Divine World Changers

Sooo precious of a story Sam Samy shares here:

Jesus was and is all about rescue!!! He works through people by His Holy Spirit that they receive upon faith in Him to help others neglected by people and pursued by the enemy of this world!!! As He tells us in His Word, the Bible:

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

Oh He gives us breath for life…what we choose to do with it can sure make a divine difference in this world!!! You can make a difference in this world!!! Staying close to Jesus and going into life for His kingdom, too!!! ☝️🔥👁❤️👑💪🙏 I like this song here:


Running For the Prize

Awesome new day greetings, dear ones!!! As I have been sharing the last several days, we can see that a physical athlete running a race and a spiritual athlete running their road of purpose have a lot in common in some ways!!! Another example I want to share with you today is this:

A beginning athlete just getting started in running with a goal of running a long-term physical race does not wake up the first day of learning to run and say “Today, I will run a marathon!”   When I decided I would like to be a physical runner, I soon learned this truth!!! YIKES!!! My body was weak. At first my ankles began to hurt, then my knees and then my hips. It took time to make these weak areas strong and build up the stamina to run a great distance. It takes training to be a physically-fit athlete!!! Not everyone is physically capable of running and that is ok. We need to train to become godly as spiritual athletes and that is very important for everyone!!! (1 Timothy 4:7). While some type of exercise helps us all to be at our best potential physically for serving God and others, the same is true spiritually.   The Bible says “physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come” (1 Timothy 4:8). Many people are fanatics about exercising their body everyday in an effort to stay healthy physically, but they never do anything to train to be spiritually healthy. The latter is the most important!!! As new spiritual athletes, we cannot wake up today and be a mature Christian and know everything contained in God’s Word. It takes time for the Holy Spirit to teach or train us and help us to run well the spiritual race of life. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says that “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the person of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” If we want to be equipped or get in shape spiritually, we need to work out with the Holy Spirit each day by opening up our Bible and studying God’s Word and trusting the Holy Spirit to build spiritual muscle in us. HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! RUH, RUH, RUH!!! IT MAKES FOR THE BEING EQUIPPED IN THE MIND WITH JESUS MENTALITY THAT WE ALL NEED TO HAVE DIVINE VICTORY IN LIFE!!! 

So now that we understand how to be healthy and trained spiritually, we are ready to start running the road of purpose that God has for our lives as our Father’s Spirit guides us along thru His Spirit speaking to us in line with His written Word (the Bible) that He sometimes speaks to us thru others and His guidance thru circumstances!!! TO THAT ALL I SAY YYYEEESSS!!! I’M EXCITED!!! LET’S GET GOING, SAINTS!!! IT’S GOING TO BE DIVINE FUN ADVENTURE ON THE GOOO FOR THE DIVINE TRIP THRU LIFE WITH HE WHO LOVES US FOREVER AND WHO WILL ALWAYS LEAD US IN TRIUMPHANT PROCESSION ALONG THE SCENIC VICTORY ROUTE AS WE KEEP OUR EYES FIXED ON HIM!!!


I hope you have enjoyed this series of leaning about the comparisons of a physical athlete running for a prize and a spiritual athlete running the road of purpose for the prize of Father’s eternal rewards that He holds for all His people who show Him love by helping His people and continuing to help them. We are saved by grace and not by works and therefore, we all are kingdom family thru faith and have a heavenly seat in the kingdom of heaven, this we know!!! That is awesome!!!  But our sweet Father just likes to add eternal blessings to His people for what they do out of a motive for Him and oh that just blesses my heart to know that Father delights in our heart for Him as we put forth efforts in this life to bless Him!!! I am proud of YOU for doing so, too, sweet saints!!!

Heaven Rewards.jpg

Let us keep moving onward in that motive of showing love to our Father of perfect love and bringing Him glory into this earth as this song says here. I love to make Jesus smile!!! It just makes me smile, too!!!

Jesus Smiling

I have contracted with Westbow Press, a publisher that is a division of Thomas Nelson to publish my book that I hope to have released to the market soon entitled “Running Your Road of Purpose”. I will let you know when it is available if you are interested in studying with me more about how to successfully run our road of purpose in life. I’m a gal seeking to do so with ya’s and loving life with Jesus with ya’s!!! 🙂 Have a delightful day!!!

Confident in Father

Life happens!!! Amen??? (aka agree???) Oh so true in my life!!! How about you??? It has been happening ever since our Father created it for us as His dearly loved people of faith and that is certainly what the disciples of yesterdays discovered when they found themselves faced with life after Christ’s resurrection and they had great desire to speak as our Father’s bond-servants with ALL confidence, looking to our Father to extend His hand to heal and for signs and wonders to take place thru the name of Jesus!!!

