The Sparkle of YOU

God gives every believer spiritual gifts to be used in ministry to gift others (Romans 12:6-8). There are different gifts for different believers (1 Corinthians 12:4-6). They are gifted by the Holy Spirit, thus only to believers (1 Corinthians 12:7). Each one of us is a different part of the church body. It is important that we not expect all believers to be the same part as us. However, just because we do not have a particular gift does not mean that there will not be times when God does desire you to carry out a particular task, for example: you may not have the gift of evangelism, but we all have the responsibility for the Great Commission. It may not be your gift, or an activity that you love, but somebody has to change the diapers on the babies in the nursery! It is important that we remember that none of us are the complete body by ourselves. It is also important that we not think more of ourselves than we ought to (Romans 12:3). Spiritual gifts are chosen by God (1 Corinthians 12:14-20). They are equally important so jealousy towards another person’s gifts is foolish (1 Corinthians 12:21-27). You can have more than one gift and they can change or be flamed into action more at one time than another. God is our enabler who gives us what we need to accomplish what He wants to accomplish through us and when (1 Corinthians 12:6, Philippians 2:13). HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! Powerful saints we are with Him at work in us!!!


Discovering your spiritual gifts takes time. Experience that comes from stepping out and trying some different areas of ministry is necessary to affirm our true gifts. When you are using your gift(s), you will enjoy it and when people are saying or showing that what you are doing is bearing fruit in their lives or saying that you are good at doing something in particular, these are indicators that you are working in your area(s) of giftedness. You will not learn this apart from trying. Try your hand at doing some things where you think you might be gifted and ask God to reveal the reality of your giftedness in that area. Try serving in several different ways, not just in the areas that assessment tests suggest (I’ll talk more about that later). Don’t worry about finding the perfect fit right away. Allow yourself to learn as you experiment. Consider one-time serving to try out different ministry areas. After each serving, ask yourself:

1) Was the work meaningful to you?

2) Was your emotional energy higher or lower after you served? Were you energized or drained?   Connecting your spiritual gift with an area of passion is the key to ultimate effectiveness and fulfillment in serving. It is also one of the keys to maintaining energy in serving.

3) Do you enjoy serving with the people involved?

4) Does it fit well with your schedule and time frame for the serving opportunity? You may discover that one part of a serving opportunity feels great while another part doesn’t, so use what you learn, both positive and negative to inform your next experiment. Don’t wait to be asked. Just step out! Whether your first step reveals your ideal serving spot or begins a slow process of self-discovery, it will provide invaluable opportunity to invite God to reveal your calling, your gifts and your passion.

 Run For the Vision

There are assessment tools available to help give you a hint at what you may be gifted at doing, but do not consider the results all-inclusive or an absolute indicator. As I just mentioned, experience will be the true test. DO NOT BE PIGEONHOLED BY TESTS! Assessment tools can give you some areas to think about and pray about. If you take the tests, it is important to be honest in your answers as to how you really are and not how you think you should be. The only should is that you should be yourself – how God made you!   A Spiritual Gifts Analysis that you can consider that offers personalized and instant results is available through the Internet by typing into the search engine:

       Church Growth Institute

You need to select FREE Spiritual Gifts Analysis – Church Growth.

If you do not have access to the Internet, you can also order a booklet test by calling the Church Growth Institute at 1-800-553-GROW (4769).

There are many assessment tools available through the internet and in book form to assist you in determining “Spiritual Gifts.” They vary in what they include, in that they may test for some or all of the “Spiritual Gifts” that the Bible refers to in Romans 12:6-8, Ephesians 4:11 and 1 Corinthians 12:1-14, but they may add other abilities and talents found throughout the Bible as well.

There are also different opinions as to what a “Spiritual Gift” is – some will say that they are limited to select gifts while others say a spiritual gift is anything that a person can do supernaturally well.

