrance of things that are to come by those who will come after.” Ecclesiastes 1:8-11

When a person seeks to live in life without an eternal divine perspective, they fall into the trap of meaninglessness life mindset. Having significant, meaningful goals are important. With King Solomon’s experience and conclusion of life “under the sun” without God, it is learned that:

  • If nothing worthwhile exists under the sun, our only hope must lie above it.
  • If the person with everything investigated every visible delight and still wound up unsatisfied, then what satisfies must be invisible.
  • If the wisest man on earth finds no answers under heaven, then we must look to heaven itself for those answers.

Our Father tells us in His Word, His written love letter to us so that we understand there is meaning to our lives here and a divine eternal purpose as His royal children of God:

“For I know the plans that I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” 

Jeremiah 29:11

Words of Jesus are Sweet

He also tells us we find those plans in this way:

“Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord…”

Jeremiah 29:12-14

Plug In to Prayer

As we pray, look to what our Father tells us in His written Word, the Bible, of which King Solomon’s added experienced wisdom lends to, we learn and understand what life here on earth is all about, what our Father’s heart is for us and the correct perspective of things of this life. We learn that we are loved and cared for and part of heavenly support system that is actually leading to a forever grand plan of bliss for us and that the things we do here on earth make a difference here and there!!! It is in the knowledge of this and personally experiencing the reaffirmation of God’s Holy Spirit manifesting to us each that our faith is made genuine!!! Personally experiencing our Father’s reassurance that we are His beloved child, heirs into His glorious kingdom of riches with Christ and seeing the power of His Spirit working in our personal lives, it gives life true meaning, joy and delight in loving our King of Glory back for His love that first loved us and made forever life with Him all possible through Jesus!!! I am sooo thankful our sweet Father has a meaningful life and plan for us as His kids!!! WOOOHOOO!!! I’m a gal going with His love, grace, joy, peace and power in life and I delight with my Father who loves me forever and you too as His child of faith in Christ Jesus!!! Now how awesome and meaningful is all of that to a heart!!! Our Father spoke to King Solomon and told him that “what a person desires is unfailing love.”  (Proverbs 19:22)  I am glad King Solomon finally realized the value of our Father and that all of life is meaningful with Him!!! He concluded:

“Fear (reverence) God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.”

Ecclesiastes 12:13

The WOrd of God

god's love story

As we study the Bible as a whole and in context, we understand that we are all created and saved for God’s eternal Kingdom by His love and grace through the story of Christ’s finished work on the cross and not by our own works or duty, but our Father has given us His Word or commandments to guide us in life and help us understand the meaning of our lives here and what is the best for us to know in life to have a good life and His abundant joy!!! We learn He has a divine purpose for each of our lives and we are each one created special and equipped to carry out that purpose here on earth!!! I am sooo thankful to have Jesus in my life!!! Is there a place in your life that is lacking abundant joy, dear one??? Ask our Father and He can and will show His kids what they need to see to have fullness of joy in Him!!! Now how sweet is He to want that for us!!!

God Direct My Life

I love this song here that speaks of the joy of the Holy Spirit with us as His kids of faith!!! Let’s go for that divine plan in life together with Father, shall we?!! Much love to you where you are!!!

Created CHosen and Called

The No Problemo Life

When we have Jesus as our Savior in life through our faith in what He did on the cross for all people, we reap benefits in life that make us forever victorious:

  • We are rescued from the wages of sin because He paid it all for us on the cross which satisfied the holiness of our perfect God
  • We are forgiven for all of our sins throughout all of our life here on earth
  • We are given a royal inheritance as children of God of all the glorious riches of Christ Jesus – co-heirs with Him
  • We receive the power of His Holy Spirit within us to guide us in Truth and empower us supernaturally
  • We have forever life in God’s paradise kingdom of heaven
  • We are reconciled into a personal relationship with our Father that is sooo secure that nothing can separate us ever from Him and His love for us

These are the greatest victory gifts in all of life that override any issues we have in this earthly life!!! Imagine Jesus saying it like this:

No Problemo Jesus

Oh that thought just makes me smile and gives me all kinds of confidence because I know that there is nothing in life that can ever defeat me or you, dear one!!! Jesus has us forever in His all-powerful, all-wise, all-loving, all victorious care in all things!!! He tells us this in His Word:

“…in all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”

Boxer Champion

More Than A COnqueror

More Than Conquerors

Just as it was in the days of the Israelites as they looked to God, that God took care of His people as they were pursued by the enemy in life, so it is for us in this modern-day. King David understood this victorious perspective when he wrote:

“In my anguish I cried to the Lord,

and he answered me by setting me free.

The Lord is with me; he is my helper.

I will look in triumph on my enemies.”

Cross and Hands Broke Free

The Apostle Paul spoke the same confidence in Jesus when He said:

“So we say in confidence,

The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.

What can man do to me.”

He said this because of our Father’s promise to us as His kids:

“Never will I leave you;

never will I forsake you.”

God Our Help

A personal relationship with Jesus and focusing on our Father’s promises does take away a person’s anxiety by shaping our perspective in life to that which is of our Father and He is always at work to bless us as His kids as we look to Him. He helps us in life like none other and can do so because of His being all-powerful and these abilities He has that we read about in Psalm 139:

  • He knows our every thought, every word and every move.
  • He direct us no matter where we go.
  • He knows no hopeless or helpless situation.
  • He formed every complex detail of our bodies, minds and spirits.
  • He constantly thinks of us and is concerned with the details of our individual lives.
  • He searches our hearts and will purify our motives.

Father’s heart for us is this:

  • Rejoice in the Lord always!!! Wooohooo!!! Rejoice!!!
  • Let our gentleness be evident to all because we know the Lord is near. We need not fret or freak out!!! 🙂
  • Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
  • Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.
  • Whatever we have learned or received or heard from Father, put it into practice as it is the best stepping in life to help us. We are already saved by grace and not by works, but Father’s wisdom helps us live well in this life!!!

The results of this:

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus.”

The God of peace will be with us always because of our faith in His grace upon us, in us and at work all around us always!!!

Power of Christ

So, life because of our faith in our sweet Jesus is “no problemo” because it is a divinely victorious life as Jesus has us in His grip of power and love!!! It doesn’t mean there won’t be challenges, but rather that Jesus with us is greater than any challenges before us!!! Now that just makes me smile always!!! Let us trust in our sweet Father’s desires for us to cast all our cares on Him and let Him do the supernatural that He does sooo perfectly to bring us peace and rejoicing in all of life!!! Love this song here!!! Casting away cares on Jesus, trusting Him and rejoicing in His victory with you is what we can confidently do together, sweet family!!! Sooo thankful we can do so together forever!!! 🙂

Psalm 118:5-7; 139; Hebrews 13:5-6; Philippians 4:4-9