Jesus with hole in hand

Upon praying for that empowerment in a place where they were gathered together, it is said that the place where they were was shaken and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to speak the Word of God with boldness. (Acts 4:29-31) Speaking our Father’s heart of love with boldness sure makes life heavenly!!! I love our Father’s heart for us and the world!!!

God's Love is So Big

As the disciples found out, when we look to our Father and pray – SHAZAM!!! BE PREPARED FOR THE SUPERNATURAL TO KICK IN AND CHANGE YA INTO A BOLD, MIGHTY POWERFUL SAINT THAT IS CAPABLE OF DOING WHAT FATHER NEEDS US TO DO TO BRING HIM GLORY IN THE EYES OF PEOPLE!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! That is my heart is to bring my sweet Jesus glory in my life and therefore, I can relate to the hearts of the disciples!!! Loving our Father, being willing to partner with Him, being prayed up and trusting in Jesus to do the amazing as He desires in us thru us and all around us is our job one and that mindset enables us to step into life having divine confidence and victory and power in Jesus!!! That is what happened to the disciples!!! They went from the place of knowing they needed help to do the divine life, asking for it and experiencing it personally!!! Oh when we ask for the divine life from Jesus – we can always expect it and expect it to be in His timing for each moment of our lives!!! It is called HOPE!!! Having Only Powerful Expectations!!!

Power of Christ

Jesus does not ask His people to do anything for heaven’s kingdom that He isn’t going to support us in as we ask Him for divine help!!! It is good and healthy for us when we have a “wanna be divine for His glory, His kingdom purposes and the blessing of others” and to know we need Him to be a blessing on this earth, for with Him we can do all things thru Him who gives us strength and apart from Him, we can do nothing!!! He flat out changes us into supernatural saints as this song says here.

You Were Made to Reflect God's Glory

In whatever way He needs to move us to do His will, He knows how, is willing and is able to empower us!!! Therefore, we can always be confident in Father to see us thru all of life and oh that just makes me smile!!! I’m a gal trusting in Father and confident in Jesus with ya’s!!! Let’s pray and trust in Father to guide us victoriously always!!! His promise to us is “We are more than conquerors in all these things thru Christ Jesus who loves us.” (Romans 8:37) WE’VE GOT DIVINE SHAKIN’ GOING ON ALWAYS WITH JESUS!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! HOW EXCITING IS LIFE WITH JESUS WHO IS ALWAYS WITH US AND WHO WILL NEVER LEAVE US NOR FORSAKE US!!! WHEW!!! THAT JUST GIVES ME ALL KINDS OF CONFIDENCE AND BOLDNESS AS HE LEADS ME!!! WE DON’T HAVE TO WORK FOR HEAVEN – IT IS ALREADY OURS THRU FAITH IN HIS FINISHED WORK ON THE CROSS, BUT WHEN YOU REALIZE THE GREAT GIFT JESUS IS, YA JUST WANNA SERVE THE KING OF GLORY!!! OH I SOOO LOVE THAT WITH YA’S!!!

To You WIth Love

Loved in the Learning Times

Awesome day it is here moving thru life with Jesus, dear ones!!! I have been inspired and determined to work on some projects this week with great motivation by our Father’s Spirit at work in me!!! His Holy Spirit is stirring up His Holy Spirit fire in me to do so and I know all the while that His heart is for my best moving forward and I am excited about the opportunity of learning new things and trying something new!!! I want to share that with you today because sometimes life does take some focused effort to accomplish the divine life and thru my experience, there are times when our Father really flares my heart to run after a particular accomplishment and then there are other times when He moves my heart to go in a different direction or way, to rest and maybe just be still to perhaps reflect. Then all of a sudden, He can fuel my heart up with inspiration to begin again on a project to bring it to completion!!! All of it is a gift of life and awesome in each stage of Father’s working in us, thru us and all around us!!! Life is a gift everyday and a divine adventure for sure!!! Life with Jesus just makes me smile!!! 🙂 It gets me up everyday with enthusiasm!!!

Life has variation for each of us and that is good and divine in our Father’s plan for us “to bring us good and not harm, to give us hope and a future” as He promises to us in Jeremiah 29:11 of His Word!!! Now how awesome is our Father and how exciting is all of that in a life!!! As I ponder these thoughts, I think of the scenario of one working with a horse to bring about within it, its true divine purpose in life. Unless the horse is moved out to try new things, to carry out certain tasks that perhaps it experiences for the first time, it will not learn thru those times and it will not ever reach its full potential in life, nor will it learn to listen and have respect for its master. All of life is a learning experience that takes us from glory to glory!!!