The “Spiritual Gifts” referred to in the “Running Your Road of Purpose” Bible study are the “gifts” referred to in Romans 12:6-8, Ephesians 4:11 and 1 Corinthians 12:1-14. They are listed below:

Romans 12:6-8                                  Ephesians 4:11                       1 Corinthians 12:1-14

Prophecy                                           Apostleship                             Wisdom

Serving                                              Prophecy                                 Knowledge

Teaching                                           Evangelism                             Distinguishing spirits

Exhortation/Encouraging                 Pastoring                                Speaking in tongues

Giving                                               Teaching                                 Interpretation of


Leading                                                                                               Prophecy

Showing mercy                                                                                   Faith

                                                                                                            Miraculous Powers


Some believe that the operation of some of these gifts is limited to early Christianity – a time when people did not have the written Bible and they looked for miracles to determine if someone was truly of God. According to some Protestant denominations, some of the spiritual gifts, for example: speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues were enjoyed only for a short time and were suited to the Church’s infancy, not to later times. This view is known as “cessationism.” While many churches hold to this view, others do not. One opinion is sure, God cannot be put into a box and have it be said of Him that He would not equip a believer to utilize a particular gift to carry out a purpose if that was His desire for that person to do so.

Don’t get hung up in these issues. The point to remember is that all believers are gifted by the Holy Spirit to serve in a way(s) that builds the church. Assessment tools can be used to give you a hint at how you may be gifted, but they are not absolute or all inclusive as God gives us other abilities and talents as well through which He works His purpose for our lives. Experience is the key to truly understanding our uniqueness that God has given to each one of us for serving Him. Each one of us is specially equipped and none of us are indispensable to the body. To that I say, WOOOHOOO!!! LET’S GO IN THE GIFTING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT TO SHINE FORTH THE LOVE AND LIGHT AND VICTORY OF JESUS INTO THE WORLD WHEREVER HE HAS US AS HIS ENERGY WORKS SOOO POWERFULLY IN US AS THIS SONG SAYS HERE. I AM PROUD OF YOU FOR DOING SO, DEAR ONES!!!

Gift of Heaven

Loved in the Learning Times

Awesome day it is here moving thru life with Jesus, dear ones!!! I have been inspired and determined to work on some projects this week with great motivation by our Father’s Spirit at work in me!!! His Holy Spirit is stirring up His Holy Spirit fire in me to do so and I know all the while that His heart is for my best moving forward and I am excited about the opportunity of learning new things and trying something new!!! I want to share that with you today because sometimes life does take some focused effort to accomplish the divine life and thru my experience, there are times when our Father really flares my heart to run after a particular accomplishment and then there are other times when He moves my heart to go in a different direction or way, to rest and maybe just be still to perhaps reflect. Then all of a sudden, He can fuel my heart up with inspiration to begin again on a project to bring it to completion!!! All of it is a gift of life and awesome in each stage of Father’s working in us, thru us and all around us!!! Life is a gift everyday and a divine adventure for sure!!! Life with Jesus just makes me smile!!! 🙂 It gets me up everyday with enthusiasm!!!

Life has variation for each of us and that is good and divine in our Father’s plan for us “to bring us good and not harm, to give us hope and a future” as He promises to us in Jeremiah 29:11 of His Word!!! Now how awesome is our Father and how exciting is all of that in a life!!! As I ponder these thoughts, I think of the scenario of one working with a horse to bring about within it, its true divine purpose in life. Unless the horse is moved out to try new things, to carry out certain tasks that perhaps it experiences for the first time, it will not learn thru those times and it will not ever reach its full potential in life, nor will it learn to listen and have respect for its master. All of life is a learning experience that takes us from glory to glory!!!

A horse that is “trusting” in its master will step out and do what it is asked to do by its master.  A good horse master has ways of working with patience and perseverance to take the horse to a place of trust and divine light revelation and then victory can happen!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! The scenario is the same truth with us and our Father in heaven!!! I share this to encourage you as I have been so greatly encouraged that we are always loved with unfailing, unconditional love by Jesus and if we will just trust in Him, He will bring about beautiful things in our lives and work thru us to bless others around us, too!!! Oh that thought just makes me smile!!! In closing with what Father’s heart shares with me, I encourage us wherever we are in life to:

  • Trust and stay in relationship with God for the divine life to happen even if we don’t understand fully yet where it is leading to.
  • Let us realize God doesn’t expect us to be perfect. He loves us as we are even though He is working to bring changes into our lives!!!
  • Persevere in the divine running we know how to do during the tough times because it will bring victory as Father guides us and we can know He is working good thru those times!!!
  • Treasure and be thankful for the sweet things that Father brings into our lives to show us His heart of divine love and care for us!!! 🙂 Let us be thankful for even the challenging times in life for we can know that Jesus always wants us to know He is for us and not against us and working good thru those times as His written Word says:

“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all–how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:32)

I love this song here of Father’s love for us as His beloved children of faith!!! Let us take it to heart that we are loved and with that thought carried in mind with us, we can enjoy the divine adventure of moving to our awesome potential that Father is working to bring about in us thru all of our days until we are just like Him!!! This we can know!!! He sees us as His kids of faith in Him as holy and blameless, without accusation and without condemnation!!! (Romans 8:1) How exciting!!! LET’S GOOO GET THE DIVINE LIFE JESUS HAS FOR US!!! I’M GOING FOR IT WITH YA’S AND SOOO HAPPY TO BE!!! Running For Todd

Corn Rained on By Grace

Hi, precious family of saints!!! Father gives me the vision today of a farm crop that He has moved a farmer to plant on a land specifically for those who will find the crop useful to them. As the farmer sows the seed, our Father says this about it:

“Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God.”

Hebrews 6:7 NIV

Have you ever thought about wanting to have your life make a divine difference and as we seek our Father about it and we are pursuing the purpose in life that our Father has for us, that He will provide us the heart for exactly what is right for us as an individual and it will also be on the specific land or place where He wants you to be!!! He will provide you the grace to have the very seed to plant on the land and it will be seed that will produce a crop that is just right for a specific people group that He intends it for. He will also water with the rain of His grace what it is He has given you to plant, so that it produces a fruitful crop for those people!!! If a group of people are in need of corn and that is what our Father has you plant and He waters it so that it grows for them, the crop will be blessed for those people. If Father calls us to it, He will see us through it!!! HOORAH!!! LET THOSE WHO HAVE EARS HEAR!!! 🙂

Corn Crop

However, in so doing as Father calls you, those who are in want or need of “beans” may not be sooo thrilled with your corn crop!!! That is ok, family of saints!!! I encourage you to go forward with your corn crop that our Father has you growing!!! The people that want beans can go find beans and those whom are in need of the corn you plant, shall be blessed by your efforts to plant the corn seed Father gives to you!!! Find your encouragement in that He will water your corn seed and grow it so that those for whom the land is farmed receives the blessing of God!!! Now how precious is that to know that what our Father gives you the heart for in order to bless His people will be just right for them and that our Father will bless your efforts in being faithful to His call on your life!!! I’m a gal planting corn here as my Father’s Spirit provides the seed and waters it with His grace. If you are not among those for whom this corn crop is intended, well, I say in love – “beans.”

Bean Crop

I encourage you to go find the crop of “beans” you are looking for, but please don’t stand on our Father’s land of corn He is growing for those whom He wants to bless with it and criticize His corn crop because it isn’t the beans you want!!! Each person is given the grace for our Father’s specific purpose for them!!! For example: This corn crop here is all His, for apart from Him and His provision of grace, I can do nothing!!! As my Father continues to provide His grace of land, seed and rain and the growing of the corn here, I’m a gal that will keep on in that pursuit until the day He tells me the harvest is complete and we’re going to the homestead to rest from our work!!! 🙂 If my Father gives me corn seed, I cannot plant bean seed. Make sense??? So to that I say to my Father: “WOOOHOOO!!! LET’S GO FATHER!!! LET’S GROW CORN AS YOU DESIRE!!! I’M READY!!! I’M GOING!!! THANKS FOR THE PROVISION OF THE RAIN OF YOUR GRACE THAT SAYS YOU ARE WITH ME!!!” 🙂

Thank YOu For the Rain

Wherever our Father has you farming, saint, please know this and let this be your blessing as a farmer that stands above with our Father’s heart for you beyond those who demand something different from you than what our Father is asking you to plant:

“God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them.”

Hebrews 6:10 NIV

Keep on in our Father’s sufficient rain of grace for the crop He has you growing on His land of specific purpose to bless those He calls you to, dear ones!!! I hope you like corn as I would love to have you here, but if you need beans, I understand. It is what it is!!! We are all unique!!! Wherever He places us, may the crop of our Father’s glory rise fruitful among us each!!! I love this song here.

