A Heart For Father

King David was a shepherd of sheep and in a society that was full of religious people legalistic about cleanliness, sheepherders who dealt with sheep were not your most welcome dinner guest. However, David was recorded in the historical writings as “the man after God’s own heart.” As a result, David was chosen to be a King and of him, it says that “He chose David, His servant and took him from the sheep pens; from tending the sheep he brought him to be the shepherd of His people Jacob, of Israel His inheritance. And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them.” As I think about David, I observe these things about Him that made him a good leader of God’s  people.  1) He was humble enough to do the work that society deemed beneath them. Even Jesus called Himself a shepherd and He died a criminal’s death on the cross as a humble man, even though He was without sin. Ya can’t tell me a shepherd is a low position! The humility of Jesus was a beautiful thing! 2) King David cared for his sheep/people with integrity of heart – meaning he did his work with sincerity of heart and intention, truthfulness and uprightness. Through Jesus, we are all seen as righteous, but our Father does gives us His Word in life as a guide to help us live life at our best. 3) With skillful hands, he led them. He had hands that knew how to work. No wonder our Father saw his heart as a heart like His.  He had a caring heart and he was willing to work to take care of those entrusted to him by the Lord for the Lord! It reminds me of my boss – a servant with a heart for our Father!

David was human, and scripture reveals there were times that he fell into sin, but overall, he had a heart for wanting to do what was right in the eyes of His Father and he trusted in our Father. As a result, his life glorified the Lord in how he lived it. His life made history as a saint! David knew the grace of the Lord in life, He knew rescue, challenge, war, falling into sin, forgiveness and triumph because He looked to His Father and trusted in Him with his life. He knew the blessings that come from having a close relationship with the Lord and partnering with Him to love God’s people.  Now how precious is a heart like that! I am sooo a wanna be a gal with a heart like my Father! How about you? Hey, let’s seek after our Father’s heart together, saints! It is a beautiful thing when we all set our hearts on serving our Father by loving His people! It gets me all excited about life! All that said, all I have to say is “Baaaaaah!” That means good night for now!  It has been a good day with ya all and I sooo look forward to tomorrow with ya’s! Love to ya!


Psalm 78:70-72; 1 Samuel 13:14

Jesus with sheep