A horse that is “trusting” in its master will step out and do what it is asked to do by its master.  A good horse master has ways of working with patience and perseverance to take the horse to a place of trust and divine light revelation and then victory can happen!!! HOOORRRAAAHHH!!! The scenario is the same truth with us and our Father in heaven!!! I share this to encourage you as I have been so greatly encouraged that we are always loved with unfailing, unconditional love by Jesus and if we will just trust in Him, He will bring about beautiful things in our lives and work thru us to bless others around us, too!!! Oh that thought just makes me smile!!! In closing with what Father’s heart shares with me, I encourage us wherever we are in life to:

  • Trust and stay in relationship with God for the divine life to happen even if we don’t understand fully yet where it is leading to.
  • Let us realize God doesn’t expect us to be perfect. He loves us as we are even though He is working to bring changes into our lives!!!
  • Persevere in the divine running we know how to do during the tough times because it will bring victory as Father guides us and we can know He is working good thru those times!!!
  • Treasure and be thankful for the sweet things that Father brings into our lives to show us His heart of divine love and care for us!!! 🙂 Let us be thankful for even the challenging times in life for we can know that Jesus always wants us to know He is for us and not against us and working good thru those times as His written Word says:

“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all–how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:32)

I love this song here of Father’s love for us as His beloved children of faith!!! Let us take it to heart that we are loved and with that thought carried in mind with us, we can enjoy the divine adventure of moving to our awesome potential that Father is working to bring about in us thru all of our days until we are just like Him!!! This we can know!!! He sees us as His kids of faith in Him as holy and blameless, without accusation and without condemnation!!! (Romans 8:1) How exciting!!! LET’S GOOO GET THE DIVINE LIFE JESUS HAS FOR US!!! I’M GOING FOR IT WITH YA’S AND SOOO HAPPY TO BE!!! Running For Todd

Heaven’s Stars

Heaven on earth…what a beautiful act of our Father in us, thru us and all around us!!! As I look out my office window today, His divine actions to show us His love, wisdom, power and beauty are all around me!!! I look at the bright blue sky, the green grass, bushes with other greenery and a beautiful thriving tree that a very gentle breeze moves thru its leaves upon the branches where robins inhabit safe haven to rest.  Oh their singing their happy little songs today, too!!! There are what I understand to be cherries that are already visible as to the trees fruitfulness!!! I have a grapevine in the back that has small grapes on it, already, too!!! These thoughts of thriving life bearing fruit has me awed by our Father today and my heart worships Him for all that He is!!!

Father certainly has His divine way at work in us to help us thrive beautifully, too!!! His Word tells us this:

“For it is God who works in us to will and act according to His purpose.”

Philippians 2:13

Keep Calm and Follow God

Stars on Stage

Have you ever thought of yourself as an actor acting out a divine heavenly part in this earth??? Oh that is what you are as the Holy Spirit directs our hearts and we willingly step out onto the stage of life where our Father has us each one to carry out His will, His plan and His purpose for us!!! He even tells us in His Word that as we hold out the Word of God in His grace that empowers us, that He shines like the stars of the universe thru us as His people of faith!!! WOOOHOOO!!! Have you ever thought of yourself as God’s star, a heavenly actor!!! He has our names written as part of His cast in the Book of Life thru our faith that says I am committed thru faith in You as my Savior, Jesus, and I am inviting you in heart to have you direct my part in life!!!

Eyes Fixed on Jesus

We need not get all worried about getting our lines and actions perfect, but rather step out in faith to do our best as we go and realize He sees our doing so as perfect opportunity to work with us to bring all things to divine outcome and tells us His Word shared thru us will never return void!!! He uses everything for good so as we pray, seek to hear His guiding and step out to act upon it – dont worry, it will be a divine success!!! Now how fun and exciting is that to represent or act the part of Jesus on this earth as He directs us as the best in the universe!!! Picture in your mind things you know about God and His calling on you to imitate those things of Him where you are to lend to His big picture plans!!! How will you act it out specifically??? Got a plan??? What great opportunity to shine for Jesus and make an eternal difference!!! Let’s make it happen, heaven’s crew, for bringing about a box office hit against the enemy of this world!!! HOOORAH!!!

Let us remember His Spirit will help us!!! Even if we find ourselves weak, for this He says:

“the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groaning too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.”