Jesus In the Differences

Oh we live in a world of diverse people, amen?!! I am thankful that we have a holy God who sets the standard of what is good and right for us in life and His Spirit guides us each one individually as we look to Him.

Girl Praying

Our Father gives us wisdom regarding eternal issues and absolute truths, but what about those “gray areas”–subjects that are questionable and maybe even fuzzy. Christians can differ on these issues and still be part of the same organization and/or family with the help of our Father’s Spirit with us!!! He leads each one of us individually!!! YAY!!! For example, for one person having a glass of wine may not be an issue before the Lord for one, but to an alcoholic struggling to overcome addiction that is destructive to their success in life, it can be a big issue!!! Oh the enemy of this world laughs at destroying people!!!

Jesus is Our Champion

There can be various examples where on some issues, scripture may not declare a definite right or wrong. So what to do??? Here are some thoughts to consider in pondering Romans 14 as we interact with others with different opinions from our own:

  • Be open, not condescending (vv. 1-3)
  • Remember that everyone answers to the Lord individually. (v. 4)
  • Cling to our own convictions spoken to us individually by the Lord. (v. 5)
  • Whatever our values, our motive should be to please our Father’s heart as it is best for us. (v. 6-9)
  • We are ultimately accountable to the Lord. (v. 10-12)
  • We should not cause anyone to stumble (v. 13)
  • We can hear the thoughts of others for a wise person is open to godly wisdom, but we should not let others impose their values on us and vice versa. Our Father is the only one authorized to lead us personally. (v. 14)
  • Make love our highest aim. (v. 15)
  • Major on the majors and minor on the minors. (vv. 16-18)
  • Pursue peace and adding value to people. (v. 19)
  • Let us not destroy anyone by imposing our values on them. (vv. 20-22)
  • Anything is of wrong motive that is not done out of personal faith in Jesus. (v. 23)

God as the VIne

These are good things to keep in mind dear family and in it all, we can know that one thing is true, everybody struggles in relationships because of the flesh and the enemy of this world and our Father extends us each loving and forgiving grace through our faith in His finished work on the cross.

Battle Already Won

Through our faith in Him, He sees us all as righteous, holy, without blemish and without accusation – with no condemnation!!! Bless Him!!! Even Jesus had challenges in this world and He was perfect!!! As His kids, it is important to see ourselves with the right mindset in remembering that it is He who works in us to will and to act according to His purpose, so we can rest in His personal guidance for us each one in all our relationships!!! YAY!!! Sweet Jesus victory is ours as He says:

“…in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.”

Romans 8:37 NIV


With You We Are Victorious

Our Father’s grace is sufficient to find us and see us through all of our lives as we trust in Him as this song says here!!! I sooo love that thought!!! It just makes me smile!!! 🙂

Conquering Life Divinely

There is power in the supernatural workmanship of how our Father created you, beloved family!!! To step out into life and try to be somebody that you are not made to be is like being an actor on the stage – it is a learned behavior or performance of being based upon a script written by someone else. To be that continually would be exhausting because it is not divinely natural and to live in that way of life would be to forever miss out on the pleasure of being the divine Masterpiece of the YOU that our Father created you to be!!! The world would forever miss out on the divine contribution of YOU into the world also!!! A good example of this is found in the story of David when he was presented with the opportunity to let God work through him with what God had invested into him to slay the Philistine giant for God’s people.  David presented his qualifications to King Saul in this way:

Your servant has been keeping his father’s sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock, I went after it, struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth. When it turned on me, I seized it by the hair, struck it and killed it. Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear, this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them. The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.

Despite David’s divine experience and ability, as he was getting ready to go, King Saul sought to write the script of how David should do the task as it is written:

“Saul said to David, “Go, and the Lord be with you.” Then Saul dressed David in his own tunic. He put a coat of armor on him and a bronze helmet on his head. David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around, because he was not used to them.

The result for David:

“I cannot go in these,” he said to Saul, “because I am not used to them.” So he took them off. Then he took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag and with his sling in his hand, approached the giant.

The result for David:

As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him. Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell facedown on the ground. So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone;  without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.