Romans 8:26-27




LET’S GO WTIH THE POWER AT WORK IN US!!! As He is, so are we as we look to Him to bring the divine to us!!! Great God Almighty, He’s gonna work in us, thru us and all around us as is divine as we pray, plan and step out trusting Him!!! LET’S SHAKE (MOVE) WITH HIS DIVINE MOVEMENT IN US AS THIS SONG SAYS HERE. IT’S GONNA BE GOOD (Romans 8:28-29)!!!

I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE HEAVEN PLAYED OUT ON EARTH THRU YOU!!! I’m a gal seeking to do my part, too and loving life with Jesus with you as the kingdom cast in His big picture!!! 🙂

The Interests of Jesus

When we look to the interests of Jesus over our own, we reap the divine life and that makes a divine difference to others, too, in just the right timing!!! More live here.

“…do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.”

Philippians 2:4NASB

Small Voice Can Make A HUGE Difference

Let us always be open to the voice of our sweet Jesus above all else as this song says here!!!

Teaming With Dad

I’m a gal up and at life early this morning, but I am amazed by my Father who was up and at work before me today!!! He is sooo faithful to love us always!!! Our Father never sleeps!!! Bless Him!!! He is always available to see to our blessing in life and as we journey through the adventures of life today, He will be teaming with each one of us for divine victory today!!! YAY!!! Go Daddy!!! Victory divinely is sooo powerful to make a difference!!! SWEET!!! Love that our Father is love!!!

Jesus leads us victoriously in three ways:

1) Jesus says He calls us His friend because “everything that He learned from His Father, He has made known to us.” John 15:15 NIV A team succeeds when they have a unified vision. The Dad team of Dad with you and me having victory together happens with our unified vision together – being on the same page in our divine plan that we share!!! Father and each of us individually can team with Him personally to have a unified vision for our individual lives also!!! Teamwork victory calls for unity in vision for sure!!! That’s why a football team huddles!!! Amen?!! What group of people do you huddle with to plan divine unity??? You and Dad got a plan together???

God You Have Called Me Friend

2) Jesus does His part and we do ours!!! Jesus calls us to partner together with Him and He enables us to be His vessel through whom He works victory and we get the pleasure of going through life adventures with Him working through us!!! Wooohooo!!! Now how exciting is that!!! Father makes our life divinely interesting with His grace that enables us!!! Teams have diversity with each person unique and specially gifted to do their part so that all the needs of the team are met!!! If all the football players were quarterbacks, it wouldn’t work near as well as it does when there are gifted people in each necessary position on the playing field, each one divinely and faithfully doing their part!!! Father says it this way: “I am the vine and you are the branches. If a man (gals, too) remains in me and I in him, they will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 NIV What is our Father asking you to do today to partner with Him for victory??? Oh, blessed are we to have that opportunity to make a difference in this world!!!

Jesus With Us

3) Our Father coaches us as we team with Him!!! He provides us the motivation, empowerment and direction required to win!!! Ever seen a football coach at work??? I love it that we have our Father who helps us as we go through life!!! Jesus said “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever–the Spirit of Truth.” “…the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” John 14:16, 26 NIV What is He saying to you, beloved saint??? Where do you need His help to have victory in where He has you teaming with Him today??? Is He calling you to coach someone to victory??? How??? Oh, how awesome for you to team with Dad to help some one else!!! Bless you, precious saint in the world where Father has you!!! Father will reward you!!! “God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them.” Hebrewss 6:10 NIV

Kingdom of God In You

Victory in Jesus!!! I sooo love that!!! He is our Savior that has given us forever victory with Him as this song says here!!! Have a victorious day with Dad and know that you are loved very much as you journey through the adventures of today!!! Proud of you, saint!!! YOU are a difference maker with heaven’s presence with you helping you!!! Rock on!!!

Called, Justified and Glorified

New day and divine day greetings, precious saints!!! This is a great day of opportunity to shine light and share our Father’s wisdom to make a difference in this world and how awesome of an opportunity is that!!! Our Father has had a plan from the beginning of time to call us into the world for Him and of us whom He has called, this is what He says about us:

“And those He predestined, He also called; those He called, He also justified; those He justified, He also glorified.”

Romans 8:30 NIV


I love what Paul says next:

“What then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?”  

Romans 8:31 NIV

Our Father gave up His Son to win the battle against Satan. Was that easy, no it wasn’t. Doing the hard stuff in life brought the victory over the enemy, though and so in stepping out to claim victory for Him, Paul says:

“…how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?”

Romans 8:32 NIV

Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies!!! Who is the person who condemns??? Nothing can separate us from the love of God and in any kind of trouble or hardship or persecution, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. So, I say, wooohooo!!! Let’s go into the world with all that Jesus is – the way, the truth and the life!!!