1 Samuel 17 NIV

David with Sling


I want to encourage your heart, precious one, that our Father has created each one of us unique and has given us life experiences to prepare us for life where he has us!!! David gave a new idea a try, but found his victory in trusting in the Lord to guide him personally in the best way for him. Not all the ideas of others are beneficial in life, but they do give us new experience as we reflect on them of what does and what doesn’t work for us!!! The moral of the story is that the Lord must be our guide in life and just because others make suggestions to us, it doesn’t mean that it is right for us in life!!! We can consider suggestions or Godly counsel, but let us always seek Jesus to guide us and go with what He puts in our heart as right for conquering life!!! Be YOU with Father with you confidently – it is the divine for victory!!! Much love to you wherever and however Father has you going for victory today!!! YOU and He can do life divinely as He is calling you to do today!!! Me and Father, too!!! WOOOHOOO!!! It’s going to be exciting adventure as we follow our Father where He leads us!!! I’m proud of you for going with Him into life, strong and courageous and confident in being the divine you with His help with you!!! Never will He leave us nor forsake us as we journey with Him!!! Bless our sweet Father for being our helper!!! 🙂 I love the journey through life on His shoulders!!! He is our hope and realization of victory that we can rely on as we experience life as this song says here.

Riding on Dad

The Love of Jesus on the Move

YIPPPEEE!! It’s a brand new day, family and our sweet Daddy has dove into our hearts through faith to empower us for living today!!! His love in us is on the move through us, blazing the trail of adventure for us each individually to follow!!! He wants each one of us to be His Ambassadors of heaven, a vessel through whom He works to share His light, love and power thru to all those He puts around us along the journey!!!

Horses on the Trail

Oh, it’s gonna be fun and it makes a difference in this world!!! More live here!!!

Two Horses on Road

I’m a gal fixing my eyes on Jesus as He leads us all into the world that has great need for Him!!! WOOOHOOO!!! I’m all excited about being Dad’s child with Him with you all where you are on the trail of life!! It’s gonna be a divinely powerful victorious day because Dad is fighting for us, lighting up the Kingdom all along the way and pushing back darkness as this song says here and oh, that all just makes me smile!!! Much love to you all as you ride a long with Dad leading us!!

Jesus riding7

Treasure the Divine You

You are special to our Father and to this world, beloved family!!!!!!! That is the message that our Father lays on my heart this morning as I have sought His heart!!! I love what He says in His Word here:

“What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.”

Matthew 10:27 NIV

Our Father has made each one of us oh, sooo divine and special!!! He says we are each one fearfully (reverently) and wonderfully made!!! He has equipped each one of us with divine features and equipped us each one uniquely and divinely like none other!!! How often in life, people compare themselves to others and see the unique divine in others and automatically discount the divine that lives in themselves!!! Yikes!!! Let’s not do that to ourselves, saints!!! It is important in those dark moments that we hear our Father’s heart about ourselves and what He tells us in His soft whispered voice of love is what we need to speak over ourselves and put out into the world in the light of day!!! Let us proclaim His divine work in each one of us from the rooftops and go into the world confident with who our Daddy has made each one of us uniquely to be!!! If we are focused on being the divine person our Father has created us to be, we won’t give the enemy in life the time to convince us otherwise!!!

God In Man

Girl in Light

Kitty Sees Lion

I love what Jesus told Peter on the beach the morning Jesus fixed Peter breakfast and asked him to follow him in life and Peter turned around and asked the Lord about another following Jesus. Jesus said:

 “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.” 

John 21:21-22NIV

Jesus is our source of light and Truth, precious saints!!! Stay focused on His voice over you and let’s keep the enemy out of the picture of our individual confidence in who our Father has created us to be!!!

God Reaching Out to Ear

Holy Spirit In You

Each one of us is oh sooo awesome and our individual unique qualities are much needed in the world around us!!! Go be the wonderful you our Father has created you to be!!! Oh, I am sooo excited to see wonderful YOU!!!  Here is a song that we can reflect upon that speaks about how our Father is our voice that we each need to hear in life!!! Let’s stay close to the One who is our source of Truth and love!!! Much love to you wherever you are!!! Be the divine you confidently!!! 🙂

Seeing the Divine In You

Angel You

A Difference Life

New day greetings, saints whom I love!!!!!!! Woohoo! I’m a gal all excited about life today! How about you? It is a great opportunity to make a difference wherever we are!!!!!!!