Power and Victory

Are You Ready For Battle

It is to that He has called us to, saints and greater is He living inside of us than the one living in the world as this song says here!!! Let’s Rock for Jesus, saints!!! He is our focus!!!

Fired up Sword

Spiritual Warfare

Spirit Blaze With God's Love

Strong Suit

The Passion

It is a new gift of life opportunity for each one of us today, precious saints and as I reflect on that, I think of all of the people in the world and each one with specific needs of  their own and I think how awesome it is that our Father gives us a passion of heart to go into the world for Him to make a difference!!! For a specified time, we are in a spiritual battle that is being fought out in the heavenly realms between God and Satan!!!

Jesus is Our Champion

The Battle is Real

Our Father has already won the war and it is a matter of perfect timing when the enemy’s efforts to win others from our Father will be thwarted!!! Everyone has free will choice whom they will serve!!! Oh, that is why we must keep telling everyone about our precious Jesus and His great love and plan for all people to be His forever if they chose to!!!

Enlisted in God's Army

Be Strong in the Lord

One person certainly cannot meet the need of reaching all people at all times, but we can each one step into life to bless our Father in His efforts to thwart evil and with that kind of a willing heart, our Father can just take that and add His supernatural razzle dazzle on it and take it right where it needs to be to bless others!!! Now how awesome is He to be able to do all of that!!! We are His army of soldiers!!! He alone is worthy of praise, glory and honor because He is all of life to us!!! He is the author of all of life!!! He has a forever divine plan for all of us and He wants as many people in the world as possible to know of Him as the King of kings and Lord of lords!!! Let’s go tell the world, family!!!

Cross Crown

There is none more powerful than He and He is the one that gives each one of us the access to the fullness of His power in each one of us to step into the world as He guides us to make a difference for His glory!!! What a sweet Daddy we have that desires for all of us to be one divine family united in His love and His divine plan!!!

God's Sovereignty

To that end, He works powerfully through us all who step into life with Him!!!

Baby Foot

You are a precious child of God and fully equipped to make a difference where you are!!!

Here is a song we can reflect on to begin our day that lends to Him as all to us!!! Let us exalt the name of Jesus today and go into life with passion for Him!!! Know that you are loved with His unfailing,  unconditional love and He sees each one of us through faith in Him as holy, without blemish, without accusation and with no condemnation!!! Bless Him and blessed us!!! Much love to you wherever you are today!!! Live life in the strength of Him with you!!! Oh, now that thought just makes me smile!!! 🙂

Perfect in Christ

Yippee, hoooray and wooohooo!!! The gift of life is happening today and each one of us are chosen to be a part of it right here, beginning right now – all a gift of our Father’s divine plan because each one of us as His kids is oh sooo special with gifts, talents and abilities that are just the right combination that makes each one of us a divine vessel of our Father’s Holy Spirit moving in this world to do heavenly things!!! Now how exciting is that to be part of something sooo divine and of our Father’s perfect love, grace and wisdom?!! The Apostle Paul understood this when he talked about saints of yesterday. Of them, he said:

“To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

Colossians 1:27 (NIV)

Paul then goes on to say what they did with that calling in life:

“We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. To this end I labor, struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in me.”

Colossians 1:28-29 (NIV)

Oh, I chuckle as I think about what Paul says about struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in him!!! When you’ve got the power of the Holy Spirit working in ya and moving you into life, it is strong stuff and it can almost cause your spirit to jump right out of your skin!!! YEEEHAAAWWW!!! Let’s go for Jesus, I’m ready!!! As we go into the world as our Father’s kids, I glean these thoughts from this passage:

  • Our Father has chosen us for a purpose in this world
  • Our Father desires that we share Him with people
  • Our Father wants people to realize the great riches of Christ in His people
  • Our Father wants all to see that with Christ in each of us, we are the hope of glory to others
  • Our Father desires that we bring or announce Him to the world
  • Our Father desires that we share His wisdom to help us all grow in the image of Christ who is perfect

Our Daddy already sees us all with the righteousness of Christ, holy as He is holy, without blemish and without accusation and with no condemnation. He loves us each one just as we are and in His great love for us, He desires that we help each other in these ways and He desires that all be part of His great Kingdom family in share in His glory forevermore!!! In so doing, our Father says this:

“God is not unjust, He will not forget your hard work and the love that you show Him as you help His people and continue to help them.”

Hebrews 6:10 (NIV)

Trying to stay inside my skin, but going with you for Jesus!!! Oh, He is such a sweet Daddy – everybody needs to know of His greatness and be able to share in His eternal Kingdom of glory!!! Are you going, too???

Gal Jumping In Air

Locked Arms of Unity for the World