It begins with a healthy mindset of these thoughts in mind:

  • See yourself as our Father sees you – qualified for life! Yeppers! You are! He has equipped you and me just right to make a difference. Identify your strengths, gifts, talents, skills and how you can make a difference with what you have been divinely given!
  • Find a place for using what you have been given. Have a plan and follow it, along the way helping the people around ya, not stepping on them to get somewhere.
  • Tackle the challenges that come along and let’s see that we come out on the winning side!  Our Father works good through all things! Let’s seek to glean the good out of challenges and move on and not remain stagnant in the past! Believe in yourself and others to change for the better by learning and growing forward!
  • Gotta be willing to sacrifice to make life happen well! I’m a gal going for that with ya, how about you?

We each have lots to offer the world around us to make a difference that can last for all of eternity when we set our minds on living life with eternity in mind!!!

Many Hands

Our Father says He will bless us forever for what we do for Him and His people!!!  Through faith in Jesus, we all have salvation and a seat in our Father’s Kingdom, but what is done for Jesus will last with eternal reward and what is done for ourselves will vanish. He has not left us alone in the world, but as He promised, His Spirit lives in us to help us!!!!!!! Now how sweet is He to want to help us do life well!!! I sooo love my Father!!!

Making a Difference

Oh, let’s not waste what we have been given by our Father, precious saints!!!!!!! Let’s go for the gusto – the best forever! Let’s maximize our potential to be all that we can be with the life given to us!!!!!!! Yeah, baby! We can do this – the one who has created us to conquer life fully is living in all our hearts through faith in Him!!! Excited about life? I am! Going 4 my Father and loving every minute!!! What’s noted on your day today for making a difference?

Sticky Note

Oh, my Father, He has started a fire in my soul today with these thoughts and this song here! Have a divine day, you difference maker YOU!

Going Beyond

New day greetings, family of saints in the world!!!!!!! Today is a great opportunity to make a difference in many places and many places need people to help them make a difference and just do life! Making a difference in this world starts in our relationship with our Father!!! Jesus desires to make a difference in each of our personal lives and from there He has purpose for us in other places in the world, in our families, in our work, in our church and beyond all of that into the world!

Kids around the WOrld

If we never go beyond ourselves, beyond our families, beyond our churches, who will reach the world beyond? Where is our Father calling you to go beyond today to make a difference and how? I’m a gal seeking to live out the balance of that with ya, knowing that our Father often calls us to specific people groups to help. For example, my local church supports a group of missionaries and our missions team, of which I am a member, has the purpose to focus on how to help them reach the world on an ongoing basis. It is how our church goes beyond themselves into the world!

Girl with kids

Consider how you can do a part in making a difference in the world beyond you! It was our Father’s heart when He told His disciples:

“All authority in  heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18


Here is a song that speaks beyond…

The Love of Ya’ll

Divine day greetings, precious family of saints ~

One of the things that is sooo precious to me is the love that our Father has for all people and His forever plan that has a place for every one of His kids who have faith in Him and choose to be a part of His forever Kingdom family!!!!!!! Now how awesome is that to have that secure reassurance of our Father’s forever love of ya’ll!!!!!!! That was the message Jesus longed to convey to His disciples as He said here:

“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.”

John 14:1-3

Jesus has a forever plan and place for each one of us as His kids in His eternal Kingdom, but He also has a place for us here on earth – He dwells with each of us in our hearts to guides us and help us love His family where we are. In His church, He has a place for each one of us in how we can each have a part as He says here:

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”

1 Peter 4:10

Each one should be using God’s grace in the place He has planned for each one of us within the church and that doesn’t mean one person in all places. Learning your “sweet spot” is where you can shine bright and well  with all the manifestation of Jesus with ya in heart!!! Oh, now that thought just makes me smile and gets me all excited to keep goin’ with the love and grace of Jesus!!! All fired up!!!  Woohoo!!! Let’s go, family!!!!!!! Oh, it’s gonna be fun!!! Much love to ya’ll!!!!!!!

God will enable Ya